by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 13

The current began to sweep against me and my grip on the wet slimy wood was slipping, my aching legs seemed powerless and pained when I attempted to use them, I called out to Wayne and Ashley to grab the life preserver on the wharf, this I knew had a long rope attached which they could pay out and control its movement when I drifted out from between the boat and wharf. Shaun and Donny peering from the Wanderer as she moved back and forth on the current could see me below them. I called up that I was going to let go as soon as I saw the life buoy in the water, there was a slash as the red and white buoyancy ring landed next to the yacht’s bow. I let go the pile and the current carried me out into the open, I grabbed onto the life buoy and held on as Wayne passed the rope to the boys who took hold and began to lead me along the Wanderer’s hull towards the stern. Wayne and Ashley hurried on board and set the boarding ladder in position as I was led towards it, I grabbed onto the rungs and let go the buoy, I stretched up and began pulling myself onboard Wayne and Ashley grasped me under the arm pits and lifted me gently up and over the rail laying me on the deck.

My sodden clothing leaked sea water onto the deck as the lads checked out my badly bruised and bleeding legs, the barnacles and shellfish adhering to the timber had cut my flesh in quite a few places and my blood mixed with the salt water on the deck in a pinkish stain. Wayne had gone below to fetch the first aid kit and returned opening it as Wayne grabbed out some cotton wool and antiseptic to clean my wounds. He asked me if I could wiggle my toes and I gave it a try and I was glad to be able to do it even though it hurt quite a bit, Wayne’s gentle hands raised the damp bloody leg of my shorts to check my upper thigh, his fingers began stroking the soft flesh of my inner thigh. Uncomfortable as I was I felt a surge run through my body which concentrated in my crotch, my prick throbbed even though I was trying to control my reactions. Wayne grinned and slid his eyes slowly up from my thigh till he was looking into my embarrassed eyes as I looked away staring out to the estuary.

I looked for Ashley and asked him if he could do the supply shopping while Wayne attended to my wounds, I said that Shaun and Donny could go ashore to help carry the supplies back to the Wanderer. The lads went below to put on their sandals or shoes and Ashley picked up my wallet to pay for the goods, they left the boat climbing onto the pier and hurried ashore as the tide was ebbing faster and the Wanderer had lowered at least 6inches since I‘d been helped on board. Wayne finished cleaning my scrapes and cuts bandaging the deepest cuts my legs still hurt like crazy but at least nothing had been broken or seriously damaged, Wayne helped me to my feet and I hobbled to the cockpit seat with his assistance. I sat there in the warm sun feeling my sodden clothes drying on my body, the salt in the material began to aggravate my skin and I was soon in a bit of discomfort where my briefs rubbed on my white untanned flesh. I turned to Wayne and asked him to help me below so I could change my clothes, he obliged and I was soon below where he sat me on the boys’ bed now folded back into a lounge and he began removing my salt stiffened shorts then my damp briefs leaving me naked to his view with a partial stiff penis. Wayne grinned cheekily and bustled off to my cabin and I heard him opening drawers so I told him which one my briefs were in and in which drawer my shorts were stored.

He returned and I’d got my cock under control by concentrating on the pain in my legs, Wayne brought a pan of fresh water and a small hand towel and began washing the salt from my skin, I lay their concentrating on my aches and pains while he swabbed my crotch and arse, he dried me off and then slipped a pair of briefs over my feet and pulled them up my sore legs, I lifted my arse up grimacing as my leg muscles tensed stirring up my injuries as he slipped them over my mid section, a pair of shorts followed and I was decent again. I tossed my shirt off and pulled on a clean t-shirt. Feeling almost human again Wayne grinned at me and asked if I’d like a cup of tea or something stronger, I smiled back and said, “I could go a nice cold beer thanks Wayne to wash the salt and mud down, why don’t you crack one for each of us?”

He walked to the frige and pulled out a couple of cans of Foster’s Lager popped the ring pulls and we sat back relishing the icy ale, I took a large gulp and shivered as it went down my gullet, Wayne too seemed to quiver with the taste and chill. I belched softly and he giggled at me saying, “Excuse a pig, ha, ha, ha.”

I laughed and replied, “Well there’s only us guys here so we can burp if we wish. Val used to give me hell when she heard me, its good to relax like this. ”

We both laughed and drank from the cans, Wayne too belched loudly and cracked up as I echoed him, we heard the sound of voices approaching along the wharf and Wayne got up looked out the hatch and said, “It's not the guys it is a couple of kids with fishing gear setting up to fish.”

I nodded as Wayne climbed out on deck and stood watching the new arrivals, I could see his legs from the knees down as he stood near the hatch, he called out to the kids, “Do you catch much off this wharf guys?”

A young voice replied, “Yeah some days we have good luck there are some great fish in here, huge flathead and even the odd snapper cruises the piles.”

Wayne answered, “Cool guys I might join you if you don’t mind.”

The boys replied, “That‘s cool its not our wharf, ha, ha, ha.”

Wayne squatted down and asked if I wanted to come up on deck to watch, I nodded and he bounced down briskly to assist me up the ladder, I sat on the cushions watching as Wayne gathered the fishing gear and asked the boys if he could buy some bait off them, they told him it was fine they had plenty in the Esky. I studied the two boys, they were as cute as a boy can be, they looked to be about 12 maybe 13 and both obviously local country lads, well tanned and one wearing Speedos while the other had on an old tattered pair of cut off jeans. Wayne wearing his speedos was towering over these two youngsters who were sizing him up, they were studying his superb musculature and the bulging crotch of his flimsy togs casting sneaky little glances at Wayne’s equipment, not his fishing equipment either.

I lolled back relaxing as I took in the charming view, not the surrounding estuary, the human scenery of youthful smooth virility on display as they began rigging their fishing lines. I watched as they baited up the hooks and cast out, the play of both juvenile muscles and Wayne’s mature physique was entrancing. The smooth texture of their bronzed skin, the young lads completely hairless apart from a faint glistening of golden fuss on their arms and legs and Wayne’s taut tummy with its dark trail of hair leading tantalisingly to the waist of his well filled Speedos. I realised I was perving and my mind was behaving in a fashion that it shouldn’t be, I was ogling salaciously two young boys and Wayne in a disgraceful fashion. I turned away to look down the estuary watching a couple of Sooty Terns diving on baitfish as the school was swept along on the now strong current, I hoped our shoppers would hurry back or they would have trouble getting back on board with the supplies as Wanderer was dropping lower with the tide.

I looked back to see the boy in the Speedos standing close alongside studying the Wanderer, I studied him closely as he stood there, his just forming pectorals graced with two very soft puffy nipples, his ribs rippled the smooth flesh of his chest his taut tummy flat with just the faintest six pack was set off by a navel that protruded considerably from the flat plain of his abdomen and looked incredibly cute. The smooth curved lower abdomen disappeared into his very small striped togs which bulged delightfully under the attack of his small boy dick and balls, the bulge created a deep hollow between scrotum and thigh and I could see the pale untanned flesh inside the joint of his leg and groin where the gap in his Speedos opened slightly. The boy’s long coltish legs stretched for ever, very slim almost too skinny as his young body had obviously recently put on a growth spurt as he reached puberty.

The boy knew I was staring at him as he stood there hands on prominent boney hips watching me a faint smile on his pink lips, his blue eyes twinkling mischievously as he spoke his high pitched voice cracking delightfully, “It’s a nice yacht mister where are you sailing to?”

I shook myself mentally and cleared my throat to speak, “Ahem, yes she is a lovely old boat, we are sailing up the east coast hopefully we will get as far as Brisbane or further.”

The boy sighed a wistful expression on his young face as he replied, “Gee that sounds awesome, I wish I could sail up there, I’ve hardly been anywhere in my life, a few trips up to the city and one to Sydney. It's so boring living in a country town like this, if it wasn‘t for my brother and I loving fishing we‘d go round the bend.”

He squatted on his heels treating me to a display as his arse cheeks spread exposing his flat crotch with his bulging boyhood above the stretched crack, he then sat on the edge of the wharf swinging his perfect feet back and forth as he craned his neck trying to see into the cabin through the open hatch. I asked him if he’d like to come on board and have a good look and he nodded eagerly and dropped onto the deck as agile as a monkey, I was treated to the delicious aroma of hot sun warmed boy as he stood beside me in the cockpit looking down into the cabin. I inhaled his scent feeling my cock twitch his odour reminded me of Shaun and also brought back forgotten memories from my youth of long summers playing with my mates and our brief sexual experimentations.

The boy looked at me his hot slender leg just touching mine sending a tremor coursing through me as my vision was filled with his speedo clad groin, he asked if he could go into the cabin to have a look and I nodded as I hid my erection by crossing my legs as he thanked me and jumped below into the cabin. I heard him gasp as he took in the luxurious cabin, he stuck his head up from the hatch and asked, “Can my brother come and have a look too please mister?“

I smiled and nodded, he turned in the hatch and called out, “Hey Jeff come and have a look in here this boat is completely awesome.”

His brother put his rod down resting on the wharf and hurried to the stern and jumped aboard after asking if it was ok, I told him it was fine he was almost a carbon copy of his brother just shorter and his well worn tight cut offs displayed his young package deliciously. Wayne stood there grinning at me his eyebrows raised questioningly, I looked at him and saw his basket stretching his togs obscenely as he displayed a full erection. I looked away and watched the two boys looking around below I could hear their comments of awe and envy at the way the boat was outfitted, I heard comments like, “Shit this kitchen has better stuff than ours at home.” And, “Look at the bed in this cabin its better than Mum and Dad’s.”

I heard one say to the other, “Gees Phil I wish we could go with these guys on their cruise it would be unreal.”

Phil replied, “Yeah and that guy who’s fishing with us is one totally hot guy too, did you see that woody he cracked?”

His brother answered, “Yeah it is huge so is the old guy who owns the yacht he cracked one before when I stood close to him with my doodle almost in his face, he cracked an instant hard on then crossed his legs to hide it but I got a good look before he did.”

I frowned at being referred to as ‘the old guy’ but I realised to these youngsters I was seen as old as Methuselah, I was not offended but was curious to hear them discussing Wayne and my penile dimensions. I wondered if they were both gay or just at that hormone crazed age where their young bodies were in a riot of growth and change and sexuality was ruling their young minds, I’d seen Shaun come to this stage where anything sexual was of interest and could trigger an erection at the blink of an eye or as a friend once said if a leaf falls from a tree I get hard. Wayne called out from the Wharf, “Come on guys you have a screaming bite up here quick before your rod goes into the drink.”

Phil appeared at the run as he propelled himself out of the cabin and ran to the rail to leap up onto the wharf then ran to his howling rod and reel, Jeff lagged behind and was wary of jumping up to reach the pier he turned and looked disconcertedly at me as I asked if he needed a hand, he nodded so I climbed to my feet and hobbled across to give him a boost up my hands gripping his tight boney hips as I lifted him high his hands clutched the wharf’s edge and I slid my hands to his cute tight little bubble bum as I pushed him up onto the pier. He thanked me as I stood leaning on a mast stay watching the sport on the wharf. Phil was fully engaged in a battle with some denizen of the deep as his bent rod and screaming drag testified. He would slow the running fish then pump and wind regaining lost line until the fish, feeling the pressure would fight hard and go tearing off in the depths using the current to its advantage.

I watched the boy’s young muscles straining hard as he tried to slow the creature back and forth the battle raged fish winning line to slow as the drag pressure tired it then the boy would struggle line back onto his reel once again, slowly the fish’s strength waned and the red faced sweaty boy gradually won the fight until there rolling on the surface was a fine snapper of about 8 kilos. I wondered how they were going to land the creature when Phil asked, “Can I come on the boat again and use our gaff to pull him out please Mister?”

I nodded saying, “Of course you can Phil, after watching you fight him you deserve all you can get that was a valiant battle you just won young fella.”

Jeff was excitedly watching the snapper lolling in the murky water as he yelled, “Oh gees Phil that is a monster we’ve never caught one that big I don’t reckon anyone has caught one like that off here before.”

His obvious excitement had given him an erection which we could clearly see in his cut offs as his little spike stood proudly up from his crotch as he danced around the wharf. Wayne grinned like a Cheshire cat as he picked the boy up and swung him onto his shoulders where Jeff began digging his heels into Wayne’s pits and ribs like a jockey on a horse. In his excitement Wayne began playing horse as the boy’s young spike pressed against his neck. Jeff was giggling and yelling gleefully as Wayne cavorted around the wharf carrying the excited boy, Phil passed the rod to me and jumped down onto the deck then began working the rod out and around the stays till he reached the bow where the tired fish lay flaping its fins slowly. He asked Wayne to pass him the gaff and he took it one handed and slipped it under the fish lifting sharply he impaled the fish struggling to lift the heavy snapper his young body straining every muscle tensed as he dropped the rod to the deck and strained lifting the monster onto the deck. He refused any assistance and finally raised the fish sliding it over the rail onto the deck, the snapper lay there gasping until he pierced its skull with a sharp pointed implement which instantly put the fish out of its misery.

I took some photos of him holding the fish and promised to send him some when I got to Sydney where I could get them downloaded and printed, he was happy and we lifted the heavy fish up to Wayne who’d put Jeff back on his feet and was kneeling waiting to lift the snapper onto the wharf. The tide had dropped further so I had to help Phil up to the pier feeling his tight young arse in their silky covering of Lycra togs as I pushed him upwards. He hauled himself onto the pier and thanked me for my help as Ashley, Shaun and Donny appeared humping the full bags of supplies. Wayne introduced the guys to the boys and an immediate friendship seemed to blossom between Shaun, Donny and the local lads, they were chatting like crazy as they discussed the fine fish and I noticed a fair bit of body contact was occurring. No outright groping but soft hands brushing across bodies seemingly casually but with a definite purpose, I could see all four boys were becoming excited as Wayne jumped down and Ashley began passing down the bulging bags of food. Last thing was the jerry can of diesel which was left on deck while they carried the bags below and stowed the contents in the cupboards and lockers. I was again resting on the cushions in the cockpit watching the boys above until I called to Shaun and Donny to come on board as the boat was getting lower and they would need to jump down a fair distance. They left Phil and Jeff on the wharf as they leapt down thudding onto the deck, I asked Shaun to top up the diesel tanks and he opened a cockpit locker to find the funnel and took it to the filler cap mounted in the deck, he opened the cap put the funnel in the neck of the filler and Donny carried the can of fuel aft. They filled the tank and closed the cap after stowing the funnel and can back in the locker then washed down a little spilt fuel while Phil and Jeff watched from above.

I asked the boys to get ready to cast off the mooring lines and started the diesel , we prepared to depart as the engine idled smoothly, I called cast off, the lines were retrieved and both lads pushed off the piles, Wanderer moved slightly away as I engaged forward gear and we began to motor away. Phil and Jerry waved us off looking envious and disappointed as we moved slowly out into the tidal stream picking up speed as the engine and current worked in unison, it was good to leave the stench of mud and sea weed behind. The wharf dropped further and further behind as we watched the small figures still waving to us until we turned to port at the channel’s end and motored out towards Snake Island. The wanderer felt the ocean swells once again as we motored through the shallow bay gradually the bottom dropped away beneath our keel and we were able to set the sails and turn off the engine. I sat there allowing the lads to operate the boat and was pleased to see them working together as a crew.

We felt the breeze as Wanderer picked up speed heeling over slightly as the sails filled drawing her along almost silently except for the slap of waves as her bows knifed through the gentle seas, we eventually sailed out of the muddy discharge and entered clean water we could see the light and dark shades of the sand and reef bottom deep under the keel where Wanderer’s shadow chased along with us. A pod of dolphins appeared gamboling in front of our bows diving and leaping about in fun, we watched the beautiful creatures until eventually they tired of the game and swam off towards the shallower water in shore probably in search of food fish. The beautiful weather lulled our senses as we lolled about lazily letting Wanderer do her own thing as I nonchalantly rested one hand on the helm. Hours passed pleasantly and we passed Port Albert and Margaret Island then a few hours later we passed the town of Seaspray and reached the long straight stretch that was the Ninety Mile Beach. This beach was narrow with sand dunes protecting the lakes behind and ended at Lakes Entrance a large fishing and holiday resort, the entrance was a treacherous bar where the Ocean swells built to massive size at times and caused the death of many fine boats and their crews at times.

We wouldn’t reach the entrance until the next morning if the evening wind died as usual so we maintained course and sailed on enjoying the late afternoon warmth, Ashley and Donny went below to prepare dinner leaving Wayne, Shaun and I relaxing on deck. The lads cooked some saveloys and buttered some fresh baked rolls and brought the feast on deck with a bottle of tomato sauce and some cans of Coke for Shaun and Donny while Ash, Wayne and I drank a cold beer each. It was a light hearted meal easy to prepare and tasted terrific. It must be the salt air giving us appetites because we ate like horses and soon finished the meal, Ashley returned below and reappeared with a iced sponge with a strawberry jam and cream filling for desert. This too vanished leaving us licking sticky cream covered lips as if we were wearing white lip stick, the meal over Wayne and Shaun took the dishes and cutlery below to wash up as Ashley and Donny sat on each side of me on the bench cushions.

We lolled back relaxing watching the distant coast line drifting past as Wanderer plodded north at a sedate speed, the sun was lowering in the west behind the low hills and Wayne reappeared saying, “Brian we’ve had a chat and we decided that you are going to have a night in the bunk tonight, we will stand the watches while you rest up and hopefully your legs will be feeling better tomorrow.”

I made out I was upset saying, “What’s the meaning of this are you guys mutinying on my boat? I’ll keel haul the lot of you as soon as I’m fit enough to do it.”

Wayne looked at me grinning from ear to ear and said, “I think you might find that a bit hard seeing it’s the whole crew against you alone.”

I nodded, “Yes you could be right there Wayne but I insist if anything happens you guys must wake me without fail.”

The lads agreed to do so and they paired up Wayne and Donny while Shaun would share the second watch with Ashley, this sounded sensible as it meant one older lad with a younger and also stopped them getting too involved with one another on watch, I thought it was very sensible. We sat on deck until well after sunset enjoying the beautiful night as Wanderer lived up to her name wandering slowly along the smooth swells as she rolled gently in the darkness. Wayne made a pot of Milo for our supper and we enjoyed it with a couple of biscuits before cleaning our teeth, taking a piss overboard and I took a short shower before turning in for the night.

I slept deeply and wasn’t disturbed until morning when I heard a boats horn sounding in the early post dawn light, I looked out the port hole to see a trawler approaching its exhaust stack belching a haze of diesel fumes. I struggled out of the bunk and pulled on a pair of shorts over my still sore legs and staggered to the door and out through the main cabin, where Donny slept soundly, to climb gingerly up onto the deck. Ashley and Shaun were on watch and we all watched the large trawler as she passed close by her crew waving as they roared past leaving a stench of burnt diesel in the cool clear air. She continued on her course until she disappeared out over the horizon leaving us alone again on the misty calm sea as we rolled slowly along until we could see the entrance to the Lakes a large surf breaking on the bar at the mouth. The trawler must have come out before the tide changed as she would have copped a battering now attempting to exit, we sailed on northwards as Wayne appeared scratching and yawning from below.

To be continued.

Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/29/07