by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 23

Hiro knelt beside Brian’s bunk staring at the full pouch faintly visible in the light penetrating through the light sheet, his obsidian eyes hovered hungrily on the smooth bulge as he inhaled the aroma of the sleeping man. That warm musky odour of maleness emanating from Brian’s awesome genitals was making Hiro hard, his thick stubby cock pushed his briefs open as it grew stiffer, the waist band losing the battle against his strong erection.

Hiro’s mouth salivated hungrily at the sight and aroma of Brian’s full pouch, Hiro could see that the man was big, much bigger then the teens asleep on the yacht. He yearned to taste the wonderful penis lying curved inside the thin cotton briefs, he wanted to feel it grow larger and firmer in his warm wet mouth as he sucked and licked the superb stalk. Hiro slid his hand down his own belly and clasped his fingers around his throbbing meat pulling it out as he began to beat off while staring at the incredibly sexy image in front of him.

His body shook as if with ague as his nerves took control, his breathing accelerated, his perspiration began to form as he got hotter and hotter. His clenched hand wanked faster and harder as he gasped for air, his dark fathomless eyes locked on Brian’s hidden manhood as he beat himself to a shattering climax. His body bucked and humped as his thick rigid rod spurted sperm out the swollen knob’s gaping slit, it spattered on the bed clothes, the bottom sheet took the main brunt of his hot thick cream as he arched back eyes closed, mouth agape while he frantically sucked air in hissing gasps and low moans.

His climax calmed and he knelt there cum dribbling onto his clutching fingers in pearly rivulets, he panted, slowly regaining his composure as he dreamily raised his hand to his moist full lips and licked his semen off with his rough pink tongue. He loved the flavour of cum, relished it and wanted it as often as he could attain it, being trapped on the fishing boat he had little opportunity to indulge his desires as the rest of the crew were straight. This interlude with Timmy and the lads was an unbelievably happy adventure for Hiro and he wanted it to never end. He calmed but still was staring at Brian’s briefs and he couldn’t resist the urge to touch that hidden monster, he gently folded back the sheet and leant across the bed till his face was almost touching the smooth full pouch. Brian’s scent filled his inhaling nostrils and he sighed happily, his trembling fingers reached out and rested on the sleeping man’s thigh, he stayed perfectly still feeling the warmth of Brian’s flesh and the tickle of hairs on his flesh. He gently pressed his lips to where he could see Brian’s thick cock head pushing against the fine smooth covering, the scent was driving him insane as he kissed the knob.

Brian lay asleep not stirring at all, his slow regular breathing sighing in the semi darkness, Hiro’s hand gently rubbed on his thigh but no reaction. He kissed again the cock head then very gently sucked on it as his tongue traced the large piss hole in the smooth knob. The thin cotton was soon wet with saliva and Hiro could see the glorious crown clearer as the wet material turned almost transparent, his lips opened and he took the whole knob into his hungry mouth. Brian moaned and rolled onto his back as Hiro pulled back quickly, startled by the sudden stirring, but Brian was still deeply asleep.

Hiro waited for a few minutes trembling beside the bed with unbounded desires, he once again moved closer to his quarry and again sucked on the large spongy knob. He felt the tool throb in his mouth, it was growing slowly, stretching out the cotton material. He sucked and watched the pole growing until it reached the point where the material could stretch no more, Hiro was worried the confinement would cause irritation and awaken the sleeping man.

He gently lifted the waist band of Brian’s briefs, pulling it out and down till the trapped meat slipped out and stretched up onto the man’s belly. Hiro was entranced by the size of the pink pole, his own cock was dark in colour and his ball bag nearly black, but this man’s genitals were pale pink in colour and looked incredibly clean and sexy. Hiro moved slightly to lick at the leaking knob and gently his moist lips swallowed the smooth spongy glans, Brian moaned again mumbling something incoherent. His hand suddenly moved and grasped Hiro’s hair pushing him down onto the massive pole, he mumbled something again, Hiro heard, “Oh Val yeah! suck me darling.”

Hiro began swallowing the fat mouth stretching monster, it rubbed against his soft palate causing him to gag a little but then he swallowed hard a couple of times and it slid effortlessly into his hot slippery gullet. He sucked and bobbed up and down on the saliva sloppy sausage until with a subdued growl Brian tensed in his sleep and arched up spurting his man seed into the frantically swallowing lad’s throat. Brian emptied his nuts quickly and then slumped back into his sleep as Hiro wiped his cummy lips and eased Brian’s briefs back up over the glistening damp cock. Hiro pulled a couple of Brian’s wiry pubes from his mouth as he relished the lingering tangy taste of man sperm.

Hiro pulled the sheet back over Brian and licking his lips crept from the cabin to crawl happily onto the bunk in the main cabin. He lay there reminiscing about the adventure he’d just experienced and comparing Brian’s thicker tarter ball juice with the sweeter more fluid teen sperm he’d tasted from Timmy, Wayne and Ash. He rolled onto his side into a fetal position and dropped off into a satisfied sleep.

Morning dawned and the lads awoke before Brian or Hiro, Ash and Wayne began preparing breakfast and the aroma of frying bacon permeated through to the two late sleepers. Brian awoke and stretched out on his bed, he felt incredibly good as he looked out through the port hole seeing the bright sunlight, Hiro stirred and sat up rubbing his eyes then looked about him remembering his nocturnal fun. He wondered if Brian would remember what happened and hoped he wasn’t going to be angry if he did. Brian slid off the bunk and stood stretching his body as he took a couple of deep breaths, he scratched his abdomen and slid his hand down to his piss hard on. He felt as horny as but knew he wouldn’t have time to wank as the boys had breakfast on the go.

He wandered out into the main cabin and all three lads stared longingly at his tented briefs as he walked to the head to take a piss, Hiro could see the water mark and cum stain where he’d sucked Brian through his briefs and the cum had oozed out after he’d covered the flaccid tool up again. He was worried Brian might see the evidence and crossed his fingers hoping all would be well, he heard Brian’s piss hitting the toilet bowl then silence until the sound of the shower as Brian washed himself. Hiro breathed a sigh of relief and asked the guys if he could help them, both said that it was ok and just relax.

Brian finished showering and appeared towel around his waist as he walked back to his cabin, Wayne wolf whistled at him so he waggled his muscular buns sexily as he laughed and disappeared to get dressed. The breakfast was laid out and everyone fell to hungry after the long night’s sleep, plus of course Wayne and Ash had indulged in some heavy sex before falling asleep. While drinking their tea or coffee the chat turned to their hospitalized friends and Wayne and Ash wanted to visit the boys as well, Hiro had to return to the Yoshiro Maru as she was sailing later in the morning their brief stay was over she had to go out and begin to fill her capacious holds with fish.

The lads decided to shower and Brian and Hiro decided to wash the breakfast dishes while they waited, the lads finished showering and ran to their cabin to dress as Hiro dried the dishes talking with Brian. He told Brian he would miss them all and said that it would be unlikely they would ever meet again but he gave Brian his address in Japan just in case he and Shaun ever travelled there. The launch arrived and Brian waved sadly as Hiro was ferried out to the waiting fishing vessel which very soon after pulled anchor and steamed out of the bay. Brian ruminated on what a pleasant well mannered lad Hiro was, he was so polite and nice a change to the Australian psyche of robust mateship. Brian got some clean clothes for Donny to take into the hospital as the clothes he’d been wearing when attacked were bloody and torn.

Ash appeared followed by Wayne both dressed in neat shirts and shorts along with thongs on their feet, they looked neat and tidy, hair gelled into spikes glistened in the bright sunlight as they locked up the cabin and climbed to the wharf setting off to the hospital. The long walk had them perspiring as the temperature rose quickly under the burning summer sun, they reached the hospital and entered through the self opening doors which swished open and closed behind them as they breathed in the cool air conditioned air inside the foyer.

Brian led the way to the boy’s ward and found Shaun sitting up smiling with a boner tenting the bed clothes as Donny sat on the bed beside him looking guiltily at the doorway then smiled in relief as he saw who it was entering. Brian tossed Donny the clean clothes and he slipped out of the hospital gown his 5 inch tool wagging like a dog’s tail as he walked to the bed and put the clothes down to get dressed. Brian and the lads were treated to the charming sight of Donny’s naked body as he bent to pull on his socks first exposing his arse without a qualm. The delicious view soon hidden in his clothes he resumed his seat beside Shaun on the bed while Wayne and Ash pulled up chairs and Brian sat on the other side of the bed.

They chatted away waiting for the doctor to do his rounds and eventually he and the nurse appeared and signed Donny out giving him a prescription for pain killers if he needed them. They asked everyone to leave while they checked Shaun out then called the quartet back in and told them Shaun was progressing well. They spent the day with Shaun except for visiting the cafeteria to eat and at 6 pm they left to go back to the Wanderer.

They walked slowly back making sure Donny wasn’t stressing too much from the exercise and finally arrived at the wharf to find Wanderer’s hatch had been forced open. They hurried aboard and looked at the devastation in the cabin, flour and food had been thrown all over the cabin their clean clothes strewn about soiled on the filthy carpet. The radios and GPS were smashed in their mountings all told many hundreds of dollars worth of equipment were rendered unusable. They stood there in shock looking about at the disgusting shambles their home had been reduced to, Brian pulled out his mobile phone and rang for the police they then went on deck and waited for them to arrive.

To be Continued.

Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/29/07