by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 5

We stood waiting as the passengers disembarked then Wayne said excitedly, "Here he comes; he’s on the top step now."

I looked at the coach’s doorway and saw an unruly mop of straw blonde hair behind the elderly lady making her slow careful descent to the footpath. She finally reached ground level, helped by the coach captain and as she hobbled away out bounced Donny. We all smiled at the apparition, a teen bundle of excitement and joy at being finally out of the confines of the large coach, he saw Wayne and shouted, "Hi bro, good to see you. When are we sailing?"

He and Wayne ran towards each other throwing arms about their necks, hugging and giving each other a big kiss of welcome. I was standing grinning at this touching display of filial love, Shaun stood watching somber faced obviously wondering about what would happen now Donny was with us. Wayne led the lad towards us grinning from ear to ear arm around his brother’s shoulder as he introduced us, Donny shook my hand smiling shyly then as Wayne introduced Shaun as his boy friend Donny grinned widely saying, "Terrific he’s finally found a sexy guy at last, nice to meet you Shaun."

Shaun grinned at this effervescent youth as they hugged warmly, Shawn asked Donny what colour his bags were and they hurried across to find them as the captain unloaded the luggage. They grabbed a suitcase and a large sports bag and we all headed off to where I’d parked the car, I followed behind the three lads watching them as they chattered like excited parrots. I noticed that Donny was a fairer younger version of Wayne, similar build and equally well built an obvious product of country living, fresh air plenty of hard work and exercise.

Donny had a tanned smooth complexion which showed off his clear blue eyes, sexy smiling pink lips and white teeth, his sensuality oozed from every pore as he walked along his pert bubble bum rolling inside his creased cargo shorts. I drank in the sight of this spunky fit young teen sandwiched between my son and Wayne as they walked in front of me, I was having visions of him naked, displaying his stark white untanned arse and crotch where Speedos would cover him as he sun baked or swam in the dam on his parents property. I could see the golden fuzz of faint hair on his shins as it glistened in the bright sunlight and had an unbelievable desire to run my hands lightly up his legs feeling the soft hairs tickle my skin.

Once again I felt my cock twitching and thickening in my shorts and hurried past the lads to reach the car before I was displaying a full grown erection. I pressed the button unlocking the doors and boot and climbed behind the wheel waiting for the boys to put Donny’s bags in the boot. They slammed the lid and all three climbed into the rear seat and buckled their seat belts as I started the car. Donny was impressed with my Jaguar and commented on the wood trim and luxurious leather seats, I nodded and agreed it was a nice piece of machinery.

Wayne asked if we could drive to the marina to show Donny the Wanderer and I agreed heading down St. Kilda Road towards the South. We reached the marina and drove into the secured area, Shaun led the way down to the Wanderer’s berth and Donny stood there jaw open staring at the beautiful old craft with her gleaming painted wooden hull and the shining brass fittings glowing in the sunlight. He turned to me his face glowing with excitement and said, "Awesome Brian it is beautiful."

I smiled at him and said, "She Donny, she is beautiful, boats are feminine not gender neutral things."

Donny blushed charmingly and mumbled, "Sorry Brian I didn’t know. I’m a bushy remember, the only boats I’ve seen are aluminium punts that we go duck shooting in and nobody called them she. Can we get on her and have a look inside?"

I laughed and said, "Sure if you’d like she really is very comfortable below."

I clambered over the safety rail and unlocked the main hatch sliding the hatch cover forward and opening the hatch, the lads filled past dropping into the cabin. Donny’s exclamations drifted up to my ears, he was overawed at the luxuriously finished salon and main cabin and as he found the shower and toilet his voice rose with each new discovery. He finally sat on the lounge along the bulkhead and said, "Wow this is better than our house back on the farm. When are we setting off on the voyage?"

I looked at him as I sat at the navigation centre where the satellite navigation system and both marine uhf and vhf radios were situated; I laughed and said, "This weekend Donny, we have to stock up on supplies and other necessities before we set sail. It’s a fair distance between ports and we haven’t got a racing hull under us, this is purely a cruising yacht it takes us two to three days to cover the same distance a competition craft can do in 24 hours. We are much heavier and our hull is built for comfort not speed, if you look at vessels like the maxi yachts in the Sidney Hobart race you will find they are almost an empty shell and are made from light but strong man made materials like Kevlar reinforced Fiberglass. Wanderer is as you can see made in the old fashioned way of timber, heavier and no where near as slippery through the water but infinitely more comfortable."

Donny nodded running his hand across the fine polished teak lining of the bulkhead as he looked about him saying softly, "She is so beautiful I love this boat."

We clambered back on deck and locked the hatch then walked back down the dock, I saw Pat and his wife Mona from the big floating Gin palace moored on the outside berth walking towards us with their dog Buster racing ahead of them wagging his tail in excitement at seeing me. He is a real circus of a pooch always does the rounds of all the boats saying hello to everyone and cadging a biscuit or tit bit. He is almost human and carries on a woofing conversation while visiting, all the fishermen know him and he cadges a fish from them if he can, even frozen pilchards are eaten with relish and he earned the name "fishy icy poles" from one fisherman’s wife.

He greeted Shaun first then accepted a pat from Wayne but he showed that Donny was his main interest and began bouncing around him yap talking excitedly. Donny began playing with him and soon a game of chase began with Buster leading the way. They raced back up the dock onto the hard standing and took off flat out towards the mouth of the marina; we could hear the excited yaps and Donny’s laughter even though they were out of sight.

Pat, Mona and I stood chatting while Shaun and Wayne set off after the running pair, I laughed and said, "Looks as though Buster has made a new friend again, Donny is from Deniliquin, it is his first visit to Melbourne and his first to the sea."

Minutes passed and the sounds of fun after receding began to become audible once more and soon a black hairy missile came racing down the dock with a huge pink frothy tongue dangling from its mouth. Buster was back panting heavily but obviously enjoying himself, soon the three lads appeared also puffing and red in the face Donny gasping out, "Oh man can that dog run."

Buster flopped panting at my feet rolling onto his back so I could scratch his tummy with my foot as the boys walked down and sat on one of the large fiberglass tackle boxes bolted to the dock at each berth.

I told Pat and Mona about our upcoming trip and how we were going to be away for a couple of months, they were envious and said, "We plan on doing it on our boat one day, but goodness knows when I can get away from the business to do it."

I nodded telling them that the doctor had told me to rest up due to the fact that I’d developed an ulcer, Mona turned to Pat and said, "There Pat you need to follow Brian’s example and take some time off to, it isn’t any good being one of the richest residents in the cemetery."

I laughed at her comment and Pat’s face reddened as he blushed, then he grinned and said, "Ok Mona enough said, I’ll think about taking some time off."

We said our goodbyes and left them to it, Buster followed us to the car to say his farewell to us then bounded off to join his folks. We drove out of the marina, Wayne and Shaun in the back seat while Donny sat next to me in the front. I kept glancing across at him as he sat there taking in the views as we motored through the thickening afternoon traffic, he kept up a running commentary on the sights especially when we turned up into St. Kilda’s village like shopping strip. He picked out a few obviously gay couples sitting at the outdoor tables enjoying a meal while looking into each other’s eyes, at one stage paused waiting for a tram to drop passengers two cute guys actually kissed right there on the footpath.

Donny turned to me his face animated, eyes sparkling and saying, "Wowee! Brian look at the two cuties pashing on there in front of everyone. That’s amazing I never knew guys could do that in public, if they did that up home they’d be punched out fast."

I smiled at him and said, "This is St. Kilda Donny, the gay centre of Melbourne, this is where they hold the Gay Pride march and festival. I wouldn’t really recommend you do it in some areas of the city the reception wouldn’t be so accepting."

I glanced down at Donny’s crotch to see he’d cracked a bar and his penis was extended down the leg of his shorts, I guessed he was wearing boxers to have his dick roaming like that, my own cock, which was semi hard after watching the two handsome dark haired lads kissing in public suddenly leapt fully erect crushed across my groin pointing towards Donny. I estimated Donny’s dick to be about 5 inches maybe a little more and it seemed to be pretty chubby in girth, he certainly wasn’t behind the door when cocks were handed out. The tram started moving and I had to drag my gaze from the charming view of Donny’s boyhood to concentrate on the traffic.

We headed for home and as we left St. Kilda I felt Donny’s warm but sweaty hand gingerly touch my bare knee, a short circuit of high voltage surged through me at his touch and I nearly hit my head on the roof as I jerked from the sensation and shock. Donny quickly pulled away and turned looking out the window but I could see his ears were crimson as he blushed with embarrassment, his hands primly folded in his lap. I was flustered and my emotions were bouncing around all over the place, I wanted Donny to touch me and I desperately desired to feel his warm firm young flesh but my conscience was screaming, "NO! NO! You mustn’t do this it is so wrong.

You are a grown man he is a young innocent boy, leave him alone you dirty despicable old man."

I was trembling with pent up desires and emotions as I fought to control my urge to grasp the hard package I could see outlined in the soft polished cotton of his cargo shorts, I was sweating profusely with the inner struggle and only by concentrating on the traffic could I regain my composure, slowly but surely I returned to normal and my aching tool deflated and returned to normal. We turned into the driveway of our home and the garage door opened as we approached, I drove into the garage and parked the car turning off the engine as the door closed behind us.

Shaun and Wayne bailed out of the car and headed inside the house leaving Donny and I sitting there in an embarrassed silence, he finally turned to face me his crimson visage almost lit up the car as he mumbled, "Sorry Brian I don’t know what happened. I just felt I needed to touch someone. Please forgive me, don’t send me back home I won’t do it again I promise."

I reached out my hand and ruffled his unruly hair feeling the silkiness of it as I replied, "Donny don’t be silly mate, I’m not annoyed with you. I just got a shock when you touched me, it was so unexpected. I won’t say I didn’t like it but I’m old enough to be your Dad it wouldn’t be right for me to take advantage of a lad your age. It isn’t that you’re unattractive Donny it just wouldn’t be right for me to reciprocate."

Donny sat there looking at the floor and nodded his head.

To be continued.

Feedback always welcome:  

Posted: 06/29/07