by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 25

The night passed quietly and morning arrived with the rising sun, Brian stirred in the bed and found Donny snuggled up to him legs entangled with his. He could feel the heat of the teens smooth body against his groin and his own morning erection firmly between and clasped between the boy's thighs. Brian edged back untangling his legs from Donny's, the boy mumbled and turned over throwing his arm across Brian's chest as he tried to snuggle up again. Brian gently shook his shoulder and Donny opened a squinting bleary eye looking at him grumpily.

Brian smiled at him and rubbed his short spiky hair as he said, "Morning sleepy head how come your in my bed?"

A grumpy little voice mumbled, "Coz I couldn't sleep on that crappy stretcher camp bed thingy it was terrible."

Brian gave him a big warm hug and slipped from the bed turning so that his rigid rod was hidden from Donny's sight, he hurried to the bathroom and pointed Percy at the porcelain relieving his bursting bladder while Donny lay half asleep listening to the cascading urine splashing into the bowl, his mind conjuring a vision of Brian's big tossle spouting a golden flood running through his inventive mind.

The next room was still quiet Ash and Wayne sound asleep, bodies wrapped about each other in blissful slumber, both lads sporting steely erections which twitched as the dreamed of wondrous things. Brian finished pissing and turned on the shower climbing under it to wash himself, Donny heard the shower start and decided he would go for a leak as well hoping to catch a glimpse of Brian's equipment. He padded into the steamy bathroom and glanced at the shower but could only just make out Brian through the fogged glass; he emptied his bladder and went back to bed to wait for Brian's appearance hopefully nude.

He lay there toying with his dick until it was throbbing hard in his fist, he began beating his meat fast hoping to finish before Brian re-entered the bedroom but also hoping he might come in and see him in the act. He was visualising Brian's huge cock that was hidden in those bulging briefs, he was reliving the feeling of the intense heat emanating through the thin material as he'd snuggled his own hot little arse against Brian's sleeping form. He also envisaged that massive hard throbbing boner he'd awoken to feel pressed to him in the early morning when he'd been disturbed in his sleep. Donny slowed his stroking delaying his eruption as he slowly caressed himself keeping his climax teetering on the very lip of the chasm, teasing himself as he writhed and moaned softly.

Brian entered the bedroom and stood drying his hair then he glimpsed the stunning lad naked, eyes closed tightly, his whole smooth delicious body tensed and quivering in delightful lust as his fist rubbed sensuously up and down his respectable teen tool. Donny unknowing continued his self-gratification, while Brian stood transfixed watching the handsome youth, his own pole pulsed and grew in his briefs. Donny arched up thrusting his prominent pelvic bones up raising his clenched arse from the bed as his cock erupted spraying his thin milky semen arching through the air in a creamy curve to splatter across his cute grimacing face.

Again and again he grunted sending sperm flying in ever decreasing arcs patterning down his smooth muscle tensed chest and silkily ridged abdomen. His clutching stroking fingers coated in cum jerked frantically forcing the final dribbles out to slide oozingly down his throbbing pulsing prick. The boy panting hard collapsed back limply on the bed to lie there almost comatose while Brian turned and crept back into the bathroom to relieve his own incredibly tensed tool.

Donny heard the bathroom door close in his daze, he suddenly realised that Brian must have seen his finale, he smiled to himself as his fingers travelled up to his sweet lips. His pink tongue tasted and licked his sperm from his trembling hand, he dreamed it was Shaun's or maybe even Brian's as he relished the sweet and sour tartness of his cum. Brian seated on the toilet seat legs spread wide frantically flogged his fuck pole, his eyes closed envisioning the sensuous sight of Donny climaxing in front of him, his vision of perfection, the smooth but well muscled youth's gorgeous body arched in erotic release as he spewed forth his sperm was uppermost in his mind. The feeling of a boiling tingling began in his extremities racing up his legs and arms into his torso and raced rapidly to his groin where his balls drew achingly tight, his pole throbbing as he tensed feeling what Donny had experienced minutes before as his sperm built and surged boiling in his roiling swollen nuts.

Brian arched back against the cistern as he arrived on the pinnacle, his big balls tightened in a surge as they drew up close hugging the wide base of his powerful pole, he groaned gaspingly as he erupted in a volcanic venting, hot man larva spurted dramatically from his gaping piss hole as he coated his chest and rippling abdomen with streamer after thick streamer of ejaculate. Ropes of creamy pearl cum splattered his sweaty flesh in searing puddles of sperm as he sagged back moaning mindlessly from the pinnacle of his shattering climactic culmination. He sat slumped on the loo his chest heaving as the fluids dribbled slowly down his torso sticking to the sparse hairs of his chest and treasure trail.

Brian regained his aplomb and sat there head bent still breathing hard watching his sperm slide oozingly down, he reached for the toilet paper and pulled off a handful then began wiping himself down, cleaning the still warm juice from his skin. He wondered about its taste, he hadn't tasted his semen since he was a young teen, he slipped a finger through a gelatinous blob of thicker goo lifted it up to his lips then touching the thick creamy substance with his trembling tongue tip. He savoured the bitter sweetness then licked it from his digit and rolled the mixture about in his mouth. He found the taste much stronger than it had been as a youth but wasn't repulsed by the flavour or texture as it coated his tongue. He finished up eating all he could save then wiped the slimy remnants off with more toilet paper.

In the bedroom Donny's young ears discerned the muffled moans of pleasure as Brian blew his load, he lay there smiling wistfully to himself as he thought of the sexy man wanking behind the closed door. He wanted to be there with him watching and sucking on Brian's tall tool, he could almost smell and taste the throbbing meat as it pulsed filling and flooding his hungry young mouth. Donny was again hard and stroking frantically as he dragged himself to a second climax in less than 15 minutes. His cock throbbed, tightened, swelled in his grasp as he groaned loudly pumping his sweet juices up and out of his jerking prick, a thinner lesser flood spat from his purple cock head to spatter on his tight torso. He quickly emptied his tired balls and layback running his fingers through the wide spread globules enjoying the wet slippery sensation on his aroused flesh.

Donny licked up what he could then used his briefs to rub the remnants from his chest and stomach. Brian exited the bathroom a towel around his waist, to see the youth wiping himself down again and realised that he had heard him through the closed door; he felt his face heat up as he blushed and hurried to his sports bag to pull out a clean pair of y-fronts pulling them on under his towel. He suddenly felt embarrassed to have Donny see him naked, he snugged his genitals into the underpants as his mobile phone rang.

He checked the caller id then thumbed the button and answered as Val's voice crackled in his ears, she asked how Shaun was and sounded relieved that he was progressing well. Brian told her of the break in and trashing of the Wanderer, she was furious to hear that the beautiful old vessel had been defiled in such a way and asked if the perpetrators had been arrested. Brian told her that they had been seen and reported to the police by Timmy a young lad who fished off the wharf and he presumed that they would have been arrested by now.

Brian asked after Val's mother and was saddened to hear she had experienced a further mini stroke in hospital and that had partially paralysed her once again. It looked as though Val would be in Perth longer than originally thought as her dad wasn't handling things at all well in his weakened condition. Brian told Val to stay as long as she needed to and told her not to drive herself to the brink of exhaustion where she too would break down. Val told him that she was handling things ok and that she loved him and Shaun very much and that she hoped they would soon be on their way up the coast.

Brian told her he loved her and wished she was here with them then they rang off, Brian sat on the bed beside Donny and rang through to Melbourne and spoke to his manager. He checked how the business was running and if there were any problems, he was assured that things were running smoothly and that his staff hoped he was having a great vacation. Brian told him of the trip and the problems they were experiencing but was confident that things would improve once they got back to sea again. He rang off and sighed to himself as he thought of Val so far away on the opposite side of the continent.

Donny felt Brian's anguish and rubbed his smooth hand up and down the man's muscular back, Brian shivered at the warm soft touch and he sighed again softly enjoying the comforting caress. Donny realised that Brian was relaxed at his touch continued to rub the strong warm flesh, he was enjoying the feel of Brian's manly body and his own young dick began to instantly erect once again. Brian sat there lost in thought while Donny caressed him; his mind was racing over all that had occurred in the few short weeks after a few minutes the constant caresses drew his attention and he turned his head to stare at Donny.

The boy's face was showing concentration and pleasure, his eyes watching his hand as it moved up and down, his cute mouth smiling the corners upturned in pleasure. Brian shivered again then he broke away standing up and walking to his bag to pull out some shorts leaving Donny in mid stroke arm uplifted and a surprised expression on his visage. Brian turned to the boy and said, "Come on Donny its time to arise we have to get breakfast and see Ash off on the coach to Melbourne."

Donny frowned and sighed deeply then slid his legs over the edge and stood up his Briefs still showing his excitement, Brian looked at him grinning and said, "You'd better go into the bathroom and attend to that monster then take a shower young fella."

Donny grinned cheekily groping himself tightening the cotton material over his inflated sausage making it look bigger as he waddled across to the bathroom giving Brian a great view of his nicely rounded sexy arse. Brian pulled on his shorts and shirt and decided to go and knock on Wayne and Ash's door, he walked out and down the passage paused at the door then knocked softly. He could hear muffled sounds from inside then the pad of bare feet approaching the door. The door opened slightly and an eye peered through the crack, Brian grinned at the blue eye and the door swung open fully showing Wayne dressed in his briefs with a huge hard on pointing at his chin.

Brian laughed and said, "Gees its like being in a forest around here all I can see this morning are woods, don't you lads ever get soft?"

Wayne blushed and laughed at the little pun and Brian stepped inside the room Ash was laying on the bed nude also wearing a towering tool as Brian just laughed out loud and sat in a chair shaking with mirth. Wayne moved behind him and prodded the back of Brian's neck with his log rubbing the damp briefs up and down, this silenced the man's mirth as he bolted from the chair and spun around saying, "Wayne enough of that I've just had my shower and its time you two got showered, dressed and breakfasted or Ash will miss his coach. So get yourselves moving and I'll see you in the dining room as soon as you're ready."

He left the lads to it and walked to the motel's dining room and picked up a local newspaper on the way, he chose a large table near the huge windows overlooking the street and began to read the news. He saw a small report of the damaging of the Wanderer and was pleased to see that two people had been arrested and charged, the waitress arrived and he ordered a pot of tea to drink while awaiting the arrival of the lads. They soon appeared and breakfast was ordered and brought to the table and they fell to ravenously, the meal quickly disappeared into empty stomachs then it was time to escort ash to the bus depot. A somber mood overtook them as they walked down the street and Ash purchased a ticket, they stood chatting quietly and Wayne had tears in his eyes as the big Denning coach snorted to a stop air brakes hissing. The driver descended and stowed the baggage in the compartment under the coach then everyone hugged Ash tears flowed and he reluctantly climbed the steps into the coach. The doors hissed closed and the vehicle began to pull out as Ash waved from the window where he was sitting.

They stood there quietly and watched till the coach drove out of sight, no one felt like talking as they made their way towards the hospital to visit Shaun.

To be continued.

Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/29/07