by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 24

Wanderer had been broken into and her cabin trashed, valuable electronic gear smashed and on further investigation it was found that the perpetrators had both pissed and crapped in the bunks, the boat was rendered unliveable after this deliberate destruction. Brian and the lads sat on deck waiting for the police to arrive. The patrol car appeared and two police officers climbed out and made their way to the yacht, they climbed down to the deck and peered into the cabin, the senior constable shook his head in disgust and said, "I think we know who were behind this disgusting act but we'll collect some evidence to ascertain by forensics exactly who shit on the bunks. That was a stupid act, which will nail the guilty persons irrefutably, they won't be able to wriggle out of the charges once we prove their identity."

Brian thanked the officers and they left them to their gruesome task of collecting the evidence, they walked up to the main street and decided to eat at one of the restaurants. The meal was excellent local freshly caught crayfish (lobsters) with local fresh vegetables, it was as good a meal as you would find in a capital city much less a small country town, The service was excellent, the waiter a young suntanned surfy type with sun bleached blonde almost white hair and sky blue eyes was an added attraction to the meal. His friendly natural unaffected manner combined with his stunning good looks and superb physique complimented the clean but casual atmosphere of the restaurant.

Wayne, Donny and Ash were studying this young Adonis as he went about his duties smiling showing his dazzling white teeth, which contrasted with his almost mahogany tan. The colourful board shorts tightly hugged his perfect bubble bum and showed a respectable bulge in the front where the dancing cord of the boardies jiggled as he moved. His lower legs from knees down showed the glistening spun gold hairs on his otherwise smoothly muscled limbs, his large feet wearing thongs that flip flapped as he walked added to his casual beauty. Wayne was staring entranced and mumbled, "Man that is one awesome fine guy."

Donny giggled and nodded his head saying, "Look at that bulge in his boardies I bet he has one mammoth dick tucked in there."

Ash smiling nodded as his eyes almost devoured the perfect youth replied, "He sure has, I wonder if he plays."

Brian looked at the three entranced teenagers and smiled behind his hand, he could see their hungry eyes staring hotly at the cute but masculine surfer and he knew both lads would do anything to get him i8nto bed with them. He coughed into his hand and said, "Guys your eyes will pop out on your cheeks if you keep this up and the drool will flood from your mouths drenching the table cloth."

Both Wayne and Ash tore their eyes from the surfer and looked sheepishly at Brian, Donny continued ogling the waiter as Brian smiled at them and said, "Well lads we have to work out where to sleep tonight, we can't return to Wanderer until I get it cleaned out and made livable."

Wayne nodded and asked, " Where do you think the hotel or the motel Brian?"

Ash frowned and asked, "How long do you think we'll be stuck here Brian? I'm running out of time I'm due back at work in five days."

Brian looked at Ash and replied, "Well Ash I can't say for sure but I think you will be heading back from here not Sydney I'm afraid, it will take a few days to get wanderer cleaned up and refitted with new radios and GPS."

Ash nodded sadly and said, "I'll enquire in the morning about transport back home, I think it will probably be by coach. There's no sense you paying for my bed at a pub when I can go home."

Brian sadly replied, "Well its up to you Ash, I'm sorry your adventure has ended so sadly here in Eden. I don't mind paying a few days for you here if you wish to stay until you have to leave."

Ash blushed and replied, "No Brian it isn't fair that you wear the expense, I'll head back to Melbourne tomorrow, it's been a great holiday and I enjoyed everything especially sharing a cabin with Wayne, I can't thank you enough for looking after me this way."

They finished the delicious meal and paid the young waiter leaving him a nice tip under the plate, he shook everyone's hands and wished them a good evening. His handshake with Wayne tended to be held a little longer than the others as the two looked into each other's eyes momentarily a message passed between both young men. Brian noticed the brief interlude as he waited outside on the footpath with Ashley and Donny, Wayne walked out to join them smiling dreamily.

Donny looked at his brother and chanted, "Wayne's got the hots, Wayne's got the hots."

Wayne took a friendly swipe at the bouncing chanting boy whacking the back of his head then ruffling his close cropped hair, Donny giggled and hugged Wayne. They all set off up the main street laughing together while the hot surfer dude stood watching from the entrance to the restaurant, his eyes locked on Wayne's cute buttocks and wide shoulders. He watched as the quartet turned off into the Motel down the street and knew that was where they would be staying after listening to their conversation about the Wanderer and accommodation while it was being cleaned and reequipped. He adjusted his heavy meat in his boardies and went back to work serving the patrons at their tables.

Brian and the lads checked into the Orca Motel and stowed their gear in their rooms, Wayne and Ash in one while Brian organised a fold out bed in his room for Donny. They left the motel and made their way to the hospital passing the restaurant on the way where Wayne waved to the surfie guy as they passed. Donny waved to saying, "Man that dude is molten hot and I think he has the hots for Wayne too, how random is that?"

Wayne grabbed his brother and carried out a major tickle attack sending Donny into a paroxysm of laughter as he writhed about trying to escape the torture. Wayne laughed demonically, "Muuuuuhahaha." as he teased his gorgeous young spasming brother. People passing grinned at the display and walked on some turning back for a further look at the delightful pair of happy teens while Brian and Ash stood there laughing. Donny eventually gasping for air begged Wayne, "Please bro stop, 'gasp, giggle.' Please stop Wayne, 'pant splutter.' I'm going to pea my pants if you don't let, 'giggle,' up now."

Wayne eased up still holding the crimson, tear wet, faced boy as he steadied his young brother, who was rubber kneed after the torment although his cock certainly wasn't rubbery it was as hard as steel in his pants. Donny slowly recovered his equilibrium and wiped his eyes complaining that he was so close to pissing himself it wasn't funny, Wayne rubbed his head and smiled saying, "What so you are reverting back to being a baby are you little stud, what will Shaun think of you if you wet yourself?"

They continued on the walk to the hospital and entered Shaun's ward to find a new patient in the second bed, a old guy about 70 or so who looked very ill indeed with a pale almost grey complexion who seemed to be unconscious. They sat around and on Shaun's bed talking quietly telling him of the latest development about the trashing of the Wanderer. Shaun was very upset to hear that their yacht had been attacked and asked what sort of people could do such a thing to her.

Brian comforted him while holding his hand in his while he brushed Shaun's hair from his sad eyes, he told Shaun not to worry it was covered by insurance and Wanderer would soon be back to her pristine condition and by the time he was ready to leave hospital it would be back to normal. He told Shaun they were staying at the motel and it was very comfortable, Donny piped up about the meal they had and told Donny about the surfie stud that had waited on them there and how Wayne had the hots for him and that the guy seemed to like Wayne as well. Ash told Shaun he was going back tomorrow as his holidays were nearly over and he couldn't go on to Sydney.

Shaun again looked unhappy at this news but he took Ash's hand in his and told him how nice it had been to sail with him and he hoped they would keep in touch when they came back home to Melbourne. Ash nodded and replied that was for sure he had had a ball on the trip and certainly wanted to keep in contact. They continued chatting away then Shaun suddenly said, "Oh dad I forgot mum rang me this arvo after you left she had a good long chat and said that she hoped our trip would continue as she was going to be in Perth for some weeks at least."

Brian nodded and said, "Of course we'll continue, this little disaster is just a hic up in the voyage and as soon as you are able we will be on our way up North."

Shaun grinned and nodded saying, "Great dad it would be a shame to have to turn back now before we reached the tropics and saw the islands of the Great Barrier Reef."

They talked until the visiting hours finished then left Shaun and returned to the motel, as they walked through the shopping centre they saw Timmy coming out of a milk bar and Donny hurried over as he called out, "Timmy wait up dude."

Timmy stopped in mid stride and turned to see who called, seeing Donny and the guys he waited and greeted them smiling. They chatted and Timmy said, "I saw what happened to your boat, the guys who did it were mates of the arse holes who beat Shaun and you up. I told the police and they are going to arrest them."

Brian shook Timmy's hand and said, "That was a very brave thing to do Timmy, I hope they don't retaliate when they find out you informed on them."

Timmy replied, "I don't care. They wrecked my friends' yacht and you guys were nice to Hiro and me, you didn't do anything to deserve what happened. The coppers told me that it may not be necessary for them to find out I dobbed on them as the forensic evidence would be sufficient to put them away."

Brian replied, "I hope so Timmy I'd hate to think you were hurt for doing the right thing, I think you deserve a reward for your efforts."

Brian pulled out his wallet and handed Timmy a $100 note telling him he was a great guy and he hoped all went well with him, Timmy refused the money but Brian insisted he accept it and said, "If I had more in my wallet I'd give it to you Timmy you are a top dude."

They began walking on towards the motel Timmy accompanying them as they talked, they entered and went to Brian's room where they sat and lay about chatting happily. Timmy and Donny were talking about the fishing and they made arrangements to meet on the pier early tomorrow morning. Timmy stood up and said that he had to go as his mum would have dinner ready so they all gave him a hug and he left closing the door behind him. The guys continued chatting desultorily as they watched the TV then as Donny started yawning Brian said it was time to turn in for the night.

Wayne and ash left and went to their room where they stripped off and began a long night of loving as Ash was leaving in the morning, their fit muscular bodies meshed together in innumerable positions as they pleasured each other, rimming sensuously tongues delving deeply into their hot silken holes. Their tongues tiring after a time they began sucking on each others' smooth hard erections tongues teasing, lapping, laving as the fed on each others drooling pre cum, then for variation each sucked a fuzzy orb into their mouths as the enjoyed the muskiness and taste of testicles. Both lads erupted as their excited nuts drew up tight almost disappearing into their groins as their succulent teen sperm frothed and spurted in huge gouts from their throbbing erections into each others' hungry mouths.

In Brian's room he and Donny had retired to their beds, the lights off Donny waited for a time then thinking Brian was asleep he began to stroke himself thinking of Shaun in his hospital bed alone and then blonde surfie stud grabbing his brother and planting an awesome erection up Wayne's sexy muscular bum making Wayne moan and writhe as he ploughed his posterior. He became more and more excited and as he blew he moaned again and again in the dark room as cum spurted all over his naked smooth torso.

Brian lying there in the darkness listened to the feverish sounds of Donny moaning and the slap slurping as his cummy hand stroked his perfect young prick, the man's rod erected until it was stiff as a poker under the sheet. Brian was in torment he wanted, no desperately needed relief but as he lay there listening to the boy's heavy panting and sighing he knew he was trapped unless he wanted Donny to know and hear him masturbating. He bit his lip praying for his bone hard pole to subside but he was out of luck it had taken on a life of its own as it throbbed there oozing pre cum down onto his belly button.

Brian slid his hand down and felt himself, the pulsing of his pole urged him on as he began to fondle himself and the fondling increased until he was wanking hard, his teeth gritted tightly to suppress moaning while he pounded his pud relentlessly. Donny lying there in the dark still on a high from his climax listened to the sound of flesh rubbing on flesh and imagined Brian jerkin his gherkin in the darkness just feet away. His fertile young brain conjured up the image of the sexy hot man pulling his prick, the vision of Brian's mature muscular body tensed as he coaxed his cock to ejaculation as his large hand stroked that massive monster. He heard Brian's strangled muffled gasp as his climax roared through him and the scent of man juice filtered across to Donny as he lay there licking the sperm from his fingers. Brian's heavy breathing sounded in the room slowly returning to normal then Donny heard him rummage about removing his t shirt to clean himself up. Silence descended and soon Donny heard deep slow breathing as Brian dropped off to sleep, Donny lay there tossing on the uncomfortable camp bed unable to get comfortable. He eventually slipped off the cot and crawled quietly into the big queen sized bed beside Brian and spooned up against the man's stomach, Brian moved slightly pressing against him then an arm came across holding him tightly. Donny smiled in the darkness as he felt Brian's flaccid hot cock nestle against his arse cheeks, he sighed happily and fell asleep.

To be continued.

Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/29/07