by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 12

The rowdy buzzing clippers slid up Donny’s slender neck reaching his thick blonde hair as I began cutting a swath through the golden thatch, golden hair fluttering away like autumn leaves, Donny shuddered and I felt his upper arm rubbing on my semi excited erection as I moved about cutting and trimming his locks. The feel and sight of his long locks dropping to the deck as I trimmed and cut was stirring me, Donny was submitting to my endeavours and seemed at last resigned to the job in hand. The short hair on his freshly shaven neck attracted me and I rubbed my fingers gently up against them feeling the short bristles against my skin stirred my penis into full erection as Donny’s arm rubbed again and again on my bulging crotch. I was fast losing control and began to quiver my chest heaving as the lads watched this strange behaviour. Donny’s hair was finished and he looked incredibly sexy with his short cropped hair glistening in the afternoon sun, I was close to exploding as he raised his head looking at me a dreamy smile on his face as his arm resting against my erection continued arousing me.

I gasped at his new image as the lads clapped and cheered him, Wayne ruffled his brother’s new crew cut saying, “Way cool little bro you look awesome what do you think Shaun?”

Shaun sat there eyeing his lover off then a tentative smile lit his face as he said, “Its way cool, it will take a little getting used to but you look radical Donny, it really suits you babe.”

Shaun began untying Donny’s hands and he massaged them where the cord had left an impression in the tanned flesh of his wrists, Donny bent across and kissed Shaun saying, “Do you really like it Shaun?”

Shaun replied, “Yes Donny I like it heaps, you look younger and much sexier now babe.”

I moved away and went below I needed to masturbate to relieve my aching nuts, I walked into my cabin and closed the door dropping onto the bed pulling down my shorts and began stroking my throbbing tool. My climax was teetering on the brink as my hand tugged fast and hard, my body tensed my lungs sucked air in harsh gasps as I leapt over the edge, my balls drew up tight and exploded like a depth charge spurting my boiling sperm high into the air whence it sprayed back down rope after rope onto my quivering torso, my lightly haired chest coated heavily matting the hair to my feverish skin. The tempestuous discharge eased to an oozing dribble which crept down my cock onto my clutching hand and then to my thick pubes and my now empty balls as they eased back into my wrinkled bag.

Exhausted I lay back feeling tired and fell asleep with my cum covered cock in my hand with my shorts around my knees, I slept for some hours a result of the long night battling the storm, the fear and tension taking their toll on my stamina. I knew nothing for some hours and was awoken by a tapping on the cabin door and Wayne’s voice calling to me that dinner was ready, I answered him sleepily and remembered that I’d fallen asleep after wanking. My hand was stuck to my cock with dried cum and I had to peel it away gently due to the sensitivity of my prick, I winced as the seal broke and felt as if I’d torn the skin from my penis. I slid off the bed and pulled up my shorts covering my cum matted pubic area, I wandered out into the main cabin and went to the head to wash my hands before eating.

The lads had prepared a great meal of freshly caught fish, they’d been busy while I snoozed, I inhaled the delicious steam ascending from the plate in front of me, they had sliced up potatoes making chips and had prepared a top dinner, I looked around at the three proudly grinning faces and complimented them on their prowess. We fell to eating with much gusto and the dishes were soon empty, hardly a crumb to be seen as we sat back sipping on hot tea. I asked who had caught the fish and Donny beaming said, “I did Brian I caught three snapper, they fought like Trojans it took ages to land them but I think they tasted great.”

I nodded and replied that fresh snapper were certainly delicious and that I was proud of his prowess at catching them, I reached across and ran my palm gently across the neat flat top of his hair enjoying the feel of the short bristles rubbing on my flesh. He sat there grinning happily and said, “That feels great Brian I’m getting used to my short hair it feels and looks good it’s also much easier to look after, thanks for making me get it cut.”

I smiled happily, “My pleasure little dude, I really enjoyed playing barber it was something else.”

Donny grinned and said cheekily, “Yes I could see and feel how enjoyable it was that made me feel excited too Brian.”

I blushed and spluttered, “Pshaw! You little bugger you certainly aggravated the situation didn’t you?”

Donny giggled and said to the others, “Watch out when he gives you haircuts guys, he gets really excited while he’s clipping your hair.”

I was embarrassed to the max and everyone burst out laughing at my flushed face, they all yelled, don’t worry Brian we saw the effect Donny had on you it was 90% his doing, he is a little horn dog.”

I left the cabin and climbed up to the deck to watch the sun setting, the weather had cleared and apart from a few fluffy white galleons of cloud sailing across the blue sky it was clear. The mighty orb was just kissing the horizon as I sat on the cushions my hands behind my head, fingers interlocked as I settled back to watch the sky pageant of colours as Sol departed our neighbourhood. I sat there relaxing thinking of the unbelievable position I was in, a straight married man on a boat surrounded by a group of stunningly handsome young gay guys, I was worried by the increasing boners I was experiencing and my relieving masturbations were a mixture of visions both straight and gay. I felt that the gay images were becoming more central and I feared I was slowly turning bisexual, this was abhorrent to my imprinting, my upbringing had ruled that homosexuals were terribly perverted people who did disgusting things. Watching my son with his young friend and the very straight looking Wayne and Ashley, I began to realize that although what they did was frowned upon by the mass of people it was very tender, loving and erotically beautiful.

I had to get my head straight about this and I grabbed my mobile phone and called Val in Perth, the sound of her darling voice brought me back to earth as my heart throbbed in my chest, I asked after her Mother and she told me there was little change she was still unconscious but her vital signs were improving and she was off the ventilator and breathing on her own again. I could hear the relief in her voice as I chatted saying that was great news, she told me her Dad was still a total wreck and seemed incapable of accepting what had happened. She virtually had to do everything for him, I suggested that maybe she should employ a nurse to assist her but she totally refused saying that she was ok and could handle things. We chatted a while and I told her of the foul weather we’d experienced and how the boys had all thrown up all over the cabin, she told me to be careful as she loved me and didn’t want to lose either me or Shaun. I told her I loved her to bits and that I’d be careful and that the Wanderer had handled the foul weather beautifully, I said that I’d ring her tomorrow night and we rung off.

The sun was now almost totally hidden just a brilliant crescent right on the horizon I could almost hear the sizzling as it sank from view, when I realised I had been joined by all the lads, who were seated about on the cabin roof and the cockpit, both pairs had arms draped across each others’ shoulders resting their heads together staring at the kaleidoscope of hues dancing on the stately clouds overhead. A dreamy atmosphere settled on the Wanderer as we all communed with nature at its best, the balmy evening light breeze ruffling through our hair caressing our warm flesh as it left the land to wander out across the sea to be lost in the wilds of the Southern Ocean.

The radio was playing softly in the cabin a faint background of tunes to partner our pleasant mood, it was a local station from Yarram and it was playing country and western songs, Willy Nelson singing On the Road Again began and we all laughed breaking the mood as we sang along with him, we all enjoyed the sing along and classic after classic echoed up from the cabin, The Green, Green Grass of Home and many others, we sang along happily until darkness descended a velvet pawl over our surroundings. The brilliant stars played peek-a-boo with the clouds as we sat there singing, then a huge cheese coloured moon began to lift herself above the hills, its size was massive and we could clearly see the smiling face of the man in the moon as it rose diminishing in size and paling in colour till it looked as normal in the sky.

The evening damp began to descend condensing and beading the surfaces of the highly polished cabin roof and the metal fittings, chilling our semi naked bodies as we shivered and decided to go below to sleep. We fled below slamming the hatch behind us and I put the kettle on to brew a hot drink, I asked the lads if they wanted tea or hot Milo. The general consensus was Milo, usually it was made with hot milk but we were running out of fresh milk and I didn’t want to use the long life milk until we had to, I planned to call into Port Welshpool in the morning before we continued our voyage north to stock up on fresh produce. We sat about the cabin sipping the hot sweet beverage chatting about things in general and the storm in particular as the lads discussed how bad it was and how well the Wanderer had handled it.

The radio gave out the weather report for tomorrow and it sounded perfect for our departure in the morning, I checked the tide chart and found out the high tide was at 730 in the morning so I planned on being at the pier in port at that time as the tidal flow here in the bay was very strong and there was a huge rise and fall in the area. I wanted to be on our way before the tide had started really ripping through the estuary. I bade the boys goodnight and told them I’d rouse them at 630am so we could motor across to Port Welshpool first thing and be on our way back out to sea by no later than 8am. We retired to our beds and I fell into a deep dreamless slumber.

I was awoken before the alarm went off by the Wanderer rolling slightly and the sound of a powerful engine, I rolled over to peer through the open port hole to see one of the oil rig supply boats steaming past on the way out to the rigs offshore in Bass Strait. I stretched and peered at the clock to see it was nearly 6am so I rolled out of the comfortable bunk and pulled on my shorts and a hooded windbreaker as it was quite cool, before opening my door and walking into the man cabin. Shaun and Donny were in their usual tangle of limbs, both sound asleep with Shaun drooling slightly from the corner of his mouth as he slept.

I opened the main hatch allowing the bright early morning sun to shine into the cabin and lit the gas stove filling and placing the kettle on the flames, I began setting the table and the sound of the crockery disturbed Donny. He rolled onto his back causing his rock hard morning woody to tent up the sheet, he stretched and yawned which made his pole twitch and move seductively. Lolling back he looked at me with a devilish grin as he placed his hand around his boner and squeezed it, I felt my own tool stretching in my shorts at his provocative teasing and turned away to hide my excitement. I heard Shaun mumbling sleepily and Donny giggling impishly, I looked over my shoulder to see Donny humping his cock into my son’s bum crack, the sheet around their knees exposing Donny’s muscular buns and rigid roger while Shaun was also showing a hard throbbing erection.

I blushed and looked away feeling disgusted with myself taking vicarious pleasure watching my son get humped by his boyfriend, the sounds of the boys’ sex play developed till they were both panting and gasping frantically. I heard Shaun squeal and looked to see his cherry red penis shoot a gush of teen cum across the bed onto the cabin bulkhead as Donny spurted his juice into Shaun’s crack. Both boys collapsed side by side as their steel hard dripping cocks slowly lost their rigidity and drooped onto their depleted balls, still oozing the final droplets of their sperm.

The noises of their sex obviously penetrated the stern cabin because I heard the mumbling of voices as Wayne and Ashley awoke, the kettle wailed like a banshee announcing it had boiled and I filled the tea pot with water after putting in the tea bags and replaced the lid. Ashley appeared in the cabin scratching his stomach, his boxers bulged with his morning hard on as he stumbled half asleep up to the deck to empty his bladder over the side and Wayne followed wearing a revealing pair of pale blue briefs barely holding his erection which looked like a cabana sausage as it rested across his flat abdomen pointing at his sharp hip bone.

He nonchalantly hefted it in his hand and I could see a wet spot darkening and growing on the sky blue cotton of his underwear, he followed Ashley up the cabin steps his perfect arse flexing and moving in the tightly stretched material as my eyes followed every move. Donny giggled he saw my eyes locked on his brother’s alluring arse, he whispered to Shaun, “Your dad fancies my bro Shaun, have a look at his boner.”

Shaun looked across and said sotto voiced, “That’s so gross Donny, my own dad ogling your brother is awful he’s old enough to be Wayne’s father.”

I blushed and tore my eyes away from the hatch and busied myself getting the cereal and milk onto the table, both Donny and Shaun bolted up on deck to piss as Ashley climbed back into the cabin his hands up holding onto the hatch edges, this exposed his lightly haired pits and stretched his torso, I watched as his nipples elongated and his flesh tightened rippling over his exposed ribs and the sexy 6 pack with its button navel and spun gold treasure trail leading to the waist band of his underwear. He let go and dropped his arms to his sides as he stepped onto the deck and walked across to the table sitting down and pouring milk on his Corn flakes. He looked up at me and asked, “What time are we setting off Brian?”

I replied, “As soon as we finish breakfast Ash, I want to be at the wharf in Port Welshpool around slack water at about 730, the Wanderer isn’t overpowered under engine and the tide runs like a dingo chasing a numbat around these parts.”

Wayne appeared followed by the boys all giggling and laughing together as they descended on the breakfast as if they hadn’t eaten for a week, I had to caution them to go easy on the milk if they wanted some for their cuppa and the slowed down a little conserving enough to do the job. I told them to hurry up and eat as we had to pull pick soon to make our way across to the port before the tide began to run again and the quickly finished their meal and dumped the dishes in the sink ready to wash, I detailed Donny and Shaun to wash and dry while Ashley and Wayne assisted in getting us underway.

The anchor chain rattled through the hawse pipe as I started the diesel allowing it to idle until it settled into a steady idling, I nudged the gear/throttle lever into forward gear and the revs increased and we began to creep ahead taking the strain off the winch motor. The anchor emerged dripping mud clouding the water as Wayne hosed it off with the deck hose and we turned heading towards the distant estuary. The wind was non existent as we motored across the gently heaving sea; the swells looked as if the water was breathing deeply but gently as we slid rolling slightly across their path, the masts waving to the benign clouds above. The sea turned from blue to brown as we entered the channel between the island and the mainland, the mud staining the water as the last of the tide churned the bottom, I turned to port and swung the boat about to approach the wharf.

The Wanderer slowed as I reduced power and she neared the stained wooden piles of the pier, I pulled the gear into neutral as we slipped gently alongside to nudge the fenders against the timber. Being high tide it was only a short jump to reach the wharf and Ashley and Wayne took the mooring lines with them as the yacht snubbed herself to a gentle stop nuzzling the pilings. The lads tied off the lines and I switched off the engine, Wanderer was resting behind a trawler which was getting ready to cast off and steam out to sea, the crew had watched our manoeuvring and nodded their approval as we snuggled behind their craft. The trawler’s engines coughed into life belching thick black smoke into the still early morning air and we coughed as the acrid fumes enveloped the yacht.

The lines were cast off and the ponderous fishing vessel began to move away down the channel her crew watching their home town slowly disappearing as they steamed down the estuary and out to sea past the small island marking the entrance to the channel. I went to jump onto the wharf but as I left the deck my feet slipped and I landed between the Wanderer and the pilings my fingers clutching the rough wood of the pier’s edge. I began to slip as Wanderer moved back towards the pier and she pressed her 20 ton hull heavily on my dangling legs as the tide and wind moved her heavy hull inexorably pinning me between hull and pier. I cried out in pain as the weight crushed against my legs and the pain caused me to lose my grip on the wharf edge, I hung held tight in position before the yacht again moved out from the pilings and I dropped between the boat and pier hitting the murky water with a loud splash. I inhaled a mouthful of the muddy water as I plunged down beneath the opaque surface, arms wind milling trying to halt my descent into the depths.

I began to rise back to the daylight as I felt the increasing current sweeping me along the wharf, the pain in my legs sent rockets through my system as I attempted to use them to hold position and stop my being swept out to sea. I resurfaced grabbed a pile in a bear hug and looked up I was beside the broad bow of the yacht and could see the lads looking down at me frantically from the wharf.

Wayne and Ashley had attempted to come to my aid but were too late and watched me vanish from sight as the Wanderer closed the gap again, I was holding onto a pile my arms wrapped around the wet slimy timber as the yacht thudded into the pilings again but due to her hull shape I was able to hold my position without being crushed as the fenders held her off the piles. I called up to the lads saying I was ok but my legs felt sore and I asked them to grab the life preserver from the pier’s rescue equipment, this had a rope attached and they could control it as I held on. They did as asked and dropped it at the Wanderer’s bows as I let go the pier and drifted out on the slow running tide to catch my arms round it and hang on tight as they jumped down onto the yacht and pulled me towards the stern where Shaun had put the boarding ladder over the side. I changed from the life preserver and grasped onto the ladder but had trouble getting my legs to work properly they seemed to not be functioning very well.

I looked up into four very worried faces as they realised I was injured, I stretched my grip up to the top of the ladder and began to pull myself up from the water, Wayne and Ashley shouldered Shaun aside grasping me under the arm pits dragging me up and over the rail and laying me out on the deck as Shaun and Donny stood looking down at me with worried expressions.

To be continued.

Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/29/07