The Voynich Enslavement
Finally, Binky was a free man, and as might be expected, he felt very good.
The slave-formerly-known-as-Rod was now Binky, and THAT was not going to feel very good.
The two still had a passel of problems to solve, but they'd been solving hard problems together for years, and they felt confident that this time would be no different, especially since the biggest problem of them all had just been erased.
Chapter 5
The return home for the two relieved partners was uneventful, and they spoke little throughout the trip, simply basking in the comfort of knowing their biggest problem in life had just been taken care of, in little less than twenty-four hours.
After gassing up the borrowed plane and leaving it in its assigned space at the airport, the two began the short drive home together, for the first time in years as free men ... and this time, with a new slave in tow.
'Del and .... what would Binky-slash-Mike's name become?' they were both wondering.
As they neared Del's home, they'd settled on a false-ID that Del had tucked away for just such an occasion, in the name of one, Thor Waldgren. The name had been culled from the Press' old microfiched obituaries many years back, and had once belonged to an infant, sadly lost to SIDS early in its first year. Del had done his due diligence, and it was a complete, though never utilized, identity, lacking only photo identification. Age-wise, the 'Thor'-identity fit, too.
Pulling into the driveway and entering the garage, Del and ... Thor ... extracted Binky from the vehicle and pulled and dragged him to the dungeon, where he would begin receiving a most unsettling brain-washing, among many other things.
Securing the slave in the single cage, with manacles so that he could seek no relief for himself, Del and Thor went upstairs to get a meal started and to snack while they worked together, as they were starved from the past twenty-four hours.
They also had to carefully unravel all of the former-Rod's connections and so on, to make best use of him and avoid any felonious mess-ups.
Once they'd had their late lunch, they took a luxuriously long shower together and then a power-nap of perhaps forty-five minutes, and eagerly headed to the dungeon for the start of Binky's new life.
Upon entering the dungeon, Binky groggily lifted his head, and with bleary-eyed confusion tried to talk, with little success, the long period of time he'd spent sedated and anesthetized having given him an extremely dry-mouth. Del and Thor didn't laugh at this, although it was funny, but maintained an appearance of concerned, businesslike efficiency. Thor got Binky a bowl of cold water and slid it into the cage, knowing it would cause alarm and anger to the not-yet-ready-for-slave-time slave. Del, meanwhile, grabbed a taser, knowing it would be needed during this session.
It was.
Binky was allowed perhaps ten seconds of outraged hoarse rasping before Del zapped him in the stomach with the taser, which ended that.
When he stopped his thrashing, he looked up at Del with raging hatred in his eyes and Del just pointed wordlessly at the water-bowl, his meaning unmistakable.
Binky kept his eye contact for only a little while, got the point, and dropped to his knees, staring at the water-bowl. Del allowed only five seconds of this, then zapped him in the butt.
Again thrashing quite spiritedly, this time with his face in the water-bowl, he eventually stopped his dance and, again, looked back at Del, this time with a hurt and betrayed look in his eyes. Del refilled the bowl and again pointed wordlessly to it.
Binky surprised Del by assuming a defeated look and posture, and reached for the bowl to bring it up to his mouth, to drink from it.
Wrong. “Zap!” to the back of his neck.
It took three more times, but Del was, without speaking, finally able to get Binky to drink doggy-style from the bowl. When Binky had drunk his fill, he knelt up facing Del and remained silent. Del figured the way they'd played in their college days was finally paying off, as Binky seemed to have accepted Del as his Master.
The next important hurdle was going to be Binky's internal cleansing. Del looked forward to it with great anticipation.
He went to the closet and retrieved the douching equipment, making sure Binky could see his every move. After setting it all up, he walked over to the cage and unlocked it, noting with satisfaction the fact that Binky had remained in a fair kneeling present posture and had maintained silence.
Watching the new slave for a minute or two, he finally broke his own silence, saying, “Boy, you have a million questions right now. They'll wait. Right now all you need to know is that your name from now on is 'Binky', that you speak only when you're spoken to and you're given permission to speak, and that your only reason to live, from now on, is to serve your two Masters, who are Thor, over there, and I. Whenever any of these laws is broken, you'll receive the harshest correction we can possible think of. If you've understood what I've just told you, nod your head, once.” He carefully watched Binky for signs of what the slave's next move might be.
Del was amazed at the speed with which Binky nodded ... once. He was even, truth be told, a bit disappointed. He remembered that they'd sometimes “played at” Master-and-slave back in college, not really knowing then how the game was played, but ... ? 'Was that it? Did Binky think that the old fantasy was being played out here for his amusement?' That wouldn't work in most situations, but in this one, perhaps it might.
Del smiled down at the slave and said, calmly and comfortingly, “That was very much better than I'd hoped for, slave Binky! I'd feared we'd have to play with electric shock some more, but you've pleasantly surprised me. You've earned one credit, which I'll take off of the number of strokes in your mandatory new-slave whipping, which will take place when it's convenient.” He deliberately didn't specify the time of this most dreaded of slave traditions, thinking that he would get a reaction from Binky, but Binky simply nodded ... once, quickly.
Del was getting just a little confused by Binky's seemingly total acquiescence in all this, but continued by saying, “The next step for us here now is to get you nice and clean for your Masters, inside and out, starting with the inside. We do that here with you standing up, in a St Andrews Cross position, legs spread as wide apart as I can get them. Get up now and walk over to the the middle of that tarp, spread your legs apart as far as you can, and raise your arms high. GIT!”
Binky nodded, once, quickly. Having been doing other things besides standing for over twenty-four hours, he was more than a little bit wobbly on his legs, but managed to obey the orders given him in very good time, and did so silently.
Thor stepped up for the first time in this little tableau, and silently secured Binky's arms, then tapped the slave's legs quite a bit farther apart with his own foot, and secured them as well. The earplugs, hood and cock-gag were also applied to the slave, as Del had gestured to Thor that he wanted them on him.
Enemization being virtually the same, always, suffice it to say that it went as they all go, with great deal of unpleasant cramping for the new slave, and then it was over. Binky was then sprayed down well, with cold water, to clean up any external mess he might have made.
As Binky stood there, still dripping from the cold spray, Del and Thor exchanged glances of puzzlement ... as if to say, 'Is that all?' They'd been surprised at Binky's total lack of resistance after he'd had his play-time with the taser.
The mandatory new-slave whipping was next, and, as may be correctly guessed, neither Del nor Thor was crying in anguish about it.
While Binky drip-dried, the partners went upstairs for a cup of coffee and to talk over a few things, starting with Binky's total lack of resistance. Sitting at the kitchen table, mugs in hand, Thor listened as Del explained his and Binky's history, and how Binky, 'Rod' at that time, had had a serious crush on Del, who saw him as only a playmate, convenient and with no strings attached. Del explained that Binky had mentioned, many times, his obsession with slavery, and his fascination with being treated like a slave ... a fantasy Del had granted him on many occasions, and which they'd both enjoyed immensely.
Thor agreed with Del, that Binky must think this was a staged affair, set up for his for amusement, and that it would end shortly, after all parties had climaxed. He asked Del how much time they had to extract from Binky all that they'd need for their plan to succeed ... that is, to utilize Binky's powers to enslave any and all persons he wanted to, in order to get the Voynich information from S. W. Pilkington-Smythe.
Del thought hard and carefully, and finally answered, “I'm guessing he has to report in every three days or so, but we can find that out today, by just asking him. He's signed security clearance documents, and has sworn not to reveal certain things about his job. If we play 'good-cop/bad-cop', where I'm the bad-cop ...”, and they both laughed, “... I'll be asking him the questions he's not supposed to answer, telling him there's gonna be serious penalties if he doesn't answer. I'll leave the room on some pretext, and you convince him, with your caring, gentle 'good-cop' ways, that this is all a staged session, and that we'd never repeat anything he said. Convince him that if he 'spills the beans,' it'll end sooner.”
Thor agreed that this was simple and would most likely work. Then he asked Del, “Bryan and Becky are gonna need some answers, buddy . . . I can think of three big issues we need to figure out. One, why is their Binky being taken from them? Two, how can we replace their Binky with another slave that'll be as good for the boys as I've been? And three, how do we find a buyer for our new Binky who won't be truly sadistic and cruel to him?”
Del smiled at Thor with a silly look, and mimicked an old-time TV character he'd liked, named 'Sledge Hammer', saying, “Trust me! I know what I'm doing!”
He went on to explain more seriously, “Bryan can come over to help us knock out a good answer to your first question.
“The second question I already have a lead on, but I'll wait till I'm more certain before I'll talk about it.
“ And the third is solved ... I have a buyer in Fiji, a very rich Brit with a serious passion for good-looking, well-hung, well-educated, formerly-powerful sex-slaves. Our Binky is perfect for him. This man has never sold a slave he's owned, and has never ordered a slave's execution. Used to be a big-shot in some Arab place called ... Dora? Harda? ... Dahra! Yeah! Name's John something, I think ... I'll be using a middle-man so I don't need all the details about him myself. It's enough to know that our Binky will be sold at a premium price and will be well-cared for, for the rest of his life.”
Thor nodded in respect and amazement at the mental agility of his lover, even though, by now, he should have been used to it. He said, “Want me to call Br... oh, yeah! How 'bout you call Bryan?” and he laughed at his huge 'almost-mistake'.
Del, wanting to impress on Thor the seriousness of what he'd almost done, but even more, wanting to have some fun with him, too, instantly morphed into the Big, Bad Slave-Trainer, Del, and yelled at Thor, “Standing present! GIT!”
Only a lightning-bolt could possibly have elicited a faster reaction from Thor, who had spent far too many years as a slave to ever really forget how to obey a Master's orders. Quick like a bunny, he was stripped completely and at a letter-perfect standing present. Del positioned himself directly behind the compliant former-slave and took off his belt, folding it in half for use. He then took a firm grip on Thor's balls, squeezing down on them and pulling them back, almost hard enough to make the slave step backward. He was ready to do what some call, 'God's Work'.
He hissed angrily into Thor's ear, “Tell your Master what you did wrong, boy!” and applied more pressure to his balls.
Thor was receiving the 'super-sized version' of tough love, and was close to tears, but said, “Master, this slave ...”
“ WHACK!” Del belted his balls, making Thor yell out, “Master, sorry, Master! Master, Your slave almost spoke on the phone and put You at risk of serious danger, Master! Master, slave requests Master's punishment, Master!” the whole while fighting the need to scream out loud at the pain Del had just lovingly provided him with.
“ Whack!” and Thor screamed this time. When he'd settled down a bit, Del whispered in his ear, “Ask for Master's punishment like you mean it, slave!”
Thor was actually a bit scared, as Del had never played this real with him before ... he was hitting Thor's balls with quite a bit of force. He said, as loudly as he could, “Master! Slave requests Master's punishment, Master!”
Del then pulled back harder, and let his belt fly ... ten very instructive and pedagogically sound whacks to Thor's helpless balls. Thor kept his posture and remained standing, until at last, Del released his balls. Then, Thor fell to the floor in an agonized, tortured heap, looked up at Del and said, “Thank You, Master!”, and proceeded to very quietly moan and gingerly to hold his balls in both hands.
Del said nothing, walking back to the couch and sitting down, grabbing for the phone. Dialing Bryan's number, he got Bryan, and asked him if he could come over immediately, as something important had come up, and it affected Bryan, too. Of course, Bryan agreed and was there in fifteen minutes.
Bryan entered Del's living room to see the naked, ball-clutching Binky, or so he thought, still moaning softly and slowly writhing in wave after wave of aftershocks from his recent testicular agonies. Before Bryan could say a word, Del said, “Bryan, meet Thor!” and smiled.
Bryan started to say, “Thor? But that's Bin...”, and stopped when he saw Del grinning and shaking his head.
Del shouted, “Slave, resume free man status! GIT!” and to Bryan's amazement, Binky/Thor leaped to his feet and dressed, in Guinness Record time. He then smiled, as if in great pain, at Bryan, and said, “Hi, Bryan! It's been a l-o-o-o-o-n-g time, buddy!”, and he tried to laugh, but from the look on his face, it was an ill-advised attempt.
Bryan had been living with this Binky-Thor-slave-freeman for years, thinking of him only as his slave, and this was the first time he'd ever spoken to him like this.
As he was thinking of words to say in response to the situation, Del quietly said to him, “Bry, remember that construction site, way back when? The night the three of us worked late and had some ... special fun?” and both Thor and Del smiled huge smiles at Bryan, and Bryan slowly looked at one and then the other and back again, and then Del and Thor slowly began to nod, as the light-bulb started to turn on over Bryan's head. He was transported back in time to a very different landscape in their three-way friendship. And he remembered something he'd all but forgotten . . .
Bryan looked as if he'd just been royally pimp-slapped, and slowly asked, “You mean... shit, you did! I don't know how, but for God's sake, you two did it, didn't you???!!!”, and tears started to spring from his eyes. He nearly lost his balance and had to sit down.
The lovers sat on opposite sides of their mind-blown buddy and started to explain what had happened in the past twenty-four-plus hours. Bryan continued to weep silently, but attentively listened to the whole story, nodding or asking questions to show that he was following this harrowing tale.
When Del and Thor thought they'd told it all, Bryan just nodded, and then broke down crying and saying over and over again, “I'm so sorry! Damn, Mike, I'm so sorry!” causing Del and Thor to exchange confused looks with each other.
Thor hugged him tight and whispered to him, “What's to be sorry for, Bry? You don't have to apologize to me!” and Bryan just got more emotional.
Finally, wiping tears away, he looked at both of them, and then at Thor, still thinking of him as Mike, and said, “I never thought this day would ever come! All these years, I just treated you like the slave I thought you'd always be. We'd talked about that, remember? How it'd be best to keep the cover by acting like it was real? Well, I forgot it was a cover! All those years, Mike! Oh, God, how I treated you! Like a piece of furniture! And those times when Becky would go away to visit her folks with the boys, and I'd make you ...”, and here he just fell head-first all the way into the pity-pot, and was about to drown in it.
Del and Thor exchanged concerned looks and Del nodded, so Thor grabbed Bryan's shoulders and shook him, hard, and yelled, “Damn you, Bryan! You did exactly what had to be done! Can't you see, buddy? You made it real, and no one ever suspected! You did the only thing that was right for you to do! Thank you, buddy!” and he gave Bryan a big bear-hug, and after a few minutes, whispered in Bryan's ear, “And as for those special times you were mentioning, well ... I lived for those times when Becky would be gone, buddy! I can't thank you enough for those times! You were awesome!” and he gave Bryan a little peck on the cheek, pulling away quickly enough and far enough back so that Bryan couldn't throttle him for it. Bryan tried anyway, but with an embarrassed grin on his face.
The three finally settled down, and with a few beers under their belts, to help take the edge off, so to speak, they talked about Del's idea for finding a replacement for Bryan's family slave, and what they'd tell Becky and the boys. Del had a great guy in mind, who'd run afoul of his father-in-law. He'd been caught on video having relations with another man, relations the father-in-law thought were inappropriate for the father of his eventual grandchildren to be having. This guy was dead meat, and it was just a matter of time before the old man had him whacked. Del knew he'd be the perfect replacement for Bryan and his family, once Del had him enslaved.
Del described him and his qualifications to Bryan, including the facts that he'd had several years experience teaching, tutoring, coaching and mentoring kids, including kids with special learning needs. Del said to Bryan, “He could be here for his 'enslavement' tomorrow, if need be, and I sent word to him to study up on all the slave training and behavior books he can find, so he really knows his 'material'. He'll be ready to assume the life of a slave. Take your time and think it over, buddy . . . I know it's a huge decision.”
On the subject of what to tell Becky, and what else to tell the boys, Del suggested, “Becky would believe that I've held a majority share in 'Binky' all this time, and that, as a business move, I sold him, got a better-trained slave to replace him, and made a damn good profit on top of it, fifty-percent of which will go to you guys!”
Bryan looked sad then, and spoke up, saying, “It's gonna break the boys' hearts losing their Binky like this ... what am I gonna tell them?”
Thor looked really uncomfortable right then. After all, he'd been in those boys' lives from their first days. He, too, felt like he was having his heart ripped out, thinking about them now, and the pain they'd soon be experiencing. Then he had an idea ...
“ Bryan, I think I have an idea that might work here for the boys. You can tell them I got real sick, and had to go far away to a place that takes care of slaves with serious problems. Tell them I picked this new slave out myself for them, and that he's my slave-friend from a long time ago. Del, can you make sure this guy has the cover story down pat, to make sure it works?”
Del said, “Sure! That's a great idea for the boys, Thor! Bry, you agree?” and Bryan smiled and nodded, clearly relieved that that hurdle had been successfully negotiated.
Bryan then said, “Del, get your guy here tomorrow, like you said, OK? I want to meet him myself before ... well, you know ... and just have a chance to talk to him, man-to-man, before he isn't. Would that be alright?” and Del nodded agreement.
Thor added, “Yeah, and I want to be right here with you when you have that talk with him ... a big part of me feels like those boys are mine, too! You and I can hammer this thing out with him so that he knows his part and won't screw it up. After tomorrow, it'll be too late ...”, and both Del and Bryan just nodded grimly at the thought of what this guy was willing to go through, to avoid being killed by his father-in-law.
Neither Del nor Thor was feeling sad at the prospect of training a new slave. Certainly, they were not. But they were a bit worried about how far they should go, with an “almost, but not quite” slave, as this guy would be.
And then it was time for one of Del's great epiphanies. He yelled out, “Wait a minute! I have an even better idea!” and Thor and Bryan cracked up laughing, having seen The Del in action like this before.
“ Scrap this whole 'new slave' idea! I give him a new identity ... do not ask! ... and he arrives at your home as an indefinitely-indentured live-in childcare-specialist! A free man, but with very strict limitations! We can let the kids call him, 'Mr. Bínquitú', get it? 'Binky Two'?” and they all busted up, knowing that this was a far superior and less complicated plan, after all.
Thor spoke up, keeping a straight face somehow, and said very seriously, “He will be told that he owes Bryan any service Bryan orders from him, though, right? I mean, he's gonna owe Bryan here big time! Right, Bry?” and Bryan looked at him like he'd just been pole-axed.
Del realized what Thor was doing, but added a refinement of his own to it, making it a serious idea, and no longer just a joke ... he quickly added, “Of course! I meant to tell you both that! This guy is assuming that his new Boss will be expecting regular, professional-grade servicing from him! That's the only hard-and-fast requirement he made for this to work! You're OK with that, aren't you, Bry?” and he asked that last question like only a fool would even think of saying, 'No!'
Bryan had had no idea this might be expected of him, but he trusted his buddies and slowly nodded his head, then looked up and shyly grinned at Thor, asking, “Was I really awesome, buddy?” and Thor reached over and grabbed him, giving him a crushing bear-hug.
“Fuck, yeah, you were awesome! I was in heaven serving you, every damn time you wanted me, Bry! I always just wished it was a hell of a lot more often!” and again, he gave Bryan a peck on the cheek ... but did not pull away this time. Bryan turned his head to face Thor and shocked the crap out of both the others by planting a lip-lock on him that lasted far longer than a peck on the cheek. Thor was in heaven, Del's face hurt from smiling so hard, and Bryan's trousers were massively and obscenely tenting from a hard-on worthy of an A-list porn-star.
Del could not resist ... perhaps The Devil made him do it ... he stood up and yelled, 'Slave present! GIT!”
Bryan was nearly thrown off the couch by Thor's frantic, convulsive leap to orders. He watched in total disbelief as Thor stripped off and assumed the ordered stance, facing the two of them.
Del got right next to Thor's ear and yelled, “Slave, there's a big, hard cock in this room ... a free man's cock ... and it has your name written all over it! GIT!”
Bryan had never been raped before.
He put up no noticeable struggle when it did happen, however.
Thor, with the sex-starved power of a slave too-long deprived and then, finally, unleashed, ravished Bryan, getting his clothes off so fast Bryan had no idea how he'd done it, especially with the lip-lock Thor had gotten and maintained till Bryan was totally stripped. Both men were ragingly rampant, needy, beasts, pre-cumming like leaky hoses, each trying to hug, hold, control, please, taste, feel and consume the other. Their cocks were jousting with each other as the deep kiss continued, and strong fingers were exploring dark caverns, each willing, eager and able to become the other's Back-Door Man, each hoping the other would win the struggle, each wishing that what was happening right now would never end.
Del had never been in this position, to wit, being present, fully dressed, while his lover and his best straight friend wallowed, wrestled, and writhed in abject, mindless rut. He was so happy to see Bryan break through his own barriers after years of self-repression, and so happy to see Thor, for too many years a non-man, able to express his own feelings like this.
Del, of course, stripped.
Del joined the sinuously undulating mass of muscle and testosterone and became an equal part of it, his hands also seeking, their hands welcoming him into the love, his mouth finding a filling, his Man-root filling a fist, his fist finding a needy Man-root. The ancient, torturous, slow-motion convulsions of unrestricted, unrestrained passion proceeded, with the players constantly shifting, readjusting, churning ... moaning, slurping, groaning, gasping. The first unemployed fuck-tool finds the first unfilled fuck-hole, and a roar of triumphant victory joins a bellow of triumphant defeat. The sweat-lubed mass of Man-starved Man continues churning, turning, and shifting, until every orifice (but one) has been deeply, loudly, and well-and-righteously reamed. And until every throbbing weapon of mass insertion has shot its last frantically, desperately and urgently swimming sperm into the hot, dark, clenching, welcoming bull's-eye of its target.
At some point the turgid triad drained itself, and collapsed in a puddle of completely spent man-flesh.
At 5 AM the phone rang, and a voice from within that pile of Man muttered, “Oh, my God, it's Becky ...” and it rang again. The three slowly separated to allow the married guy a chance to do “some 'splainin' ” to his children's Momma. As always, in situations like this, it was embarrassing to hear, but in this particular situation, it was especially so. They felt the 'cheater's guilt' welling up in Bryan, and in themselves by extension. While Del assailed his rosebud, causing Bryan to jerk in delight and thrust deeper into Thor's gaping, starving skull-hole, and Thor backed off long enough to lave his cock and balls to full turgidity, driving him quite nearly mad with pleasure and lust, he managed to tell his wife he'd be home by seven-thirty. Thor slowly and teasingly, from side to side, tongue-slid up Bryan's torso, as Del, slowly spread-eagling Bryan's leg's, zoomed his head in on his perineum with a bounty of small, torturous nibbles, and Bryan writhed in tormented ecstasy, while he struggled to calmly promise Becky he wouldn't be late, nearly gasping with pleasure as he did so. Then, Thor licked under Bryan's chin and up his cheek, as Del, shifting position, ran his tongue and fingernails slowly back and forth across and up Bryan's broad, quivering back, while the defenseless Bryan smooched Becky over the phone . . . but the smooch she heard was, in fact, Thor and Bryan kissing. What she couldn't hear was the strangled-back yelp Bryan successfully hid from her, as Del lovingly bit the tender flesh of his neck at the shoulder while Thor tweaked both his tits a bit harder than required by common decency. After hastily telling her, “Love you, Babe,” and almost hissing in pain and pleasure before he was finished saying it, he hung up the phone, and quick as a cobra . . .
. . . grabbed the two by the backs of their necks and shook them both, roughly, yelling out, “You cocksuckers! Ya tryin' ta ruin my fuckin' marriage???” and they looked down, honestly not sure whether he was really pissed off or not.
Bryan was suffering from some really urgent need, and wanted them both to believe he was totally pissed off at them. Besides, it made him feel even hornier thinking about the punishing they'd be receiving from him for nearly ending Becky's trust in him. Bryan was finding it easier and easier to enjoy being the Man in Charge . . . of Del, especially. “There's two faggits here need dungeon-whupped. GIT!”
They . . . got.
Time was of the essence, and Bryan hated wasting it . . . he strung them up together from the ceiling-hooks, back to back, very tautly, so their feet didn't touch the floor but were spread as wide apart as he could get them. He then gagged them with long, thick, cock-gags, tying them in place with some leather thongs, and blind-folded them both. Then he got a long, thick, double-headed dildo from the bottom drawer of the cabinet, and grasping it in the middle, lubed it very well with hot salve. He got down on his knees close to the two suspended sinners, and spreading their asses a bit apart, inserted the dildo in both fuck-holes at the same time, seeing that, at first, only about half of it would enter their soon-to-be-fried fuck-holes.
He stood up and watched his boys, looking for signs of joy at the new hole-filler they'd been allowed to play with. The salve worked slowly, he knew, but it was only a minute or two later when the Dance of the Red-Hot Butt-Fuckees began, and it picked up speed very quickly after it started.
He smiled at them, walking around and around them, enjoying every move and barely-stifled scream they made. It was almost time, he thought.
He's seen it on a web-page, and had wanted to get his hands on one for some time . . . and here was one, just begging him to use it on his boys --- a two-foot cat. He hefted it and liked the feel of it in his hand. He could almost sense its teaching powers, just swishing it back and forth, making experimental little snaps with it, in the air.
Knowing the boys could hear him quite well, he decided to make a lot more noise with it, along with some loud angry cursing and yelling, to get these two properly terrified before beginning the main part of the lesson.
“You two sonsabitches think it's fuckin' FUNNY wreckin' a free Man's life???”, he yelled out, forcefully bringing the flogger down on the cabinet's side, producing a most satisfyingly awesome sound. The boys were shaking their heads wildly, “NO!” as he watched them suffering from Flambeau d'Asshole.
“Ya think it'd be a friggin' LAUGH RIOT ta have my sons' Momma leave me with those boys, do ya's???” he roared, this time letting the wall behind the suspended boys have it, and again creating a loud and frightening sound.
The two were both hysterical now, and Del had even pissed a bit in terror. Bryan was very pleased.
“You both feel really, really bad right now and hope I'm gonna punish ya's good, don'tcha's?” he said as he cracked the cat again on the front of the cabinet door, making a very loud and reverberating noise.
He quietly traded the cat for the CB antenna that he'd heard Del brag about using before, and with the boys expecting the cat, he . . .
“Whick!!” across both Del's right and Thor's left sides, causing a terrific increase in their jiggling and bleating.
“Whick!!!!” across the other side of the unified duo, driving them even more insane with fiery pain.
He paused to play with their nut-sacs, letting them know what was next on the agenda. He squeezed them lightly, patted them firmly, slapped them from below a bit more energetically, and then squeezed them again, more seriously this time.
Clearly, they were not thrilled with this next planned step in their learning experience, and they tried to communicate their lack of interest to Bryan.
Bryan was made of sterner stuff than that, though.
“WHIPP!!” and the boys' worlds erupted in a blaze of soul-splintering, mind-numbing agony, from the sudden and vigorously applied upward stroke of the CB antenna.
“I think you two are startin' to like all this love and affection I'm givin' ya's . . . aren'tcha's?”
Nearly paralyzed from fear and pain, they helplessly began nodding furiously, praying that this might help end the torture session Bryan was so kind as to gift them with.
It didn't.
He laughed, long and loud, and said, “Well, I was gonna stop, but seein' as how you two are my buds an' all, I'll see what I can do for ya's!”, and . . .
“WHHIIICKK!!” and the boys again nearly lost their collective mind as the urgent messages being sent to their brains from the anguished nuts below, again caught by a wicked upward stroke, began to flood in. The nearly incandescent dildo had penetrated their fuck-chutes almost all the way, and the number of different pains they were suffering from was mounting.
“WHIPP! . . . “WHIPP!!” and both chests were striped across the tits, prompting a high-spirited outburst of new screams, barely muffled by the cock-gags. The jerking and thrashing which followed was heartwarming to see.
Bryan waited for their heart-rates to get back to something like normal, and then he began to fondle their cocks for them . . . he made them both nice and hard, very gently caressing and stroking each proud cock for the boys, reminding them that their Bryan loved them very much. But the boys knew that the next step was not going to be a Martha Stewart 'Good Thing'.
It wasn't.
“Whippp!!” . . . “Whippp!!” and the organs-formerly-known-as-cocks transformed into Producers Of Hell On Earth for the boys . . . the brand new, shiny, red, hot stripes across their tender and defenseless frenums making them jerk and scream like nothing before had done.
Bryan truly loved his work.
“Whipp!!” . . . “Whipp!!” and their cock-heads were dealt a stunning blow for education, which the boys clearly enjoyed a lot, judging from their ever-increasing leaping and bobbing, and from their desperate but ineffective attempts to thank their Bryan for all his hard work.
Bryan wanted to help them with one more little taste of his love.
He did.
“WWWHHHAAAPPP!!!” and the cat, which he'd thoughtfully traded the antenna for, came up between the boys' legs.
Bryan could only laugh out loud in appreciation of his boys' desperate attempts to thank him.
They were in danger of injuring themselves with their spirited wriggling, and their vocal chords were being sorely tested, to say the least.
The boys were not saying the least.
He allowed them to calm down, and it took the worn-out duo about ten minutes to stop all the bouncing and moaning, and for the tears to stop flowing.
He stimulated their cocks to full erections again, knowing the terror it would plant in their minds.
Their renewed efforts to amuse him showed that he was correct. They associated the ecstasy he was giving them with pain and agony.
'Life is so good!” he thought to himself, satisfied with the lesson's success.
He brought them very close to orgasm several times, each time aborting the possible pleasure with a backhand to their balls, which produced a most entertaining song-and-dance response from both. It was effective at deflating their cocks immediately and giving him a chance to do it again.
He brought them close like this at least ten times, each time ending it with a kind and thought-provoking backhand, and then saw he that it was time for the lesson's finale.
He put on Del's 30,000-volt gloves and grabbed the hot salve . . . he was determined to make his boys learn well the first time.
He taught them well.
Slathering the concoction on his boys' cocks and balls, he put the hot balm and the gloves away, and stood there watching for the inevitable fireworks display.
His wait was brief.
He watched with great satisfaction, and, after a few minutes, began feeling up his boys with his hands, rubbing their bodies, soothing them with gentle words, making sure to explore every non-burning place on their writhing and jerking bodies, making them feel loved and comforted. He told them, “You two just hafta learn right from wrong, and I'm the one's gonna be responsible for teaching ya those lessons. It's the only way you're gonna learn, and the only way I can show ya that I care about ya's”
He continued the feeling and soothing for a while, and then started nibbling their nips . . . a bit harder than required by law, of course, but still pleasing to himself. He worked two nips with his hands as he'd nibble and nip at another, moving around the boys to insure that all four received the maximum attention possible from their Master.
He then decided to let them stew for a while, and headed upstairs to make himself some coffee and read the Press, if it had arrived yet. The boys were in a very special kind of shared-hell and he'd just be a third wheel if he were to stay, anyway.
Making a mental note to have Del throw out the things in the refrigerator and cabinets that he himself didn't care for or didn't want, he make a pot of coffee with Del's brand. He didn't care for that brand, but it would do, for now.
Having done that, he checked to see whether the Press had arrived, and was surprised by the sight of the trotting Press boy arriving just as he opened the door. 'Life is so very good!' he thought, smiling at the soon-to-be-whipped boy before him, who, surprisedly, stopped and assumed a very proper present.
“Mornin', boy! I'm surprised to catch you in the act! I've been thinkin' a lot about you the last two days, boy, and about this comin' Saturday's performance you'll be givin' us . . . bet you're just on pins and needles with excitement, waitin' for the magic moment to come, aren't ya?”, and with this he began a thorough groping of the boy's cock and balls, making the boy shiver with excitement.
“Sir, yes, Sir! Thank You, Sir! This slave is real excited, Sir!” he managed to say, as his cock was treated to a world-class grope.
Bryan continued playing with the boy's equipment, enjoying the feeling of power it gave him to do it, and was seized by an outrageous idea. He said, “How'd ya like to help me break in two new slaves later on today, boy? After ya get through with your regular duties, that is . . . when are you 'free' to spend some time here helpin' me out, boy?” and he almost laughed at his use of the word, 'free'.
“Sir, this slave will be able to be here at noon, Sir, unless its Master at the Press has other duties for it, Sir!” said the slave, pleasurably nearing what he hoped would be a most pleasurable orgasm.
“Boy, I'll call your Master and clear it for you . . . you just be here at 12:30, all cleaned up and handsome and ready to help a Master break in his two new boys, OK, boy?” he said, ending his attempt to make the boy cum by giving his balls a nice, firm pat to end the excitement.
“Sir, yes, SIR!! Thank You, Sir!!” and he waited for permission to resume his deliveries.
“I got an idea how ta make this Saturday a whole lot nicer for ya, boy . . . you just trust me! Now, we don't want ya ta be late, so GIT!”
“Thank You, Sir!!!” and with a slight bow to Bryan, he about-faced and continued on his journey of delivery.
He returned to the kitchen and scanned the front page as he prepared his first cup of coffee, grimacing at the taste. The headline was “PREZ SIGNS SENIOR SLAVE BILL” and the rest of the page was commentary and follow-up on the story.
To be continued...
Your feedback is the fuel of my
[author's note: I hope that this chapter has surprised you as much as it's surprised me writing it.
thanks go out to my anonymous Editor, who has quite a job to do when he receives my unpolished originals!
gentle reader, your thoughts and opinions really do matter to me ... they feed my mind, in fact! please don't hesitate to drop a line now and again, eh? Even criticism is better than silence. :)
tune in next week ... same slave time, same slave channel! - hs]
Posted: 09/21/07