by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 2

The light illuminated the scene before my startled eyes; Shaun was lying on his back with his legs pulled up beside his head as Wayne’s prick was embedded deep in his smooth young arse. The pair was startled in mid thrust frozen in shock at my sudden appearance, I too was frozen drinking in the sight of my son being fucked, not only fucked but obviously enjoying being serviced by Wayne, almost a stranger. I looked at the tight buttocks of Shaun and I could see Wayne’s cock with the stretched lips of my son’s ring puckered around the thick shaft like thin lips, his swollen perineum pouch between the buttocks and his fat young smooth balls on each side nestled on his pubes while his hard young cock was resting throbbing on his belly.

He was crimson faced from the exertion of being bent double but the smile of pleasure was frozen on his lips, Wayne pulled back ripping his fat cock head from the puffed arse lips causing Shaun to whimper in pain as he popped free of the tight confines of my son’s rectum. I looked at the slippery pole as it glistened in the light I wondered what lubricant he used to ease Shaun’s pain as he entered him, that fat fucker was I’m sure much too large for my young son’s immature arse.

Shaun stuttered the blurted out, “Dad it wasn’t Wayne’s fault I enjoy getting fucked I encouraged him to root my arse.”

I glared at him and then I relaxed a little saying, “Is that true Wayne was Shaun happy and wanting you to fuck him?”

Wayne blushing still nodded unable to speak, I looked at my son’s still exposed arse seeing him still relaxed and open, the puffy lips glistening with lube as I said, “Well seeing you both agreed to this I’ll bow out and leave you to it, I’m not going to tell your Mother Shaun, if you want to come out to her it’s your decision. I suggest that if you want to have sex keep the noise down or she will hear you.”

I closed the door and returned to bed, Val had slept through the disturbance, and I slid gently back onto the bed. I heard no more that night and when I awoke in the morning I quietly opened the cabin door to see both lads sound asleep in each other’s arms. I coughed loudly and they awoke yawned and slid apart grinning shyly at me, Val stirred on the bed and I padded past the boys to reach the stove to boil some water for coffee. I opened the hatch and peered out to find the fog still thick and swirling about the yacht, Shaun got up his boner leading the way as he raced for the head to empty his bladder. Shaun got up and joined me in the hatchway then we both raced up on deck to piss over the side into the glassy water.

He reached across taking my cock in his fingers and began wagging it about spraying my urine across the surface in bubbling gouts, I laughed at his antics and playfully grabbed his semi hard tool imitating his play, Wayne giggled and began stroking me as I pissed making my cock begin to erect. I finished emptying my bladder as my erection hardened from his touch. His pole already fully erect and pulsing in my fingers, Shaun came on deck and stood there watching us a look of envy on his young face, I pulled away from Wayne’s grasp blushing at my son, who turned and fled along the deck. I hurried after him and found him squatting in the bows crying his heart out; I sat beside him and slid my arm around his shoulders he shrugged it off saying, “Go away leave me alone. Go back to playing with Wayne. I hate you.”

I sat there feeling as if he’d slapped me in the face, my beautiful son hated me. What could I do I tried to talk to him but was greeted by his shaking shoulders as he cried and cried. I climbed to my feet and slunk away back towards the stern. Wayne stood there dressed only in the Speedos as he shivered from the dank cold fog; he looked at my face and said, “What’s wrong Brian is Shaun behaving badly?”

I nodded mumbling, “He told me he hates me and I should come back and play with you. I don’t want that, I love my son and I don’t want to hurt him. What we just did mustn’t happen again Wayne, I’m not gay I’m a happily married man with a wonderful son as I told you in the gym.”

Wayne looked crestfallen and slumped on the cushioned seat oblivious to the cold wet condensation beaded on the vinyl seat coverings from the clinging fog; my somber mood was matched by the deep baying of the fog horn as it sounded through the heavy mist. I stood leaning on the guard rail staring blankly into the mirror like surface of the sea, Wayne judging my hurt and misery silently rose patted my shoulder and left me heading towards the bow where Shaun crouched invisible in the curtain of fog.

He found the distraught lad still weeping quietly and sat next to him saying nothing just being there with him, minutes passed and Shaun ignored his presence finally Wayne placed his arm about Shaun’s shoulders, the lad froze rigid at his touch. They sat there and Wayne felt Shaun’s body relax then he leant into Wayne’s torso his cold damp hair on the older lad’s shoulder as he cried more heavily. Minutes passed and Shaun’s sobbing eased until he was just sniffing and trembling, he mumbled, “Oh Wayne, I thought you loved me. Why oh why did you play with my Dad’s dick like that?”

Wayne kissed the crown of his head smelling the aroma of his wet hair and replied, “I was just playing Shaun, after all I met your Dad before I met you and I like him very much. It doesn’t mean I don’t love you, you’re a special guy who I really like heaps.”

Shaun stopped sobbing and lifted his cute face up to look into Wayne’s eyes; he saw the affection burning there and smiled slightly then kissed Wayne’s pouty lips. Wayne pressed into the sweet teen’s mouth as he stroked his tongue across Shaun’s lips triggering a mutual frantic tongue sucking as they pashed feverishly. Wayne finally stood and lifted Shaun up saying, “Come on babe let’s go down into the cabin and warm up I’m freezing and I’m sure you are too.”

The two walked arm in arm along the damp teak deck and passed me going down through the hatch, I smiled at them and said, “Shaun I’m so sorry about what happened I wouldn’t hurt you for the world I’m sure you know that.” Shaun looked at me a puzzled thoughtful expression on his face and said, “Dad I don’t really know that, after all we are almost strangers you’ve been missing most of my life working. I don’t really know what you think or believe.”

These few words shattered me to the core it was as if he’d stabbed me and twisted the knife deep in the wound, I froze there in dismay and a deep sadness icily swept through me matching the foggy conditions. I looked at my son standing there like a stranger his face stony blank, tears welled up in my eyes and I turned away lest the lads saw my pain and misery. Wayne cleared his throat and said, “Brian, I’m sure Shaun didn’t mean that.”

Shaun growled, “I did mean it Wayne, my Father hasn’t been there for me since I was a baby, he missed all the events in my life, oh he bought me great presents and provided for me and Mum but he really is a stranger mentally and physically. I don’t know how he thinks.”

At these words I broke down completely my tears running from my face dripping onto the shining smooth cold sea, Wayne caught in the midst of this terrible tension was confused he wanted to come and comfort me but held Shaun who was trembling with pent up emotions. Shaun pulled from his grasp and went below as Wayne torn with indecision stood there, Shaun’s voice came from below, “Wayne come on and get changed or you’ll catch a cold.”

He mumbled softly to me, “I’m sorry Brian Shaun wants me below, I’m sure he really loves you.”

He disappeared below leaving me shivering and sobbing as my shattered mind roiled with the utter despair of realizing my son was a stranger, the fruit of my loins hated me and I vowed I must do something to prove to him he was my son and I loved him deeply. I stood leaning on the rail gloomily watching my reflection below on the surface staring at almost a stranger, a haggard somber visage under tousled fog damp hair stared back at me not the usual impeccably dressed business man I usually saw in the mirror. I shivered chilled to the core by the temperature and my son’s detestation and I straightened up turned and headed below where I could hear my wife asking where I was.

I clumped down the steps into the salon and saw everyone fully dressed and sitting down to breakfast, Val looked up a worried frown on her face at my appearance and said, “Are you alright Brian you look terrible, the yachts ok isn’t it we haven’t dragged anchor or anything have we?”

I nodded and went to our cabin to dry off and change into a track suit, I came back and sat quietly not joining in the conversation and quietly ate my cereal and drank my coffee. Val and Wayne kept glancing at me trying to gauge what was going on in my head but Shaun just behaved as if I wasn’t present at all. This caused me more pain and as soon as I’d eaten I left the cabin and went on deck to fins a slight breeze has come up and the fog was stirring, swirling about the yacht like a curtain in a wind. Looking skywards I could now discern the sun a pale silvery orb not unlike the moon as it tried to penetrate the moving mist, I could see that the fog would soon dissipate and we’d be able to sail out of our anchorage. Val climbed on deck and came across and stood next to me at the rail, we leant there silently for some minutes while the lads washed the crockery and tidied away the breakfast gear below. Val turned to me and asked, “What’s wrong Brian something’s troubling you, tell me what’s happened.”

I sighed deeply and mumbled, “Shaun hates me.”

Val straightened up suddenly and said, “Rubbish Brian your son doesn’t hate you, you’ve provided everything you could for us, he has had the best of everything.”

I began to sob again as I said, “Val you’re so wrong, I’ve provided everything except myself, we are total strangers and he has just shown me that he detests me.”

Val placed her hands on my shoulders and leant her face next to mine kissing my cheek and said, “I’m sure that deep down he loves you he may just have been throwing a tantrum over something stupid.”

I shook my head and said, “No he meant what he said Val and I’ve got to do something to show him how much he means to me. I love him so much it really hurts to have him shun me like he did. I never knew our son hated me till this morning.”

Val hugged me saying, “teenagers say terrible things without thinking of the consequences Brian, I’m sure if you sit down and talk to him man to man he will apologise for hurting you. I’ll send him up to talk to you.”

Val gave me a squeeze and a kiss and turned disappearing below again, I heard he talking to the lads but couldn’t make out her words, then I heard Shaun’s angry voice raised, “No way Mum he doesn’t love me he never has He’s always been to busy to even think about me, it’s too late now to try and patch things up.”

I cringed at his vehemence and the words he almost spat at his Mother, I felt my stomach turn over and tasted bile in my mouth then I leant over the side to vomit up my breakfast. Heave after heave tore through my body as I emptied my stomach until I was dry retching painfully I noticed dark blood in my bile as it drooled down into the sea and I felt terrible pain in my guts. I panicked and called Val on deck, she ran up the steps staring in horror at my bloody lips, “My God,” she cried, “What is wrong? Have you bitten your tongue?”

I groaned pushing my fist under my ribs trying to alleviate the pain surging through my guts, I had experienced minor attacks of pain over the years and put it down to lack of food and stress of business. This time the pain was incredibly savage and the blood terrified me, Val helped me below and I grabbed the microphone of the marine radio, I called up the Southern Peninsular Rescue Squad and explained the position, they asked was I in urgent need of assistance and I said that I thought I could sail the boat back to St Kilda but just wanted to advise them in case we needed their help. Val gave me a dose of antacid mixture which always eased the pain in the past, it helped a little and I sat at the table waiting for it to ease.

Wayne showed great anguish at my illness while Shaun just shrugged and went up on deck, as the pain eased I stumbled to my feet using the table to steady myself and headed for the deck. I asked Shaun to please raise the anchor, he shuffled forward and I heard the winch clanking as he raised the pick, I started the diesel and waited till he told me the anchor was straight up and down but seemed snagged I warned him to lock the winch and pushed the throttle and gear into forward as the heavy hull stated moving it ripped the anchor from its perch in the rocks. Wanderer surged ahead until I pulled the gear back to neutral, Shaun then raised the anchor snugging tight on the bowsprit.

I reengaged forward and we motored smoothly out into the open water, visibility still restricted by the lifting fog. I watched the radar screen and located the channel markers setting course up the bay as fast as the little diesel could drive her sleek but heavy hull. My pain subsided to a dull ache and as the fog lifted to a watery sunlight my spirits lifted a little; Shaun ignored me sitting with Wayne in the cockpit talking as if I wasn’t present. I’d accepted his attitude vowing I’d show him somehow I loved him no matter what he thought my quandary was how I could prove it to him.

The long trip back up the Bay passed and I was glad to see the marina in the distance, we motored into the fairway and reduced speed, then turned approaching our berth, Shaun without a word went forward to attach the mooring lines as we gently nudged the rubber rubbing strip on the wooden dock. I switched off the engine and helped Wayne attach the stern lines thanking him for his help, Shaun wandered back and I thanked him but he just ignored me. I sighed deeply and we began attaching the sail protections and zipping them up while Shaun and Val stowed the other sails in the forward hatch. The boat ship shape we removed our gear loading the car then locked the hatches and gave the decks a quick hose down.

Val and I climbed into our car but Shaun walked with Wayne to his car saying to Val, “I’ll see you at home Mum, Wayne’s coming back with us so I’m going to show him the way.”

I grimaced and climbed into the car feeling my stomach twinge and I said, “I think we’d better call in on the Doctor on the way home Val and get this stomach problem looked at.”

She called out to Shaun as he unlocked the security gate for Wayne’s car that we’d be calling on the doctor on the way home so we’d be a little late.”

I started the car and followed Wayne’s through the gate, Shaun locked it behind us and jumped into Wayne’s car as he drove off and we turned onto the Esplanade and headed for my friend’s surgery. We arrived as he was closing for his afternoon break and he ushered us into his office, he listened to my description then asked me to get up on the examination table. He prodded my stomach and he hit the spot causing me to wince and gasp, he looked at me and asked, “You say the blood was very dark?”

I nodded and he said, “It’s an ulcer Brian, too much stress, long hours and irregular meals have taken their toll oh your body. You must take time off from your business and relax for a couple of months at least, I’ll give you a prescription for some tablets and a list of foods to avoid and you must also get some Gaviscon a good antacid mixture.”

I was stunned by his diagnosis but remembered my Mother was afflicted with Duodenal ulcers also my Sister had had an event too, I realised I needed to ease up on work and I began to formulate a plan which I hoped would win back Shaun’s respect and affection. We left the surgery and headed home, I was silent my mind racing as I planned the next month or two.

We arrived home and walked into the house there was no sign of the boys and I went upstairs to see if they were in Shaun’s room, as I approached I heard heavy breathing and I knew the two lads were at it again. I turned and went back down telling Val they were busily occupied upstairs.

To be continued.

Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/29/07