by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 21

The nurse rushed into the ward seeing Shaun sitting there with his bed soiled she immediately called for assistance and another nurse appeared, they pulled the curtains around his bed. We were ordered from the room while they stripped his bed and cleaned him up whilst this was being done the doctor appeared to check him out. We waited fretting outside desperate for news, the doctor appeared and told us it was ok Shaun had eaten too quickly and the reaction was from the anaesthetics, it was a common occurrence and the blood we saw was from when he had laid unconscious swallowing the blood from his cut mouth.

I breathed a sigh of relief at the news and they gave Shaun an injection to ease the regurgitation reflex and calm his stomach. We were finally allowed back in to see him and he looked pale but they had changed his gown and bedding. the nurse brought him a package of sandwiches and cautioned him to eat slowly. He nodded and began to nibble on the sandwiches like a timid mouse, he slowly ate and finished them then lay back waiting to see if he held the food down. It was fine no further reaction happened so he relaxed a little. I sat beside him holding his small hand in both of mine as we talked quietly, Wayne was sitting on Donny’s bed talking and laughing as they reminisced about their lives at home, Shaun and I listened to their giggling conversation while we simply held hands companionably.

Time passed and Shaun squeezed my hand and whispered, “Dad I’m sorry for acting like a little prick, I know you were only doing your best to provide for us and I shouldn’t have taken my ire out on you. It was mainly the shock of seeing you with Wayne like that that triggered my jealousy. Can you forgive me?”

I turned to face him tears running down my cheeks and saw my battered bruised son crying soundlessly his smooth cheeks glistening as tiny rivers of tears ran down. I reached out my arms taking him gently in a warm loving hug ensuring I didn’t hurt him. Shaun buried his bruised face on my chest and sobbed shaking the bed, Wayne and Donny’s chatter silenced as they sat dumbfounded by what they saw before them. Wayne gaped at us then I saw a gleam in his eye as he realised what had just occurred, a smile lit his face and he said quietly, “Right on, awesome dudes.”

Donny looked at his brother then back to us and suddenly he grinned and nudged Wayne who bent down so Donny could whisper in his ear, “Look at that bro, Shaun’s making up with his old man that totally rocks eh?”

Donny’s excited whisper was proud enough for me to hear it over Shaun’s sobbing and I grinned back at them happily, my heart was swelling in my chest and I felt my breathing struggling as I hugged Shaun lovingly. His sobs diminished and soon he was hugging me just resting his head on me looking across at the two brothers, he saw the glee in their faces and I felt his face’s heat as he blushed. Donny looked at him and said, “Right on Shauny babe, I’m chuffed to see you make up with your dad. He is a terrific guy and he loves you heaps.”

Shaun’s head nodding on my breast rubbed on my nipple making it hard, this in turn ran a shiver through me terminating at my tossle and I began to erect unintentionally. Shaun’s elbow rested on my groin and my erection rose in my shorts rubbing on his flesh. He felt it there pressed firmly between his arm and my abdomen, he sighed a little and I felt his arm rubbing on my excited member. I wriggled a little to ease back but Shaun followed leaning closer still stimulating my turgid tool.

Wayne and Donny both witnessed the game and sat there boners towering grinning gleefully at my discomfort, Wayne said, “Brian back away, Shaun’s just showing you how much he loves you. Relax and let him display his affection, don‘t reject him now.”

I blushed and sat there while Shaun toyed rubbing his arm on me, I felt my blood beginning to pound as my heart thundered away, my cock got harder hotter and my balls were aching badly as I began to lose my equilibrium. Wayne was now kissing Donny and both lads were rubbing each other’s hard horns, the ward was filled with heavy breathing and wet lips kissing, soft moans and sighs joined with my heavy breathing as I neared a climax. Shaun’s hands began fumbling with my fly as he tried to pull out my hard on I croaked out, “No Shaun no, this is totally wrong your my son I can’t allow this to happen. Stop now boy before something happens that I will regret for ever. What would your mother say if she knew?”

Shaun stopped his attack and lifted his face to mine tears again welling in his eyes as he sobbed, “Oh dad! I’m sorry I just got carried away and wanted to make you happy. Can you forgive me?”

Brian looked at Shaun and kissed him on the forehead saying, “Shaun I’m not angry with you but we mustn’t behave promiscuously because we are father and son. I think you’d better save it for Donny when you feel better and can get out of bed.”

He moved back and Shaun dropped back onto his pillow looking upset and pouting, Brian ruffled his hair and said, “Come on mate don’t sulk surely you realise its wrong for us to mess about sexually?”

Shaun looked up from under his brows and nodded sulkily then said, “Its just that I love you dad and I really want to make you feel special.”

Brian smiled at him saying, “But Shaun just you being you makes me feel special don’t you realise that? You’re my son and I love you that way but not sexually, not that I don’t think you are a beautiful either you are an exceptionally handsome lad and I love to see you with your young lover Donny. You two make an unbelievably great couple, but you must be happy with loving him sexually.”

Shaun put out his arms and Brian moved closer Shaun hugged his dad and wept quietly, he stayed this way until he calmed down then he kissed Brian on the cheek and said, “Ok dad I won’t embarrass you again but just realise I love you and mum heaps.”

The nurse arrived and announced it was rest time and all visitors had to leave, the next visiting hours were from 5 till 8pm, Wayne and Brian stood up gave Donny and Shaun a kiss then left together. They walked into Eden and did the food shopping then walked back to the wharf. Brian climbed down onto the deck of the Wanderer and Wayne passed him the bags of shopping. He heard moaning from the cabin and thought that Ash might be ill or injured he squatted down peering in through the hatch to see tangled bodies moving on Shaun and Donny’s bunk. He straightened up and whispered to Wayne, “Um I think we’ll put the shopping in the lockers under the cockpit seats and go for a walk Wayne.”

Wayne looked puzzled and then the penny dropped he mouthed, “Ash otherwise engaged?”

Brian nodded and stowed the shopping bags in the lockers then climbed back quietly to the wharf, being high tide it was only a few steps, the two walked off down the pier as Brian filled Wayne in on what he’d seen in the cabin. They sat together on the wharf watching the bait schools being harassed by larger fish as the gulls and sooty terns dived and squabbled above the rippling surface out on the bay. They discussed Shaun and Donny’s condition and what should be done to the louts who caused the damage.

After an half an hour they thought things on the yacht should be over and walked towards the wanderer talking loudly to warn the lads that they were coming. Ash appeared looking exhausted followed by Timmy and Hiro all looking the worse for wear, Brian sniggered and whispered, “Oh my God, what a party they must have had while we were away.”

They climbed onto the Wanderer and unloaded the food from the cockpit lockers, Ash blushed crimson as he realised that he must have been sprung in the act earlier. He looked guiltily at the deck as Hiro and Timmy helped carry the groceries below while Wayne and Brian stowed them away. The task finished they all returned on deck and relaxed filling the lads in on Shaun and Donny, Timmy nodded his head and said, “I bet I know who did it too, they are the town bullies, always picking on us younger kids, they are mostly off their faces on drugs and stuff and looking to cause trouble. I‘ve learnt that if I see ‘em I run like hell and keep out of their way but of course Shaun and Donny wouldn’t know till they started belting them up. I hope they are going to be ok.”


After Wayne left to go to the hospital Timmy and Ash were lying together on the cabin roof enjoying the warm sun, both lads were excited as they lay on their stomachs the warmth of the varnished timber seeped through their towels into their groins stirring them sexually. Shortly after the boat from the Japanese trawler arrived bringing the crew ashore and Hiro saw Timmy stretched out along ith the older more muscular Ash. Hiro studied the semi torpid lads while his friends hurried ashore leaving him behind, Timmy hearing the foreign tongues opened his eyes and saw Hiro standing on the wharf above them and he looked up along Hiro’s thigh to find he could see up under the hem of Hiro’s shorts. The sight he saw was stirring to say the least, there were Hiro’s white underpants bulging with his aroused manhood which was straining against its imprisonment and pushing out the light shorts.

Hiro saw Timmy looking up at him and his hand slipped down and he fondled his turgid tool, Timmy licked his lips and nudged Ash who also peered up smiling at Hiro’s obvious excitement, he grinned and invited Hiro to join them. Hiro needed no urging and he slid down the ladder thumping onto the Wanderer’s deck, he turned and walked to where both lads were lying and knelt between them, Ash reached out and grasped his hard cock feeling its thick stubby shape as its heat burned into his hand. Hiro quivered and touched Ash running his hand tentatively down his smooth sum warmed flesh till he reached the firm muscular mounds of Ash’s arse,

Timmy was rubbing his fingers over Hiro’s tight buns seeking his deep crack through the flimsy nylon shorts, Ash groaned at the feel of Hiro rubbing his arse cheeks as he felt the throbbing power of the Asian lad’s thick short bludgeon. His fingers caressed the clearly defined flared edge of Hiro’s fat knob as he squeezed and toyed with the hidden pleasure pole. Ash mumbled, his voice thick with lust, “we’d better go below so we can have some privacy.”

The three lads arose, Hiro gasped at the size of the cock stretching Ash’s the shimmering lycra Speedos, he wasn’t used to seeing a mature Caucasian’s cock and Ash was much larger than normal. Hiro desperately desired to investigate this monster for himself. They hurried below into the cabin and threw off what clothing they wore and fell together in a squirming heap on the bunk. Hands flashed, rubbed, grasped, tickled and seductively touched anything and everything within reach. Heavy panting and moaning echoed about the cabin as their feverish groping, licking and sucking increased.

Ash felt Hiro’s face move between his legs and spread them wider inviting his close attention as Hiro pressed into the humid muskiness and began laving ash’s pink puckered pussy. Ash was sucking on Timmy’s erection deep throating him to the sparse pubes as he orally pleasured the lad’s steel hard spike. Hiro having wet the twitching muscle barring his entry into Ash’s pleasure zone now began to work his pointed tongue tip into the tensing entrance gradually opening the silken tunnel to his probing member. Ash moaned around Timmy’s tool sending tremors through the lad’s cock causing him to moan in unison.

Hiro worked his oral magic on the twitching tush, now insinuated his saliva coated tongue deep inside the vibrant velvet vent laving the musky walls deep inside Ashes’ red hot rectum as Ash bucked and writhed on the bunk swallowing Timmy’s tool and wrapping his teasing tongue about the throbbing member. Timmy squealed mewing in delirious delight as he humped frantically into Ashes’ wet warm orifice as he pumped his sweet offering into Ash’s throat. Ash pulled back to taste the delicate flood, relishing the fresh piquant flavour as it coated his taste buds.

Timmy wilted in Ashes’ grasp as the older lad vacuumed the last vestiges from the still hard throbbing member until Timmy shuddering pulled from his teasing tongue gasping his plea to stop. Hiro now tongue deep up Ashes’ anus his nose squashed firmly into the aromatic swollen throbbing between of the teens perineum as he tantalized the inner pleasure paradise. Ash was now pressing back hard on Hiro’s face as he enjoyed the sensuous tonguing, his arse screamed for more he wanted to feel Hiro’s hot fat club forcing its way into his tight ring.

Hiro sensed the moment had arrived where the tall fair Aussie was ripe to be rooted, he slipped his wet tongue from the vibrant vent and moved up closing the gap between his engorged member and the lad’s wet pink pulsing pucker. He looked down watching his pre cum drooling fat knob as it touched the sweet lips, he shivered in delight at the sensation as the twitching muscle tried to eat his glans. The nerves in his purple swollen cock head sent zaps of joyous electricity surging through him as Ashes’ arse lips writhed suckingly on his dick dome.

Hiro pressed Ashes’ spread legs wider and leaned into the puckered muscle, his squat fat helmet squashed against the gateway he pressed on with the attack and with a low moan he felt the tiring muscle start to spread. Ash groaned loudly in pain as he opened to the invader, Hiro was by far the thickest tool ever to breach his defences. Ash arched up trying to escape as his erection wilted pushing his crotch against Timmy’s velvet soft behind. Hiro kept up the pressure slowly stretching the tight wet pussy until he achieved his aim and felt Ash take him inside that tight ring.

Ash cried out in pain as his anus, all afire, felt as though he’d been split apart the searing pain of entry roared throughout his entire being like a wildfire. Hiro panting at the feel of the strangling ring tight around his shaft and the furnace heat of the soft buttery innards enclosing his sensitive cock head inched forward slightly. Ash groaned again and again as Hiro gradually filled and stretched him, Hiro revelled at the incredible humid mushy enveloping sensation as he ploughed fully inside the muscular body.

Ash begged him to stop and now fully embedded Hiro paused to enjoy his conquered territory while Ashley lay quivering trying to get used to the thick club. Timmy was now rocking his crack back and forth on Ash’s flaccid fucker trying to arouse him again and as Ash recovered from the initial invasion his tool began to swell once again. Timmy reached back raising the mast to push it into his hungry young hole, Ash felt Timmy’s body open and swallow him deep, he was now in paradise a huge fat tool embedded inside him while a sweet young arse swallowed his manhood.

Hiro began thrusting battering the muscular behind driving ash’s pole into Timmy who was lifting himself and dropping back onto Ashes’ rising hips. A perfect motion began as they found a rhythm and soon Hiro felt Ashes’ incredible innards throbbing his fat knob as Ash worked his bowel muscles nearing his pinnacle. Ash fired a huge salvo into Timmy’s hot hole dragging Hiro grunting over the edge and both guys erupted together in a cataclysmic climax as they drove deep into the throbbing tunnels. Timmy fired off a small load onto Ashes’ torso then collapsed almost suffocating Ash who was panting for air.

This is what Brian observed when he boarded the Wanderer.

To be continued.

Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/29/07