The Voynich Enslavement
“I got an idea how ta make this Saturday a whole lot nicer for ya, boy . . . you just trust me! Now, we don't want ya ta be late, so GIT!”
“Thank You, Sir!!!” and with a slight bow to Bryan, he about-faced and continued on his journey of delivery.
He returned to the kitchen and scanned the front page as he prepared his first cup of coffee, grimacing at the taste. The headline was “PREZ SIGNS SENIOR SLAVE BILL” and the rest of the page was commentary and follow-up on the story.
Chapter 6
Bryan decided to browse the main article, and was very happy to see that Congress and the President had finally agreed to deal with the problem of all the millions of useless and government-dependent people sapping the strength of the nation. Reading on, he saw that it wasn't just the seniors, but anyone not contributing to society in some useful way, and he realized that the homeless problem had been solved, too. He began to smile; he felt proud to be an American.
A follow-up article described the camps which had been covertly built all around the country to house these millions of newly-enslaved former-citizens, with separate facilities to handle those who were bound for the food plants and those who were destined to provide organs to citizens needing them.
The first group would be processed quickly, the article stated, with most of the new camps to be reverted back to their former use within a month or so, as the most serious offenders were pulped and canned or bagged as either moist or dry slave-chow.
The second group would linger on as organs were needed, until, at last, there was need for the slave's heart or another vital organ, at which time that slave would get a final harvesting and the remnants sent to a smaller on-site slave-chow facility for pulping.
A spokesman spoke proudly of the humane gagging of the slaves as they awaited organ-removal, and how much money these facilities would be saving the tax-paying American public by not using costly drugs to anesthetize the slaves during organ removal, or other drugs used to induce comas during the often-times lengthy waits. Bryan nodded his agreement, not being one ever to coddle a slave.
An article written locally caught Bryan's eye . . . it stated that local officials had offered a reward to citizens reporting anyone suspected of being a non-contributor to society, and while the reward was not huge, several turn-ins would definitely boost a family's income. Bryan could think of at least ten reports he'd be making later that very day, with more to follow as soon as he got all the particulars on the wretches he had in mind. 'Betsy's gonna just love having that extra pin-money!' he grinned to himself. He'd read of people recycling aluminum cans back at the turn of the century, and felt that this was just a modern-day version of the same thing. He wondered who'd get all the bounty-money for the senior care-facilities and the hobo-camps, and frowned trying to figure out a way to get some of that action for himself and his family.
He stood and stretched, getting all the kinks out, and placed his coffee cup in the sink, seeing that it was time to get his boys down from the ceiling hooks and cleaned up.
Whistling 'Camptown Races', as was his wont when feeling very happy and cocky, he trotted down the stairs to see how his boys were doing, and was rewarded by the sight of Del and Thor still jerking and bobbing, still in torment, and still crying uncontrollably. He walked all around the two and finally laughed out loud.
“You two think you've learned your lesson today, about fuckin' with my family life like you did?”, he asked, when he'd finally stopped laughing.
Both boys nodded, once, hoping like hell that would work.
It did.
Bryan untied their legs first, and let them get used to standing upright before he undid their arms. They obediently stood there motionlessly, and silently, looking at the floor, as was proper, waiting for their Master's instructions.
Dragging it out a bit, he stood there and just watched the two, waiting to see if they'd break proper slave attitude. He was proud to see that they didn't.
“Separate! But don't let that nice hot dildo hit the floor, boys! I'll whip ya's both if it does! You're gonna get ta know that dildo real good over the next few months, and I expect you both to safeguard it and treasure it as if it were my own cock! One of you will be expected to have it at all times where it can be seen and enjoyed, and I wanna see you trading it off between ya's so ya both get a chance to show it respect. Now, I see two nasty, smelly slaves who need cleaned up . . . GIT!” and Bryan watched them, to see the dildo being removed and to see how they'd handle their cleaning.
He was surprised.
Heading out of the dungeon at double-time, Thor grabbed a bar of lye-soap from the wash-basin, and a harsh, stiff scrub-brush in the basement and Del held the fiery dildo in both hands, occasionally kissing it as he followed Thor upstairs and out the back patio door.
In the back yard, Thor turned on the ice-cold water to the hose, and the two scrubbed each other clean, with that lye-soap and the brush, trading the dildo back and forth as they did so, and cleaning it, too, in the process. Both boys held that dildo with both hands every time it was their turn to hold it, and they were both careful to give it a lot of kisses. Bryan watched in amazement from the patio door, drinking another cup of coffee and feeling very proud.
It took the boys less than ten minutes to get the hot balm off themselves and the dildo, and by that time they were blue from the cold water and red and raw from the harsh scrubbing they'd given each other, totally in silence.
Turning off the water, Del nodded to Thor, once, and the two of them trotted up to the patio door, where they lay flat on the deck, with their arms out-stretched towards Bryan, Thor holding the clean dildo in his upturned hands, and they waited in silence.
Bryan was astounded at the wonderful transformation in the boys, and promised himself that today's lesson would be repeated, often, in the days to come, in one form or another.
“You boys put that dildo away somewhere safe, where I can see it, and then get my breakfast ready. Get yerselves a big bowl of slave -chow to share, and a big bowl of water, too, so ya's can eat next ta me. GIT!” and the boys trotted off, with very happy smiles on their faces. Bryan was glad to see that, but a bit puzzled, still.
By seven they'd had their breakfast, made by the two boys working together naked in the kitchen, forgetting the old warning about not frying bacon in the nude. There were a few spirited and graphic epithets yelled out because of this, but Bryan's meal was a success, and they happily ate their kibble and drank their water doggie-style, hands behind their heads, next to Bryan's feet while he ate at the table. Afterwards they dressed Bryan, but his clothes were not quite as dapper as they'd been when he'd taken them off, having been strewn around the living-room floor the night before.
They shared a nice long group-hug before Bryan reluctantly had to leave at seven-fifteen, promising that he would be back for more if they'd have him, to which they grinned at him and made it real clear that last night was .... well, awesome. They finally got Bryan out the door and on the way home, in plenty of time to make his promised seven-thirty homecoming.
Del and Thor hugged and suddenly they both yelled out, “Binky!”
They then got themselves down to the dungeon, where they found Binky, still sleeping soundly in his cage. Half of the kibble and most of the water were gone, so Thor refilled the bowls quietly, and they let the new and exhausted slave sleep a bit longer . . . after all, when he did wake up, he'd have little to look forward to but his new-slave whipping.
Going upstairs, Del contacted the man handling Binky's replacement, and arranged to have the guy delivered that afternoon, in a slave-crate ... they would keep up the slave-story till the last minute and then surprise the guy with the indentured-servant story.
The two talked over the details of the whipping that was next on their agenda, and when they had the choreography of it worked out, they returned to the dungeon, where they found the slave kneeling up, head up, eyes down, knees spread, in perfect slave posture, with perfect slave bearing. The whipping suddenly seemed somehow ... superfluous ... but they wouldn't let that sway them.
Del walked over to the cage and unlocked it, saying only, “You know what's next, slave ... same position as for your enema yesterday! GIT!”, and the slave gracefully and quickly rose from the kneeling position and walked confidently and efficiently to his assigned position for the whipping ... no attitude, no fear showing, no emotions at all. Except perhaps ... a humble kind of pride. One might even say, a slave state of mind.
Del secured his arms and Thor his feet, both making sure that the slave was very tightly restrained, with very little wiggle-room possible... almost as if he were strapped to an actual St Andrews Cross.
Allowing the slave to see what he was doing, Del fired up the TENS, as it would be powering the special electrified, multi-stranded Mylar whip he'd be using. The slave knew from his previous life that a Master could whip a slave with it for hours without breaking the skin... but what would be left of the slave's mind at that point would be very, very little, indeed.
Thor spoke to the slave, having stepped up in front of him, saying, “You yell out, slave! There's no shame in it! Trying to hold it back will only make it worse for you. And you've earned a reduced sentence for good behavior, too, remember!” to which the slave gave one quick nod, and Thor put the earplugs and hood on him, omitting the cock-gag this time.
They'd agreed that Del would give the first five, Thor the next, and so on until the mandatory thirty lashes, minus one, had been applied.
Del took a position to the slave's left-rear, and with no warm-up, let the whip fly, striping the middle of both butt-cheeks and wrapping around to caress the groin area, barely missing the rigidly erect and pulsating cock to be found there. The slave jerked hard, then jerked a few times more, as the aftershocks rocked his very soul. But he only breathed very rapidly, and very deeply ... he did not scream. Del looked at Thor and saw that he was also surprised at this ... it had been a righteous lash.
Del let the next lash stripe the line separating his butt from his upper legs ... a particularly sensitive place, indeed. And again, the same reaction from the slave ... although the jerking was much more animated this time, and there were far more after-jerks. But ... no scream.
The two men looked hard at each other in disbelief ... they'd never seen anyone handle the whip as stoically as this slave was handling it ... it took the fun out of it, and confused them both.
The third lash was to the upper back, administered from a spot closer to the slave, so both his tits could have some fun, too, as the whip wrapped almost completely around his torso. And, once again, with the exception this time being the slave's wide-opened mouth as he struggled to breathe in gallons of air and expel it again as quickly as possible, just violent jerking. No scream. No sound.
Del gave the slave the next two lashes with the goal of getting the slave to scream ... to beg for mercy ... anything but total silence.
He failed.
And so it went, on and on, from Del to Thor and back again... silence from the slave.
Thor dealt the slave its twenty-ninth, and by agreement, last, lash ... standing at the slave's front right, he let loose with a powerful stoke, striping the slave's upper legs and wrapping around to tend to the slave's neglected balls. This time, there was a noise ... an animalistic kind of ... a desperate kind of ... a relieved kind of “NNNnnnggggggg!!!” with an abundance of powerful jerks. But ... no scream.
By this time neither Del nor Thor were able to look each other in the eyes ... this had not been fun. They both felt more ashamed than they'd ever felt before in their lives. Their shame took on Biblical proportions ... they just stood there looking at the floor.
“Masters, thank You, Masters,” rasped the slave, despite not having permission to speak.
Jerked out of their shame-filled reveries by this incredible slave's expression of gratitude, Del looked at Thor and each both saw that the other was crying.
Thor moved first, followed by Del, as they very carefully and gently released the slave from his restraints, and while Del held him up, Thor got a folding futon-mattress from the other side of the basement, and they slowly, and with near-religious devotion, lay the good slave down, knowing that no position would be painless for him. Thor went upstairs and came back in no time carrying a prescription Del had had for a powerful narcotic pain-killer, and showed it to Del questioningly. Del nodded, looking grateful, and got a cup of water for the slave to drink the pills down with.
For the next twenty-four hours, they monitored him and made sure he was alright, tending to his most personal needs, and soothing him when he'd thrash in nightmarish dreams.
But about an hour after the whipping, Bryan showed up, grinning like a big-dog and looking good enough to eat. He was there to await the delivery of 'Mr Bínquitú', the man who would replace Binky as his boys' new live-in 'nanny' ... and as Bryan's new live-in play-mate.
The three talked, and Del or Thor would occasionally go down to check on the slave.
Bryan, in the first of what would be many shocking surprises to come from him this day, piped up and said, “Binky's replacement will be getting that new-slave whipping, and I'll be giving it to him,” his tone, as he said it, making it clear to Del and Thor that this was not an invitation to discuss the point. This had not been discussed at all earlier, as the replacement was to be an indefinitely-indentured servant, not a slave, and therefore not in need of such caring first-step ... although there had been precedents. A free man convicted of something almost worthy of enslavement might be dealt with in this way, for example.
Leading the others down to the dungeon, Bryan, very surprisingly in charge, directed the removal of Binky to the basement outside the dungeon, and then had Thor set out the enema kit, leaving opened the cabinet it was stored in, and had Del lay out the tarp below the ceiling hooks, for what he knew to be Del's favorite 'vertical enema'.
As they were finishing up they heard a knock at the front door upstairs, and Bryan, grabbing a crow-bar from the basement as he headed toward the stairs, went up and answered it, leaving Del and Thor looking at each other with amazed expressions on their faces.
They followed, not wanting to miss a minute of this 'new Bryan' in action.
They walked into the living room to see Bryan and two hunky men, each at least as large and burly as Bryan, man-handling a large slave-crate into the center of the room. Bryan tipped the men and, pausing long enough to grab his pen from his shirt pocket and scribble a quick note on the back of one of his business cards, gave it to the rougher-looking of the two, with a wink. He then saw them off, and stepped back to the task at hand.
He made quick work of exposing the treasure within the crate, marked “FRAGILE --- SLAVE” and “THIS SIDE UP”, and in no time had the semi-conscious and almost totally numb 'slave' out of the box and at slave present, off to the side. Once he'd cleared away the detritus he walked over to his new possession and looked at it carefully, simply pointing to his crotch.
And pointing, he said, simply, “GIT!”
The 'slave' rapidly nodded once and then was down on his knees, opening Bryan's zipper with his teeth, as skillfully as any 'pro' Del had ever seen. In less than a minute, the Master's fuck-tool and balls were exposed, all removed orally and efficiently by the clearly talented 'slave'.
The 'slave' looked slowly up at his Master, questioningly, not wanting to proceed without clear permission, and Bryan once again said, “GIT!”
He wolfed down Bryan's needy, semi-erect root in one gulp, causing Bryan to arch his back in both surprise and delight. Alternating between the Master's cock and balls, he licked, sucked and hummed the Master to a rousing erection, the carefully tended-to cock oozing sweet precum in copious amounts. With the now-fully turgid member all the way down his throat, he looked up into Bryan's face, again wishing permission to proceed, and Bryan said, almost gently, “Git, boy ... do it real good for your Master.”
The 'slave' then proceeded to drive Bryan totally wild for nearly an hour, knowing full well exactly when to back off and when to go in for the kill, and when to do it again. Every inch of Bryan's cock and his balls were laved, licked, kissed, worshiped, sucked, hummed on and generally devoured by the, apparently, already devoted 'slave'.
At some point, Bryan had engulfed the 'slave's' head in his strong paws and was almost gently guiding his head to teach him how to better please his Master. He didn't fight the 'slave' when it was time to back off, despite his obviously growing urgency, as many would have, but already trusted this 'slave' to do a great job for him, and allowed the orgasmic torture to go on and on.
At long last, the 'slave' knew that it would be gratuitous torment to delay the inevitable any longer, and he again looked up into Bryan's handsome but tortured face, as if to seek permission to end his Master's delicious torment, and Bryan yelled out, “GIT, boy!”
The 'slave' proceeded to go for broke, with deep-throat techniques and loud humming, driving Bryan nearly insane with pleasure, going faster and faster, until the tranquility within the house was utterly shattered by Bryan's triumphant roar of release. He bucked and roared and deep-fucked the 'slave's' mouth, battering his lips as he rammed in harder and harder, faster and faster, until every seed was sent off into the oblivion of the 'slave's' gullet.
Standing there, catching his breath while the 'slave' patiently awaited a chance to catch his own, he finally withdrew his still almost fully-
erect weapon and tousled the 'slave's' short hair, saying only, “Good boy.”
The 'slave' began tongue-bathing his new Master's cock and balls for him, and as he did so, Bryan began to speak to him, slowly, in a soothing and gentle yet firm voice.
“Boy, when you're finished with that, you'll go downstairs to the dungeon and stand at present, on the tarp, right under the ceiling hooks, till I get down there. Then you'll be douched out real nice, so you don't have any messy accidents during your new-slave whipping. You understand all that, Boy?”
The 'slave' nodded once, without showing fear or alarm at hearing about his impending doom.
Bryan said, “GIT!”
The slave smoothly rose to an upright position, saw Del and Thor both pointing toward the basement stairs and headed in that direction at a trot, his own needy cock erect and his balls bouncing as he left.
Bryan sat back down on the couch between Del and Thor and grabbed their crotches firmly, grinning at each in turn, saying, “Let's get 'er done, men!”, and released them as he himself rose again to go.
To say that Del and Thor were confused would be an understatement. They rose and followed, continuing to be mere bit-players in the events unfolding before them.
In the dungeon, Bryan signaled Thor to do the leg restraints, while he himself took care of the 'slave's' arms, and then made certain that there was little 'wiggle-room' for the boy. Then he personally performed the enema, choosing the warmest water he could stand himself, and the 'slave' took it professionally and without comment or attitude. Bryan called the job done when the effluent ran clear.
Bryan hosed him down and put the enema kit away, and stepping over to the workbench, got the hood and earplugs lying there and put them on the slave, whose hair and body were still drip-drying from the hose-down.
Pausing only long enough to give the 'slave' a reassuring little squeeze of his balls and a gentle tweak of his tits, Bryan and his merry band headed upstairs to allow the 'slave' time to dry off and to meditate on 'coming attractions'.
Maintaining this strange and new control of the other two, Bryan asked, “Whatcha got ta drink, Del?”
Del replied, “Bourbon, scotch, vodk...”, and Bryan interrupted with, “Get me a bourbon and Coke, and make it a double.”
Shocked, but not offended, Del scurried off to the kitchen to comply with this order. Not seeing any Coke in the fridge, he made it with Pepsi, and hurried back to the parched Bryan.
Bryan all but grabbed the drink from Del, and in three large gulps, downed it. Rising again to go to the dungeon, he belched and said, “Let's get 'er done!”
Handling the TENS machine and electrified Mylar whip himself, he directed Thor, “Pleasure my boy with your hands, buddy ... run your hands all over him, give him as much pleasure with your hands as possible.” Thor nodded ... once ... and jumped to comply.
Walking over to the suspended 'slave', he instructed Del, “Use your mouth to pleasure the boy's cock and balls, except when I signal you to move out of the range of the whip. Don't make him cum ... get him as close as you can, and keep him as close as you can ... you do for him what you saw him doing for me upstairs, OK, buddy?”
Feeling shocked and basically mortified, Del felt utterly helpless to do anything but nod ... once ... and drop to his knees in front of the boy, to begin his assigned task.
The 'slave' responded well to this completely unexpected lavishing of pleasure, and seemed to have forgotten why he was really there, but Bryan, always the soul of thoughtfulness, figured out a way to remind him.
“WHICK! WHAP! WHISP!”, and a trio of rapid-fire stripes appeared on the 'slave's' back, not producing a reaction for what seemed like five seconds, when the 'slave's' brain finally received the flash-priority message “WARNING! Impending Or Incipient Damage To This Unit!” He erupted into action, wildly jerking and pulling at his restraints to beat the band. And scream . . . how he wailed. It was heart-warmingly deafening.
Thor and Del continued in earnest, not having been told to stop, and in a minute or so, had calmed the 'slave' back down for ...
“WHAPPP! WHAP! WHICKK!”, and the cycle of agony and ecstasy resumed, with increased output from the boy, both verbal and muscular.
Bryan delivered seven more triple-headers, and Del and Thor hopped around as directed to maintain constant pleasure for the 'slave' while avoiding any unpleasant accidents themselves.
Prior to allowing the boy to receive his well-earned final three lashes, Bryan let his two minions spend a bit more time rousing the 'slave's' spirits, and when the 'slave' was so close to orgasm that even Bryan could see it, he motioned both away from the boy and ...
“whap-WHAPP! whick-WHAP! whup-WHACK!” and the boy received three closely-applied stripes across his front, each landing on his upper legs and his bobbing and excited cock, before wrapping around his body, each to bestow it's gift of explosive hell to the boys delicate and exposed orbs, which had seemed so lonely and unloved as they'd dangled there throughout the previous twenty-seven lashes.
As may be imagined, this show of love rocketed the 'slave' into an entirely different universe of anguish, and immediately after letting loose with the most ear-splitting scream of them all, he began to cum, spurting almost to the ceiling, volley after volley of hot cream bursting from his awesomely inflated cock. As the last blast blew, he passed out, finally entering the safety of the slave-zone within his mind.
Through this entire affair, the boy had not said a word ... no begging for it to end, no pleas for mercy, no words. Only the primal and unavoidable screams and howls.
Bryan put the whip down and turned off the TENS, then returned to the boy, very gently fondling his very-well tenderized balls, which roused the boy just enough for him to mumble something which might have been, “Thank You, Sir,” before he again passed out.
Bryan, treating his new boy like one would a baby, removed the hood and earplugs, and himself undid the boy's legs, and then holding the boy up, directed Thor to carefully undo the arm restraints, allowing the boy to fall into his strong arms. He then kissed the boy's forehead and carried him over to the pallet recently used by Binky, and laid him down carefully, as if he were a priceless, fragile treasure.
Bryan felt that he was all that, and more.
Once he'd personally applied a thorough coating of analgesic and antibiotic salve to his boy, he covered him lightly with a clean white sheet from the cabinet, and quietly left the dungeon, quickly brushing past and ignoring his two minions, who might have noticed something which might have appeared to be tears in Bryan's eyes.
The trend was set, and without a second thought, the two followed their now-in-charge Leader.
Once in the living room again, Del wordlessly headed toward the kitchen, intending to fix another double bourbon-and-coke, but with Pepsi, for Bryan.
Bryan looked sternly at him, and said, “Hold it right there, boy! You need whupped for fuckin' up my drink earlier. You'll get it now, naked. GIT!”
Jaws on the ground, the two were paralyzed by this Man who'd suddenly appeared before them ... and both were thinking, “What happened to my buddy Bryan?” but it passed in less than a second, and then Thor was totally blown away to see Del trotting to a place closer to Bryan, where he rapidly stripped completely, folded his clothes in a neat pile on top of his work-boots, and assumed slave present.
“Thor, I want your cock plugging this boy's throat while I teach him his lesson. GIT!”
Old lessons do die hard, and Thor, once a slave who'd had no choice, leaped into action, as he'd chosen to comply with this increasingly amazing Man's order.
Joining the two, he also performed an unrequested total-strip and built himself a neat pile of clothing next to Del's, and by the time he stood before the now bent-over Del, his cock was ready and eager to perform as Bryan had ordered. Grabbing Del's head, he looked down into his partner's eyes, and Del saw something very new and exciting there looking down at him.
He opened his mouth wide, to accept this new Thor's gift.
Bryan said, “Thor, you're responsible for keeping him quiet, and for not letting him up off that cock of yours, no matter what! Fuck it up and I'll be giving a second whuppin' when I'm done with this one! You do NOT have permission to cum, boy!” and with that, he whipped off his belt, which made a most satisfying sound as he did, and folded it in half in preparation for the lesson at hand.
Thor nodded quickly at Bryan ... once ... and rammed his pumped-up cock all the way down Del's throat, holding Del's head very strongly to prevent escape, even as Bryan's belt made first contact with the unblemished and never-before-whupped ass it was being allowed to teach.
Del tried to scream, but was cock-muzzled. He tried to breathe, but was held down. He danced the dance of the whipped-slave-boy, as if he'd been staying up late at night, studying its complex and ancient moves.
Bryan let him have another nice one, this time deciding to be more generous, and the belt hit Del's upper leg ... and his balls. His mastery of the dance was visibly improved by this lash, and Thor let him back off, only just enough to fill his lungs for a nice scream, and then shoved him back down where he belonged, as he continued his freshly-excited bare-foot tap-dance.
Thor thought to Del, psychically, 'Come on, buddy! Learn to breathe around it! Through your nose!', hoping to assist and guide his partner somehow, despite feeling very foolish doing it. But being a Man, he was starting to think much more about how fine Del's throat felt enveloping his cock, than in whatever discomfort Del might be going through right now. He held Del's head even tighter. Del would just have to learn, like all slaves have to learn ... the hard way.
Bryan was in a very generous mood, it turned out, laying a total of twenty-five superb, long, red, hot welts across Del's back, butt, upper legs, and inner thighs ... which doesn't address the question of how many times those disobedient balls were kissed by the loving belt.
Enough times to help Del remember ... always.
Tossing his belt to the side, Bryan hurriedly stripped out of his boots and pants, spread Del's macerated ass-cheeks wide, and spit, hitting the bull's-eye with a nice big glob of phlegm, and guiding his by-now desperate fuck-tool to the prize, shoved it all in ... masterfully ... while Del helplessly learned how to take an action-packed double-stuffing.
It was amazing to both fuckers just how much dancing a boy could really do while being righteously impaled at both ends. Thor's cock was experiencing the joys of constant, thrumming, glottal vibrato, while Bryan's was getting the benefit of all the clenching and unclenching of a boy in desperation. Both Men were in heaven.
Del, on the other hand, if asked at that very moment, 'How much fun ya havin', boy?' would've had no answer to give which any self-respecting Man would spend his time listening to.
Bryan and his new fuck-assistant assumed a logger's rhythm, as one drove in, the other would pull almost all the way out, and back again, both Men holding Del firmly between them, as if to avoid any embarrassing escape attempts.
There were none.
Back and forth they plowed, trying desperately to get as deeply into Del's holes as possible ... or farther. At long last, in near terror, Thor looked beseechingly at Bryan, as if to ask, “May I please have permission to cum, Sir?”
Bryan grinned a nice, big, handsome grin at Thor, held it for about five seconds, and then shook his head ... once ... and started to laugh.
Thor had been through this many times in the past, as a slave, but he'd hoped such tortures were well behind him now.
He'd thought wrong.
The two kept up the punishing tempo, each determined to give Del the very best fucking any boy had ever received.
They did.
And at some point, after a mind-erasing (for Del) period of time, Bryan jerked, his head thrown back, and erupted with a primitive scream of epic proportions.
Over and over again he detonated up Del's fuck-hole, each time howling out his joy!
Thor could only keep throat-fucking his partner, not yet having received a command to stop ... and with the added erotic input of Bryan's exultant climax and bellows, he was so close to irreversibly crossing that line separating him from orgasm he wasn't sure he c...
He couldn't.
He didn't.
Rushing mindlessly to plant his seed as deeply and completely as he could, Thor furiously packed the boy's throat, within seconds achieving an unauthorized and forbidden orgasm which nearly unhinged poor Del's jaw.
Thor's vocal chords received a great workout as he dumped a huge load down the hot, embracing throat of his lover . . . spurt after spurt, until at last he was done, and slowly he looked up at Bryan, fearful of what he'd see in those eyes.
But Bryan was smiling at him, like buddies smile at each other! Thor smiled sheepishly back, and just said, “Sorry, Bry.”
Bryan kept smiling and said, “I promise I'll help ya be even more sorry for disobeying me, boy. Later, though. Right now, tend to my cock, and clean it good for me.”
He did, pulling out of Del's well-used mouth and running back to kneel up in front of Bryan, to do as he'd been told.
Del, with two empty holes again, was paralyzed with fear and didn't dare to move a muscle. He'd never been used like that before, although, in all fairness, it could be said that he'd contributed many times before, when the tables had been reversed and the recipient had been an actual slave.
Thor's task now done to their Master's satisfaction, Bryan looked down at him and smiled, saying, “Dungeon... GIT!”
Watching the frightened Thor skedaddle, Bryan slapped Del's sensitized ass and enjoyed the yelp of pain it caused. He then said,”That boy needs some serious electrical work! Boy, you're gonna get him caged, and then you're gonna set up that TENS for me ... the works! And no talking between you two! GIT!”
Bryan watched the second of his boys trotting off to follow orders and felt better than he'd ever felt in his life ... with the exception of his honeymoon night, and the births of his sons ... of course.
Stepping into the kitchen, he scrounged around, getting used to his new home-away-from-home, and finding what he wanted, fixed himself another double bourbon and Pepsi, grinning as he thought to himself about how he actually preferred it with Pepsi.
He decided to call Becky to let her know that he was busy getting Binky's replacement's paperwork done, and would be assisting Del in the work of receiving him and getting him prepared for duties at their home with the boys. Telling her not to wait up for him, he said, “I love you, babe,” and hung up the phone.
Loving the idea of prolonging the psychological torment the boys were going through downstairs, he decided to watch some CNN and finish his drink ... and maybe another ... before attending to the onerous task awaiting him below, and he laughed out loud thinking about it.
Bryan was a Man at peace with himself ... at long last.
The lead story was about the 'senior slavery' bill, which had passed both houses and was on the way to the President for signing. Bryan grunted his hearty approval, thinking that the millions of useless old-timers, sapping the vitality of the nation through their costly maintenance and upkeep, and their pointlessly extended and non-contributing lives, needed to be dealt with firmly, and that this legislation was long overdue. He grinned as he looked forward to a major drop in the cost of slave-kibble! Bryan was a most practical Man.
In other news, he was surprised to see that his own town here had made it into the national spotlight because of some rich guy's discovery about some damned old manuscript, which was sufficiently boring to drive him out of his chair and back to the dungeon, after turning his TV off, and fixing himself another cold beverage.
Arriving in the dungeon, he discovered, to his great pleasure, that Thor was indeed caged, that Del was kneeling up like a very good boy waiting for orders, and that the TENS was humming very quietly, patiently awaiting its upcoming opportunity to inform and educate the disobedient.
Neither was making eye contact with him, as was proper. He was proud of them.
Having greatly enjoyed the tasty spectacle of his properly-owned new boy suspended from the ceiling earlier, he opted to deal with Thor's disrespect and rebelliousness in a similar fashion. Imagining how it would look, he was very pleased.
He walked over to the cage and unlocked it, saying, “Present!”, and Thor obediently assumed the position.
Taking great pains to inflict great pains while he spoke, with his hands roaming and squeezing, slapping, twisting and pinching, Bryan said, “Boy, you have disappointed me deeply. I put you in a position of trust, letting you help me out with this other boy's punishment earlier,” and he indicated Del with a jerk of his head, “… but you betrayed my trust and confidence in you by willfully and deliberately shooting your fuckin' load without my permission. There's simply no room in my mind to store such disrespect, so I'm gonna make sure it gets dealt with permanently. You understand me, boy?”
Thor nodded the prerequisite one time, eyes beginning to tear up but focused on the floor. He was terrified of what this 'new-and-improved' Bryan might mean by 'permanently'.
Giving Thor's balls one last good squeeze, he said, “GIT!”, and Thor trotted over to his place of honor beneath the ceiling hooks, legs spread wide and hands held high and apart.
“Get this boy's legs tied down good, boy!” he barked at Del, who hopped to it immediately. Bryan secured Thor's shaking arms, and then went around and re-tightened all of his four limbs, before he was satisfied the boy wouldn't be able to injure himself during the hard lesson he was about to teach the boy.
Ordering Del to hand him, one by one, all the various attachments which are provided with the TENS, Bryan attached each one in a place best able to convey that particular attachment's small lessons. The largest and thickest dildo, of course, was inserted quickly and without any unnecessary lubrication, because, it seems, Bryan, like Del, believed in being totally honest with his slaves.
What followed that insertion, and Thor's subsequent vocal reaction to it, is a tale in itself. Suffice it to say that there were well over one hundred separate attachments, and Bryan, tirelessly and with unparalleled zeal, attached them all. No delicate part of Thor's body was left feeling unloved or abandoned, and the volume of his miserable and tormented wails increased almost geometrically as the count of attached items rose. It would have seemed to a casual observer that the attachments, alone, would have been a wonderful teaching tool.
But that was Bryan, and Bryan's vision was that of a slave receiving the maximum amount of learning possible, with no damage to its body. That was his goal, and that was what he was going to achieve.
Long before the lesson proper began, Thor was feeling like he would never survive the ordeal.
He would.
When Bryan was satisfied that all the attachments were applied in a way that was most advantageous for each, he stepped back to the TENS unit itself, and took his own good time setting all the controls to his exact requirements. He set each attachment separately, thinking in advance about the voltage, amperage, frequency, duration, and repetition-cycle of each and every attachment. Bryan would be bestowing upon the boy the most non-damaging yet instructive learning experience that he could devise. It would be a very long lesson, indeed.
Meanwhile, Thor was increasingly distressed with the unelectrified attachments, and he realized he would surely fail this Man, who'd newly Mastered him, completely, once the power to the TENS was flipped on. He was in so much pre-learning torment, he was half-mad from it. The worst part was, of course, the biting-clamps, over a hundred of them, each one attached to a place on the boy's body carefully chosen to afford Bryan with the most enjoyable viewing and listening experience possible.
When he was quite sure his installation work was done exactly as he wished it to be, he glanced at Del, and he had a sudden inspiration . . . and started laughing out loud.
Going back and removing all the clamps he'd attached to the boy's cock, which gave Thor added reason to twist and shout, he re-located them elsewhere, again taking time to make wise decisions. He then rummaged around in the cabinet's top drawer until finding what he wanted. Then, he snapped his fingers at Del, saying, “You need a ring in yer mouth for what's next, boy!” and forced a very hard, molded-rubber ring into Del's mouth, which, once properly seated, wouldn't come out easily, but which would allow Del to take a nice, thick, stiff cock down his throat easily.
Then he said to Del, “This boy's cock needs sucked, now, boy! GIT!” and was gratified by the immediate response. He could see how terrified Del was at the thought of sucking the cock of an imminent electro-learning recipient, and it warmed Bryan's heart.
Getting some wide leather straps from the cabinet, he secured Del to the suspended Thor, insuring that the blow-job would continue uninterrupted, despite the wandering attention of the two boys involved, as the lesson progressed. Del was hard-pressed to maintain his bearing, knowing all too well what he'd be getting once the power was applied.
But Bryan wasn't quite finished yet. He attached a toothed grounding-clamp to Del's scrotum, making sure it was seated just right and grabbed the maximum amount of tender flesh, and noting that Del was clearly pleased with it, too, by the muted shrieks leaking out from around Thor's cock, and the wild fandango he was attempting to dance while kneeling up before Thor. As a last measure, Bryan spread Del's legs as far apart as possible, tied leather thongs to his ankles and tied the other ends of each of those thongs to the same hooks Thor's feet were secured to, insuring that they were snug and tight.
Flashing a real nice smile at the boys, he asked, “You boys ready to do some serious learnin'?”
As well as they could, they both tried to nod, once, for their Master, who laughed loudly watching their genuine efforts.
“Del, it was your mouth that pushed this boy over the edge and into full rebellion against me ... so I figger it's only sportin' of me to allow you to do some serious learnin', too!” and he flipped the switch.
Bryan watched with fatherly joy as his boys played together, enjoying their aural and visual performances, and it gave him goose-bumps thinking of the great fun the boys were having. Bryan marveled at what modern technology had provided to the slave-education industry, and grabbing the earplugs ... for himself ... continued to watch and enjoy.
Thor was quite an accomplished dancer, it seemed, and Del was no slouch himself, Bryan noted for future reference. He'd worked once on a construction site where a welder had been zapped real good, and had been right there when it happened. He remembered how the man’s seizures had erupted ... the jerks and contortions ... and it reminded him somewhat of the way his boys were taking to the day’s lesson. The difference was, that welder hadn't enjoyed a bit of it. But his boys … well … they were having a great time, from all outward appearances. Bryan laughed hard at that thought.
He let them do their little dance for an hour and then, very reluctantly, decided that it was time to end the lesson . . . He figured the two boys would never again fuck with him or his orders.
Walking over to the TENS, he flipped it off, watching with satisfaction how the boys kept right on jerking and screaming for at least ten seconds afterwards, their bodies refusing to believe it was really over.
Once they were finally still, he began the job of joyfully removing all the toothed-clamps.
Taking Del's single clamp off first and leaving his scrotum in searing pain, it was a hint to Thor of how much fun he was going to be having next. Del's soul-wrenching sounds of torment oozed out past Thor's cock, still comfortably lodged in his throat and becoming very hard at the suddenly intensified vibrations up and down it's impressive length and girth. Del felt like a child with Bryan now, utterly powerless, and a total thrall to his every word and gesture.
Once Del had gotten past that special moment, having his single clamp removed, the now totally-broken Thor was in for a whole new round of excitement, as the pain caused by the clamps' removal hit him, one agonizing clamp at a time, with Bryan taking almost obscene delight in moving around Thor's body and making it hard to tell where the next red-hot poker of stabbing pain would come from.
Del had never been this thorough with Thor ... never made him feel this much blinding pain. Thor knew the old days were gone between Del and him, replaced now by the reign of the new-and-improved Bryan, and Thor had no idea how it had happened. At that very moment of realization, he only wished the punishment would end. Del's punishments were always a bit of fun, too, but Bryan's brand of punishment was ... well, it was punishment, pure and simple.
When the last clamp had finally been removed by the Master, the electrified-dildo was the only thing left connecting him to the accursed TENS unit, and Bryan, as a Master may do on occasion, yanked it out quickly and firmly, leaving Thor to perform yet another test of his voice-box, which he did with great enthusiasm.
Bryan made sure the attachments were all cleaned and put away properly before untying Thor's arms and legs. The boy was unsteady on his feet for a while but Bryan was there, supporting him until he could stand properly. He untied Del's arms and legs next, and the binding attaching him to Thor's cock. Lastly, he removed the rubber ring from Del's mouth, leaving the boy to grimace and work his jaw muscles to try to get feeling and control back in his mouth.
Bryan surveyed his two boys, and, smiling down at them in a very satisfied way, said, “My boys need to eat and get some sleep now, in their cage. There'll be no talking and no fucking around, just eat and then sleep. Now, Git!” and the two boys both nodded once, eyes on the floor, and jumped to obey, getting into the cage side-by-side in the blink of an eye. Unable to find a comfortable position in the one-man cage, they nevertheless closed their eyes and hoped they'd be able to sleep as ordered by their Master. Bryan prepared two large filled bowls, one of water and the other of slave-kibble, slid them into the cage's food-slot and walked away.
Sleep did not come for the two.
Stepping outside the dungeon to check on the two properties awaiting his tender mercies, Bryan found Binky was semi-awake, staring over at 'Mr Bínquitú' who was still fast asleep. He intended to milk Binky of all the knowledge he had about the planned lifting of the rich guy and his family, which he'd heard his two boys in the cage talking about, with Del and Thor acting as 'trustees' in the effort. Del's idea of personally benefiting from the lifting was a good one, and Bryan intended to make it his own. Once Binky had told him all he wanted to know, he would be sold to that guy in Fiji for a handsome sum, as Del had planned.
To be continued...
Your feedback is the fuel of my
[author's note: I hope, once again, that this chapter has surprised you as much as it's surprised me while writing it.
thanks go out to my anonymous Editor, who has quite a job to do when he receives my unpolished originals!
gentle reader, your thoughts and opinions really do matter to me ... they feed my mind, in fact! please don't hesitate to drop a line now and again, eh? even criticism is better than silence. :)
tune in next week ... same slave time, same slave channel! - hs]
Posted: 09/28/07