by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 9

The Wanderer was now fully provisioned, refuelled all that was left was to inventory the sail locker, Brian and the four lads made their way to the bows where the locker hatch was located, Brian had unlocked the hatch from the forward cabin and he swung the large teak hatch open, Shaun and Wayne clambered inside and began passing out the bulky sails while Brian and the other lads spread them out on the deck as he checked what was there. The complement was complete, the heavy storm sails and normal spares were all present so Brian re-stowed them and closed the hatch before returning to the cabin to refasten the hatch and they left the Wanderer locking her up and walked back to the cars discussing departure times for tomorrow.

Wayne again asked Brian if Ashley could accompany them on the first leg of the voyage, Brian against his better judgment weakened and nodded his head; Wayne did a little dance of excitement as Ash thanked Brian profusely saying that he wouldn’t regret his decision. Brian thought to himself how unlikely that was as he would have to suffer two pairs of red hot horny teens creating havoc on the yacht, how could he retain his sanity with all the hormones and testosterone surging throughout the boat? He could see himself spending long lonely hours above deck leaving the cabin to the sex mad youths.

Ashley broke into his reverie saying, “Thanks again Brian, I’d better get home and pack my bag so I can be here at 6am tomorrow morning. See you then guys.”

Wayne gave him a warm hug and they parted as Ash made his way to his car, they all waved him goodbye as he reversed turned and drove off through the gates, Wayne hugged Brian happily saying, “Thanks heaps Brian, this trip rocks we’re going to have a heap of fun I reckon.”

We climbed into the Range Rover and headed for home Wayne at the wheel, the traffic was heavy and Wayne was silent and sweating nervously as he negotiated the busy peak traffic. We drove into the garage and he sighed as he turned off the ignition turning to look at me questioningly. I nodded and smiled saying, “Well done Wayne that was a very competent piece of driving, I only felt for the brakes twice on the way here.”

Wayne looked pleased and proud at my compliment as he bent across and pecked me on the cheek, I felt a surge of pleasure as his moist soft lips touched my cheek and I smiled at him, squeezed his knee and thanked him saying, “Thanks Wayne that was so nice, you made me feel great mate.”

Wayne looked so happy as he undid his belt and opened the door as I opened mine looking into the silent back seat, Shaun and Donny were pashing quietly their cocks out and held in each others’ hands. I shook my head and climbed put leaving them to it in the car, Wayne and I headed inside together as I remembered we had not eaten dinner I slapped my forehead and said, “Damn Wayne we should have got something for dinner, I don’t feel like cooking tonight what do you feel like eating?”

He grinned and suggested, “How about a pizza and some pork ribs?”

I nodded and grabbed the phone ringing the usual pizza shop, I placed the order and we went and washed up after our busy day, Shaun and Donny appeared and I told them to clean up as dinner would be here soon as Wayne and I walked back down stairs to await the delivery. We switched on the TV and awaited the arrival of our meal; Wayne asked if I was ok about Ashley joining our trip and I nodded saying that it should be fine as he would only be coming on the first section up the coast as far as Sydney where he would leave us and return home. Wayne looked quizzically at me and said, “I think you really don’t want him to come with us. Are you upset that he and I had sex together?”

I looked at him blushed and looked away I couldn’t believe Wayne had realised I was upset about them fucking in front of me, I wasn’t annoyed about Shaun and Donny playing up in fact I quite enjoyed their youthful shenanigans but Ashley and Wayne caused me pain. I stared at the TV screen blankly trying to get my mind off the visions of Wayne’s taut smooth body arched out as he blew his load while Ashley rammed him from behind, his arse cheeks deeply dimpled with the strain of his thrusting. I could still hear the groaning moans and high pitched whimpers as they both climaxed together rapturously. My soul searching meant that I learned my true feelings, I was intensely jealous of Ashley having sex with Wayne, I realised I desperately desired to feel his young muscular body in my own arms as I rooted deep into his innards till we both reached the nirvana of sexual relief.

I was feeling totally guilty and even though I wanted to have my way with Wayne I still realised it was wrong and against everything I believed and had been brought up to know was right. Shaun’s declaration to both Val and I had been a shock as it came right out of left field, but as we both loved him deeply we had accepted his being gay without reservations, Wayne and Donny’s being gay was fine with me as was Ashley being so. I only was upset that Wayne had taken his new friend’s cock up his gorgeous arse right there in front of me, I was realizing that Wayne meant more to me than I thought, sure he was damned attractive and possessed the truly superb body of a young athlete but I’d seen thousands of young athletes over the years but never felt the powerful attraction I did to Wayne. Was I turning gay? I didn’t know, I did know I still loved my wife but at the same time I was devilishly drawn to Wayne.

My thoughts were destroyed by the phone ringing; Shaun bounded down the stairs like a kangaroo and grabbed the handset before I could get up from the couch, I heard him say, “Oh hi Mum, how’s it going over there? Are Gran and Gramps ok?”

He was then quiet as he listened to his Mother then he said, “OK Mum love you! I’ll put you onto Dad, here he is.”

He passed me the phone as the doorbell chimed, I grabbed my wallet out and tossed it to him saying, “It’s the pizza and spare ribs delivery Shaun, can you pay the guy and then you can begin eating I’ll be there soon?”

I took the phone as Shaun hurried to answer the door and pay for the tucker, I said, “Hi Darling how’s your Mum?”

Val told me she was in a serious but stable condition, she was conscious but incapable of communicating so far, it was terrible to see her in this state.”

I thought back to my last memory of visiting Val’s family and I remembered what a vital person she was, totally involved in looking after her husband and doing a lot of charity work as well. It seemed impossible that she could be in this state and I commiserated with Val over the phone. She asked when we were sailing off on our journey and I told her tomorrow and went on to relate how Donny had been invited and now Ashley was joining us as far as Sydney. She sounded puzzled as to how I would bond with Shaun with all these other boys along and I said, “Well it will be purely the fact that we will be spending weeks of quality time together and getting to know each other again.”

Val still sounded worried but I assured her that it was better to have the other lads aboard as Shaun and I were still very strained alone, plus the extra hands would make sailing a lot easier as we could share the watches between all four of us. She still sounded doubtful but then I heard her Dad’s cry in the background and she said that she had to go and that she loved me and to make sure I had my mobile phone with us on the trip. I told her I loved her heaps and hung up the phone.

I hurried through to the lounge room to find most the pizza and ribs eaten and the lads’ faces liberally coated with the marinade sauce as they sat there drinking the Pepsi that came with the delivery deal. I grinned at the mess as they looked up at me and I said, “Mmm looks like the food was ok eh guys? I hope you left me a feed.”

Wayne laughed and said, “Well if you’d been any longer on the phone you might have missed out Brian, I had to restrain these two gannets from cleaning it all up. I hope there’s enough left to satisfy your appetite.”

I grinned and asked Shaun to whip out to the kitchen and bring in some paper towels to use cleaning themselves up as they already ruined all the paper serviettes delivered with the food. I plonked myself down and grabbed a rib dripping sauce and bit down on the still warm meat, I tasted it as I chewed and thought how great it was no wonder the lads had nearly eaten the lot. Shaun sauntered back in with the paper towels and handed them around and the boys started cleaning their faces and hands while I ate, I soon finished and needed a towel myself picking one up from the coffee table and wiping my sauce coated mouth and fingers.

Clean up finished the soiled towels tossed into the empty pizza box as we sat back with full stomachs watching the Winter Olympics on the TV. At 9 pm I looked at the guys and said, “I think we should hit the bed lads we have to get up early and head to the marina to meet Ashley at 6am remember. It will be a big day tomorrow and our last sleep on dry land for a long time.” The lads all stretched and agreed then we made our way upstairs going through the evening rituals before falling tiredly on our beds, Shaun and Donny together in Shaun’s double bed while Wayne and I slept alone in separate rooms. I had wild dreams almost nightmares of the voyage seeing mountainous seas crashing down on the Wanderer as she struggled before a gale, I saw a monster sea crash down on our stern and tear the mizzenmast from the deck tossing it overboard in a tangle of rigging carrying Shaun with it as he screamed in fear to vanish under the boiling spume. I awoke in a muck sweat my heart pounding in my chest as I struggled to control my rapid breathing, I got up looked at the bedside clock it was 3am and I crept to Shaun’s room to check verything was ok. I peered into the gloom to see both boys spooned together their angelic heads together on one pillow as the slept blissfully, I could see Donny’s unruly blonde hair and remembered we were going to get his hair cut yesterday but the shock of Wayne and Ashley fucking had driven it from my mind and of course Donny didn’t want to bring it up anyway. I decided he would get one when we sailed and went to ensure I had the hair cutting equipment in my overnight bag.

I crept back to my bed and lay there reliving the vivid dream, I was trembling with anxiety and said a few prayers to ask the Lord that this was but a dream and begged him to look after us on our voyage. I heard movement in the hallway and wondered who was stirring when a figure appeared in the doorway, I recognized Wayne as he tip toed across to my bed and he sat beside me whispering, “I heard you get up before is everything ok Brian?”

I nodded and related the dream to him, he slipped into the bed and held me as if I was a scared child as I trembled with the terror of the dreamed disaster, he whispered, “It was only a dream Brian calm down mate, relax the Wanderer is a fine boat and I’m sure nothing like that could happen.”

His hands were stroking my clammy back and his actions calmed me till I lay there enjoying his gentle touch and my thoughts turned to having this hot lad beside me, holding me and caressing me. My penis throbbed growing harder and engorging with boiling hot blood as it reared up pulsing outrageously as it stretched up my abdomen, I new Wayne couldn’t miss my erection as it surged up between our bodies and I felt him reciprocate as he too cracked a raging boner. I groaned and pulled away from his grasp rolling onto my stomach as Wayne lay there stunned and wondering at my reaction. He moved to roll onto my body but I said, in a strangled voice, “Please Wayne don’t. Just get up and return to your own bed mate, thanks for comforting me but this is wrong I can’t become sexually involved with you no matter how much I find you physically and sexually attractive. I daren’t become involved I love my wife and she loves me I can’t jeopardize all that, plus I would risk losing Shaun completely.”

Wayne sat up resting his back against the bed head looking down at my supine form, he thought for minutes before taking a deep breath and saying, “Brian, I love you so much it hurts, I want to share my love and desires with you. My father was cold and distant with both Donny and I but I can feel the warmth of your personality, the love bursting inside you wanting to break free of the mores that our world places on us. You can still love Valerie and share it with me, I know you have unlimited and unbounded love, you are that kind of a man. I just want to share a little of that love and give you all of mine.”

I lay there tears coursing down my cheeks as I listened to these soft but powerful words from the perfect lips of this stunningly beautiful young man as he sat beside me his firm muscular leg resting against my arm and side. I sobbed deeply then controlling myself I replied, “Wayne, you are a stunning and marvelous young man who anybody would give anything to have as a life partner, but I can’t allow myself to give in to these emotions because I feel it will destroy me completely and shatter my life and marriage. Please understand my feelings in this matter and share your love with Ashley, he obviously wants you and is happy to share himself with you.”

Wayne sat there silent for some time then he slipped from my bed and without another word he walked from my bedroom into the darkness, I tossed and turned trying to lose my boner but it refused to go down so I wanked off frantically in the gloom until I reached a shattering eruption drenching my torso with a huge load of cum. I cleaned myself up with my t-shirt and tossed it aside on the floor, I rolled over and fell into a fitful sleep awaking to the music from the clock radio at 530, I felt terrible my body was tired my mind even more so as I dragged myself up and slid my feet to the floor sitting on the side of my bed holding my aching head in my hands. I slowly regained my equilibrium and lifted my head up it felt overly heavy as if I was wearing a lead crown, I stood up and stumbled away to shower before waking the boys.

I showered, dried off and dressed then went to wake the still slumbering boys; Shaun and Donny had reversed position and looked so delightful cuddled together spooned tightly with Shaun hugging Donny to his naked body. I bent down and kissed Shaun’s hair inhaling his sweet aroma then I whispered into his ear, “Wake up Son, its time to stir your stumps. We have a big day ahead of us.”

Shaun grumbled mumbling sleepily as he hugged Donny to him tightly; Donny stirred and opened his eyes a smile gracing his cute lips as he wriggled against Shaun’s hidden boner. He turned his head and saw me bending over them and asked, “Don’t I get a good morning kiss Brian?”

I bent down and went to kiss him on the forehead the young imp lifted his face and pressed his sweet lips to mine kissing me sweetly then pulled back giggling. Shaun opened his eyes and asked, “What are you giggling at Donny?”

Donny just giggled harder then said, “The feel of your hard dick pushing against my crack is making me giggle, it’s twitching and throbbing there and it feels so nice.”

I laughed and said, “Come on you two up and at them, you need to shower and get dressed while I go and wake Wayne and get brekky ready.”

As I said this hands slid around my waist from behind as a rock hard penis pressed against my arse and Wayne laughingly said, “Ha, ha, ha, I’m already up in more ways than one.”

I jerked erect in shock as Wayne ground his pulsating pecker against my arse, he hugged me tightly and before I could disengage from his clutches he moaned loudly and I felt him spasm again and again as he climaxed in his boxers. Wayne’s hot breath warming my back as he panted heavily clutching me tightly his whole body throbbed again and again. I was dumbfounded by the sudden eruption the lad must have been on the verge when he walked into the room, he slowly recovered still folded onto my back as he huskily said, “Oh gees Brian I’m sorry, I just saw you bent over so provocatively and I just couldn’t resist rubbing against your tight bum. I didn’t realize I was going to blow so quickly.”

I stood lifting his sweaty young body still clamped to me and said, “Please Wayne go and get cleaned up while I get breakfast ready we have to get moving soon to be at the marina in time to meet your friend Ashley. I hope you’ve all got your bags packed ready to go.”

I disentangled from Wayne’s grasp and smacked him playfully on his silk clad buttocks as he turned to run for the shower, I headed downstairs to get the breakfast on the go deciding we’d have a large one as lunch would be a light meal of sandwiches as we sailed down the bay. I got out the cereal and filled the four bowls, poured milk on mine and ate it quickly then as Wayne arrived wearing a pair of black Speedos I began cooking some bacon and eggs. He moved to the table sitting down and putting milk and sugar on his cereal then started wolfing it down hungrily, I thought that he must be hungry and needed to replace the protein he’d spewed from his cute cock. Shaun and Donny quickly appeared both wearing their Speedos too, I was surrounded by glabrous youths almost naked, in fact I think Speedos increased their sexuality as they gave a perfect view of the male genitalia but still left enough to stir the imagination.

I felt my tool twitching hard and stiffening as I cooked the meal, I dished out the hot food as Wayne toasted the bread and Shaun made a pot of tea while they all laughed at my arousal. I felt terribly embarrassed by my inability to control my erections and willed it to deflate quickly, it slowly drooped and I sat down to eat my share of the bacon and eggs. The meal over I told the lads to toss their gear into the Rangie as I started washing up, Wayne came back and dried the dishes as I asked Shaun and Donny to go up and make all the beds so we could take off as soon as we’d finished the dishes. The boys pulled on shorts and t-shirts and came downstairs, the house tidy and everything done we left after locking up and headed for the marina to get there by 6am.

The traffic was light and we arrived at quarter to 6 to see Ashley already parked waiting, Wayne jumped out and ran across to find his friend asleep in the car, he knocked on the window waking Ashley and as I opened the gate the other car drove up behind us. We drove in and parked unloaded our gear locked up the cars and carted everything on board the Wanderer, she was soon ready to sail and after starting the diesel we cast off the mooring lines and reversed from the berth motoring down the fairway and out into the bay. The early morning found the bay as calm as a mill pond with not a breath of wind as we motored out, it looked like we’d be under engine power for some time until the breeze kicked up as the day warmed up.

The bay was dotted with fishing boats out looking for snapper and we motored along giving them a wide berth now and then seeing a fisherman in the act of battling with a good sized fish, rod bowed as the reel screamed while the fish ran deep and fast after feeling the hook. Wayne looked from side to side watching fascinated and finally asked if we had fishing gear on board, I told him that we did and I could see his brain ticking over as he thought about fishing. He looked at me and asked, “Do you think we could have a go at catching a fish Brian?”

I nodded asking, “Have you ever fished before?”

He nodded saying that they had fished in the river at home catching trout and a few yellowbelly but they’d never fished in the sea before. I knew a good reef down off Black Rock and we motored down there to drop anchor when I located it with the depth sounder. I dug out the fishing gear and we opened a tin of sardines for bait, caste out the lines and sat back waiting to see if the fish were feeding there, about 30 minutes passed and a ratchet howled as a powerful fish took off with a bait. I said, “Go on Wayne hit the beast its all yours.”

Wayne jumped up seizing the rod and striking hard sinking the hook into the tough jaw of the snapper, the fight was on back and forth the battle raged Wayne would bring the fish towards the boat but as soon as it saw the hull it powered off into the depths once again. The lad’s taut young body was tensed every muscle clearly defined as he fought the scaly monster, the fish’s runs became shorter and slower as its energy ebbed finally we could discern the bulky pink body its iridescent blue spots gleaming in the calm clear water as it planed towards the surface to lie gasping on its side as we netted it lifting its bulk into the cockpit. I dispatched it with a sharp crack on its boney head killing it instantly, we ogled at the size and beauty of the creature then we weighed it, it pulled the scales down to 10 kilos a true prize winner, and we scaled and cleaned it cutting it into steaks and stowing them in the fridge in the galley.

The sea breeze began to awake and tiny rippling cat’s paws danced across the mirrored surface as we stowed away the fishing tackle and raised anchor, the lads under Shaun’s guidance set the sails, they flapped gently in the slowly increasing breeze as they filled and Wanderer began to ease through the water silently. The voyage was now beginning as we cruised down the bay tacking back and forth in the strengthening wind, the lads all stripped to their bathers and lay about the decks enjoying the warm sun and cooling spray. Late afternoon found us at the Heads and we sailed through the tormented tidal races then once clear of the shore we turned to port heading for Lakes Entrance.

To be continued.

Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/29/07