by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 6

“Donny and I sat in the car silently after our discussion about him touching my leg; he seemed to accept my explanation that it was wrong for us to touch intimately and we finally got out of the car and made our way up the steps into the kitchen area. There was no sign of Shaun or Wayne and I guessed they were together fooling around in Shaun’s bedroom, I asked Donny if he’d like a cold drink and he thanked me reservedly, I felt as if I’d been gut punched, I realised I’d made the lad feel bad even though I’d tried to be diplomatic in my rejection of his touch. I suspected Donny had had a hard time at home, maybe his father was like me too busy to share his time with his son and when Wayne had left home Donny was starved for male affection and was trying to establish an emotional contact with me. I felt sad but knew if I let him bond in the way he needed I’d fall for him heavily and I doubted I could control my urges, strange as they were to me.

I took Donny upstairs to his room passing Shaun’s room on the way, moans emanated from behind the closed door and I saw Donny pause listening to the sounds of sexual delight before following after me. I saw a quirky smile on his sweet young mouth as he looked into my eyes as he eased past me in the doorway; I felt his taut body press against mine momentarily as he passed me. God this lad was so desirable and delightful; it was all I could do not to react and grab him squeeze him to me as I crushed him in my arms. I could imagine the smooth and blood hot flesh rubbing against me as his considerable boy tool strained in lust pressed against my own turgid 7 inches.

Donny dropped his case on the bed as I put his sports bag on the floor, he stood side on to me and I could see his tented shorts where his boy boner pushed up towards the waistband. This 15 year old had a hair trigger not that I was far behind him, I couldn’t remember the last time I had almost incessant erections like this, maybe when I was a horny teen but that was long ago. My cock was leaking profusely and I could feel the pre cum saturating my briefs, I said, “Here you go Donny this is your room I’ll leave you to unpack I need to do something.”

Donny’s blue eyes slipped down to my bulging crotch and a secretive smile caressed his perfect pink lips as he nodded and began to open his suitcase, I bolted to our bedroom closing the door before throwing myself on the bed and pulling up my shirt, ripping open my shorts and hooking my briefs under my nuts I began wanking hard. The continual boning had got me so horny I knew it would only be a brief stroking until I erupted and sure enough with the vision of Donny erect in my brain I exploded all over my stomach in a gushing flood of boiling pearly sperm. I shuddered and spasmed in the after shocks as my balls drained out messily. I wilted on the bed gasping hard and trembling in the haze of relief, my body satiated and perfectly relaxed after a day of utter sexual frustration. I cleaned myself up licking the spilt sperm from my fingers then scooping the remnants from my torso, I hadn’t eaten cum since I was a teenager, I’d forgotten how good it tasted and thought of the litres I’d wasted over the intervening years. I like most married men needed relief more often than our wives desired sex, so was forced to wank off under the shower or in the toilet. I slowly arose, my head a little giddy after such an exceptional ejaculation. I tidied my appearance and made my way down stairs to get a nice cold ale from the fridge; I popped the ring tab and took a long draught of the icy beer. The sound of bare feet padding down the stairs drew my eyes to the kitchen door as the appealing apparition of Donny bounced into view, he’d changed into of all things a pair of Speedos and my eyes nearly popped from their sockets at the awesome vision of teen beauty.

He saw me standing transfixed beer half way to my lips as I ogled him, he smiled and blushed then stopped in his tracks as he said, “Um I saw your pool from my window do you think I could have a swim?”

I nodded speechless and he turned around to walk to the rear of the house and I was treated to the magnificence of his teen muscularly plump bubble butt encased in the flimsy lime green Lycra togs. Donny’s deep crevice was clearly visible under the thin sheer material and as he walked I could see his nut sack between his thighs as it bulged tightly in the Speedos. I noticed Donny was slightly bow legged which added to his attractiveness especially from behind, I was also certain make out the swelling of his perineum through the tight togs. Donny walked with a typical teen’s swagger down the passage while I stood watching him sipping on my beer conjuring visions of him naked. I shook my head to drive out the vision and turned away. Suddenly I had the urge to go for a cooling dip in the pool maybe the cool water would help me control my raging desires.

I hurried upstairs shedding clothes as I entered the bedroom standing naked while I rummaged in my drawer looking for my trunks, I found them pulled them on and settled my family jewels in place. I walked out as Wayne appeared in his boxers at Shaun’s door, I smiled at him and I could smell the odour of sex as he walked past to the bathroom. I poked my head into Shaun’s room and saw him lying naked on the bed playing with his tool, I said, “Pardon my interrupting Shaun but Donny has gone down to the pool and I’m going to join him for a swim, why don’t you two come down and join us?”

Shaun looked up continuing his slow masturbation as he said, “Yeah maybe we will it depends on Wayne if he wants a swim we’ll join you.”

I left him to it and hurried down out into the back yard where Donny was diving from the board, I watched him as he climbed dripping from the pool his muscular young body gleaming in the sunlight he stood up shaking his blonde head spraying water droplets arching through the air like tiny diamonds adding to the totally attractive sight. He walked to the board again, his perfect body proudly held erect as he paused poised on the edge of the board, he gained his balance then bounced high doing a perfect one and a half somersault with twist and entered the pool with scarcely a ripple. This boy could dive and dive superbly, I now realised why he held himself so proudly obviously whoever coached him taught him poise, posture and carriage, he had learnt well and it added to his awesome attraction. I slid into the water and floated my elbows resting in the channel at the surface holding me in position as I watched Donny executing his repertoire of dives, he finished and I applauded him saying, “Donny you amaze me, a boy from the bush who dives like a champion Olympic diver, you amaze me mate.”

He swam across to me blushing at my praise then floated on his back in front of me his cock bulge breaking the surface like a small green island surrounded by a blue sea, I don’t know if he deliberately caused it but I could see his penis twitching under the flimsy wet Lycra. My tossle immediately erected under water standing up like a mini reef of hard blood engorged muscle, my Speedos stretched tight on my steely shaft as it pulsed frantically below the surface. My desires distracted as the sliding door slid open and Shaun and Wayne came bounding out, both wearing baggy boardies which hid their wares from sight.

Two projectiles leapt into the air and descended bombing the placid surface creating turmoil as spray leapt skywards and mini tsunamis racing across the surface, Donny guffawed and sank as he laughed tensing up. I was drowned in pool water, chlorine stinging my eyes, I coughed and spluttered as I hung there laughing, Wayne surfaced beside me and wrapped his muscular arms round my neck pulling me from my position and plunging my head under water. I reacted grabbing his slim taut waist digging my fingers into his muscles causing him to double over his face next to mine under water. He kissed my cheek then quickly pressed his lips to mine before breaking free as I was startled by his action, as he rose through the water he rubbed his bulging package against my face, I felt him through the abrasive material of his shorts as he ground his way towards the surface in a flurry of bubbles.

I followed him up to gulp air into my starved lungs; we floated there grasping the pool’s coping as we laughed together, my memory of his turgidity pressed to my face lingering tantalisingly in my brain. Donny and Shaun were swimming about tossing a beach ball playing water polo laughing and enjoying themselves while a tension built between Wayne and me, our bodies touching as we hung side by side at the pool’s edge. I had to do something before things began to happen so I pushed off the coping turned and pushed down on Wayne’s shoulders ducking him; I then swam like crazy across the pool before he could regain his equilibrium. I pulled myself from the water and headed for a sun lounge to lie face down until my erection subsided.

Wayne resurfaced and joined his brother and Shaun playing water polo, both younger lads pitted against him, duckings raged and the pool turned into a maelstrom as the game developed into outright war. I was treated to a delightful display of flashing youthful body parts as they wrestled, grabbed and tossed one another about. Eventually the lads tired and their bodies started to wrinkle like prunes from the long immersion, they retreated from the pool to sprawl on the lounges and chairs on the patio beside me. Peace descended on the yard as the warm sun took its toll on the exhausted youths, we all lay there dozing dreaming in the lowering sun until eventually the temperature began to drop as the light Southerly sea breeze set in. We all got up and wandered inside our hunger rumbling in our guts as I asked the guys what they would like for dinner, a unanimous cry of Maca’s resounded around the sun room as I opened the bar fridge and tossed cans of Coke to the thirsty crew.

I grabbed the car keys and my wallet as we walked through the kitchen to the garage, we piled into the car as I started it and opened the door, we backed out and I drove to the nearest MacDonald’s we waited in the drive through till we placed our orders then waited to get to the serving window, eventually we got our meals and I paid and drove back home. We polished off the food and watched Cable until the afternoon’s fun took its toll and the lads began yawning I suggested bed might be a good idea as we had a big day victualling the Wanderer next day so we all headed off to bed. I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow and knew nothing until at some ungodly hour I was awoken by faint but persistent sobs in the darkness, I got out of bed and walked to the door listening. The sobs were coming from Donny’s room so I quietly walked to his open door and said, “What’s up little mate? Are you missing home?”

He sat up rubbing his eyes sniffling and said, “Yeah I feel lost a little being in a strange house.”

I walked to his bed and sat there an arm around his shoulders, he snuggled against me his body shaking to his sobs I couldn’t help myself as I said, “Donny if you like you can come and sleep in my bed, would that make you feel secure?”

He sobbed again then said, “You must think I’m a big baby crying like this?”

I smiled in the darkness and hugged him tighter replying, “No mate not at all, you hade a big day and your in a strange city far from home its only natural you’d be frightened a little. Come on we’ll cuddle in my bed so you can get off to sleep.”

He nodded and we walked hand in hand to my bedroom and he settled himself spooned against me as we fell to sleep warmly cuddling.

To be continued.

Feedback always welcome:  

Posted: 06/29/07