by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 22

Ash was showing great embarrassment with Wayne after he’d been caught in the bunk having sex with Hiro and Timmy, he wouldn’t look into his friend’s eyes and would hardly speak at all answering in mono syllables. Wayne realising his predicament came to him threw his arms around him hugging him tight and whispered in his ear, “Its ok Ash, I envy you having both Hiro and Timmy in bed with you and I hope you made the most of it.”

Ash hugged him back asking, “You mean you aren’t jealous or anger with me mate?”

Wayne sniggered and kissed him saying, “No way mate, I’m as jealous as hell that you got the chance to enjoy yourself and that Timmy and Hiro obviously had a good time as well.”

Ash relaxed and both lads kissed heavily pressing together like limpets, while Timmy and Hiro hugged them both. Brian smiled to see the joy exhibited and decided it was time for him to make his way back to the hospital. He announced his intention and grabbed a quick sandwich, Shaun and Donny’s tooth brushes and other essentials they would need in the hospital, then left the lads to it making his way up to the wharf and began the walk to the hospital. He walked up the steep hill and entered the town, he saw the police car parked outside the bakery and as he approached he saw the constable who’d driven him to the hospital earlier.

The copper smiled at him and asked how the boys were as he pulled a hot meat pie from the paper bag squirting some tomato sauce from a sachet onto it before biting a mouthful from the tasty pie. Brian told him the boys were ok and comfortable while he inhaled the aroma of the pie setting his mouth salivating. He had the urge to buy a pie himself and excused himself to enter the bakery, the policeman followed him in telling the proprietor that Brian was the father of one of the lads beaten up earlier. The woman who owned the shop was very upset about what happened and gave Brian a free pie to eat.

Brian was overcome at her gesture and thanked her profusely putting a couple of two dollar coins in the can on the counter where donations for the local coast guard were requested. He walked outside with the policeman and they sat on a bench chatting and eating together, he found out that all the louts were now in the cells behind the police station ready to go before the court in a few days. Brian ascertained when it would be and asked if he could attend the hearing, the constable nodded saying he would be welcome and that Shaun and Donny would be called if they were fit to attend, if not they would be asked for a deposition to be entered in the records.

Their pies eaten the officer drove Brian up to the hospital and let him out at the main entrance before setting off on patrol on the main highway to catch those exceeding the speed limit. Brian made his way to the boy’s room and found Donny sitting on Shaun’s bed chatting to him, he looked pretty sprightly except for the darkening bruises. The two boys looked up as Brian entered and Shaun grinned saying, “Hi dad its good to see you, can you get this pest to get into his own bed he’s making me hard and that makes my bruised balls hurt so badly.”

Donny giggled and gave the swollen lump in Shaun’s sheet a gentle squeeze causing Shaun to groan loudly and theatrically as he said, “Ooooh see what I mean dad he’s a sex fiend.”

Brian laughed at the impish expression on Donny’s cute face and placed the boys’ gear into their bedside cupboards, Donny sniggered and then said, grinning like a Cheshire cat, “You know Brian he was well hard before I got over here, I could see his dick twitching under the sheet from my bed. I reckon he’s telling fibs about me doing it.”

Brian laughed and replied, “I’m sure that both of you can get hard without any manual assistance it comes with your age, I must admit since this trip started I’m having the same difficulty.”

The doctor appeared with the nurse and as the boys vitals were being taken the doctor chatted to Brian, “Well I think Donny is in good enough condition to go back to the yacht tomorrow, we’ll discharge him at 10am if you could organise someone to pick him up.”

Shaun bleated, “Oh no doctor, its not fair that means I’ll be here on my own. Can’t Donny stay till I’m able to leave too?”

The doctor shook his head and said, “Sorry Shaun, we need the bed, we can’t keep fit healthy people here while other’s need hospital care.” Brian nodded then suggested, “Well is there any difficulty if Donny just stays here to keep Shaun company as a visitor?”

The doctor nodded and replied, “No we can bend the visiting hours and let him stay here with Shaun but he must leave at night and return to the yacht to sleep.”

Both Shaun and Donny pumped their fists grinning with glee saying, “YES!!! Beauty doc!”

The doctor smiled at their enthusiasm and checked the boys’ vitals on the chart, he then asked Brian to excuse them as they pulled the curtains round the Shaun’s bed to carry out a visual inspection of his injuries. Brian sat on Donny’s bed chatting one ear listening to the doctor, he heard Shaun gasp and the doctor say, “Mmm that’s a fine weapon you have there Shaun, is it usually awake like that?”

Shaun mumbled an embarrassed reply that Brian couldn’t understand and Donny grinning groped his own erection and burst out with, “To right it is doctor, its extra special.”

Brian heard the doctor and nurse both burst out laughing and Shaun moan in absolute dismay at his boy friend’s exuberance, he groaned, “Damn Donny shut up will you, you pervert?”

The curtain was pulled back and they saw him sitting there crimson faced glaring at Donny while the doctor ruffled his hair smiling, he patted Shaun on the shoulder giving it a friendly squeeze and he and the nurse left the ward to do the rest of their afternoon rounds. Brian sat there chatting with the lads until late afternoon when the evening meals arrived he made his farewells and told the boys he'd see them tomorrow morning. He left the hospital and began the long walk back to the Wanderer, he decided to pick up a pizza on his way through the town and bought a Hawaiian and a Supreme pizza, garlic bread and a 2liter bottle of Coke to wash it down with.

He reached the wharf and clambered down the ladder to find the cabin was rocking to the local radio station and four semi naked guys watching him their noses twitching from the appetizing aroma of the food. Brian slid between Wayne and Hiro to put the food on the table he could smell the body heat and tangy musky odour of sex lingering on their smooth bodies. It was obvious things had been raging in more ways than one while he had been away visiting the boys.

Wayne asked how they were and was pleased to hear his brother was able to leave in the morning, he asked when Shaun was coming back and Brian told him not for a few days yet and he laughingly related the confrontation when the doctor was examining Shaun. The lads all burst out laughing at the thought of Shaun lying in the bed with a raging boner under the sheet and the doctor lifting the covering to find it throbbing hard on his flat young belly.

The food was set out and everyone fell to hungrily wolfing down the hot pizzas, bread and the still cold drink, the food seemed to evaporate and soon there were just the empty containers scattered about the shining table top along with a few crumbs and scattered pieces of the pizza toppings which were also picked up and eaten. Appetites surfeited the guys sat back relaxing talking desultorily too stuffed to get up. Timmy finally looked at his watch and said, “Damn I gotta get home, my rents are gonna kill me for being late for dinner. Not that I could eat it now anyway.”

He stood up fossicked around till he found his t shirt and pulled it over his curly head, his almost hairless arm pits exposed to four sets of eyes as he struggled into the cotton shirt hiding his pits and sexy plump little nipples. He straightened up and thanked Brian and the other lads then climbed up the steps to the deck as they all perved on his pert full buttocks in his tight shorts. Wayne whistled softly and said to Ash, “Gees that lad is a real sex kitten isn’t he?”

Ash laughed as he adjusted his bulging crotch and said, “Yeah he is so cuddly cute like a little bunny.”

Hiro guffawed and hissed, “Aii Timmy is much hot boy, me like him sex.”

Brian sat there listening to their discussion and felt embarrassed at their open discussion of the lad’s attributes which he’d also found his eyes glued to, his cock was achingly crushed in his briefs trying to escape its prison. He cleared his throat and tried to change the subject to what they would do till it was time to turn in, Wayne suggested they go into Eden and visit the RSL club and play the pokies for a few hours and have a few beers. This sounded pretty good so they all showered and dressed up in clean clothes, Hiro wore what he had on and they all set off into town together.

They enjoyed the noise, drinks and companionship until they felt tired and all well oiled with grog they happily wandered back to the Wanderer. Wayne suggested as Hiro had missed the launch back to his vessel he might sleep on the yacht, Brian nodded and agreed that would be fine so they all stripped to their briefs and went to their beds, Hiro turned in on Shaun and Donny’s bed while Brian went to the forward cabin and Ash and Wayne to the stern one. The night settled blackly over the wharf and snoring was heard throughout the Wanderer.

Hiro lay there tossing and turning on the unfamiliar bed, his cock was raging hard and dribbling pre cum as he lay there listening to the guys sleeping. He wondered what Brian would do if he crept into the forward cabin, would he get irate and throw him off the yacht or would he sleep blissfully on with Hiro in his bed? Hiro’s sex urge was overpowering he desired to feel the man’s sexual apparatus, feel, squeaze, rub to hardness that enticing bulge he’d witnessed in Brian’s bulging shorts. He lay there wracked with lust until he couldn’t resist and he got up quietly moved across to the closed door and quietly opened it. The gloom of the cabin was lightened by the light from up on the wharf he could make out Brian lying partly covered by the sheet, his muscular hairy torso exposed to his view. The sight of the sheet bulged over the man’s genitals drew him slowly hypnotically towards the recumbent Brian.

Hiro gently lifted the light sheet and stood studying the still, stretched body seeing the tightly stretched pale blue briefs struggling to hold in the flaccid penis and balls, he licked his full lips lasciviously as his mouth filled with saliva and he gently slid into Brian’s bed.

To be Continued.

Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/29/07