by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 3

Val and I prepared the evening meal and I could hear the shower upstairs running indicating the guys were getting cleaned up before coming down to join us for dinner. My stomach was still somewhat sore and I took a dose of antacid mixture which seemed to calm things down. While the meal was cooking I went into the sunroom off the kitchen and turned on the TV to watch the evening news, I heard the lads clatter into the kitchen and Shaun saying he was starving, Wayne asked where I was and if I was ok. At lest he showed an interest in my health a lot more than my own flesh and blood did.

The boys sauntered into the room and flopped side by side on the couch watching the news, I stole a glance at them both dressed similarly in beige cargo shorts and t-shirts with bare feet. I could see Wayne’s lower legs showing a fine fuzz of bleached hair while Shaun’s still seemed smooth as silk. Similarly as my eyes rose I could see that Wayne showed much more between his spread thighs than my son. Their bare knees were touching companionably as they sat leaning back on the cushions looking very relaxed. I guessed their afternoon sexual tryst upstairs had eased their horniness somewhat.

My mind wandered from the news and I began again working out the plans I was formulating for regaining Shaun’s love, the basic idea was an extended cruise up the east coast of Australia taking a couple of months over the Christmas break meaning Shaun would miss the first few weeks of school but he was a smart lad who would soon catch up with his peers. I wondered if Wayne would be able to come with us, the football season was over and I had to find out if he had a job or any other problem that would stop him coming. There was a lot to find out and plan but I was determined to pull this off, I’d do anything to win Shaun’s love and respect once more.

I didn’t realise I was staring at the lads until Wayne’s ear to ear grin pierced my thoughts , he asked, “What are you thinking about Brian you seem a million miles away, are you feeling ok?”

I shook myself mentally and replied, "Yeah Wayne I feel ok thanks, I’m just thinking and planning something for the Christmas break that will be great for us all."

Shaun glanced at me showing the first interest in my presence, he glanced inquiringly then just gave a slight shrug and turned back to the TV, I thought "well at least he showed a momentary interest." He sat there deep in thought for a couple of minutes then turned to Wayne saying, "Don’t worry Wayne, he always plans to do things with me and Mum but always his business takes first place and it all falls through. I’m used to his crap so don’t get excited about anything he says." My son was showing he was an expert in destroying me, his jibe rammed that knife deeper into my heart and psyche while he twisted the blade sharply gouging me intensely, I gasped taking a deep breath as Wayne looked piteously at me. I could see hurt in his eyes at Shaun’s vicious words as he gently shook his head. He turned to Shaun and said softly, "Shaun let up on your Dad, I’m sure he doesn’t deserve this treatment."

Shaun looked at him as if he’d spat at him and hissed, "Wayne shut up you don’t know what your talking about. Mind your own damn business."

Wayne cringed back at his vicious reply and looked sadly at me; Val walked in breaking the tension to announce dinner was ready and we walked through to the dining room and sat down. I toyed with my meal having no real appetite and ended up excusing myself and leaving the room to sit outside on the veranda in the cooling evening air. I sat there sobbing quietly holding my head in my hands believing that maybe nothing I could do would alter Shaun’s attitude, my son was utterly lost to me, "Why oh why had my drive to build my business blinded me to my duties as a parent?"

Val eventually came out and joined me bringing a cup of tea with her, she handed it to me and I put it on the table beside my chair, she took my hand in hers rubbing it gently saying nothing but sharing my pain. I turned and looked into my wife’s beautiful face and said, "Val I’ve been such an insensitive fool all these years, how the hell have you put up with me?"

She looked into my tear filled eyes saying, "Brian you have been trying to secure our future and Shaun’s, you have been honest in business and your private life. I’ve never doubted your fidelity or your dreams; I love you just as much today as I did when we first married. Shaun is wrong intimating that you don’t love him this will pass; underneath he loves you and is proud of you. I just don’t understand what has triggered this sudden animosity."

I couldn’t explain to her what had happened as it would cause her pain, I didn’t want to put Shaun’s sexuality out in the open it was his business, he had to come out in his own time. I took a sip of the hot tea and sat back deep in thought, Val chatted on about the garden and that her Mother was feeling a little off colour lately, her words flowed about me in the gathering darkness as she tried to get my mind off the problem of Shaun. Eventually Val subsided into silence just sitting beside me lending me her support with her presence, I made a decision and turned to her saying, "Val I have come to a decision, I’m taking some time off from the business, health wise I think I need a relaxing break and I’m sure young Jackson can carry the extra responsibility of running the company. I’ll increase his remuneration and make him the manager, I’m sure he’ll be delighted to give it a go."

Val turned and stared into my eyes in the light from the window behind us, she took my hands in hers and said, "Brian, that is wonderful news, you can bond with Shaun and become a real Father to him."

I nodded cleared my throat and said, "I hope so and I pray it isn’t too late for us to be a family again. I’d like nothing more than to have our son behave as if I’m his friend as well as his Dad."

We sat there enjoying the quiet balmy evening holding hands and relaxing, I felt better knowing things might turn out for the best; I’d now formulated my plan for the next couple of months, a yachting cruise up the East Coast of Australia, I turned to Val and announced my plans. She sat there quietly taking in my ideas then said, "If anything might bring you two together that should do the trick."

I went on to say, "I’m going to invite Wayne to join us if he can, Shaun and he seem to be really hitting it off and look like becoming great mates."

Val looked at me quizzically then replied, "Do you think that’s wise Brian? We have only just met the lad, he seems very nice but he is still a stranger."

I nodded and said, "He is a very nice young guy Val, I know him quite well from the gym and he may not be able to swing the time off to come with us anyway but I’m still going to ask him if he’d like to come with us."

Val shrugged and got up saying, "Ok Brian, if you think that’s a good idea I’ll go with you in this regard."

She walked into the house saying, "Would you like me to send the lads out to see you?"

I nodded taking a deep breath and steeled myself for Shaun’s possible rejection of my plans. The door opened and the two lads appeared Shaun looking disgruntled and Wayne looking inquiringly at me, I asked them to sit on the swing seat together as I shifted my chair in front of it. They sat close their bodies touching as they stared at me, I cleared my throat and began, "Guys I have a proposition to put before you, I know Shaun you have missed me over the years but now due to my health I’m going to ease my load and take a few months off."

Shaun just stared at me blankly then his mouth turned down at the corners before he spoke, "You think that after all these years you have been missing you can change my attitude by taking a couple of months off to try bonding with me?"

I frowned, sadness welling up inside me at his abrupt words; Wayne looked at him aghast then turned to me with sad eyes saying, "Shaun I know I’m just a visitor here but surely you could give your Dad a little respect, he seems to be trying to reach out to you."

I nodded unable to speak my vision blurred with unshed tears, I croaked out, "Shaun you are being so hurtful I was only trying to provide a lifestyle for you and your Mother, I never meant to ignore you and I love you dearly son. Can’t we at least attempt to be friends?"

Shaun sneered, "Friends, friends? As if we were friends you are at best a distant acquaintance, someone who I saw on odd occasions and then usually you were too tired to take an interest in me or what I had to tell you."

I shuddered at his vehement words he almost spat them at me; Wayne looked most uncomfortable as he looked from Shaun to me and back again. I took another deep breath and launched into telling them my ideas, my plan for the next couple of months, "Shaun and Wayne, I propose to take the Wanderer up the East Coast as far as Cairns or if we have time maybe around into the Gulf of Carpentaria. I want you both to come along as your Mum and I can’t sail her by ourselves, we’ll need your assistance so what do you say? Wayne can you get the time off and get the ok to go? I’m sure Shaun would love you along on the trip."

Shaun looked at me poker faced but I thought I could see a flicker of interest in his eyes, a faint flame kindling in there, he looked at Wayne putting his hand on his mates thigh and said, "Do you think you could come Wayne, if you can then I’ll go but if you can’t then I don’t want to go away for weeks and weeks, with just my parents it would be too boring."

Wayne looked hopeful and said, "Well I’ll have to ask my folks back in Deniliquin but I’m sure they will say it will be a great experience and the footy club will let me go I’m sure as it is pre season and I’m not in the senior team yet. I’ll find out tomorrow and let you know. Thanks Brian for thinking of me."

I smiled at his enthusiasm and confidence in getting permission to come along on the voyage, Shaun now seemed more relaxed and his bristling aggression eased somewhat, he seemed more like the Shaun I knew before this disagreement flared. He leant his head on Shaun’s shoulder looking into his dark handsome face, Wayne turned his head to look into Shaun’s eyes and their lips touched. Shaun’s hands grasped Wayne’s face as they kissed tongues flashing into each other’s tasty moist mouths. Soft moans filled the night air as my son and his lover kissed feverishly, their hands sliding in under each other’s t-shirts as they fondled and groped each other’s smooth pecs and aroused nipples.

My eyes were drawn irresistibly to the tented cargo shorts as both teen’s tools erected as hard as steel bolts, I found myself lost in a haze of sexual turpitude, my mind conjuring scenes of these two luscious lads involved in intimate sexuality. My mind cast back to the cabin of the Wanderer when I found Wayne fucking Shaun’s tight virginal arse, my own penis was twitching irresistibly as it firmed from the stimulation until I was achingly aroused my heavy balls aching for release. I shifted on the chair seeking relief from my tight trousers, finally my hand crept down to shift my bone hard tool into a more comfortable position as I did so I saw Wayne’s eyes catch my movement and widen at the sight of my pole as it moved under the thin cotton of my slacks.

I stood turned away and hurried indoors to flop on the couch in front of the TV, my legs crossed hiding my erection and pressuring it to deflate, Val came in and sat in her recliner relaxing as we watched Pearl Harbour a repeat but worth watching, I thought both the male leads were pretty hot guys especially Josh Hartnett. There was a slight resemblance to Josh in Wayne’s handsome visage, that same innocent boy next door look I found so incredibly attractive in a guy. I wondered if suddenly I was turning gay after all these years but shook my head in denial saying to myself, "No way Jose! You are not a homosexual you’re a happily married guy with a son and you love Val with all your heart and soul."

I sat there my brain spinning like a dervish with totally confused messages racing around at dizzying speed, Val turned to look at me saying, "You are very quiet tonight Brian what are you thinking about?"

I jerked, startled and looked at her then said, "Oh just thinking of my plan to get us all together over the next couple of months while I’m off work."

The phone rang and I wondered who on earth could be ringing at this hour as I reached out and picked up the cordless handset, I answered and heard Val’s Father Doug on the phone he sounded very upset and asked to speak to Val, I passed the phone across and Val answered, she sat there silently listening to her Father nodding now and then a worried frown on her face. She finished the call saying, "Ok Dad I’ll fly over tomorrow I should be there by late afternoon."

Val put the phone down turned to me and said, "Mum has had a bad stroke and poor Dad’s not capable of looking after her with his arthritis and he asked me to come to Perth and help out."

I frowned and said, "Oh my God Val, you must go this is a terrible blow for both your parents, is Doug holding up ok?"

She nodded saying the neighbours were helping him till I get there, you know he’s almost totally disabled with his arthritis condition, Mum did nearly everything about the place. I nodded and thought of the last time we visited them how crippled Doug was, he could hardly walk it was terrible to see a man who was once fit and strong reduced to a shell wracked by pain. Val got up and said that she was going to pack a suitcase ready for the morning as she left the room; I rang the airlines and booked her a flight on the early flight in the morning. I then walked out onto the veranda to where Wayne and Shaun were still face sucking and caressing each other by now in a frenzied fashion. The moist wet sounds of their tonguing kisses and moans of pleasure again got my heart pounding as I cleared my throat loudly to get their attention, they pulled apart and looked at me as I told Shaun the bad news and that his Mum was flying out in the morning.

He looked at me stony faced and asked, "I suppose this means the trip North on the Wanderer is off, like all the other broken promises you’ve made over the years?"

I looked at his stony face and shook my head, "No Shaun I will be doing what I said, your Mum doesn’t want us hanging around under her feet over there. We will be sailing up the coast but now only three of us instead of the four we need."

Wayne piped up saying, "Brian can I say something?"

I looked at him smiling and nodded he went on, "What if I can get my young brother Donny to come with us? He is 15 and I’m sure he would love to come if you’d let him."

I looked at Wayne and grinned, "Do you think your folks would let both of you come?"

He smiled confidently nodding, "I’m sure my folks would let him seeing I’ll be there to look after him, he is great company and if we need four people he will pull his weight I guarantee it."

Shaun smiled at Wayne and said, "Awesome dude, is he as spunky as his older bro?"

Wayne laughed ruffling his hair saying, "You bet he is he’s a real little hottie. Can I use the phone Brian they should still be awake up there?"

To be cumtinued.

Feedback always welcome:  

Posted: 06/29/07