by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 7

I awoke at dawn feeling the searing heat of Donny’s naked young body pressed against mine, my morning erection wedged firmly in the deep cleft of his muscular young arse, the feel of his very hot crack enveloping my rigid tool was intense and I had to pull away quickly before I creamed all over his unsuspecting bum. Donny stirred in his sleep and rolled onto his back exposing his demonically hard young cock rigidly pulsing against his taut young stomach, his neat blonde bush covering his prominent pubic mound. My eyes were locked on this display of rampant teen sexuality, my own tool throbbing deliciously as I perved on my delightful sleeping companion.

I had to slip from the bed before I did the unforgivable and groped the sleeping lad’s perfect young pole, I headed for the en suite my raging roger pointing the way, I had to sit on the loo while I began stroking my turgid tool. I tensed in seconds, my excitement teetering on the brink of a massive ejaculation as I held my cock tightly trying to stop the explosion, I felt completely depraved wanking lustfully over the innocent lad but I couldn’t control my desires and I knew I had to cum here alone rather than risk returning to the bed where the cherubic Donny slept.

My climax retreated and I again stroked my pulsating cock, quickly returning to the brink of the precipice, I was gasping for breath and then my prick exploded fountaining semen up high in front of my face then it fell back bathing my hand, cock and pubes in a deluge of thick cum, again and again I spurted juice flying all over my tensed torso and the floor tiles until completely drained I sat leaning back on the cistern gasping for oxygen. Equilibrium slowly returned and I pulled toilet paper from the roll wiping up the incredible mess I’d caused, once finished I took a piss to empty my bursting bladder and flushed away the evidence of my depravity.

I took a shower then dried off returned to the bedroom and dressed quietly so I didn’t disturb the sleeping Donny. I walked down stairs to begin preparing breakfast as I knew the boys would soon be descending on the kitchen like a pack of hungry wolves. First thing I needed was a hot cup of tea to kick start my day after the awesome climax I’d just experienced. I brewed a pot of tea and relaxed drinking it as I read the morning paper waiting for the lads to stir their stumps and come looking for food, my wait was short and I was only reading the 3rd page of the paper when Donny appeared rubbing his eyes wearing his briefs, his sleep tousled hair all over his head like a mad woman’s breakfast.

I grinned at him as he stood there scratching himself still half asleep as I said, “Morning sleepyhead, did you have a good night’s slumber?”

He nodded and yawned stretching himself, his perfect young body on display, rippling ribs and muscles as he raised his arms above his head, I watched this display with bated breath. As I watched Shaun appeared behind the lad and his hands slipped around Donny’s trim waist running upwards over his ribs and onto his pectorals where he tweaked the soft puffy nipples. Donny doubled over giggling as Shaun pressed against his cotton encased arse; Shaun folded with him pressed to his back as he bit Donny on the neck gently. Donny moaned loudly and I could see him shivering excitedly from Shaun’s advances.

I was enthralled watching the two youngsters arousing each other and didn’t even notice Wayne’s arrival, he squeezed past the two young teens and moved behind me putting his arms around my neck and kissing the top of my head as he said, “Good morning Brian, did you sleep well?”

I turned my head and nodded as he said, “I noticed Donny was in your bed this morning did he have a bad night?”

I replied, ‘Yes he woke me crying in the night so I invited him to sleep in my bed and we slept like logs.”

Wayne sniggered and then asked, “You slept like logs and you mean you actually slept with him beside you in bed?”

I blushed crimson and nodded repeating, “Yes Wayne we slept like logs I guess Donny was dog tired after his long day, we never stirred till I awoke this morning and I left Donny asleep in the bed.”

Wayne began to laugh and I couldn’t help joining him as I saw he’d been angling for a bite which I’d provided, he kissed my head again as his hands slid slowly seductively down my chest, my heart began to race, thundering in my chest at his touch while my cock stretched in my shorts beginning to leak copiously. Wayne’s lips moved to my ear as he whispered, “Brian let’s go back upstairs and play, the boys can stay here and eat breakfast but I want a delicious entrée of high protein juice.”

The moist movement of his sensuous lips on my sensitive ear increased my excitement and then one hand slipped down my stomach to fondle my erection while the other teased my nipples one after the other. My body was on fire as my overheated blood surged through me, Wayne’s wandering hands arousing me more and more until my resistance was negligible. I looked at Shaun and Donny to see them totally engaged with each other, lips locked hands fumbling over each other’s almost naked bodies as they moaned breathing heavily.

I saw the sudden change in relationships Shaun seemed completely preoccupied with Donny even though Wayne was pashing on with me blatantly right there in front of him. Wayne whispered seductively, “Don’t worry about Shaun’s reaction Brian, he now thinks Donny is the partner he desires, he says my cock hurts him too much and Donny is nearer his size.”

I was dumbfounded by his words, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and Shaun had erupted viciously when he found Wayne playing with my tool on the Wanderer now he had completely swung his affections to Wayne’s brother. The vagaries of youth, their emotions and feelings could completely change overnight, now I had to contend with Wayne’s desires. I didn’t wish to hurt his feelings but somehow I had to dissuade him from being sexually attached to me, I wasn’t ready or desiring a homosexual relationship at this stage of my life. I know Wayne was totally desirable and if I was gay I’d be delighted a young stud like him wanted me, my cock was telling me that it wanted satisfaction but my conscience was screaming, “No! No! No!”

I pulled Wayne’s sexy hand from my penis gripping his wrist tightly as I said, “Wayne no please stop this behaviour, you know I’m not into sex with guys, if I was I’d love it to be you but please I’m married to a wonderful woman who you know I love deeply. Its not that I don’t find you unbelievably sexy or that I don’t get incredible feelings looking at your beautiful body, but I’m not gay mate and I’m old enough to be your father. Please Wayne; don’t continue this game any further.”

Wayne bit my ear lobe gently then straightened up, he looked totally miserable as he whispered, “Brian, I find you absolutely the hottest guy I’ve seen in a long time, I fell for you the first time I saw you in the gym weeks ago, it took me ages to work up the courage to actually speak to you and now you reject me. I’m so sorry I made the move on you and if you wish I’ll pack my gear and leave now, I was really looking forward to the yachting trip but if you feel I’m infringing on your morals I’d better leave right away.”

I was now terrified that I’d hurt this beautiful lad and I certainly didn’t want him to go, I liked him very much and enjoyed his being here, I also felt I needed him aboard the Wanderer with us to help crew the boat and help control his brother and Shaun who was still my main worry. I took Wayne’s hand in both mine feeling his warmth and the firmness of his flesh, this sent a tingle through me as I looked into his eyes. I sorted my thoughts quickly and said, “Wayne no way do I want you to leave mate, I need you to help with the voyage and look after the boys, I hope you aren’t offended by my rejection of your emotions but I really want you as a friend. Please reconsider and stay with us.”

Wayne blinked back tears making my heart swell in my chest chocking my breathing as I watched a tear trickle down Wayne’s silken cheek, his lips trembled slightly as he bowed his head. I felt my own eyes begin to tear up and I cleared my throat loudly trying to control my emotions, Wayne suddenly sat on my lap wrapping his arms around my neck as he burst into tears sobbing on my shoulder, I rested my head against his and tears coursed down my cheek silently as I comforted the distraught lad. Shaun and Donny ignored the drama in front of them, they were completely absorbed in their own little world as Wayne and I hugged together, my arm around his trim waist suddenly I felt a hot hardness pushing up against my forearm as Wayne’s erection surged up in his boxers.

I was astounded at his continual readiness, his penis seemed to be on a hair trigger ready in the blink of an eye for action of course try as I may my own delinquent dick also began to harden pressing up against the lad’s firm muscular buttocks, it was trapped there painfully, it ached to spring up to the vertical. I was in a quandary again Wayne was just too hot to handle and I wasn’t a raunchy young teen, my more aged body couldn’t compete with an extremely fit young footballer like Wayne, even though my cock was trying to tell me it would love to try. I trained my thoughts away from the situation to begin working out our victualling requirements for the trip up the coast and after a few minutes I felt more composed my cock under control once more. Wayne finally regained his composure and he stood up his still erect penis poking out the shiny satin material of his boxers and said, “I’m going to have a shower Brian I’ll be back for breakfast in a few minutes but I need a shower first to get my head straight.”

I knew he wanted to relieve his balls so I nodded saying, “Ok Wayne don’t be long or these two eat all the food once they come back to earth.”

He hurried away while I sat there willing my penis to behave, Shaun and Donny finally broke apart and turned to the filling of bowls with cereal, mounded high above the rim they drenched the small mountains with ice cold milk then sprinkled sugar on top like snow. Spoons at the ready they attacked with vigour shovelling the food into their hungry maws, I watched fascinated as the mounds of cereal vanished rapidly till their spoons were heard scraping on their bowls’ bottoms. They both lifted their bowls up tilting the rim to their mouths draining the remnants and leaving a milky white moustache on their upper lips. I grinned at them as they wiped their mouths with the back of their hands and looked at one another before leaping up to put 4 slices of bread in the toaster. They stood waiting bouncing from foot to foot impatiently I knew to them it seemed to take ages to toast the bread and I smiled to myself watching their antics.

Wayne reappeared wearing a clean pair of satin boxers his taught body shining clean from his shower, my eyes swept him from head to toe and back admiring his young virility which seemed to ooze from his pores. This lad was one incredibly stunning stud who anyone would be delighted to be with. He smiled at me when he saw me staring, he winked and flexed his muscles as he walked around the table to sit next to me and began to have his breakfast, Shaun and Donny still engrossed in their own little world ignored us completely. Wayne demolished two serves of cereal and four whole crumpet splits finished off with steaming mug of sweet tea, he sat back rubbing his bronzed abs as he said, “Well that’s brekky out of the way now what’s the plan for today?”

I sat back and started planning our moves for the day, purchasing food and victualling Wanderer, fuelling her diesel tanks to the brim, checking the sail complement and getting the engine checked and serviced, a busy day where we would be flat out like lizards drinking. I looked at the lads and said, “You’d better get showered and dressed also Shaun you can pack the clothes you’ll need on the trip as Wayne and Donny have already got their bags packed.”

Wayne looked at Donny and grinned saying, “Donny bubs I think you’d better get a wool clip too otherwise you won’t be able to see if your hair gets any longer.”

I smiled at Donny’s horrified expression and said, “Yes mate it will be much easier for you on the boat we only have limited fresh water and you have to bathe in salt water, short hair is easier to look after.”

Donny rolled his blue eyes and pulled a face showing his disgust then he giggled and said, “Ok it will be cooler too as we sail North it will get hotter won’t it?” I nodded telling him that we would be travelling in the tropics once we cross the Tropic of Capricorn then it would be hot and humid so short hair would be a plus. Donny looked disconcerted and Wayne laughed saying, “He’s always fought against going to the barber ever since I can remember there was a tantrum and he had to be dragged kicking and screaming to get it cut.”

I looked at Donny and smiled trying to ease his discomfort reaching across to ruffle my fingers through his thick locks, the feel of his hair through my fingers was erotic I couldn’t believe my cock was getting excited just ruffling his hair but it was and I quickly pulled away. Wayne saw my reaction and smiled slyly looking at me sideways; he rubbed the prominent bulge in his boxers where his cock hung over his full young balls. I was embarrassed by this constant sexual tension and really felt I was slipping into a very disturbing frame of mind where these young smooth lads were becoming sexual fantasies.

I grabbed the paper and transferred my thoughts to the printed word as I read the news; even the paper seemed to become involved in pushing me over the edge as I turned a page to find photos of the Commonwealth Games swimming and diving trials. Photo after photo of extremely fit young guys in swim gear posing provocatively, the swimmers wearing the body suits were not as stimulating as the divers, they were posing in nothing but Speedos and divers possessed beautiful defined bodies. There was one young Asian lad in a skimpy aqua Speedo who caught my eye and I ogled his well formed genitals, he had tucked his penis upright pointing at his navel and there in full view were his tight held balls and sweet young tool.

I couldn’t drag my eyes from his photo, he was delicious, about 13 maybe 15, small boned like most Asians his gorgeous body relaxed but displaying his defined muscles under his taut skin. I suddenly had the desire to taste him, to lick him all over and make him writhe as I held onto him. I could almost hear his whimpers of pleasure as I imagined running my tongue over his cute smooth young body. Wayne saw my fixed stare and moved behind me again looking over my shoulder, he studied the photos determined which one I was studying so intently then bent to my ear whispering, his warm breath stirring my ear, “He is so sweet that little Asian boy isn’t he? So cute and he has a molten body, just look at that perfect little cock and balls they’d be a delicious little mouthful. I bet he has hardly any pubes yet, mmm so nice.”

I came back to earth with a jolt and quickly turned the page but it was too late, Wayne had caught me perving and he couldn’t miss my throbbing tool tenting my shorts. I was losing the battle rapidly; teen hormones seemed to fill the air with unbelievable sexuality as Wayne placed his hands on my shoulders once again. I shivered at his touch he felt the tremor run through me as his fingers massaged my tensed muscles; I looked up at him staring into his hypnotic eyes seeing his inner thoughts of lust as he bent slowly down, his pink lips slightly parted. I was transfixed by his gaze, powerless in his hands I felt like putty being kneaded as his magical fingers caressed my trembling shoulders slowly sliding onto my pectorals.

Wayne’s lips met mine, it was as if they were on fire, I moaned as his kiss seared into me. His fingers found and pinched my excited nipples tweaking the hard little nubs I groaned, my cock lurched in my shorts and I was lost a haze surrounded me my senses concentrated in my nipples and lips, Wayne’s tongue licked my lips erotically I opened my mouth to taste him his appendage insinuated slowly snake like into my saliva filled mouth. His tongue found my own touched, caressed then lifted it from its nest as we moaned together, tongues writhing slipping sliding together in a fandango of sensuous delight. I sucked his tongue trying to swallow him deep into my gullet Wayne groaned his breathing rapid as I gasped in unison with him, I lifted my arms clutching his face holding him to me feeling his smooth flesh. We were in a world of our own everything forgotten in our love and lust, Shaun and Donny had faded away even though they were sitting opposite us probably dumbfounded by this new development.

Wayne’s engorged tool had popped from the fly of his boxers and was poking my shoulder, I pulled away from Wayne’s kiss and my hand gently fondled his wondrous wand of turgid muscle. Wayne shivered as I felt him, rubbing his hot throbbing cock in preparation to tasting him. I licked his exposed glands tasting his sweet clear juice as it oozed excitedly; Wayne groaned and humped his hips pressing his tool into my grasp, I opened my hungry mouth sucking him in to the root my nose pressed to the silky material of his underwear. The taste of his steel hardness was sweet as his cock pulsed repeatedly in my mouth, my hand slid up his glabrous firm muscled thigh to locate his almost hairless nut sack. I felt them writhe in my grasp with excitement as I bobbed on his delicious meat my tongue swabbing his bulging urethra; Wayne gripped my head painfully in his eagerness as he began pounding his pud in and out of my sucking mouth.

I felt his pole swelling bigger and if possible even harder as he neared culmination, he was gasping loudly grunting as he humped frantically, his hips ramming back and forth as I watched his abdomen, seeing his sexy six pack flexing, tensing as his climax raged through his perfect body. He arched fully, tossing his head back as his prick delivered its first huge wad of thick pearly sperm onto my writhing tongue, I tasted his essence, the elixir of life as he spoofed again and again flooding my orifice with what seemed like a gallon of semen. I swallowed again and again to get every drop of Wayne as his deluge slowly ebbed to a dribble; my tongue caressed his cum tube to drain him dry as I sucked like a vacuum on his now deflating prick. His knob became too touchy, the stimulation torture as he strove to free himself from my devouring mouth. I clutched his trembling muscular arse cheeks holding him in my mouth until he cried out croakily, “Brian! Enough I can’t take any more. Fuck it is agony please let my cock free.”

I sucked hard, my lips tight on his flaccid shaft as I pulled back stretching his limp wand then it popped from my mouth falling wet and glistening against his boxers, Wayne gasped in relief his body shivering in post sexual pleasure as I looked up at him licking my lips tasting the remnants of his sperm. I heard clapping and I remembered my son and Donny were present as I blushed crimson turning to look at them. Donny was laughing clapping his hands while Shaun sat there stony faced glaring at me with a look of detestation. I looked away feeling guilty and dirty my mind reeling with the aftermath of what I’d done in front of the two younger boys, I got up brushed past Wayne in my hurry to get from their sight.

Wayne stood uncertainly wondering why I had run off so quickly, he gathered his wits and came after me catching me as I ran into my bedroom, I threw myself on the bed face down clutching the pillow to my face as I broke down crying. Wayne closed the door and walked across then sat beside me on the bed, his hand gently rubbing my back, he said nothing just gave me his presence and the warm gentle touch of his hand. I slowly calmed down and realised I held the pillow Donny had used as I could smell his scent on it as I inhaled, the touch of Wayne’s hand combined with Donny’s aroma stirred me to the core and I felt my uncontrollable tool begin to throb once again.

Wayne slid onto the bed one arm and leg on me as he sighed softly saying, “Oooh Brian don’t cry. What you just did was wonderful, I loved the feel of your mouth as you sucked my cock I’ve dreamed of you doing that for weeks, please don’t be upset.”

I rolled onto my side looking into his handsome face as my boner poked his thigh I smiled through my tears at him blinking hard as I replied, “I know you enjoyed it Wayne but it was wrong. I gave in to an urge that I should have resisted, it was wrong mate not illegal but wrong by my principles and upbringing.”

Wayne just shrugged and said, “I know you loved it too Brian, you didn’t want me to pull my dick from your mouth, if we both enjoyed it why is it wrong?”

I looked at him and thought for a minute before replying, “Because Wayne it is not right that I took advantage of our friendship, you are young enough to be my son, it just isn’t the right thing to do.”

He looked into my eyes as his hand grasped my hard cock and said, “Ok now if I do this is it wrong? I don’t have any inhibitions about male sex Brian, I love it.”

My body was quivering with tension at his touch as he gently began to stroke my tool; he kissed my lips gently and purred, “Mmm that feels so nice, you have an awesome tool Brian I want to do all sorts of things with it.”

To be continued.

Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/29/07