by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 14

We sailed slowly past the violently working bar watching the white feathers of spray blown up by the offshore breeze as the combers rose high, peaking on the shallow bar to explode geyser like in violent eruptions of spray, foam and tumbling torrents of powerful surf, the violence aggravated by the fast running outgoing tide. The ocean swells were large smooth mounds out on the deeper water where Wanderer slid and rolled across them, I knew somewhere out on the ocean a powerful storm was raging, generating these large swells and I eagerly awaited the hourly weather forecast to learn its position and track in case we met this violent weather.

Wayne joined me after going on deck to relieve himself, we began preparing breakfast and soon had the food set out ready to eat. I climbed on deck stretching my still aching legs to tell the lads breakfast was ready, I heard a scuffling of bare feet and saw Donny bounce out of the hatch to run to the rail and begin emptying his bladder. I set the wheel to the self steering apparatus and told everyone to go below and eat after ensuring all was safe, the only vessel visible was a cargo ship well to the North of us. I went below following the lads we all sat around the table as I asked if anything had occurred during the night watches, the lads replied all was quiet except for some weird sounds during the night.

I asked what sounds had they heard and they told me noises like singing humming and loud sighs off in the darkness, I surmised that what they heard could have been whales singing to one another as they swam up the coast on their annual migration from the Antarctic. I hoped maybe we would be treated to the sight of these magnificent gentle giants as we sailed along the coast, the boys were all excited at the thought of possibly seeing these creatures in the flesh. Breakfast was soon demolished and Ashley yawned setting Shaun off as well as he stood up stretched and said, “Well guys I’m going to catch a few z’s, I’ll see you guys later.”

He headed to the stern cabin and I turned to Shaun saying, “If you’d like Shaun you can turn in on my bed it’ll be quieter than your bed here in the cabin.”

He thanked me and headed off into the bows to have a snooze closing the cabin door Wayne and Donny cleaned up the table and began washing the dishes as I went on deck to survey the horizon after switching the radio through to the external speakers in the cockpit. I disengaged the auto rig and took the helm adjusting our course slightly allowing the sails to adjust slightly on the wind, I saw a boiling of water off the port bow as bait fish were monstered from below and in no time a melee of gulls and terns appeared diving and fluttering over the large oil slick on the surface. I turned he Wanderer slightly to close the distance and grabbed out one of the fishing rods as I called Wayne to come on deck and take the wheel.

He came racing on deck to take over while I rigged a lure and wire leader on the line, we sailed closer to the spreading slick and wheeling feeding birds, I saw the dark ball of bait fish with the flash of larger predators below as I caste the blue and silver lure into the frenzy. I began to wind in and jerk the rod tip to excite a bite and was gratified when the lure was smashed hard and taken.
The rod bowed and the battle was on, the fish fought hard but slowly tired and I boated a nice tailor about 2 kilos, I knocked it on the head detached the lure and caste out again before we sailed too far from the school. A new strike was almost instantaneous and soon a second tailor of similar proportions was flapping on the deck, the school now was too far astern and we settled for what we had. I cleaned the fish then washed them over the side before taking them below and stowing the fillets in the fridge.

Donny was finishing up in the galley and saw the catch saying, “Wow what did I miss out on?”

I laughed saying it was just luck we caught them and explained what had happened, Donny asked if we’d see any more schools feeding and I told him that it was quite possible. I retuned on deck to find Donny had stripped to his Speedos and was enjoying the early warmth of the morning sun, I asked if he’d put suntan lotion on and he shook his head I said, “Hang on little mate I’ll get the factor 30 and put it on if you’d like me to.” Donny grinned happily and nodded, “Thanks Brian that would be so freezing.”

I laughed at his terminology realizing freezing meant really super cool, I found the lotion and sat next to Donny and began applying the slippery substance to his smooth taut skin. Donny quivered at my touch and he flexed his muscles adding to both his and my pleasure as I coated his youthful body. My face was level with his crotch as he stood at the wheel I could see his togs stretching obscenely as his teen tool expanded inside the flimsy Lycra. Donny began to tremble all over and his chest rose and fell faster as his breathing increased, I paused in my ministrations and waited for him to calm down. He looked down at me quizzically and I grinned up at him saying, “We don’t want you having an accident in your togs do we?”

He grinned showing no embarrassment at all and flexed his muscles making his tool jerk in his Speedos saying, “I don’t mind Brian I can just rinse them out or have a quick swim.”

I laughed at his cheeky reply and said, “Well I don’t want to cause you to cum Donny that’s Shaun’s prerogative he’s your boy friend.”

Donny thought for a second and grinned saying, “But your Shaun’s dad so I reckon its all in the family.”

I was taken aback by his smart reply and sat there looking at his fair gorgeously happy face comparing it with Shaun’s dark much more serious demeanour, the two lads were almost completely opposites in looks and personalities. Shaun was sulky and arrogant and I think I’d spoilt him by giving him anything I could except my valuable time. How I wished a little of Donny was to be found in my son but he still froze me out of his life and just seemed to grudgingly tolerate my presence. Try as I might I still hadn’t broken through the wall he had erected to lock me out of his feelings, I thought the accident had opened a chink in his armour as I’d seen worry in his eyes at the time but since then he’d retreated back closing me out. It hurt but I’d persevere in my endeavours to prove that I loved him and wanted him to be a large part in my life.

Donny’s cock still steel hard and pulsing in his togs was now oozing pre cum fluidly seeping through the flimsy Lycra as I watched the regular pulse from his pounding excited heart. I stood up and walked away towards the bows to escape the erotic situation that was fast overpowering my good judgement. I walked forward my legs still a little sore and aching until I reached the pulpit protruding out over the sturdy bowsprit, here I stood leaning on the stainless steel rail watching the bow slice through the calm blue water. My throbbing cock deflated slowly as I blanked my mind of the sight and thoughts of the delectable Donny, I stood leaning over staring mindlessly into the sea as we sailed gently along in the perfect weather.

Calmed once again I sauntered astern watching Donny as he adjusted our course slightly to take best advantage of the light breeze, I thought that for a country lad who had never been on a yacht he had learnt rapidly and was now a competent seaman. He was not only extremely intelligent and handsome but had a personality every one would enjoy. My eyes studied him as I approached and I saw he was still sporting a very excited erection, his togs were bulging obscenely and I could see his large knob where the wet material was stretched incredibly.
The boy was a barrel of rampant hormones that raced about his system making him extremely horny, I wished Shaun was awake and able to relieve Donny’s problem.

I headed below into the cabin to avoid seeing his problem and Wayne looked at me asking, “Is everything ok Brian you look a bit flustered?”

I just nodded and walked to the fridge and pulled out a can of beer asking if he would like one too, Wayne nodded and I tossed one to him then pulled out a can of lemonade and asked him to take it up to his brother on the wheel. Wayne headed up the steps and I watched his tight muscular arse as it stretched the Speedos he was wearing. I thought to myself how much more of this can I handle it is becoming more and more difficult to ignore these sexy guys all around me on the boat. I found myself watching them more avidly as the time passed I needed to ring Val and hear my wife’s dear voice to bring me back to normal.

The weather forecast began on the radio and the swells were being caused by a deep low to our south east below Tasmania, it was huge and powerful to cause the wave movement we were experiencing and I thanked the Lord it was heading away from us. I relaxed on the lounge listening to the east coast reports and all sounded excellent for the next three days with a low pressure arriving after that. I retrieved a chart of the coast and checked for any problems navigationally but all was fine our only worry was the large container ships and tankers plying their trade between the main ports. We needed to keep a watch out for these ships as I believed no small number of cruising yachts and fishing vessels met their ends under the huge bows of these ships, especially in the dark hours. Wanderer was fitted with all necessary lights and I had installed a large radar reflector at her masthead which should alert any ship’s officer of our presence ahead of them.

I became bored below deck and headed back up to find Wayne stretched out naked on the deck and Donny at the helm his boner returned to normal and the pale stain of his pre cum dried on the red material. I wondered if Wayne had drained his full young balls while I was below, I sat next to him at the helm position and said, “The weather’s going to hold up like this for three more days then a low pressure will come across so we will have south easterlies for most of the time until the wind swings to the north and blows into our bows.”

Donny grinned at me and replied that it sounded pretty good and we should cover quite a distance under those conditions until the head wind set in. I nodded and lay back on the cushions and closed my eyes, Donny said, “Have you put the sunburn stuff on Brian? If not I’ll do it for you now.”

I nodded sleepily and heard him grab the bottle and heard the cream squirt out of the nozzle, then I felt his smooth slippery hands begin to rub my feet and working their way up my lower legs as I relaxed almost purring under his gentle movements. He gradually worked up over my knees and started on my thighs as I opened my legs allowing him easy access to my flesh. He slopped the lotion on my flesh and I began to become aroused as he worked further and further up my legs, I opened my eyes slightly looking at his face and saw his eyes were concentrating on my crotch as he massaged my legs. The look of lust in his blue usually innocent eyes worried me and I moved slightly but he whispered, “Please don’t move Brian I haven’t finished your legs yet.”

I lay there not wanting to offend the sweet lad as his hands continued their approach to my Speedo covered genitals, my penis again stirring to the subtle movements of Donny’s hands. I asked him to quickly finish my legs and get started on my upper body as he slapped the lotion along the tight leg opening of my togs. He finished there and sat up next to me and began to spread cream on my torso, I heard Wayne move and his voice from behind Donny said, “Way to go Donny! I wish it was me rubbing that goo on Brian’s body your so lucky little bro.”

Donny squeezed a large glop of sun tan lotion on my chest and began to swirl it about with his fingers brushing over and around my nipples I began to become aroused at his touch once again as his soft hands and nimble fingers slopped and slipped oilily about my flesh. Donny moved and sat on my lap grinding his taut young arse on my rapidly growing erection as I struggled to maintain my reserve.
His erotic actions quickly overpowered my attempts and my penis sprang to full erection rapidly, he couldn’t help but feel my boner pressing against his stretched arse crack as he continued to rub the lotion on my bare flesh rocking back and forth as he rubbed up and down my chest and abdomen.

To be continued.

Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/29/07