by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 1

It was time for a break, I’d spent sixteen long hard years establishing a successful IT company, I began working after I left University at the age of 22 and after a year I decided to branch out on my own. It had been a struggle but it was now paying off and I, my wife and son were now extremely comfortable, the company was thriving and I had a small group of keen and exceptionally talented people working for me. My wife Valerie, had been nagging me for the last few years to take a break and go cruising in our yacht, a 65 foot ketch. The yacht was still almost pristine as we never got much time to sail her and she had been sitting in her berth at the marina for nearly 5 years.

My name is Brian, I’m 38 years old but still fit as I made sure I fitted exercising and gym into my busy life, being office bound I certainly wasn’t going to get unfit and drop dead from a heart attack at an early age. I wasn’t Mr. Universe but I was happy with my toned still pretty smooth body, I know heads still turned when I worked out and I’d had a few guys try to pick me up. I’d ignored their advances even when a hunky young 18 year old footballer from one of the AFL teams had tried to pick me up in the showers, he’d followed me in and stood watching me strip off while he fondled his swelling package. He was as handsome as all get out but I wasn’t into male to male sex and apart from teenaged experimentation when I reached puberty I’d always been heterosexual in orientation.

This young hunk had waited till I got under the shower then he slowly did a strip tease in front of me before jumping under the shower next to mine, his erection was incredibly nice, what I’d call perfection not a lump or vein on the long 7 inch slim pole except for a large prominent vein running from his neat pubic bush down the top of his tool, he was uncut with a large loose foreskin which he began pulling back and forth as he swayed about under the running water. I was fascinated watching him as he gyrated his hips sensuously while wanking off, his face looked completely and utterly sensuous with his half closed eyes and partially open lips caressed by his pink tongue as he moaned softly until he tensed up every muscle bulged including his excited tossle as he spewed sperm into the air.

I found myself becoming excited by this unbelievable display and my mind raced back to the mutual jerk offs when I was young, my hand tentatively found my own turgid meat and I stroked myself a few times watching him as he emptied his balls. I tore my hand reluctantly off my erection and turned away finishing my shower with my back turned to the exciting youth. He turned off his shower and stood there silent, I knew he was watching me and was terrified he was going to touch me, I didn’t know what I’d do if he did this, would my resolve collapse and let him have his way or would I punch him out. My brain was a jumble of thoughts racing madly around like dodgem cars colliding in my head, I was trembling with tension and excited terror that this lad was going to take this situation further.

He stood there for what seemed like hours before he sighed deeply and I heard him move away, I turned my head slightly to watch him walk dejectedly away after my rebuff. My eyes locked on his incredible bubble bum, the totally smooth unblemished orbs of incredible muscle swaying as he walked allowing me to see the tiny tuft of hair protruding sexily from the deep cleft. This lad, if I was gay or even bi, would win my heart in an instant he was awesome, handsome, built like a Greek god and totally molten, much to hot to be just called plain hot. I finished my shower and walked to the change room to find the lad sitting there head down held in his hands, I walked across and sat next to him and said, “Hey don’t be upset about what didn’t happen, if I was gay or bi I’d have grabbed you in the showers dude, you are incredibly sexy and attractive. I’m sorry but I’m not into guys sexually and I guarantee you I wont tell anybody about what just happened so cheer up dude.”

He raised his head and turned to look into my eyes, oh gees, what incredible eyes he had deep blue framed by the longest black lashes. My head span as I looked into these bottomless orbs I felt I was looking into his very soul, his hand moved rested on my thigh as he spoke with a young but deep voice, “Thanks mate I appreciate that after I made such a fool of myself back there but I couldn’t help myself, you turned me on totally I wanted you to touch me and make love to me. I still do, just sitting here your body and personality is drawing me into your aura, like iron filings to a magnet.”

I dragged my eyes from his and ruffled his thick wet hair saying, “I wish I could do what you desire but sorry it just isn’t to be, I’m happily married with a beautiful son and desirable as you are I can’t be what you want.”

He sighed and took his warm hand from my leg and stood up, there in front of my face was his superb fully erect penis standing hard against his flat belly, pre cum drooling down the smooth shaft. My mouth watered, I had an unbelievable desire to taste him. I fought against the powerful urge and looked away he turned and opened his locker pulling out a towel and drying what little moisture still beaded on his smooth body. I grabbed my towel and began roughly towelling myself trying to subdue my confusing thoughts, the lad turned to me and said, “My name is Wayne, I’d like to be your mate at least since you don’t want me sexually, maybe we can work out together here at the Gym.”

I grinned at him extended my hand and said, “That would be great it gets lonely here sometimes working out alone, I’d be glad to exercise with you Wayne, I’m Brian by the way.”

Wayne clasped my hand in his gripping me firmly and shook hands holding on a little too long before releasing me, I felt a tingle like a tiny shock run through me from his touch. I suddenly blurted out, “Wayne how would you like to join us on my yacht this weekend?”

He looked at me grinning happily and replied, “That sounds great, I’m a country boy I’ve never been on a boat in my life, thanks for inviting me Brian.”

I kicked myself mentally as I wondered how I was going to explain Wayne to my wife and Shaun my 15 year old son, the drive home was a torture as I mulled over hundreds of explanations finally settling on the almost truthful one, Wayne was my workout buddy and we were good friends at the Gym. I walked into our home and was greeted by a flying young teen body leaping into my arms as Shaun threw his arms around my neck effusively. He always did this as we never got enough time together due to the business; my hands cupped his firm young butt as he locked his legs around my waist. I kissed him on the cheek and said, “This greeting is fantastic Shaun I never get tired of you doing this I miss you so much son.”

He kissed me back saying, “I love you Dad and I miss you heaps too I wish we could be together more.”

I squeezed his bum and said, “Well how about this weekend we take the Wanderer out on the bay?”

He kissed me again excitedly almost yelling, “Really Dad you mean it? We haven’t been sailing for ages that would be awesome.” I carried him through to the kitchen still wrapped around me like a limpet, Val was finishing the cooking as I pecked her on the cheek Shaun said, “Guess what Mum, Dad’s taking us out sailing on the weekend isn’t that great?”

Val looked shocked and said, “Incredible Shaun it will be great to spend some quality time together on the boat.”

I cleared my throat nervously and said, “I’ve invited a workout buddy from the gym to come out too I hope you don’t mind.”

Shaun said, “Freezing Dad, that sounds great who is he?”

I smiled at him and said, “He’s an AFL footballer, his name is Wayne and he’s 18 years old.”

Shaun was completely over the moon at the thought of a guest nearer his own age instead of the usual friends of mine or Val’s, he began to ask me all about Wayne and I just told him he was a nice lad who I’m sure he’d like. He asked what team Wayne played for and when I told him he got very excited saying that he thought he knew who I was talking about and that he was a really good football player. I could see a large amount of what looked like hero worship in his behaviour; I thought to myself that this would be a great weekend on the boat. My wife seemed completely blasé about Wayne joining us and I was relieved that she accepted a stranger coming along.

The weekend rocked up and we loaded the 4 wheel drive with food and our gear and headed to the marina, I’d organized that Wayne park near the security gate into the berth area and as we turned into the marina I saw him leaning against his car waiting. What a sight he made in a tight white t-shirt and a skimpy pair of white footy shorts, his exposed limbs glowingly tanned and his hidden package bulging the front of his shorts out, Shaun yelled, “There he is Dad, it’s the Wayne I thought it would be, he is awesome.”

Val looked at the muscular young god and I saw her appreciating his form and exceptional good looks, I pulled up beside Wayne and told him to follow us in his car into the secured area. He jumped into his car after greeting us with a beaming smile showing his sparkling white teeth and we drove into the hard standing area, we parked the car and climbed out, Shaun bolting to where Wayne was parked and he was reaching in to grab a sports bag from inside his car. The sight of Wayne bending over in those tight shorts exposing his tan line where his Speedos usually covered was incredible, Shaun was bouncing on his feet asking if he could carry Wayne’s bag for him. Wayne stood up slamming the car door and ruffled my son’s unruly hair saying, “I think I’ll be right mate but I’m sure your Mum and Dad could do with a hand unloading their gear.”

Shaun grumbled but ran to us and started unloading the food from the cargo area in the back of the Nissan Patrol, we carted the cartons and bags down the sloping ramp to the floating dock and made our way to the Wanderer, Wayne stopped in his tracks looking at her then exclaimed, “Whew! It is a beautiful boat Brian it must have cost you a packet.”

I felt a surge of pride at his comments about our beautiful yacht and I smiled at him saying, “Yeah she wasn’t cheap Wayne that’s for sure mate, but she was worth every dollar she cost. I just wish we had more time to enjoy her attributes.”

He nodded and we stepped aboard the sleek craft, I checked the fuel tank for the diesel engine while Val unlocked the hatch and disappeared below while Shaun and Wayne carried the gear down into the luxurious cabin. I removed the canvas coverings from the sails and checked the winches and rigging, the Wanderer was ship shape and nuzzling the protective rubber on the dock seemingly eager to be free and racing before the breeze which had been slowly increasing as the morning advanced. It looked as though we were going to have a perfect weekend on the water, Shaun reappeared from below as I said, “Shaun could you cast off the mooring lines while I crank up the engine?”

He bounded forward and undid the port and starboard lines allowing Wanderer to move in her berth, the diesel coughed and clattered as black smoke puffed from the exhaust, it settled down and began to purr as Shaun began casting off the stern lines, we were free and ready to reverse from the berth. I nudged the gear lever into reverse and increased the engine revolutions the prop thrashed a little then gripped the water and we reversed slowly from the moorings turning in the fairway to head out into the bay. I put the engine into forward gear and we slowly gathered way motoring smoothly up the busy channel.

Shaun had stripped to his bright fluorescent pink Speedos and was seated beside me in the wheel house, Val and Wayne were still below decks somewhere stowing the gear away. We turned out into the bay and headed out towards the main shipping channel. Once well clear of the shore Shaun began setting the sails, the sound of the sails slatting as we motored along brought Val and Wayne up from below, Val had stripped down to her bikini and she looked beautiful. My beloved wife had weathered child bearing well and maintained her perfect figure, that of a girl many years her junior, Wayne was still wearing his tight white footy shorts but had removed his top, my eyes ran over his superb musculature and I heard a faint gasp from Shaun who was once again back beside me.

I killed the diesel and allowed the wind to take control, the sails filled and we trimmed them to make the best of the wind as Wanderer heeled over slightly and began slicing through the water. Val went forward and took a towel placing it on the cabin roof to stretch out enjoying the sun and breeze, Wayne stood beside me watching the water as the small whitecaps gambolled like frisky lambs on the sparkling blue surface. Wanderer revelled in the light conditions as she curtsied and raced along seemingly excited to be free of her moorings, Shaun was firing innumerable questions at Wayne about his team mates in the club, I listened, not interrupting, as Wayne seemed to be enjoying the boy’s interest.

The temperature was climbing as the Northerly freshened I noticed Wayne was adjusting himself frequently obviously he was hot under the tight shorts; I suggested he borrow a pair of my Speedos and slip into them to be cooler and less restricted. He looked at me startled then Shaun said, “Come on Wayne I’ll show you where they are.”

The two lads disappeared down the hatch and I watched a large container ship approaching from the South, Val was asleep in the shade of the mainsail and I could hear muffled voices from below. My mind was wandering thinking of the business and hoping things were going smoothly while I was playing hooky, I was brought back to the present by seeing Shaun’s head appear followed by Wayne’s as they returned to the deck. Shaun was still gabbling and grinning as they stepped out beside me, I did a double take both lads were sporting semi erect cocks, the sight was mind blowing even for a hetro like me. Their flimsy togs did nothing to hide their condition and I was treated to a delightful exhibition of virile young manhood showing their excitement at being alive and having explosive teenage hormones.

The Wanderer was loping along at a steady 10 knots and by 2pm we were in the southern end of the bay and I decided to anchor in the shallow water near Mud Island, this low flat land mass was surrounded by vast shallows which dropped off dramatically into the channels where strong currents ran we anchored dropping the sails and ate a picnic lunch on deck watching the fish, stingrays and banjo sharks cruising about in the clear water. After lunch Shaun suggested we launch the rubber dinghy and visit the island to check out the tern breeding ground there, I helped him launch the dinghy and we all climbed aboard. The small outboard fired up and we puttered into the island until the motor’s leg grounded on the sand, I stopped the engine and we all jumped into the water dragging the boat behind us.

I moored the boat and we ambled up onto the white sand, the terns lifted skywards as we moved amongst the colony but settled again behind us not really perturbed by our presence. Shaun and Wayne we well ahead of us and I relished watching the two superb young men as they raced about looking at anything and everything, all this was new for Wayne as he was a country boy so this was his first real introduction to the sea and Shaun being well experienced was his tutor in all things nautical. We reached the opposite side of the island and decided to wade back around through the shallows; I could see the Wanderer tall masts across the island as she lay quietly waiting our return. Shaun and Wayne threw themselves into the water for a swim to cool off and we followed them eagerly, the water was cool and refreshing as we floated there, Shaun ducked under unseen by me and next thing I knew I was under water spluttering as the young devil pulled me under after grabbing me by the hips.

Shaun took advantage of me as I was thrashing under water by leaping on my shoulders locking his heels under my arm pits, I struggled upright lifting him from the water I felt his penis resting on the back of my neck and he seemed to be excited again as I waded along with him spurring me with his heels. I took him a few yards while I regained my breath then I took a deep breath and fell forward like a pole holding his knees tight as we crashed down into the water. I released Shaun and held him under while I got to my feet before letting him free to rise out of the water coughing up salt water as he growled and threatened me with utter mayhem. Wayne was laughing fit to burst and Shaun looked at me while I looked at him grinning, we both turned and leapt on Wayne bearing him down to disappear under the surface.

A wild melee broke out as Wayne struggled to stand as the two of us attempted to stop him, arms legs and bodies entwined slipping about due to our wet slippery bodies, I felt a hand clutch my privates and I grabbed at somebody’s crotch feeling a hard tumescence I realised it had to be Shaun’s as I’m positive Wayne’s was much larger. The cock in my hand was throbbing hard as I squeezed it gently Shaun gasped so I knew it was him I held, I felt his hand join the other gripping my cock and I felt the two hands stroking me as I tried to pull away after releasing Shaun. The grips tightened and another hand grabbed my balls pulling on them to prevent my escape, I stayed still while the two lads played with me and as I neared a shattering climax they pulled my togs down as my cock puffed sperm into the clear water.

I was shaking with the intensity of my ejaculation as the lads wanked my spurting pole until it emptied my nuts, I fell to my knees trembling and gasping as the two perpetrators released me and watched my reaction. Val who had swum further up the shore returned and looked at me with a quizzical expression, she asked, “Are you ok Brian? You look very flushed and you’re breathing pretty hard.”

I nodded speechless still I was in shock, I could understand Wayne doing what he did but Shaun, my own young son, wanking his father. I never had any clue he was experimenting in this way, I suppose it wasn’t strange that I was ignorant, seeing I hardly ever saw him due to the pressures of my business. I know it was a disgrace and I vowed I would do more to be with him in the future. I recovered my equilibrium and saw the lads were both blushing while grinning mischievously, I glared at Shaun and he looked away guiltily while Wayne just grinned and blushed deliciously. I adjusted my togs and we continued our trek around the island watching the marine creatures fleeing out approach as they dashed for deeper water.

We finally reached the dinghy where it now bobbed on the incoming tide tugging at the anchor; I climbed aboard and helped Val get in while Wayne and Shaun retrieved the anchor. I started the outboard as they climbed in and spun the boat heading out towards the where the Wanderer lay swinging on the tide. We boarded her and while Shaun showed Wayne how to operate the winch to lift the rubber ducky from the water and nestle her on the supports mounted on the deck.
Val went forward to operate the power anchor winch and I heard the clatter of the links rattling as they passed through into the chain locker in the bows.

As soon as the anchor broke free of the sand the tide swung Wanderer quickly beam on, the diesel clattered to live and I engaged forward gear as we motored away from the low lying island. I steered a course for the Pope’s Eye a strange horseshoe shaped rock breakwater near the Heads, it was I think being constructed to be a fort guarding the entrance to the Bay which was never finished and was now a favourite protected dive spot populated with a myriad of fish and other aquatic life. It was declared a sanctuary so no fishing was permitted in its environs but it was a fantastic area to study the inhabitants.

We motored into the shelter of its walls and dropped anchor amongst the other craft, we soon donned masks, flippers and snorkels, which were stowed in a locker below, and dived overboard after setting the boarding ladder in place. We cruised about watching the myriad of fish moving through the colourful weed growth while also watching the other divers and swimmers, Shaun and Wayne swam close together their friendship obvious. Val and I swam together holding hands, suddenly there was a commotion fish dashed into the protection of the rocky walls, a fur seal raced into the area, dashing back and forth in smooth fluid turns of direction. We marvelled at the sheer beauty of its movement as it cruised about, it surfaced beside us to breath and we were eye to eye with the comical be whiskered animal. It floated there watching us wriggling its moustache, its beautiful dark eyes sparkling then it gave a coughing bark, flipped and vanished below us.

We began to tire and Val and I swam back to the Wanderer, we removed our diving gear throwing it onto the deck and climbed up the boarding ladder. We towelled off, then Val returned to her favourite spot on top of the teak cabin roof while I stretched out on the cushions in the cockpit. I drifted into sleep in the warm sunlight and was awoken some time later by water sprinkling on my sun warmed body; I jerked awake opening my eyes to find both lads were standing beside me shaking their wet hair onto me. I cursed them jokingly which was greeted by loud guffaws of glee as they bounced about laughing, their genitals moving enticingly in their wet clinging Speedos. I was embarrassed as I felt my own cock twitching at this display of teen beauty, I rolled quickly onto my stomach to hide a growing tumescence and the lads sat opposite me close together laughing and play punching each other.

Their youthful exuberance quietened and they too stretched out in the sun and drifted off to sleep in the warm sun, I turned my head and lay there admiring both lads Wayne’s more mature sports hardened body and Shaun’s smoother just beginning to mature physique. My eyes drifted irresistibly to their flaccid cocks poking out the flimsy Lycra as they rested on their well filled scrotums, I visualized what was concealed, I pictured Wayne’s penis as I remembered it under the shower at the gym. A full 7 inches of masculine perfection throbbing tumultuously as he played with it. Shaun I was just conjuring up a fantasy as I hadn’t seen him naked since he was a young child in the bath. I imagined his to be about 5 inches, pinkly pure and unblemished standing out from a neat small teen bush pulsating on his perfect flat belly. I had to lift myself up to adjust my extremely hard tool in my togs then settled back onto the cushions to continue my surreptitious staring.

The sun weakened as the afternoon drew on and a fog began to form as the wind changed direction and became quite chilly, the other boats had departed during the afternoon leaving us alone in the protected anchorage. I got up and stretched shivering in the dank air then went below to pick up a blanket to cover the sleeping lads as Val came below shivering and grumbling about the sudden weather change. I returned to the deck and gently covered the still sleeping boys then returned down into the cabin to pull on a track suit to cover my bare skin. Val had changed and lit the stove to boil some water for a hot cup of tea when I returned I gave her a hug and a kiss saying, “Great idea Val a nice hot cuppa will go down a treat.”

She kissed me back asking if the boys were still asleep, I nodded saying that they must have exhausted themselves swimming and diving. She snuggled against my chest as we watched the blue gas flame under the kettle, the steam started and soon the piercing whistle announced the water was boiling. We made a pot of tea as I heard sounds from on deck and saw bare feet start down the steps, both Wayne and Shaun appeared wrapped together in the blanket shivering from the cold. Sea fog is an evil material it seeps damply into everything and seems to pierce the human body to the bone. Both lad’s hair was beaded with moisture from the fog, as I handed them each a mug of hot tea, they wrapped their hands around the mugs trying to warm their fingers.

We could hear the fog horns from the lighthouses on the headland at Queenscliff answered by some ship attempting entry into the bay through the treacherous heads; I made up my mind that we were better off staying at anchor where we were rather than sail out into the thick fog, even with our radar operating I made the decision to stay in the safety of the Pope’s Eye. I was certain the fog would lift in the morning when the sun warmed up burning it away. We opened a tin of ham and made a salad sitting around the teak table in the main cabin with the gas heater hissing merrily in the corner. We turned on the TV and spread out around the lounge comfortably warm and relaxed.

We turned in at 10pm Val and I retiring to the forward cabin and our double bed while the boys converted one of the lounges into a double bed for themselves, the fog thickened and almost muffled the deep throated moans of the fog horns lulling us to sleep, Wanderer was at rest the water glass smooth protected from the ocean swell entering the bay by the rock walls of the anchorage. I awoke in the early hours of the morning, something had roused me from my sleep, I lay there listening keenly trying to ascertain the cause. Was it a portent to disaster? Had Wanderer broken free from her moorings? I was tensed ready to dash on deck when I heard a sound from the salon, a strange disturbing noise, I slid from the bunk and quietly opened the cabin door peering into the gloom, the sounds were clearer now as I tried to see what caused them.

The gloom of the dark night coupled with the fog made the area exceptionally dark I reached for the light switch mounted on the bulkhead and turned on the light to be astounded by what I saw.

To be cumtinued.

Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/29/07