by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 8

I lay there as Wayne snuggled against me, I could feel his firm erection prodding my thigh, this young stud seemed to never need a rest and his penis was ever ready to prove its readiness. His hand slid onto my rump slipping under the waist band of my shorts and he felt my arse cheek squeezing it in his grasp. I rolled over dragging his warm hand from its position and said, “Enough Wayne we have heaps to do today I’ve got to get up and on the road to the supermarket to buy the provisions we’ll need for the first part of the trip.”

Wayne sighed resignedly and swung his legs off the bed saying, “You haven’t had relief Brian, I wanted to get you off.”

I shook my head, “No thanks Wayne I don’t need relief I’m not a horny teenager like you I can get by without ejaculating. So thanks for the thought but let’s get moving.”

I suggested he get dressed as I thought he’d cause a riot if he appeared in public in his sexy satin boxers, he left me as I pulled on a shirt and slipped my feet into a pair of sandals. I headed down to the kitchen calling to Shaun and Donny to get them dressed and ready to leave; two almost naked bodies zipped past me and raced upstairs play fighting as they ran. I shook my head and grabbed a banana for breakfast as Wayne came bounding down stairs looking incredible in a tight pair of white footy shorts and a skin tight t-shirt which showed of his superb physique. I thought to myself he might as well have stayed in his boxers he couldn’t have looked any less sexy.

I asked him if he had his car license but he shook his head saying he only had his learners permit but hadn’t had much practice yet, I asked if he would like to drive to the shops and he nodded beaming with pleasure as I tossed the keys to him. Wayne snatched them in mid air and grinned as thundering foot steps pounded down the stairs, Shaun and Donny appeared dressed and ready to go. Wayne asked me if I had any L plates for the car and I nodded saying I’d had some when a nephew was learning to drive and they were in the garage, he bolted through the door into the garage and I heard him ask where they might be. I laughed at his eagerness and said, “In the left hand drawer of the work bench I think.”

I could hear him rummaging about then the eager, “Yes!”

Shaun Donny and I walked through into the garage locking the door behind me I turned to see the entrancing view of Wayne’s muscular arse in his tightly stretched footy shorts as he knelt in the cargo bay of the car attaching the rear L plate to the back window, he climbed out and closed the rear door smiling from ear to ear. We climbed into the Range Rover, Wayne slid behind the wheel and started the engine, I triggered the garage doors and when they opened Wayne gingerly backed the car out onto the driveway. I grinned as he turned it around and said, “Well done Wayne you safely negotiated the exit very well now let’s head for the shops.” The trip there was a little nerve wracking as Wayne’s use of the gears and clutch needed a lot more practice but we arrived in the Mall parking area without the gears being stripped or the clutch burned out. Wayne parked in a end bay and turned off the engine, he gave a sigh of relief as he relaxed in the leather seat, I grasped his bare knee and gave it a squeeze saying, “Well done mate, you need a fair bit of practice with a manual car but you did pretty well all told.”

He beamed at my praise and put his hand on mine squeezing it as he said, “Well this is a bit different to the little car I have had my lessons in it is only a Corolla and the gears in this are very different.”

We climbed from the car and began to walk towards the Mall, I noticed Wayne adjusting himself and saw he’d cracked a fat while driving, I remembered Shaun started having hard ons in the car when he was reaching puberty, the few times he’d been in the car with me. It must be a horny teen thing that the vibrations caused instant boners, I looked across at Shaun’s crotch and saw a bulge in his cargo’s too, Donny’s t-shirt hid his crotch but I surmised he possibly had one too. I grinned to myself thinking, “Ah the beauty of boyhood, what a wonderful age it was when a boy’s balls dropped and sex became irresistible.”

We entered the Safeway store and grabbed a couple of trolleys and set off stocking up, I asked the boys their preference in cereals and we bought those, heaps of canned veggies, fruits, soft drinks, long life milk and all the other necessities to keep the wolf from the door, the trolleys filled to the max we headed to the check outs Wayne in the lead. He picked a check out that had a very cute guy operating the cash register, we queued up and then started unloading the trolleys onto the conveyer belt, the guy looked askance at the amount of stuff we had then began ringing up the prices. Wayne was studying this dude’s crotch in his tight black trousers, his name tag told us his name was Ashley, he looked to be about 18 and was well hung to say the least and was devilishly attractive into the bargain, he was about 6foot 2inches tall and large framed light brownish blonde hair with stunning blue eyes which kept flicking to Wayne’s tight footy shorts. He asked us to put the Register closed sign up as he was going off duty when he finished our sale.

The mountain of foodstuffs diminished as it was bagged and placed into the trolleys again and then the time came for payment, the guy rung up the total and looked at me, it was $384.97 I shrugged and ran my card through the eftpos machine and paid the bill, Wayne looked at me and said, “Gees Brian that is incredible, I hope this lasts a while otherwise you will go broke on the voyage.”

I smiled and said, “No Wayne no way will I go broke don’t worry about that mate you can eat as much as you want.”

We thanked the guy and he smiled and said, “Where are you guys going on the voyage?”

Wayne told him I was taking them sailing up the East coast for a couple of months, Ashley looked at him then me and said, “Oh fantastic I’d love to do a trip like that it would be incredible. What sort of boat is it?”

I told him about the Wanderer and his eyes lit up, he asked if he could come down with us to see her while we stowed the food away and Wayne looked at me expectantly, I nodded and said that he was welcome and did he have his own transport. Ashley nodded and replied that he did and would follow us, Wayne asked if he could go with him and show him the way, Ashley said, “Yeah if he liked he’d be glad of the company, could we wait while he changed his clothes.”

We waited outside and he soon joined us, dressed in old denim cut offs a t-shirt and as bare feet, the cut offs hardly covered the bulging briefs containing this guy’s large meat, I saw Wayne staring and licking his lips. I smiled to myself thinking that he had someone else to ogle maybe he’d leave me in peace. We pushed the trolleys to the car, Ashley looked at the Range Rover and said, “Nice wheels it’s the newest model isn’t it?”

I nodded saying, “Yes I bought it last month, it is a great improvement on the last model which I owned but never been completely happy with as its electronics were always playing up.”

We set off in convoy Ashley and Wayne following behind in Ashley’s red Nissan crew cab utility as we weaved through the busy traffic. Wayne was entranced watching Ashley’s crotch as he drove, Wayne bent forward to one side and he could make out the white cotton of Ashley’s briefs bulging with his balls. Ashley smiled knowing what Wayne was up to and said, “Want to have a feel you can if you want to?”

Wayne’s hand leapt like a striking cobra covering the full mound as Ashley spread his legs open to let Wayne have better access, Wayne felt the burning hot flesh as it grew in his grasp, he worked the thickening cock to the left side where it began poking out the leg of the cut offs stretching the white cotton of Ashley’s briefs. Wayne’s eyes were riveted to the awesome sight as the fat knob began oozing pre cum turning the cotton almost transparent as it soaked through the underpants as he squeezed the thick meat in his trembling hand. Ashley whispered throatily, “You can pull it out if you wish Wayne; the tinted glass makes it impossible for anyone to see.”

Wayne unzipped the shorts and fumbled around stretching the briefs and shorts out so he could pull the throbbing monster out, he gaped at its size as the towering tool pointed towards the roof. His eyes ran up and down the tumescent smooth sausage it was huge Wayne estimated it was 8 maybe 9 inches in length and so fat he could just close his hand around its hot girth. His eyes watched a jewel of pre cum glistening at the big slit in the partly bared cock head; Ashley’s foreskin had retracted just a little allowing the pink tip to peek from the loose soft cowl. Wayne salivated as he slowly bent to kiss the piss lips and taste the sweet juice, his tongue lapped the opening causing Ashley to moan, “Oooh yes, babe suck my cock I want to feel your sexy sweet mouth on my fucker.”

Wayne opened wide enveloping the vibrant pole with his soft lips as his agile tongue laved and danced on the now bared knob, he was delighted with Ashley’s tasty offering and began sucking hard to siphon more from his nads. Ashley continued driving as he was sucked and licked his body trembling with the urgent need to cum into Wayne’s hungry teasing orifice. His control slipped as his balls spurted cum, it raced up his swollen pulsing prick to flood Wayne’s mouth, the car swerved slightly as he bucked up forcing his hot cock deeper into the slobbering lad’s mouth. Wayne swallowed valiantly gulping down the scalding semen, the teeming sperms rushing down his gullet as he swallowed again and again to clear the tasty glue flooding from Ashley’s throbbing pulsating prick.

The deluge eased then dribbled as Wayne sucked demonically draining every skerrick from Ashley’s delicious derrick, he sucked the rapidly softening tool then sat up licking his cummy lips as he said, “Fuck Ashes, you cum buckets mate, that was so tasty I wish you were coming with us on the trip, I’d love to investigate that gargantuan gullet stretcher a lot more.”

Ian still breathing hard replied, “Well Wayne its not often I get a head job from a totally awesome stud like you babe, your mouth is worth a fortune you suck so well.”

Wayne blushed and said, “Well babes I love giving head and tasting all the different guys cum, each one is different and yours was totally abfab mate. I could eat you every day maybe we could ask Brian if you could join us for a while on the voyage. Brian’s an ace guy and although he’s straight he’s very open and at ease about gay guys. Shaun, his son is gay and he’s messing with my little bro Donny. He even weakened this morning and gave me a great blow job then got all up tight and wouldn’t let me reciprocate, go figure that out mate.”

Ashley nodded as Wayne tucked his deflated dick away and zipped up his fly, they were on Marine Parade by this time and about to turn into the marina complex. The Range Rover started to turn right as the green arrow came on and Ashley followed it into the marina, they waited for the security gate to open and drove in and parked. Ashley climbed out and rearranged his penis as Wayne climbed out the other side grinning happily, Donny and Shaun were already half way down the dock with the keys to unlock the Wanderer as Brian opened the tailgate of the Rangie. Wayne and Ash wandered across to the other car with Ash’s hand caressing Wayne’s hot tight bum, Brian saw them coming and felt a twinge of jealousy seeing the tall guy feeling Wayne up. Brian knew how delicious Wayne’s firm muscular butt was from their brief encounter this morning when he’d siphoned the young footy players balls, his hands had clasped and caressed those wondrous firm melons as the lad tensed up humping and pumping his juice into his mouth.

The two studs stood waiting as Brian swung the door open and they began loading their arms with bulging supermarket bags and commenced carting the goods out to the boat passing Donny and Shaun who were heading back to help. Brian began stowing the groceries away in the lockers as the lads carted the goods from the car to the boat. It took a lot of thought to pack the stuff away so that it was easily accessible but the task proceeded at a pace until everything was stowed ship shape and the lockers closed. The boat needed fuelling so they cast off and motored to the fuelling dock where the tanks were topped up ready for their departure the next morning, they motored slowly back and Ashley was sitting next to Brian on one side while Wayne was pressed against his other side.

They motored back to the berth and moored the yacht then Shaun piped up from below that he’d boiled the kettle for a relaxing cup of tea, they all trooped below to find Donny lying back on a bunk his fly open and his cock standing up proudly as Shaun stroked him with his knob in his mouth. Ashley stopped in his tracks and stared at this open display of sex, Brian said, “Boys I hardly think this is good behaviour in front of our guest, please tidy yourselves up and behave.”

Ashley guffawed then said, “Its ok Brian, I think they look hot and I’m enjoying the scenery.”

Wayne reached his hand to Ash’s crotch and groped the prominent bulge filling his hand but only gripping about half of the total mass there, Brian watched as Ash kissed Wayne’s ear then licked his arched neck as Wayne moaned and threw his head back ecstatically. The sight caused a pain deep inside Brian as he looked away and busied himself making the tea, the sight of Wayne giving himself to Ashley hurt him unbelievably and he tried to shut his mind to what he’d seen. He filled the pot and while waiting for the tea to draw he turned back to see Ashley’s hand was down inside Wayne’s footy shorts groping his hard horn while his other hand was caressing the taut smooth abdominals and tweaking the cute hair of his beginning treasure trail. Brian was envious and felt his own penis growing at the display and had to adjust himself to free it from its bent position in his briefs.

The cabin filled with moaning whimpers as the boys worked on each other, Brian fled the cabin for the sanity of the upper deck and sat in the cockpit staring at the squabbling sea gulls fighting over some chips thrown from a parked car at the public dock. He tried shutting the erotic visions from his mind but found it impossible and he sat there envious of Wayne playing with a stranger, he realised the youth was desperate for male sex and being a very fit and horny teen from the country he was exploding sexually here in the city. Moans and groans rose through the open hatch and his eyes were drawn irrevocably back to the open hatchway, he looked down into the cabin to see a naked Wayne impaled on Ashley’s massive cock as he rammed it hard and fast up the tight teen arse hole.
Wayne was arched totally his body bowed tautly, every muscle defined and tensed as he writhed on the impaling weapon, his own rigid roger wagging about drooling frantically.

Brian as if hypnotized climbed to his feet and stumbled below to fall on his knees in front of Wayne, he reached out a trembling hand to clutch the hard cock which was so hard it looked as if it would burst open. Brian’s head moved closer to Wayne’s straining prick as his tongue extended dreamlike he licked up the steely shaft once, twice, three times before ingesting the pulsating prick into his mouth. Wayne squealed like a stuck pig as his red hot poker was inhaled into the warm wet mouth, his full balls drew up tightly and he squawked, “I’m cumming, Oh Fuck! I’m going to explode. Shit, shit here it comes. Oh Brian I’m going to fucking blow into your hot mouth.”

With this he crammed his cock into the man’s mouth and blasted off firing hot pellets of teen cum ragingly into the sucking tongue frantic orifice, Ashley dragged grunting and groaning over the precipice to ram deep into the suctioning pulpy innards of the ejaculating teen and filled him to bursting with a huge hot load his second in an hour but non the less just as big as his first. Donny and Shaun now in a 69 position sucked each other off to a whimpering vibrant eruption of youthful pleasure as their young nads erupted in unison each drinking the others offering in total bliss. Brian unbelievably found himself exploding in his briefs his tool shooting wad after wad of thick cream to saturate his crotch briefs and shorts with his load.

Wayne’s grasp on his head relaxed as the boy, exhausted from the sex, almost collapsed held up by Ashley’s tight grip on his waist and Brian’s grasp on his thighs. The cabin was filled with heavy breathing as each person was lost in their own thoughts, Brian was the first to recover his senses and he was embarrassed by the wet mess in his pants. He reached a hand out to steady himself on the cupboard and staggered unsteadily to his feet as he felt the damp crotch of his shorts, his vision still filled with Wayne’s limp body clasped in Ash’s hands while his tool was still embedded deep up the tight leaking bruised rectum.

Brian moved away to the front cabin where he had some clothes stowed from previous trips, he stripped off his soggy shorts and briefs dried his crotch with shirt and dug out a change of clothing. His mind filled with the taste. Sights and sounds of the unbridled sex he’d just witnessed and taken part in, guilt filled him with disgust but at the same time he’d had a high that he couldn’t remember surpassing in years. He knew he’d blown a massive load and he loved the taste of Wayne’s sperm which still coated his mouth; he knew Wayne had cum much heavier this time than he had this morning and realised that Ashley’s cock had pumped him to a massive orgasm. There certainly seemed to be something extra hot in gay sex that he’d never experienced with his sex with Val his darling wife. He walked out to find the boys all sitting around dressed and drinking tea as if nothing had happened, Wayne looked up and then did a double take when he realised I’d changed my clothes then with a slight smile he winked cheekily at me.

Brian realised that Wayne knew what had happened and he blushed as he looked away to find a mug of tea poured ready for him, he sat on the counter top and sipped on his tea watching the looks passing between the group as they all awoke to the fact that he’d had to change his clothing. Wayne smiled at Brian put his hand on his knee and said, “Brian would it be possible for Ash to come part of the way on the trip maybe as far as Sydney? He has time off University and has done a bit of sailing on small yachts.”

Brian thought about the suggestion, he wondered if he could stand Wayne and Ashley having sex all the time but he also thought that Ashley might make a good crew member and he wouldn’t be with them on the rest of the trip. Then his jealousy kicked in remembering how Wayne loved being fucked by the tall older guy, his mind swirled with pros and cons as he thought hard about Wayne’s request.

To be continued.

Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/29/07