The Voynich Enslavement
Stepping outside the dungeon to check on the two properties awaiting his tender mercies, Bryan found Binky was semi-awake, staring over at ''Mr Bínquitú' ,who was still fast asleep. He intended to milk Binky of all the knowledge he had about the planned lifting of this rich guy and his family, which he'd heard Del and Thor talking about, with Del and Thor acting as 'trustees' in the effort. Del's idea of personally benefiting from this lifting was a good one, and Bryan intended to make it his own. Once Binky had told him all he wanted to know, he would be sold to that guy in Fiji for a handsome sum, as Del had planned.
Bryan decided it was time to call Becky, to clear his calendar for a few days, or possibly weeks, since there was a lot of work to be done getting the two new slaves straightened out. (He also had to complete the task of getting Del and Thor completely under his thumb, as self-confessed slaves ... he eagerly awaited hearing them confess to him their total and unwavering allegiance, complete with them begging him to accept them as his properties.) It would take all his powers of persuasion and finesse to pull this off with Becky.
And, she was, understandably, upset, hearing of this upcoming 'business trip', but, with a bit of help from his new slave, Del, he had solutions to all of Becky's concerns.
Bryan explained that he'd contacted a premiére child-care agency in town and had arranged for a two-week hire of an excellently qualified nanny for the boys, an indefinitely-indentured servant with impeccable credentials. Should Bryan's business be wrapped up sooner than the two weeks, they could return the nanny for a pro-rated return on their deposit, which would be the full two-week charge, up front.
The same agency would also provide, free of charge, a household assistant to do all the work around the house, from cooking, laundry and vacuuming to changing the oil in the cars, cutting the grass, and getting the garage converted to a recreation room for the boys and their friends. So, with the nanny and the household assistant, Becky would be relieved of most of the day-to-day worries which usually tied up her time.
He also told Becky there would be a large cash-advance from his current business venture, which, of course, was money he'd received from Del and Thor. This mollified the man's wife a great deal, and the 'negotiations' went much more smoothly after that, as all the small details were successfully ironed out. He told her he'd be home, to pack his things for the trip, a bit later in the day, and they kissed goodbye.
He then descended to the dungeon and, after locking the door behind him, said to Thor and Del, “There are going to be some serious, and irreversible, changes made here, and you two are at the heart of those changes. In the past couple of days, through your actions and deeds, you've both submitted to me as your Master, and I intend to make that relationship permanent and formalized.
“Del, be thinking of a good lawyer to create a corporation for me, and to handle the transfer, of real estate and all other properties and possessions you each have, over to that corporation. You'll both be made into permanently-indentured servants with prejudice ... meaning you'll be slaves except for the title, and you won't hafta have a chip implanted. I'll see to it that your collars are GPS equipped, though, so you won't hafta worry about that!” and he laughed.
Del felt his legs going weak ... Thor felt like his freedom had been obtained, after so many years of waiting, for nothing ... and Bryan enjoyed watching the kaleidoscope of human emotions playing across both of his boys' faces. There was total silence in the dungeon for almost five minutes ... and then both of them began to smile, at first only tentatively, until finally they broke out into full grins of delight. They looked right into Bryan's eyes (against the slave rules) and both quietly said, “Sir, thank You, Sir!” (also a violation), and then both looked down again ... as was proper.
Bryan smiled back, making a mental note to nip the rampant liberty-taking, on the part of the boys, in the bud, in the very near future.
“We need to talk and get some plans down on paper, upstairs in the living room ... GIT!” he said, loving his new life very much.
They had settled down in the living room, Bryan on the couch and the boys kneeling up on either side of his feet, with pens and a notepad on the coffee table, when there was a knock at the door, and Bryan nodded to Del, to give him permission to answer it. Bryan watched him as he did so, and he felt very proud to be the Master of this slave.
“Yes, Sir ... how may I help you, Sir?” Del asked the young man at the door. The good-looking, clean-cut twenty-something, wearing a short wife-beater, tight cutoffs, low-cut sneakers and white athletic-socks, smiled at being called, “Sir”, and said, “My Auntie Lavinia ... Mrs Litchstone ... next door, said I should introduce myself to her favorite neighbor, Sir. So, here I am, and I'm Kip Buckner, Sir,” and with this he extended his hand toward Del, for a handshake.
Bryan, in the meantime, had appeared by Del's side and held his own hand out, saying, “Kip, I'm glad to meet you! I'm Bryan Auchinachie.” He drew out the pronunciation as, “uh-HA-nuh-HEE”, knowing it was a mind-bender for most people to figure out. “It's an old Scottish-Gaelic name ... and almost no one ever spells it right!” and he chuckled, maintaining constant eye-contact with this young man.
Turning to Del, he curtly said, “There's work for both you slaves, out back in the garden ... GIT!”
Again looking at the handsome youth at the door, he said, “Come on in, Kip, and make yourself at home.”
Kip had never felt quite this embarrassed before, having mistaken a slave for a free man, and he felt small in front of this imposing Man who'd introduced himself as Bryan. “I apologize for my confusion at the door, Sir. I've had little experience with slaves, and my Auntie told me that a man named Del lived here alone, Sir.”
Bryan smiled at the boy's unease and confusion, and told him, “There've been a few big changes here recently, and the formerly-free man you're referring to is now my slave. It's all happened so quickly that I haven't yet gotten him formally collared and so on. Can I get you a drink, son?”
The young man blushed when Bryan called him, “son”, and said, “Thank You, Sir. If You have some lemonade, that'd be great, Sir.”
Bryan had an idea ... “Well, then you go right ahead into the kitchen,” he said, pointing, “and get yourself and me both a nice, big glass of lemonade, son.” He watched as the boy blushed again, and headed off to the kitchen, and thought to himself, 'Poor kid needs an adult role-model, bad ... I can help him with that!', and he felt his groin responding to the thought, in a good way. The boy had responded the way Bryan expected ... and hoped ... he would.
He was surprised and very happy to see that when Kip returned with the drinks, he was tented up very nicely, and was clearly embarrassed that Bryan had noticed. Bryan reached up to accept the drink with his right hand ... and with his left, he reached over and gently grasped the boy's cock through the thin denim of the cutoffs. He looked up into the boy's eyes, and seeing no fear or panic, gently started to fondle the cock now in his hand, pumping it up to a very respectable size. The boy was watching him and maintaining good eye-contact, remaining silent, and freely allowing this pleasurable invasion of “his space”.
Bryan was very, very needy, himself, by this time, and decided to do some real bonding with this boy ... “Del! Thor! GIT!”, he yelled, without taking his own eyes from the boy's, and in seconds they were rewarded by the pitter-patter of eager-to-please slave-feet approaching. 'Life is good!' Bryan thought to himself, with a big smile at Kip.
The boys were naked and needed to clean up, but they were perfectly fine for the job Bryan had in mind for them right then. “You two need cocks to suck, right now, don't you?” he asked the two, standing before him in perfect slave present.
In unison, the two yelled out, “Sir, Yes, SIR!”, and Bryan smiled and said in reply, “GIT!!!”
Del was on his knees beside Kip, and Thor beside Bryan, in less time than it took to type the words, both of them waiting for Bryan and Kip to maneuver themselves a bit, to make access to their cocks possible for the kneeling cocksuckers. Bryan patted the couch cushion next to him, and said, “Kip, have a seat and prepare for some relief!” and the boy smiled and did so, sitting as close to Bryan as possible without actually sitting on him. Bryan wrapped his arm around the boy's shoulder and gave him an encouraging squeeze, and the boy smiled up at him, completely trusting the man.
With both Men seated and available, the two boys looked up at Bryan's face expectantly, and heard, “Git!” which gave the two all the permission they needed to begin ... they both leaned into the Men's crotches, each carefully using his teeth and lips to first open up the zippers, and, in Bryan's case, undo his belt. This stimulating action further inflamed the Men, and they both began to tingle with anticipation. Once the boys had accomplished this, they reached up to gently pull the Men's pants down for them, thereby exposing the eager Man-meat so very much in need of attention.
Both looked up at Bryan for permission to proceed, and Bryan told Del, “Boy, you need permission from the Man you're being allowed to serve ... Git!” and Del moved his gaze to Kip's eyes. Kip waited for Bryan to nod to Thor, and then nodded to his own cocksucker, and the head-bobbing began, as the two hungrily consumed the two throbbing cocks presented to them, with the speed of starving wolves having, at long last, made a kill.
Bryan squeezed Kip's shoulder again, and Kip looked up at him with near-adoration, both of them in heaven from the expert attentions being lavished on their fuck-tools.
Bryan said to both boys, as he placed his hand on Thor's head, “There's a nice, long, hard whuppin', in the front-yard, just waitin' for any slave here who let's his Master cum before an hour has passed ... I expect this to be the Guinness Book Record-Holding Blow-Job, boys ... don't disappoint me!” and he watched as Kip placed his hand on Del's head, too. 'Hero-worship is good!', he thought to himself, grinning a big, handsome grin at the kid.
Del reached up to fondle Kip's balls, but before Bryan could correct him, the kid slapped Del across the face, rapidly and almost brutally, yelling, “Mouth only, slave! Din'tcha ever learn better than ta use yer hands on a free Man???” and he grabbed Del's head with both hands and forced it down on his cock, impaling it and holding it there until Del started to get panicky, when he eased off, letting the slave breathe. He looked up at Bryan confidently, with a knowing, conspiratorial smirk, which was proudly returned by Bryan, who squeezed the kid's shoulder again to let him know he'd done the right thing. The hand-print on Del's face looked great, especially with tears running down it.
Not wanting to be seen as a slacker by the neighbor's nephew, Bryan surprised Thor by suddenly shifting position on the couch just a bit, to allow Thor to fuck up by letting his teeth graze the big, happy cock in their care. Bryan hauled off and let the slave have it ... one good, hard slap on each side of his face, roaring, “Those fuckin' teeth will be pulled if you can't keep 'em off my cock ... pay attention, boy!” The adoring look Kip gave him then was priceless, and he foresaw great things in the future for the boy and him.
For Thor and Del, the hour was impossible to determine ... they could only hope that the free Men letting them have some cock-time would also let them know when it was time to bring them off.
Del was having a particularly hard time, as Kip was so sensitive, so young and horny, and so totally turned on by this unprecedented lavishing of attention that orgasm was imminent every second of the blow-job, and he constantly had to change tempo, or technique, or rhythm, to throw the boy off, to keep him from cumming earlier than ordered. Not being an experienced cock-sucker made this especially difficult, as he hadn't yet learned all the “early warning signs” of an impending orgasm. He was terrified of being punished in the front yard ... being publicly humiliated in front of his friends and neighbors in that manner. He concentrated and focused as best he could, and hoped he'd survive this without having to be punished for fucking it up.
Thor, meanwhile, was not exactly having an easy time of it, either ... Bryan was multiply aroused ... thinking of Becky at home and how he was going to bone her later when he went home to pack ... watching his two cock-slaves at work, and eagerly awaiting their fuck-ups ... sitting next to a potential new trainee ... and getting a very careful, very terrified blow-job ... it was almost more than Thor could handle, just keeping Bryan from exploding at any second, but he was just as eager for a public, front-yard whuppin' as Del was, so he did the very best he could, and hoped.
The two cock-suckers' knees were totally numb by the time Bryan asked Kip, “Whaddya think, Son ... ya wanna pop or ya wanna give these boys some more time to have fun?” and he pulled the boy closer in a one-armed hug.
Kip was loving the whole scene being played out here and did NOT want it to stop ... but he really needed to cum badly at that point, and said, “Well, Sir ... if we let 'em off easy now, we'll hafta make 'em pay for it somehow later, right?” and he looked deep into Bryan's eyes with total sincerity.
Bryan was falling for this kid in a huge way, and hugged him again, smiling and saying, “Fuckin'-A, Son! Let's pop now, and let 'em pay for the pleasure of helping us out later on, when we've had a chance to catch our breath!”
They both instinctively grabbed their cock-slaves' heads and began skull-fucking them, all the way down and almost all the way back up and off, faster and faster until, first Kip exploded in a scream of pleasure, holding Del down until he was finished (and nearly making the cock-choked slave pass out from lack of oxygen), and then Bryan roared out his triumphant and lengthy climax, also impaling Thor's head down on his spewing Man-meat until he was totally finished.
“You two just lick and suck nice and gentle, until I tell ya's otherwise! GIT” Bryan told them, as he hugged Kip closer to him and they both fell asleep, right there on the couch, taking a well-earned nap, each dreaming dreams of the other and the pleasures the future might bring them together.
For Thor and Del, the following two and a half hours were hell, as they'd already been on their knees for well over an hour, and with the nap-time added in, this climbed up past the four-hour mark. There was absolutely nothing they could do about the pains in their legs but endure it, or be caught fidgeting and be punished for it.
They endured it.
When the two drained sleepy-heads awoke, they both needed to piss, of course, and so, with their hands gasping theirs cock-boys' heads, that's what they did.
Neither slave spilled a drop.
Bryan finally looked at Kip and asked, “Son, what's your schedule for today look like?”
Kip, looking for all the world like a mere husk of his former self after the jubilant sexual exercise earlier, thought for a moment and then said, “Well, Sir, I hafta run a few errands for my Auntie and make sure she's got everything taken care of for the day ... but other than that each day, my time's as free as can be while I'm staying here with her, Sir,” and he grinned up at Bryan, who was still holding the boy's shoulder affectionately.
Bryan said to him, “Son, you can take my pick-up, and one of these useless slaves, too, to help you get your errands done, and then when your Aunt is taken care of, you're invited back here for some more fun ... if you're interested in havin' some fun, that is...”
Kip took no time at all responding, as he gushed, “Gee, Sir ... that'd be swell! Thanks a million, Sir! I'll take Del, here, since he's probably anxious to say, 'Hi!' to my Aunt!” and with this, he grinned a devilish grin at Bryan, knowing full well that the last thing Del would want would be having this kid expose him to Mrs Litchstone as ... a slave!
Bryan squeezed the kid's shoulder firmly while laughing loud and long, finally saying to the boy, “I like the way you think, Son! Hop to it, then ... keys are on the hall table near the door!”
Kip got to his feet and said, first to Bryan, “Yes. Sir! Thanks again, Sir!” and then to Del, “C'mon, dick-lick ... let's go say, 'Hi!' to my dear Auntie! I think she'll be absolutely amazed at the improvement she'll see in your attitude!” which put both him and Bryan in stitches with laughter.
When the two were gone, Bryan turned his focus to Thor, who was still kneeling obediently, but in extreme pain, between his legs, awaiting instruction from his Master. “Boy, that slave, Binky, downstairs ... Del's old college fuck-buddy ... needs some private-time with his Master. Go get him ready for fuckin', and then get his ass out to me in the back yard ... GIT!” so, with flashes and stabbings of pain through his knees and legs, Thor shakily got to his feet and hopped to it, remembering to nod, once, to his Master, with his eyes averted to the floor, as was proper.
In about forty-five minutes, a freshly fed, shaved, douched and handsome-looking Binky was delivered to the back yard, where Bryan sat on the edge of a lounge chair, in the shade of a horse chestnut tree, and had the slave kneel up in front of him, in the direct sunlight. “The dungeon and basement need a major cleaning, boy ... GIT!”, he said to Thor, who nodded, once, and trotted off to comply. Then he just sat and watched the respectful, kneeling slave for a while. Finally, he said, “A slave needs a nice, hot ass before having a long talk with its Master. C'mon, boy, get across my legs for a good old-fashioned spankin' ... an' be quiet, if ya know what's good for ya, boy!” and Binky immediately got up and into position, after a single nod of understanding.
Bryan reached over the slave's back, and back under his belly, and then got a good grip on the slave's balls, squeezing down on them till the slave was displaying some small signs of discomfort. He held them like that, and then began administering a rather long and hard spanking, doing his best to give the slave's ass and upper-legs the tough-love he deserved to give.
When Bryan was finished, he was dripping sweat, and the slave was dripping sweat and tears. He was proud of this slave's near-perfect silence throughout the ass-warming, and decided to reward him.
“When you're finished licking your Master's sweat off him completely, we'll have our little chat, boy. GIT!” and Binky, trying to hold back his tears, nodded once and jumped up to start licking his Master's forehead and face. He then carefully removed Bryan's wife-beater and shorts, in order to afford him total access to the offending sweat, and started in on his Master's arm-pits, taking plenty of time to savor the manly smell and taste he found here.
Bryan was in heaven as the well-warmed slave tongue-bathed him, turning over occasionally for better access. From head to toe, licking up all the sweat and hormones from Bryan's muscular body, the dutiful slave performed flawlessly for his Master, and Bryan was feeling very proud of this slave. He felt a small pang of regret, thinking about this slave's upcoming sale to 'Sir Jon' on Fiji, but he knew it was for the best, and that all would benefit from it, not the least being the slave himself. Bryan was also thinking about what the proceeds could do for Becky, the boys and him, and that made him feel very good, indeed.
The slave was also feeling rather well, having achieved a high from licking Bryan's testosterone-laced and pheromone-enriched sweat ... his erection was rampant and needy, bobbing along with his excited heartbeat.
When all the Man-sweat had been licked off to Bryan's satisfaction, he had Binky sit in his lap, impaling himself on the monstrous and proud root which lived there. With his back to his Master, the slave eased the cock up into his love-canal until it was properly seated, and then sat back, lying on Bryan's chest, and his Master held him snugly with his left arm while reaching down to play with his jewels with his right hand, while the slave exercised his anal-sphincter for the pleasure of his Master's cock as he sat there, in bliss, for the moment, at being held by this big, strong Man.
Speaking in a low and soothing voice into the slave's ear, the Master said, “Your past life is over, boy, and will never be worth speaking about to a free Man ever again ... but before the door is completely closed, I need all the information you have concerning this Voynich Clan and the enslavement plans you had ... how it was all to work, who you were accountable to, and all the other details.”
Here, the slave became clearly agitated, knowing that security clearances and national security were involved ... and Bryan rewarded him with three very swift and meaningful slaps to his exposed balls, saying, “Slaves answer questions their Masters ask them ... you'll be answering mine, boy. Understand?” and Binky nodded, once, fighting back tears as he did so.
“I'll also need to know all the details of your former personal financial affairs, and you'll need to tell me about all the properties and real assets you once had, for the sake of proper transfer to my name. I understand that you once had a wife ... that will not affect this conversation, since she's now just as dead to you as you are to her,” and again, there was an emotional up-swelling on the part of the slave, which was also quelled swiftly, as Bryan delivered ten fierce slaps to the slaves balls, rapid-fire, which thrilled the Master's cock extremely ... the testicular agonies of the slave translated to highly energetic and erotic muscular contractions of the slave's anal passage, making Bryan's cock feel like it was in heaven. Bryan took careful mental note of this interesting phenomenon, for future reference. And then, he allowed the slave ten more very thoughtful slaps ... just because ... as Masters are wont to do from time to time.
“Now ... am I communicating my wishes to you in a way you can understand, slave?” he asked, receiving a single nod in response, along with mostly-stifled sobs.
“Good! That makes this Master feel very good, boy! I'm gonna reward you with an opportunity to serve my baby-maker ... I'm gonna be educatin' your balls and you're gonna be exercisin' your ass-muscles, until you make me cum up your ass real good ... doesn't that sound like a lot of fun, boy?” he asked the slave, in a voice which sounded extremely sincere and caring.
Binky nodded ... once ... and furiously began squeezing and relaxing his sphincter muscles to give pleasure to his Master's pride, hoping to at least reduce the number of slaps his defenseless balls would receive.
It didn't work out that way for the poor slave.
Bryan was soon lost in ecstasy, slapping the slave-nuts at a furious tempo, and thrilling to the unbelievable sensations his cock was feeling as a result ... and in what seemed like no time at all (to the Master), he was roaring out his total joy and filling the slaves tender ass with swimmers, somehow maintaining the slapping-vigil as he did so. Binky, by this point was virtually dissolved by racking pain, and any loss of control by the slave, resulting in screaming or yelling, had quickly ended, as Bryan squeezed his balls with his left hand so they protruded upwards and out of his fist, while he continued slapping them with his right hand. It was a most memorable experience for Bryan, and the slave seemed to be anything but bored with it.
Making sure the slave had all the reasons necessary to tease the last of his cum out, Bryan finally ceased his nut-loving and hugged the slave with both arms ... and fell asleep, for a much-needed power-nap of about a half-hour. His cock did not go soft.
When he awoke, he saw that the slave was asleep in his arms, so he dealt ten savage slaps to the balls of the offender, which made his fuck-tool want more ... and he took the slave again, this time doggy-style, brutally, kneeling on the grass by the lounger, long-dicking him until his throat was hoarse from trying to scream out in pain.
It took a while for the recently-sated Master to achieve satisfaction ... quite a while, in fact ... and when all was satisfactorily concluded in the back yard, Bryan carried the then-unconscious slave down to the basement and laid him on a pallet for a well-earned nap ... before the actual interrogation would begin.
Returning upstairs, Bryan yelled out for Del and Thor, and barked out a few orders to them, and it took little time at all to get things all set up for Mr Bínquitú to begin his special training session. In the living room, with a large tarp having already been spread out for 'play', Bryan intended to make this new slave the perfect replacement for his former Binky, to include having him memorize all the dates and events which would be useful to him when caring for Becky's and his three sons. Thor would be providing the details of special events which, he knew from experience, the boys treasured in their memories. Bryan would be providing all the dates the slave would have to memorize, and Del would act as a general all-purpose go-fer, making sure that Bryan and Thor had the tools and equipment needed to get this training session completed successfully.
Just as they were finally ready to begin, there was a knock at the door, and Kip walked in, having been invited earlier by Bryan to watch and perhaps even assist in the session. The boy looked fresh and excited as he took in the spectacle of three naked slaves kneeling up, and an almost-naked Bryan standing before them, facing Kip.
“You may as well strip off, too, son, if you're gonna be helping me out here!” he said with a smile to the boy, who grinned back with a blush, but eagerly stripped off, completely, for this new Dad he seemed to have acquired, carefully folding his clothes and making a neat pile near the front door. Bryan wouldn't have been capable of caring for this boy any more than he already did, thinking of him as a true son.
He assumed a position kneeling up on Bryan's right side, facing the slaves ... arranged from left to right, Thor, Mr Bínquitú and Del, all three fully erect and oozing pre-cum.
Bryan began by saying, “Slave, for these proceedings, you'll be addressed as 'slave' and these two slaves on either side of you will be called by their former names of Thor and Del” and here he nodded to each as he said their names, “and we'll get all the information into your head that needs to be there today, so that you can properly serve my sons, as they deserve to be served by my slave. Understand, slave?” and the slave nodded once.
What followed is mind-numbing to imagine, but the new slave was a quick learner ... and with several very-well placed slaps to his tender-vittles whenever he misspoke or screwed up a date or a memory, he managed to get everything into his head that Bryan, Del and Thor thought he'd ever need to know. He was a teary-eyed and exhausted slave when they were done, and hoped beyond hope that he'd be allowed to return to the basement or the dungeon for a nap.
He wasn't.
Bryan was eager as hell to share his slaves with Kip, and to see the boy 'in action', as it were ... and, of course, to show off a bit in front of the lad. He began with a brief tutorial in the fine art of preparing a slave for a rousing fuck-session.
“Son, the first thing a Man has to do is to get the slave's attention, and he does that by warming his ass for him! You hafta be careful to get it real hot, so you'll feel as good as possible when you're using him for your pleasure. Understand, son?” Bryan patiently asked.
Kip nodded, once, to show that he understood, and smiled at Bryan, who most definitely noticed the single nod and realized that the boy was mimicking the slaves' affirmative answer ... Bryan fought back a very satisfied smile.
Then Bryan said to Kip, “Alright, then ... ya ready for some fun, Son?” which was answered with a Christmas-morning happy-boy smile that could have melted any Man's heart ... and a single, enthusiastic nod.
“Son, I'm makin' you the official Master here for this little celebration, and I'll be your Assistant. You call the shots,” and they both laughed at this, “and you tell me where to be, and what to do, for your best pleasure, OK?” and the boy gave a single, smiling nod.
“Sir, thank You, Sir!” he finally added, after the shock and joy of this very special gift had faded just a bit, and then he added, in the wannabe-tones of a young Man trying hard to sound very much like the Man in charge, “None of you slaves has permission to cum while I'm your Master here! My Assistant and I will join forces to give a severe double-punishment to any one of you who disobeys that rule! Del, go get Assistant Bryan's belt! Thor, go get mine! Slave, get those lips wrapped around my Assistant's cock! GIT!” and the three soon-to-be-used-well slaves leaped up to comply with their orders, Del and Thor returning in seconds with the demanded belts, and Mr Bínquitú immediately on his knees in front of Bryan, the hard and masterly cock all the way down his throat as he awaited further orders from the young Master.
“Good! I'd like you to describe to me how you're gonna handle this slave's ass-warming, since it's your privilege to take care of it, Son, “ and he smiled sincerely and lovingly at the boy.
“Sir, I'm gonna ask You to take the slave over Your knees, and get a good, tight grip on his nuts, then I'll start whaling the tar out of his ass for him, Sir. I'll be real careful to include his upper legs, too, Sir, so he doesn't feel disappointed in me or think I don't know my business very well. When his ass is hot enough for something extra, I'll pick up my belt and allow him some close-spaced stripes, too, just to make sure he's really paying attention, Sir,” and here the boy stopped speaking and looked down toward the floor, as was proper.
Pushing the slave off his cock, to get ready for what Kip had just described, it became evident to all there that his cock was oozing precum quite prolifically, and there were four pairs of eyes hungrily staring at their Master's fuck-tool, Thor's tongue even protruding a bit as he thought about the taste of that precum.
Bryan wondered if the boy was also aware of his dribbling neediness, so he slowly and unobtrusively pointed to his cock and stared at the boy expectantly, to see just how alert, and willing to serve, the boy really was.
The boy was very alert and very willing to serve.
Looking up at Bryan with need in his eyes, the boy waited for 'permission to come aboard' his new Dad's cock, which was granted to him with a nod and a smile from Bryan.
The boy swooped down and engulfed his new Dad's cock in one swift swallow, his throat muscles working very hard to please this most massive of slave-splitters. Greediness did not blind the boy, however, and he didn't forget that he was doing this to address the precum problem, not to bring his Dad to orgasm ... after two or three minutes, he slowly eased off the cock, gave it a thorough licking from bottom to top, and then looked up into Bryan's eyes, seeking approval.
Bryan nodded once to the boy, and the boy, grinning back at him, again assumed control of the scene unfolding in the living room.
Bryan got himself situated in the recliner, and then got Mr Bínquitú situated across his knees, remembering to get the grip on his balls that Kip had described so well ... and he made sure it was a very good, tight grip, indeed, as witnessed by the extreme discomfort and squirming of the slave.
“Del, get under there and make this slave's cock feel real good for him ... do your best to make him cum for me, boy! GIT!” said the young and inexperienced Master to the former slave-trainer. Then to Thor, he added, “Thor, make my cock feel better than it's ever felt before, and make sure you include my balls, too! GIT!”
Del and Thor assumed their positions quickly, and began doing their very best to complete their assigned missions successfully.
Kip then began a slow, masterful and comprehensive spanking of the slave across Bryan's lap ... he took his time and made sure that the slave would be prepared well for the strapping which would follow. The slave was incapable of maintaining silence, the warming exercise was so thorough, and the more he yelled and screamed, the more lovingly Bryan would tighten his grip on the slave's balls for him, adding to the value of the little lesson taking place.
When the slave's ass and upper legs were a brilliant and livid red, the boy looked at Bryan, as if to ask whether the first part of the slave-warming had been accomplished successfully, but Bryan grinned an evil grin back, and shook his head once. He said to the slave, “Turn around onto your back, boy! Master has some other areas to address for ya!” and the slave, terrified and in what it thought was terrible pain, quickly flipped over, into what was obviously a most uncomfortable position, draped over Bryan's knees that way. Del looked expectantly at the young Master, who directed him, “Fill this slave's mouth with your cock, boy! GIT!” and Del happily complied as fast as he could, driving a very hard and excited Li'l Del all the way down the slave's throat before he could register alarm or protest.
Meanwhile, Bryan grabbed the slave's balls again, pulling them downward while maintaining a very caring and constricting grip on them, not stopping until his firm nut-grip had the slave writhing, apparently in delight, while impaled on Del's demanding cock, which seemed to be pleasing Del a great deal, as the slaves screams of gratitude leaked past the monster-cock blocking his throat, vibrating it in a most wonderful way.
Once all had been re-situated properly, and Kip had admonished Thor to be more attentive and to start humming on his cock for him, with a firm and lengthy series of slaps to the boy's balls to reinforce the order, Kip turned to the warming up of the newest slave's front-side, and from the slave's chest and arms to his upper legs and inner thighs, the slave got a very special warming from this fast-learning young Master. With Bryan constantly increasing his nut-loving squeezing and with Kip delivering the finest warm-up slaps he could, and with Del throat-fucking him as deeply as possible, the slave could not possibly have had any reason to complain of neglect or lack of affection. His highly animated and vocal antics spoke volumes of his gratitude to his Masters for this almost-worshipful attention they were lavishing upon him.
But, all things must end, and Phase One of the slave's warm-up was finally finished, with the slave's front-side at least as glowingly hot and red as his backside had been. Kip looked again at Bryan, for confirmation that the slave was ready to climb the ladder of success to Strapping Class, and Bryan, with an evil grin, raised the slave's balls up between his legs, the balls protruding from his fist, the skin pulled paper-thin and taut, and he gestured to Kip's belt ... a hint the boy was quick to get, and even quicker to implement.
Del's cock was immediately treated to a klaxon-horn of sound roaring past it ... vibrating it to the extent that he was unable to stop the explosion which followed, and with a most ear-splitting roar, he filled the slave's throat with volley after volley of hot, high-velocity cum, and even in the throes of such incredible joy, he knew that he'd be suffering most mightily for this unacceptable faux pas.
Upon seeing Del lose his slave demeanor, Kip and Bryan shared a victory grin with each other, each knowing the sheer delight it would be giving Del the extreme lesson he'd have to receive for this act of barbaric rudeness and disrespect.
But ... sometimes good things come in pairs, one should pardon the double-entendre ... and with the excitement around him and the cock in his mouth, Thor, hapless slave-boy that he was, began the Dance of the Shooting Star, yelling his triumphant orgasm around Kip's cock (which appreciated it very much) and pumping spurt after spurt of desperately released, sizzling-hot, high-velocity, and un-permitted cum ... all over Kip's leg.
That Friday was not a good day for those slaves.
Kip and Bryan again shared a most triumphant smile ... and, what's more, Bryan had the answer he needed for the Press boy's dilemma, too.
But Phase Two of this warming-up of the newest slave had to proceed, and proceed it did, with Kip lashing out without warning at the slaves nipples and chest, the screams caused by which were enough to re-erect Del's nearly flaccid cock, still comfortably lodged down his throat.
Interrupting himself just long enough to give Thor's ass a resounding stripe, to get him re-focused on his own task of pleasing the Master's cock, Kip lashed the slave-boy's belly, raising a very nice, long, red welt in the process, which further inflamed the boy's thrashing and yelling, cock-muted though that yelling was. Bryan had most thoughtfully resumed his labor of love with the slave's balls, although he was not being quite as delicate with them this time around, and the slave was virtually insane with the need to scream out his thanks for it, from all outward appearances.
After allowing the slave as many nice stripes as he deemed excessive, Kip looked at Bryan again, who told the slave, “Flip over, boy! Master has a bone to pick with your back-side, too, and he's probably not gonna be quite as gentle with it as he has been with your front! GIT!”
Rearranging themselves again, the pentad resumed their separate missions : Del to cock-gag the slave, Thor to thrill Kip's cock, Bryan to properly stimulate the slave's balls, and Kip to warm the slave up to an incandescence sufficient to earn him a long and meticulous fucking by the two eager Masters.
This time, Bryan made sure that the slave's balls, still protruding bravely from his fist, were available to Kip throughout the following step of the warm-up, as he pulled them out and up to within easy reach of Kip's lashing leather. The slave knew what this meant and his gratitude assumed Biblical proportions ... he began vocalizing as never before, and moving about with such gusto that Bryan was hard pressed to keep him restrained, and available for Kip's gentle ministrations ... but he did manage to hold the slave in place, and Kip was most quick to zero-in on the indescribably sweet target Bryan had so thoughtfully provided him.
With a resounding 'Whack!', the slave was rocketed into the upper stratosphere of what must have felt like love-made-tangible ... it would have been hard to imaging any slave trying harder to express it's deep and heartfelt thanks than that slave did. Del was on the receiving end of all the oral thanks, and was once again on the brink of disaster with Thor also getting close again. Bryan and Kip, of course, noticed this, and shared several grins at this situation, devoting themselves to making sure that the two slaves would, indeed, blow their wads again before this session was done.
Kip got the slave's back-side properly strapped, even though it took a long time to do it, and just as he was thinking that he'd finished, he had an inspiration ... looking at Bryan and nodding toward the slave's balls, he gave him a very wicked smile, and Bryan yanked the slave's balls farther out and up than he'd done previously, tightening his grip unmercifully as he did so.
Kip let loose with a wonderful expression of leather-nut-loving ... the slave erupted in a renewed frenzy of worshipful hallelujahs ... Del was, once again, loudly pushed over the edge ... and Thor promptly followed suit, with some very soothing sound-effects fluted past Kip's most needy cock.
Bryan and Kip high-fived with yells of triumph and joy ... what Kip did not know was the most-appropriate punishment Bryan had come up with for the two repeat-offenders.
Deemed totally fuck-worthy by both Masters, the slave was swiftly placed on the coffee table on his back, head hanging off one side ready for Bryan's soothing throat massage techniques.
Bryan, distracted momentarily by a brain-storm, said to Kip, “Be back in a second, Son!” and he ran off to the dungeon, returning as advertised in a jiffy with the hot salve and two small jock-straps. He stepped over to Kip, and whispered something in his ear.
Kip yelled out, “Fuckin' COOL! You two, put these jocks on! GIT!” and Del and Thor hastily did so. Kip then had them kneel up, hands behind their heads, and told them to close their eyes. Bryan came up behind them, and with a gloved hand, one at a time, reached down into their jocks and salved their cocks and balls very thickly. Kip then told them, “You two are to eat each other's asses out until I tell you to stop! If you can make your fellow slave cum, you won't be punished for cumming without permission earlier! GIT!” and with Thor on the floor, his legs and ass up so Del could get at his fuck-hole, and Del straddling his face and leaning forward to follow instructions, the two slaves, both starting to feel the incredible heat of the salve, did their best to make each other cum. It was only a minute or two before the two were making so much noise it was nearly intolerable.
Again sharing the smile that Masters share when they're working their slaves together, Bryan quickly filled the waiting slave's throat with his way-too-needy Man-tool, while, with his legs thrown up over Kip's shoulders, the slave received a stiff cock up his ass.
The slave was treated to a very deep, very long, and very complete fucking, performed to the accompaniment of The Two Gentlemen Of Verona, singing their vocal parts with such flaming sincerity, it was almost heart-breaking.
When Kip started showing signs of being near his climax, Bryan leaned forward and grabbed the boy's shoulders, pulling him forward, and they kissed ... and, with their slaves' own special background music filling their ears, they detonated together, swapping spit and tongue wrestling, feeling as if they were literally about to super-nova from pleasure. The waves kept coming and the kiss continued, until, totally spent, they extracted themselves from the slave and allowed him the privilege of cleaning their cocks.
The Two Sopranos, meanwhile, were still at it, desperate in so very many ways and for so very many reasons ... Kip yelled at them, as he and Bryan were about to head for the shower, “You two keep going like that until Bryan or I tell you otherwise! And start using your teeth, too! It'll make things a whole lot more interesting for your Masters! GIT!”
Their increased screaming, upon implementing this novel and creative order, was pure music to the two Masters' ears. It followed them into their shower in fact, and gave them cause to have another short festival of the senses while cleaning each other off.
Bryan took the lead, as was proper, by grabbing the back of the boy's neck and gently driving him to his knees, eyes-to-eye with the formidable Li'l Bryan, and he simply said to the boy, gently, holding his neck firmly, “Git, boy!” and faster than the eye could follow, Kip wolfed it all the way down, working it like the very best of pro's, massaging Bryan's balls and finger-stimulating the exterior of his rose-bud at the same time. Bryan wondered how this piece of good fortune had come to blow into his life ... but quickly gave up wondering as the pleasure center of his brain took over, and he began to use the boy like the slave he wanted to be for Bryan ... roughly and demandingly, he throat-fucked the boy, holding his head in both hands and forcing his desperate Man-meat all the way down his hungry throat with every stroke, until there was such a yell ... such a roar ... such a racket that the boy was afraid Bryan was expiring from a heart-attack ... and Bryan unloaded an enormous and multi-staged barrage of machine-gunned cum down the boy's throat, making sure that the boy's mouth and throat were fully cock-filled for the whole orgasm.
The boy, stimulated far beyond any previous experience in his young life, detonated his own crotch-side-bomb, roaring his jubilation around and through the older master's cock for him, driving Bryan even more insane with pleasure and lust.
Finally, this time completely sated, they finished their mutual showering, still hearing the incredible Two-Slave Symphony playing 'Air On A G-String', coming from the living room, as they did.
Taking their time, they dressed, ignoring the two slaves with bad cases of roasted organs, and then took Mr Bínquitú down to the dungeon, where they carefully and tenderly bathed and soothed him, then dried him off and caged him, for feeding and watering, and a well-deserved rest. When Kip took the towel to the laundry area, Bryan kneeled down next to the cage and said, in a very low and quiet voice, “You did real good today, boy ... I'm mighty proud of you. Sleep well, while you can, boy,” and the slave smiled up at him and mouthed the words, 'Thank You, Sir,' then fell asleep almost immediately.
Returning upstairs with Kip, Bryan was tickled to see the two cum-felons still at their screaming, biting and ass-eating, as ordered. Never without creative ideas, Bryan suggested to Kip that maybe they could help the two to cum if they each gave one of them the benefit of some nice strapping across their back-sides, loudly enough for the two tormented slaves to hear ... and fear.
Kip, quick study that he was, said, “That's a great idea, Sir! But wouldn't it be good to get their attention first by loving their balls a bit first, with those belts?”
Bryan could only laugh, and nodded to the boy, saying, “Son, you're a chip off the old block! Nut-whuppin' first, then! Let's get 'er done, Son!” and they both laughed at the rhyming goober-ism.
Kip yelled out, “On yer knees, legs spread wide as you can, heads on the floor, hands behind yet heads! GIT!” and the two promptly obeyed ... terrorized, terrified, and ... terribly fried, too.
Together, Kip and Bryan gave them each ten righteous wallops to their bejocked balls, filling the house with the sound of music once again, and then Kip ordered them to get back the way they were for some nut-popping strap-time.
It took quite a bit of work, but the two Masters were actually able to get both slaves to shoot again, by letting them both have the added assist of flying-leather love all over their exposed parts, and when they came, it was like the Fourth of July and New Year's Eve rolled into one, based on the decibels generated by the two.
Bryan then assumed command again, and said, “You two get yerselves cleaned up good and report to the dungeon ... get yerselves fed and watered, too, and give each other some nice, long, hot enemas. When you're done with that, give each other slave-regulation shaves, and that means everything, boys, except eyebrows and eyelashes! Lube up those fuck-holes good, cuz yer both gonna need all the help you can get later today! GIT!” and he laughed watching them blaze out of the living room, as if on fire.
They were.
To be continued...
Your feedback is the fuel of my
[author's note: I can only laugh at myself, dear reader, for having had so much fun writing this! However, it's supposed to be for YOU, the reader ... I could really use your input on this story, so please consider sending an e-mail, pro OR con ... it'll help me to do a better job for you! - hs]
Posted: 10/05/07