by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 20

The patrol car screeched to a stop in a cloud of dust and Brian ran across, the policeman opened the door as Brian fired questions at him, he jumped into the car and the driver slammed the door jumped in and slamming his door and spun the wheels as they took off leaving Wayne and Ash standing mutely on the wharf watching. The car roared through the shopping traffic siren ululating causing other drivers to pull over and allow them past, the shoppers standing watching the police car as it flashed past.

In minutes the car swung into the small hospital’s car park and pulled up in front of the casualty entrance, Brian ran from the car bursting through the swing doors into the busy area. A nurse grasped his arm as he ran in and pulled him aside asking who he was, the policeman entered and told her he was the person in charge of the two lads recently admitted. She nodded and expressed her apology as she led him towards a separate area closed off with curtains, they entered and Brian saw Donny lying on a gurney his body covered by a sheet and his badly bruised and cut face visible.

Brian hurried to his side asking where his son was and if he was ok, the nurse assured him he was in no imminent danger but that he was in the operating theatre having a broken leg set and a few stitches for a couple of serious cuts. Donny looked at Brian and burst into tears, “Brian it was terrible, we had done the shopping and were coming back to the harbour when we were set upon by a mob of local hoons. They were calling us names and shoving us about calling us tourists and homo’s we tried to get away and they dragged us down a laneway behind the shops and began beating us up.”

Brian brushed Donny’s hair with his hand and said, “What happened then Donny?”

Donny resumed, “We tried to defend ourselves but they were four to one and we were soon on the ground as they kicked and punched us demanding money or they’d kill us. We heard a siren and the yobbos gave me a few more kicks and I saw one jump on Donny’s leg and I heard him scream as the sound of his bone snapping echoed across the lane.”

He went on, “The next thing I knew there were two policemen bending over us but no sign of our attackers from what I could see through my blurry eyes. The ambulance arrived and we were brought here and that’s all I know.”

The policeman then spoke, “Sir we have caught three of the louts, they are some of our worst residents, they are into drugs in a big way and steal anything they can find. We’ll soon have the rest in custody as we know who they are and they will feel the full weight of the law over this incident.”

Brian sat down in a chair shaking with anger and fear for Shaun’s well being as he took Donny’s bruised and knuckle bleeding hand, he looked at the cut knuckles and said, “It looks as though you tried your best to defend you and Shaun Donny, your knuckles are badly bruised and cut.”

Donny nodded his head and said through tears, “Yeah but I wasn’t much use Brian I was too weak to stop them.”

Brian rubbed his forearm gently and said, “Donny you had no hope from what I heard I’m certain you were brave and incredibly valiant in your attempts to defend yourselves, Shaun wouldn’t be much help as he is younger and no where near as strong as you.”

Donny began to cry harder causing Brian to get up and sit on his gurney to hug the sobbing lad, he gently rubbed up and down the boy’s heaving back whispering into his ear, “There, there Donny let it all out little man, I’m here for you and I’m proud of you for trying your best.”

Timepassed and after the policeman had taken down Donny’s statement he left and the nurse returned to her duties after bringing Brian a cup of tea and some pain killers for Donny with a glass of orange juice. Brian sat back in his chair watching Donny as he slipped into sleep, he was amazed at the bruising darkening on the handsome boy’s face and wondered how badly bruised his body was. He lifted the sheet and saw Donny was wearing a hospital gown, one of those things open at the back with little ties to fasten the sides, he lifted the bottom seeing Donny’s bruised legs then his groin, Brian gasped in horror, the lads scrotum was swollen hugely almost three times normal and was an angry reddish purple. Someone had kicked him very hard between the legs crushing his poor young nuts. Brian lowered the gown back and sat there shaking with rage that someone could do this to a lovely friendly lad like Donny. He dreaded the thought that Shaun too would be in a similar state or worse as he had broken bones and desperately wanted to see his abused son.

An hour passed with Brian sitting holding Donny’s hand and then the nurse reappeared saying that Donny was to be wheeled into a small two bed room and transferred to a bed, Brian asked after Shaun and she told him the operation was nearly finished and he too would be transferred to the same room shortly after he‘d been through the recovery ward. Two orderlies arrived and wheeled the gurney out with Brian following behind down a long passageway with gleaming polished linoleum and into a small ward with two beds. Donny awoke and moaned in pain as he was moved across onto the bed, then he was covered with a sheet and the nurse checked his vitals then asked if he needed more pain medication. Donny shook his head saying no it was ok it just hurt when they moved him across.

I saw a phone on the bedside cabinet and asked if I could ring the lads on the yacht as I’d left my mobile on board, so I could fill Wayne in on his brother’s condition and ask Ash to watch the yacht while Wayne came into see Donny. She nodded and I rang my mobile number, he answered instantly then began asking questions I told him to calm down that Donny was ok and he should get Ash to watch the Wanderer while he came ashore to the hospital. He said he would and rang off, Donny had heard what I’d said and smiled lopsidedly with his swollen cut lips as he said, “Wayne’s coming I bet he will be frantic.”

Brian nodded and said, “I thought he was going to crawl out of the phone but he will be here soon Donny, do you want me to ring your folks about this?”

Donny shook his head and said, “No Brian it will only upset mum and I’m not hurt too badly.”

Brian sat there waiting for Wayne to arrive and wondering how much longer Shaun would be. Wayne soon appeared and he burst into the room eyes flashing all around then centred on the bed containing his battered younger brother. Wayne rushed to Donny’s side and gently hugged his battered brother, he then began firing questions which Donny tried to answer. I told him to calm down that Donny was tired, sore and had just had pain relief so wasn’t at top speed mentally. Wayne grinned ruefully and sat on the bed edge holding Donny’s other hand, I filled him in on what I knew from the police and Donny and Wayne apologised then asked how Shaun was.

I told him what I knew of Shaun’s condition and we then sat quietly just being there for the drowsy Donny, shortly after we heard the sounds of a bed wheeling down the corridor and the sound of footsteps. Shaun appeared as the bed was brought into the room, he was still slightly groggy from the anaesthetics and looked terribly bruised facially. I jumped up and hovered about as the orderlies positioned the bed and locked the wheels, Shaun tried to smile but his contusions caused too much pain and he winced hurting even more.

I pulled up another chair and held his poor little bruised hand as I said, “Oh Shaun, I’m so glad to see you son, I’ve been worried sick since I heard of the bashing.”

Tears filled his nearly closed blackened and puffy eyes and trickled down his cheeks as a huge sob wracked his slender frame, I bent to him and wiped his cheeks gently due to the contusions visible and then I kissed him gently on the forehead and brushed his hair from his face. He shuddered and tried to squeeze my hand but failed as the pain ran up his arm. I lifted the sheet to check his broken leg and saw the heavy plaster caste running from his knee to foot, I tried to lighten the mood by saying there was plenty of space for signatures and both Wayne and Donny giggled making Shaun attempt a smile.

A grey haired doctor came in still wearing green operating scrubs and saw us there he smiled saying, “Ah Shaun’s conscious I see, how are you feeling young man?”

Shaun croaked out, “I feel ok thanks doctor, pretty sore but ok otherwise.”

The doctor nodded as the nurse appeared and began taking Shaun’s temperature and blood pressure and clipped a clip on his finger to check his pulse. She noted the results on his chart and then she and the doctor walked outside and I could hear them discussing Shaun’s condition and then they returned and the doctor wrote up Shaun‘s treatment notes. I asked him how long the caste would be necessary and he told me at least a month to six weeks. This news was a total disaster, our trip would be finished here in Eden, we couldn’t stay here that long and still sail up to the Whitsunday’s.

I told the doctor of the situation and he said, “Well you can still sail on but he needs to be here for a week at least while we ensure Shaun is healing properly then we can discuss the prospect of him continuing the journey.”

I nodded and told the boys I was going out to ring Val and fill her in on what had happened, Wayne handed me my mobile and I left the ward and found my way outside and rang Val’s mobile number. It went to message bank as she had her phone switched off, I realised she was probably in the hospital visiting her mother and couldn’t use her mobile there. I left a message asking her to ring me back when she could and ended the call returning to the boy‘s room. Shaun was dozing while Wayne and Donny sat together talking quietly, I looked at my watch and said, “Come on Wayne let’s go and get something to eat so these two warriors can have a snooze.”

We left and meandered around the hospital till we found the canteen where we got some prepacked sandwiches and a can of drink taking them to the cashier then finding an empty table we sat down to eat. The sandwiches were adequate but nothing special pretty typical packaged food so we ate them quickly while chatting about the events of the morning. I wondered how Ash was getting on aboard Wanderer and Wayne told me he should be fine as Timmy was there fishing from the Wanderer’s deck with him when Wayne left.

I laughed and said, “Well they are probably either catching heaps of fish or doing something much more exciting with their own rods.”

Wayne sniggered and said, “If Timmy’s got his way I know which rods are being used and Ash is a master baiter for sure.”

We were about to return to the ward when my mobile rang, I answered and Val was there, I filled her in on the news and told her Shaun was ok but would be in a caste for a month or more but that the doctor was happy with his condition and he seemed sore but ok. I told her she needn’t come rushing over and that I’d keep her posted on how things progressed.

We returned to the boys and found them both sitting up, the nurse had cranked the top end of their beds up to enable them to eat easier, they were eating slowly as their bruises were aggravated by chewing. They had soft foods, soup, sliced bread not the usual little rolls and jelly and ice cream, I knew they were both ravenous but to watch them eating so slowly was quaint and both Wayne and I smiled at one another. Shaun suddenly looked ill and said, “Dad I’m going to vomit.”

I went to ring for the nurse and he spewed before I could push the button, bringing up what he’d eaten along with some dark blood. I felt my heart drop in my chest as my son emptied his stomach all over the bed.

To be continued.

Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/29/07