by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 15

Brian was lying back on the cockpit cushions while Donny was straddling his waist, rocking and rolling about on his now rock hard fuck muscle while he applied suntan lotion to Brian’s torso. The lads soft smooth hands coated in slippery lotion were exciting Brian’s flesh to a degree where he was about to explode. Wayne had taken over the helm while his young brother played and teased the heavy breathing writhing man behind him, he kept looking over his shoulder at the erotic sight of his brother’s arse stretching his Speedos exposing the top of his crack as he straddled Brian’s lap.

The fun suddenly stopped dead as Shaun’s voice screamed, “ No! Donny what are you doing? Why is my father stealing every guy I love? I hate you father.”

Donny jumped off Brian’s lap leaving him lying there with his shorts tented obscenely and ran to Shaun’s side crying out, “Shaun babes I love you, Brian wasn’t trying to steal me away I was just having fun putting sunburn lotion on him. It was just me having some fun because I was bored waiting for you to wake up. I love you Shaun and I don‘t want to lose you, you mean everything to me.”

He flung his arms around Shaun’s neck and kissed him feverishly, peppering his face, his lips, nose and eyes, Shaun stood uncertainly torn between his previous rage and the love he felt for the blonde headed prankster kissing him. Wayne’s eyes were locked on mine a distraught expression on his face, as I stared totally embarrassed and in shock at my sons sudden arrival. Ashley’s sleep tousled head appeared at the hatch as he looked bleary eyed at the scene taking part in front of him. He asked, “What the hell is going on? I was dead to the world dreaming when a scream ripped me from my dream.”

Wayne beckoned him to come to him and looked at me to take the wheel, I reached out wrapping my trembling hands on the warm sun warmed wood taking comfort from its solidity and smooth varnished surface. Wayne led Ashley away towards the bows where they sat on the cabin combing deep in conversation, their faces almost touching as the whispered together. I watched Shaun slowly being pacified by Donny’s kisses and fondling hands as he relaxed slowly. My fright eased as I recognised Shaun’s reconciliation with Donny as they turned both sporting healthy erections and went below into the cabin. I was left in solitude mulling over of what had just occurred as I vowed not to become involved in any more of the lads’ sexual games, I had very nearly lost my son forever by letting the impish Donny enjoy himself getting me aroused.

Wayne up forward was sitting close to Ashley their lips devouring each other oblivious to my presence, their hot young blood surging, pounding through their healthy fit bodies. I could easily discern the tops of their steel hard pricks as they stretched the flimsy Speedos to the max, so hard I thought to myself I could run a couple of jib sails up on them and coax another knot or two out of Wanderer. I saw Wayne’s hand slide down Ashley’s taut torso and fondle the rigid muscle and Ashley trembling with excitement as their kiss became even more heated and passionate.

Wayne gently coaxed Ashley down onto the skylight on the cabin roof and his body seemed to flow like warm golden syrup up and onto his lover’s as they lay together limbs entwined, blood pulsed pricks rubbing on each other. I tore my hungry eyes from this vision of youthful display of total pure sexual pleasure as I looked towards the slowly passing shore. I watched the huge swells rear like stallions then crash in thunderous eruptions of spray, smoking the air with a fine mist which refracted the sunlight in myriads of tiny delicate rainbows, even at the distance we were off shore the rumbling roar of their demise was clearly audible. The backdrop of twisted wind wracked contorted tea tree softened by the mists lined the golden sands, no sign of humanity graced this stretch of unbroken solitude.

I heard moaning up forward and my eyes swept back to the bows to find Ashley stretched our his body arched up thrusting, his hips driving his considerable cum gun into Wayne’s receptive orifice as he sucked him deep. Ashley’s golden head tossing about in rapture, his moans showing his pleasure as his full nuts drew up to discharge volley after volley of sweet teen juice into Wayne’s hot encompassing mouth. I could make out Wayne’s arm moving between Ashe’s spread legs as he fingered the wildly ejaculating lad’s arse hole increasing his pleasurable eruption. A final bridging of Ashley’s hips lifted him clear off the cabin roof as his body tensed in the last raptures of his sexual explosion, he collapsed back gasping, panting quivering on the warm wood and glass to lie exhausted on his back.

Wayne pulled off the now spent cock and kissed Ash on the lips passing a little of his sperm into his parted lips as their tongues languidly waltzed together. Wayne’s rigid member still quivering erect nudged at Ashe’s arse lips as he gently sought entry into the hidden wonders of the sweet humid interior of his lover’s compliant body. Ash moaned his agreement as they swapped spittle and cum between them. Wayne pressed harder, his fat crown seated in the wrinkled entrance to that pleasurable palace hidden deep inside Ashe’s rectum.

A sudden firm thrust breached the loosened defences and Wayne’s throbbing engorged muscle slid deep in one continuous hole filling push till his silky soft pubes crushed firmly against Ashley’s firm arse. Ashley grunted around Wayne’s tongue as he shuddered to the forceful entry, Wayne lay still, fully embedded inside him not moving but pulsing his tool in tune to the caress of the Ashe’s bowel muscles. They lay locked together for minutes while I watched this intense love match, my hand stroking my fully aroused cock through my shorts until I had to hook the elastic waist band under my excited nuts and free my raging roger.

Wayne’s arse lifted pulling back and lowered as he thrust deeply into the soft velvet mushy bowels to Ashe’s groaning gasp, a rhythm was built as Wayne stuffed his cock in and out of Ashe’s body, I began stroking in time to that humping arse. My balls were tight, my sack the size and shape of a tennis ball as my climax approached Wayne was pounding hard and fast the duet of their grunts and groans music to my ears. I felt that frigid chill as my cum started erupting then the scalding heat a I blew my load in a geyser of thick pearly ribbons which fell back onto my heaving sweaty chest. The sound of rushing wind in my ears and the pounding of my racing heart deafened my hearing to the boys cries of lust as all three climaxed together.

I collapsed palsied hand releasing the helm as I panted blind to my surroundings, the wanderer continued blissfully on unrestrained by human intervention till she slid off the wind on a swell and the flapping of her sails dragged me back from that blissful place one goes after a fulfilling climax. I sat up still breathing hard and grabbed the wheel coaxing her back on course, she shook herself and obediently turned catching the light breeze and sailing ahead once again. Wayne looked astern at me and I saw his eyes widen as he saw my shorts down and my chest covered in cum, a smile ghosted across his handsome face as he looked into my eyes then he looked down at Ashley and slipped his tool gently from the red puffy leaking ring as he kissed him sweetly on the lips.

Wayne lifted off Ash and rolled onto his side beside him and I was treated to the charming sight of the two gorgeous young studs both naked and on full display. I reached for a towel hanging on the rail, where it had been hung to dry and cleaned myself up then pulled up my shorts and settled back relaxed to enjoy the sun and salt air.

Below decks in the cabin Shaun and Donny were locked together intimately, Shaun’s tool was lodged far up his friend’s arse as he plumbed the succulent depths. Donny lying back heels on his lover’s shoulders a blissful expression of pleasure on his cute face as he enjoyed the feeling of Shaun’s rock hard prick plugging him deep. Donny’s spike was throbbing on his ridged belly in time to Shaun’s plunging, his whimpers of pleasure ringing in Shaun’s ears as they neared culmination. Shaun arched throwing his head back and ramming crushingly against Donny’s stretched cheeks his crotch moulding perfectly to the v. His cock throbbed once, twice, thrice then with a shudder of exultation his balls erupted sending his semen deep into the furthest reaches of Donny’s welcoming guts.

Donny squealed loudly spurting his seed out all over both their tensed torsos, both lads erupted again and again with slowly reducing force until they folded slowly together squelching the sticky seed between their quivering young bodies. They lay hugging and kissing lost to the world in a haze of love, their minds melded together feeling the true beauty of young love. I sat at the helm isolated berating myself for allowing the incredible sight of Wayne making love to Ashley to cause me to break down and wank myself to a climax. I loathed my weakness and I began to realize that my morality was crumbling at an alarming rate.

I needed to get myself under control before I descended into the depths of sexual degradation and fell completely under the spell of these incredibly sexually active and attractive young helots. I concentrated on the compass as I mulled these problems over finally concluding that I could only call a meeting of the crew and explain my position and that unless things improved the cruise would be cut short when we reached Sydney.

A called everyone on deck and watched Shaun and Donny come up straightening the Speedos which were stained damply, Wayne and Ashley staggered along the deck still naked their Speedos clutched in their hands while their cocks and balls swayed about unrestricted. I frowned and said as gruffly as I could, “Please put your togs on this is a serious meeting.”

They looked at one another and bent over slipping their trunks on and sliding them up their lightly haired legs and hiding their genitals from view. I cleared my throat and went on, “I’m afraid that the sexual games on the Wanderer must be kept below decks in your cabins and only when I am not there to see it. I don’t wish to have to witness your love making again, it is embarrassing and although I have no prejudice about gay sex I don’t want to have to watch it.”

There was dead silence and I felt four pairs of eyes boring into me as I looked at the compass, there was movement and I looked up to see the lads trooping below into the cabin leaving me alone at the wheel. I wondered if I’d been too hard on their youthful exuberance but shrugged my shoulders as I pulled out the mobile phone and rang Val’s mobile in Perth. She answered almost instantly and I heard the sound of traffic in the background, I asked where she was and found out she was in a taxi on the way to the hospital to visit her mother. I chatted about her mum’s condition and how her father was, she in turn suddenly asked what was wrong.

I told her everything was fine and she said, “I’ve known you for nearly 20 years Brian I know that something is bothering you now what is it?”

I thought for a minute and decided to tell her about the lads having open sex in front of me and that I’d laid the law down telling them to do it privately. She laughed and said, “I thought you were ok about Shaun’s sexuality?”

I said that I was fine about him being gay but I didn’t enjoy seeing guys having sex in front of me. She laughed t my attitude and said, “If it was a porno film of a man and a girl or two girls would you object?”

I knew she had me there so I just hummed and hawed then said, “Got to go my sweet one there needs to be a sail change the winds starting to pick up.”

She laughed again and said, “I know that’s an excuse to get out of the present situation but I’ll let you go as we’ve just arrived at the hospital. I love you, you loveable old fashioned man.”

She broke the connection leaving me totally confused sitting there looking at my phone. I sat there ruminating over what she had said to me and I realised she was correct I was still deep down not accepting homosexuality. I needed to fully accept the boys were happy and loved each other and that it was ok to accept that their young bodies were erotic and sexually stirring and that I needn’t feel threatened by them having sex together as long as they didn’t try to involve me in their play. I knew that my talk earlier would inhibit them to some degree but I think it was fine to leave things the way they were.

The lads were below deck discussing my attitude amongst themselves and vowing that they would still enjoy their sex behind closed doors. I found the warm sun enervating and my eyelids became heavier as the time passed the gentle rolling and slow passage lulled me even more until I fell into a deep slumber. I was awoken by a heavy crash as the Wanderer slammed into a submerged object, she shuddered to her core the masts vibrating like bow strings as she came to a sudden stop.

To be continued.

Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/29/07