by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 11

I raced up on deck into the storm and found that Wanderer had dragged her anchor and it was skating along the bottom of the bay, I called for assistance and Wayne appeared as I started the engine to try halting our movement, I sent Wayne forward to winch up the useless anchor in preparation to lowering it once again when I had Wanderer back under control. The rain was blowing nearly horizontal as the squall accompanying the thunderstorm howled down on us, the diesel fired up grumblingly coughing and spluttering at my disturbing its rest, black smoke belched from the exhaust. It slowly warmed up and began to idle evenly so I nudged it into forward gear and the bronze prop rotated frothing under the stern. I had to increase revs considerably to get the heavy yacht moving against the gale but slowly she turned bow on and we motored slowly forward again, I headed closer inshore watching the depth sounder to ensure we didn’t run aground and when I saw the bottom swallowing I bellowed to Wayne to let the anchor go. It sped to the bottom and dug in pulling the bow sharply as we drifted back engine idling, I told Wayne to let out plenty of chain and then lock it tight, he followed my orders and we were once again riding at anchor. Wayne joined me shivering in the cockpit as the rain eased we watched the lightning flashing and crackling across the charcoal green sky deafened as thunder crashed and roared incessantly, we hurried below to dry off and change our sodden Speedos.

The weather improved rapidly as it tended to do here in Victoria, fronts came roaring up from the Southern Ocean and raced across wreaking havoc before passing on heading across the Tasman towards New Zealand. The wind dropped off after the thunderstorm and the rain eased, it had beaten the sea flat and now it was looking greasily calm with just a slight muddled swell running. The storm now headed east showed dark almost charcoal grey right across the horizon and as the rain eased to nothing a brilliant double rainbow developed against the black storm clouds. The lads and I rushed up on deck to admire this amazingly beautiful display as it grew in intensity, oooh’s and aaah’s resounded about the boat as we watched the iridescent colours brighten and fade then intensify once more.

The sun warmed us again and it was very humid after the rain so I suggested a quick swim over the side to clean up after the filthy job cleaning up the cabin, the lads all jumped at the idea and I retrieved the boarding ladder from a locker under the cockpit cushions lowered the ladder over the guard rail hooking it onto the top rail. There were yells and screams as the four lads ran leaping over the rail to dive head first into the water, I jumped in after them and as I surfaced I was set upon by Wayne and Ashley who ducked me spluttering back under the surface. I fought my way back to the air and a game of grab arse began, lithe youthful bodies swam about me like seals brushing their smooth slippery silken flesh against me as I grabbed and attempted to catch and duck them. They twisted in my grasp usually escaping my clumsy attempts, I enjoyed the feel of their taut firm bodies writhing in my hands and on odd occasions a firm muscled arse and the odd erect cock fell into my grasp. My own penis was hard and throbbing in my togs from all the contact and Wayne swam up behind me, slid his hand down the Lycra covered crack of my arse to grasp my nuts then my flexing fucker. I was unable to retaliate as Donny was twisting and struggling in my grip and Shaun was hanging onto my shoulders as I kicked my legs like crazy to keep my head above water. This all finished in a ducking as Ashley launched himself out of the water grabbing my head driving me deep under the surface.

I resurfaced spluttering my eyes blurred, nose running as I coughed up the water I’d swallowed, I clung to Wayne trying to regain my equilibrium as Donny dived under me swam between my legs and felt me up before surfacing again giggling madly, I decided I’d had enough and swam to the ladder climbing out and stepping onto the deck. Water poured off me onto the deck darkening the steaming drying timber as I turned to watch the lads still frolicking in the sea. Ashley was holding onto the boarding ladder as Wayne moved close behind him, I watched fascinated as he slid his hands down Ashley’s back pulling down his togs baring his buttocks. Wayne moved closer and I saw Ashley grimace in pain as Wayne’s hot pole slid up his tightly stretched rectum, Wayne began rooting his friend slamming his hips into Ashes muscled arse cheeks as he clung onto his shoulders. The action was short hard and feverish as the stud rammed hard and deep, water sprayed out as their bodies crashed together in a sexual frenzy of slapping flesh, grunts and groans.

Donny and Shaun hung from each side of the ladder watching the show their free hands caressing Wayne’s back and arse, I felt surges of utter jealousy then despair watching this unbridled sexual display and much as I wanted to I couldn’t tear my eyes away as the two guys moaned and groaned louder until I saw Wayne tense his face freeze in a mask of utter lust as his full balls exploded filling Ashe’s chute with a big load of thick creamy sweet sperm. He clung to his lover quivering, thrusting in spasms as he vented his juice until he collapsed limply his wet head on Ashley’s shoulder. Shaun and Donny were giggling excitedly and Donny yelled, “Way to go Wayne that was so molten hot to watch.”


Wayne slid off Ashley’s back and floated on the surface his Speedos round his knees his now flaccid tool waving in the water his pubes behind it black against his white untanned crotch. He was still gasping as he floated there struggling to pull up his togs, Ashley was helped by the two boys who pulled up his trunks while feeling him up outrageously. I turned and walked away shaking, my nerves on edge as I fought my base thoughts and desires. Ashley hauled himself out of the water and stepped over the guard rail water running down his smooth desirable torso over his clinging Speedos thence down his lightly haired legs while his limp tossle drooped in his trunks with water drooling from where the easily visible round flattish fat cock head bulged the flimsy Lycra. I was reminded of a cock leaking pre cum copiously as I glanced at this virile display I wondered what it felt like to have that blunt monster battering at your anus, it must hurt like hell.

I was glad I was straight as I certainly wouldn’t relish Ashley forcing that blunt battering ram against my poor little ring trying to gain entry into my inner being. Wayne followed Ashley back on board and he stood there shaking himself flicking water everywhere his glorious virile young body flexing as he twisted about before reaching for a towel to dry off. The two youngest climbed up side by side playing, shoving and roughhousing as they tried to push one another back into the water. I enjoyed watching the two youngsters wrestling about straining their taut young bodies; Donny lost the tussle and dropped squawking back to splash into the water while Shaun pumped his clench fist skywards in victory giggling happily. Shaun stepped on board lifted his leg to step over the rail exposing his crotch where we could see his family jewels stretching the flimsy material and wobbling tantalizingly as he moved. I tore my eyes away suddenly realizing I was perving on my own son and enjoying it, I blushed guiltily and began drying my hair hiding my crimson visage in the towel.

Donny climbed aboard telling Shaun he would pay for his victory later on and Shaun laughed as he toweled himself off yelling, “Bring it on bumpkin bring it on.”

The breeze was chilling us and raising goose bumps on our damp bodies, I suggested we head below and warm up while preparing lunch; Ashley turned to Wayne grinning and said, “I’ve already had lunch today Wayne gave it to me.”

Wayne looked uncomfortable and his sexy blue eyes flicked towards me as he tried to gauge my reaction to Ashley’s outspoken comment, I looked embarrassed and dropped my eyes looking at the deck as he hissed, “Ashes don’t tell the world like that it isn’t right mate.”

Ashley laughed blushing then replied, “Sorry Wayne I wasn’t thinking I’m still a bit excited from what happened babe. I’ll go start lunch now while you guys dry off and relax.”

We all trooped below and I walked through to my cabin and took off my togs dried myself thoroughly before pulling on a pair of pale blue board shorts and a white t-shirt, I opened the door and reentered the main cabin Donny and Shaun were entangled on their bunk still wearing their skimpy little Speedos kissing and fondling each other excitedly. Ashley was in the galley making ham and salad sandwiches I couldn’t see Wayne and thought he’d be in the stern cabin changing, the kettle whistled loudly announcing it was boiling as I brushed past Ashley to reach it my groin rubbed on the lad’s bubble bum. Ashley whistled softly and pressed back onto my groin grinding his arse crack on my soft cock, I jumped back nearly dropping the hot kettle then steadied myself putting my other hand on Ashley’s shoulder then gently pushed him away.

I stepped around him in the confines of the small area and poured the boiling water into the already prepared tea pot, then put the lid on it and carefully avoiding the pert butt put the kettle back on the stove. I turned around and asked Shaun and Donny if they’d like tea or a soft drink, both replied soft drink please Donny added, “We are as dry as a dead dingo’s donger.”

I opened the fridge and removed two cans of lemonade and tossed them across the cabin to them. The cans hissed as they tugged the ring pulls opening the cans and began guzzling the cold drinks thirstily. I walked to the door of the rear cabin and rapped on it telling Wayne that lunch was ready but there was no answer, I turned to Ashley and asked where Wayne was he told me he thought he was still up on deck so I headed to the hatch climbing up and found Wayne huddled in the cockpit his damp towel clutched around his shaking shoulders.

I climbed out and sat next to his sobbing body and gently put my hand on his shoulder saying, “What’s wrong Wayne? Why are you crying mate?”

He raised his head, cheeks wet with tears as he sobbed, he cleared his throat and softly said, “I fucked Ashley while you were watching Brian, I’m so ashamed of myself it just happened he was squatting on the ladder with his sexy arse out begging to be rooted. I was feeling so horny from our games in the water that I couldn’t stop myself I just slid his togs down and ploughed his arse. I’m so sorry I made you feel bad Brian I never want to hurt or embarrass you, I think too much of you in fact I love you Brian.”

I was completely taken aback by this new turn of events, my heart was throbbing with a strange joyous emotion at his declaration while my brain was battling to keep my emotions under control as I listened to this gorgeous young man’s protestations of love. Wayne turned towards me insinuating his shaking cool body into my arms as I hugged him warmly to me, I could feel his body shaking from his emotions as well as the cold wind as I hugged him rubbing my warm hands up and down under the damp towel on his cold back. I kissed the top of his still damp tousled hair and said softly, “Wayne I think the world of you, you are a superb and very desirable young man who anyone would love to be with but you know my position and I’m sorry but I don’t think I can ever change to make you happy.”

Wayne sat there crying and his gorgeous body shook to the intensity of his shuddering sobs, I held him awkwardly arms about his muscular torso as I patted his back gently and ran my hands in circles trying to pacify him, his tousled salt spiky head on my shoulder moistened by his tears. I gently bowed my head to his inhaling the salty aroma of his hair as I pressed my lips to his matted locks I whispered softly, “Come on Wayne please stop crying mate the boys will wonder what I’ve done to you.”

He drew a deep shuddering breath and raised his head to look into my eyes, I saw the once clear whites were red from crying and I saw deep into his soul witnessing the pain and deep love he held in there. My heart ached at his pain, I hated hurting this honest and wonderful young man but I couldn’t help it I just couldn’t break down my innate deeply ingrained upbringing where I was taught that homosexuality was perverted and wrong, even though Val and I had shut our prejudices down in regard to Shaun’s sexual preferences. He was our son the fruit of our loins and as such we loved him no matter what his proclivity sexually, I can’t say I was overjoyed that our only son was gay and my line would die out with my passing unless he grew out of his current sexuality. There was no way I could make Wayne happy sexually as it would make me destroy myself, at least that’s what I felt and believed.

Wayne slowly regained his equilibrium and lifted away from my embrace as he rubbed his eyes and inhaled deeply trying to control his breathing, I watched him closely studying his extremely handsome face, the strong jaw line, the perfect lips curved slightly up at the corners as if about to smile, the faint smudge of dark hairs beginning to show on his upper lip, the perfect bone structure of his cheek bones setting off his magnificent deep blue orbs which opened to his wondrous loving soul, the broad unlined brow adorned with two perfectly arched black eye brows and up to his salty unruly spiked hair standing tousled and attractively from his scalp. I sighed deeply as I sat entranced staring at this image of young masculinity unable to tear my eyes from his visage as I tussled mentally with the fact that he was gay.

Wayne knew I was observing him intently as he looked into my eyes, I think he was reading the turmoil I was suffering as he smiled his white teeth glistening in his tanned face lighting the area brighter than the sunlight. He reached out his hand and gently stroked my cheek so lightly it was as if a butterfly had glanced across my flesh, I shivered to his touch as he said, “I know Brian my love, I won’t push you any more. I realize that you are straight but I can’t help my desire to hold you naked in my arms as we make love together. I hope my desire for you won’t damage our friendship in any way, I’d die before I’d let that happen.”

I sat there absorbing his tender words as I looked into the limpid pools of his eyes as I replied, “No Wayne our friendship means too much to me, I do love you but it is as a son or very close friend, I wish it could be more Wayne but it isn’t possible.”

He stood there that sweet perfect smile on his pink lips then he moved his hand and I felt his fingers brush across my parted lips then he raised them to his own kissed them and said, “A kiss from your lips to mine is as much as I can expect and I will not try to win your love from this time on Brian.”

He turned away and stepped to the hatchway and descended into the hull leaving me in utter turmoil as I stared at the empty hatchway. I sat quietly mulling over the event and realised that Wayne was a perfect youth with strong emotions and desires, he was desperately attractive and I was battling hard to retain my heterosexuality. I sat there communing with the sea and sky thinking of my darling wife Val trying to get my emotions back under control. I calmed and finally decided I was able to carry on and I stood walked to the open hatch and said, “Donny its time for your haircut how about coming up on deck so I can tidy you up?”

There was a ruckus below I could hear Donny shouting defiance at the others he was yelling, “No way I’m not getting a hairy no friggin way! Fuck off Wayne! Ouch! Let me go. No, No, NO! Ow! Shaun I thought you were my friend. Oh Gees no please let me go.”

The sound of a ruckus came to my ears as the boys tangled with the desperate Donny, grunts, puffing gasps and strangled cries echoed from the cabin which slowly subsided to panting as the others subdued Donny. I watched the hatchway and saw the lads appear carrying the still struggling crimson faced Donny between them; they had lashed his feet together and tied his hands at the wrists. They deposited him on the cockpit seat and Shaun raced below to bring the bag with the clippers up on deck.

I opened the zipper and pulled out the rechargeable clippers and approached the struggling Donny, I could see his boner poking up from his lap inside his togs and I ran my fingers through his unruly thick blonde locks as I laughed then said, “Donny you will feel much better once I’ve shorn you.” Donny looked up at me fear and anger fighting in his gaze as he said, “I’m not a bloody sheep you know, I don’t want to be shorn I like my hair the way it is Brian, please let it be.”

I grinned and ruffled my fingers on his scalp enjoying the feel of his skull as the long thick straw blonde hair ran through my fingers it felt quite erotic and I began to feel excitement coursing through me. My fingers seemed to calm Donny as he began rolling his head in my grasp his eyes closed and he began breathing slower and deeper. I enjoyed massaging his head and the feel of his hair sliding through my grasp; I bent closer to him and inhaled smelling his fresh scent. Donny now seemed relaxed and dreamy as I brought the clippers up to his bowed neck switching them on as I neared his flesh, the buzzing sound caused him to open his eyes as he realised the trimming was nigh. He groaned softly as he felt the cold steel of the clippers touch his undefended neck as I held his head down in the submissive position.

To be continued.

Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/29/07