2011? -or- 2012?

By: Gerry Young
(© 2010 by the Author)
(Originally written in June, 1986)




Author's note:

Please let it be known that this and all other chapters of "2011?  2012?" are NOT necessarily in accordance nor in agreement with that of the Webmaster of this site.  What you are about to read is strictly from the deranged thoughts of this author.  From his travels and study, he makes no apology for what is written here.









In referring to Diagram #5, we change our perspective, somewhat, and view the chart, not as the Signs of the Zodiac through which our personal star, the Sun, traverses once each calendar year, but from the viewpoint of that Zodiacal Constellation which is closest to our Solar System by virtue of our location in the arm of the slowly revolving, spinning Galaxy.


As was ascertained earlier, an Astrological Age is roughly 2100 years;  therefore, Diagram #5 has, inscribed around a portion of it, dates in increments of 2100 years, which mark the approximate 'beginnings' and 'endings' of Astrological Ages.


We are told by many Clairvoyants, Mediums, Philosophers, Prophets, Psychics, Seers, Sensitives, and Visionaries that the so-called legendary Continent of Atlantis began to experience the final throes of its destruction somewhere around 12,500 years ago.


That would put it close to the year 10,500 B.C.E. ('Before the Christian Era'), the Evening of the Age of Virgo and the Dawning of the Age of Leo.



~~~ The Age of Virgo ~~~

12,600 – 10,500 BCE



It is my firm conviction that during the Age of Virgo (an Earth Sign, relating to the Physical realm and its practicality, and 'ruled' by Mercury, the Mental planet), the Atlantean Civilization conquered the dynamics of Physical and Mental Sciences.  With their high degree of Knowledge and Logic, they were able to use Telekinesis (the ability to influence physical matter through the use of the mind without physically touching it) at will. 


It was during this Age, I believe, that the greatest and most perfect monument (in orientation and dimensions) was ever built by humans on this planet.  And each massive stone was perfectly laser-hewn and faced and then placed in exact position through the Powers of Levitation and Telekinesis.  This Great Pyramid on the Giza Plateau was the mightiest and most powerful Generator of Energy ever constructed, and was built by an outpost or colony of the Mother-Fatherland.  It provided a beacon of energy which became the Heart Center of Communication and Transportation in that Day and Age.


The mind can do strange things, and the more they could dream up, so to speak, the more the Atlanteans began to crave power and to control other humans (and other beings as well) who were not so mentally advanced.  The part-animal/part-human creatures which we read about in our so-called Mythologies, were the result of the Atlantean Scientist-Surgeons in their 'scientific' research programs, much as our own scientists are doing today in using our 'Younger Brothers,' the puppy-dogs, kitty-cats, bunny-rabbits, and other little animals, in their governmentally subsidized research programs.


~~~ The Age of Leo ~~~

10,500 – 8,400 BCE



The planet itself began to rebel against 'Man's inhumanity to Man,' even then, and it burst forth with the flames of volcanic eruptions, bringing in the new Golden Age of Leo, a Fire Sign, relating to High Ideals, Aspirations, affairs of the Heart, and Spiritual Wisdom.


Gold is the metal and the color which is astrologically designated to the Sign of Leo.


Now, take the letter 'L' out of the word 'Gold,' and you have the word 'God;'  and the letter 'L' (pronounced 'EL') is an ancient name of the Most High.  'Gold' became the 'God' of the Atlanteans.  Sound familiar?


During this Age of Leo, the Atlanteans reached the zenith of their civilization through their technological advances;  but lacking the Wisdom which co-exists with Responsibility in managing the knowledge that was theirs, they grossly misused their abilities.  The planet began to convulse and vomit more and more Fiery earth and gases onto its surface, until its very bowels were empty.  The land sank into the emptiness and was washed and cleansed forever by the inundating waters which had surrounded the continent for centuries.


Thus dawned the Cancerian Age at about 8,400 BCE.



~~~ The Cancerian Age ~~~

8,400 – 6,300 BCE



Cancer is a Water Sign, relating to things hidden and secret, things psychic, things pertaining to the Soul, and all things mysterious.  As the last Race had vanished INTO the Water, it is only natural and fitting that the next Race would come FROM the Water.


Just as an aside:  it is this author's opinion that there is no conflict whatsoever between the Biblical Theory of Creation and the Darwinian Theory of Evolution.  For is it not said in the Holy Bible:


"For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past … Thou carriest them away as with a flood;  they are as asleep:  in the morning they are like grass which groweth up."  (The Psalms, Chapter 90, Verses 4 & 5)


"… be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."  (II Peter, Chapter 3, Verse 8)


To me, the two theories go hand in hand, and supplement each other completely.  A day of Biblical Creation can be a thousand-or-more years of Darwinian Evolution.  "And God said, 'Let there be…', and there was." (sic)  Even though it COULD have been so, I don't believe that it was an instantaneous occurrence;  no, I believe that each creation took "a thousand years to man (if man were around to time it);  a day to God."


And so, during the Cancerian Age, Life came forth from the Water (as Darwin hypothesized), as from Mother Earth's Womb, and grew and was nourished by her, knowing neither Good nor Evil, for the Veil of Forgetfulness had been developed around the growing Life form.


Does the child or adult consciously remember the pain, the shock, the trauma of its birth?  How much less does that one remember the agonies of its last 'death' or 'departure' from either the Spirit World into the Physical World, or from its hypothetical last incarnation into its present one?


Certainly those memories are recorded in the subconscious mind and in the soul of the entity, but the Veil of Forgetfulness temporarily cloaks the consciousness of either the Individual or the Race from remembering its painful experiences. 


Only when one determines to search within Self through either Prayer, Meditation, Psychotherapy, or Hypnotherapy does there appear an opening in the Veil of Forgetfulness that permits a glimpse of the Past Causes for Present Conditions to be brought into the conscious mind.


During the Cancerian Age, the Child of Life was happy and blissful in the Emerald Green and Azure Blue of the Edenic Garden.



~~~ The Age of Gemini ~~~

6,300 – 4,200 BCE



At about 6,300 BCE, developing Humankind tasted of the "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil" (Genesis, Chapter 2, Verse 17)—in other words, Judgmental Reasoning, Conscience, and Consciousness.  Here Dawned the Age of Gemini, an Air Sign, relating to the Mind, Knowledge, Communication, and Brotherhood ("… Am I my brother's keeper?" – Genesis, Chapter 4, Verse 9).


As developing Humanity slowly evolved, so did the Racial Consciousness become more ingrained within its mental framework, and Humanity began experiencing fewer years with each passing generation.  ("But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it:  for in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die." – Genesis, Chapter 2, Verse 17).


The Racial Consciousness to which I am referring is in the character of Judging Opposites (Judge not, that ye be not judged." – St. Matthew, Chapter 7, Verse 1):  right or wrong;  good or evil;  light or dark;  life or death;  etc.


If you are a Bible student, you will recall that the earliest Biblical Generations lived for many hundreds of years (Methuselah lived 969 years – (Genesis, Chapter 5, Verse 27).  And as opinions, philosophies, and stories were orally handed down from generation to generation, each one became more heavily burdened with opposing viewpoints – the Knowledge of Good and Evil (opposites).


As the developing conscious mental abilities evolved from basic instinct into a less-than Edenic awareness, Mankind began to take dominion of the Earth.  He learned to use tools and eventually to build cities (mental and physical dexterity are traits of Gemini), and at around 4200 BCE, the Taurean Age Dawned upon Humanity.



~~~ The Taurean Age ~~~

4,200 – 2,100 BCE



Taurus is an Earth Sign and relates to physical possessions, among other things physical.


Dynamic in their strength, the Taureans settled in their new cities and set up thrones upon which the most powerful or influential person sat—Chief, King, Pharaoh, etc.


In order to keep the alliance and support of their subjects, the ruling class instigated the rise of the priestcraft who thereinafter created gods for the common people.


Strength and power were esteemed as gifts (to be owned or possessed) from the gods.  One of the greatest symbols of strength and power at that time was the Bull.  No doubt you have heard of the Cretan Bull, the Babylonian Bull, and Apis—the Egyptian Bull?  Their prestige and importance appeared on Earth during this Taurean Age.  Each 'god' had humans sacrificed to it, and it was the 'little bull'—the Golden Calf—which the Israelites carried with them into the 'wilderness'.


There is no wonder that the time-honored symbol for Taurus is the Bull.


Not only was the Bullish Strength deified during the Taurean Age, but also aesthetic Beauty.  The arts began to flourish and the acquisition of precious gems and metals became paramount to those in powerful positions.  They desired to have Beauty surround themselves in all forms.


It is said that things of beauty and artistry are Astrologically 'ruled, governed, or influenced' by the ruler of Taurus, which is the planet Venus, which, in turn, is named after the Goddess of Beauty.  Her glyph is the scientifically accepted symbol of all females in general, and the Egyptians venerated this symbol in the form of the Ankh, the symbol of Life.



~~~ The Arian Age ~~~

2,100 BCE to the Human Incarnation of The Christ



Then, at around 2,100 BCE, Humanity moved into the Arian Age.


Each Sign of the Zodiac has a universally accepted 'motto' assigned to it.  To recap for just a moment:


The motto for Virgo is:  "I analyze," and during the Age of Virgo, the scientific, analytical qualities were developed.


The motto for Leo is:  "I will" (i.e., command, demand, require), and during the Age of Leo, the will-power was developed.


The motto for Cancer is:  "I feel," and during the Cancerean Age, the feeling nature was developed.


The motto for Gemini is:  "I think," and during the Age of Gemini, the thinking abilities were developed.


The motto for Taurus is:  "I have," and during the Taurean Age, the having or possessive, acquiring nature was gained.


The motto for Aries is:  "I am," and during the Arian Age, the "AM-ness" came to Light in Man's Life.


You will recall that when Moses was to tell the Israelites (as well as the Egyptian Pharaoh!) who had sent him, he was instructed to say, "I AM THAT I AM: … I AM hath sent me unto you."  (Genesis, Chapter 3, Verse 14)


The symbol for Aries is the Ram, and the Ram's horn, the shophar, has been used by the followers of Judaism since during the Arian Age as a call to worship, and also as a call to war, even to the present day.


Aries is said to be ruled by Mars, the god of War, and is therefore a 'martial' Sign.  It was during the Arian Age that the developing countries and nations warred against each other to gain more and more territory.  And we're still doing it today—but it won't last forever!


The glyph for Mars is the scientifically accepted symbol for all males in general, and the Sign of Aries is said to rule the head of the physical body.  Since the beginning of the Arian Age, the warlike 'macho' male has been the accepted 'head' of the family, but now that seems to be changing, too.


* * *


In our  discussion of the Astro-logical path of human evolution, we have spoken of the Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, and Aries 'Ages'.  A glance back at Diagram #4 (in Chapter #5) will show that each of these Signs lies in the bottom half of a Natural Chart.


As was pointed out earlier, one way of approaching an Astrological Chart is as a 24-hour clock, with the nighttime hours being at the bottom of the chart.


In looking over the information thus far presented, it can be surmised that the above-mentioned Ages truly represent the 'Dark Ages' of human evolution.  And during the so-called Golden Age of Atlantis—the Age of Leo, which corresponds to the 8-10 P.M. time slot of the 24-hour clock—civilization was approaching its 'midnight hour'.  Even in today's age, the 8-10 P.M. time slot is the most socially active period of the week-day.


Just above the Eastern Horizon of a Natural Chart is the Sign of Pisces;  and as the morning Sun begins to shed its light on the world from the Eastern regions, so also at the beginning of the Piscean Age does the Light of Consciousness begin to rise on Human Evolution.


When the Christ Consciousness incarnated through a physical Man—the Biblical Jesus of Nazareth—Cosmic Consciousness began to dawn upon the Horizon of Human Consciousness in a truly Spiritual—Eastern—sense.  And symbolically, it was at the dawn of the Piscean Age (at the Easternmost point of a Natural Chart) when, and during which, the Christ Consciousness began its Ascension from the threshed-straw lining of the cradle within the physical housing of the Rams and other sheep, to the Go[o]d Light above the Mount of Olives.



~~~ The Piscean Age ~~~

The Christian Era – 2,100 Anno Domini



Pisces (pronounced "PIE-sees") is a Water Sign and relates to the Soul nature or Soul qualities hidden deep within each person.


As the waters of the oceans are deep, dark, and (for the most part) unknown, so also the nature and qualities of the Soul are usually mysterious and unknown.


Jesus, the Christ—a title, not a name—disclosed the mysteries of the Soul to those who would listen to him, and his recorded words still stir the Souls of those who read or hear them today.


Water has been used in the sacrament of baptism since the early days of the Piscean Age.  This is true, not only in Christianity, but in other socio-religions as well.  For example, in Cuzco, Peru, is an open courtyard within the confines of the Coricancha, El Templo del Sol, the Temple of the Sun, where can be seen a very sizable stone baptismal font suitable for emersions.  It dates from the Inca days before the Spanish Conquistadores (who called themselves Christians), and it could be that the baptismal font dates from the pre-Inca time during the early part of the Piscean Age.


Into this new Piscean Age, Jesus brought with him the influences of the preceding Arian Age:  "Before Abraham was, I AM" (St. John, Chapter 8, Verse 58);  "I AM the light of the world" (John, 9:5);  "I AM the way, the truth, and the life" (John, 14:6).


The motto for Pisces is "I Believe," and blind belief has been the stronghold of all the religions of the Piscean Age, not just the Christian religion!


The symbol of Pisces is two Fishes, swimming in opposite directions, and there is much reference to 'fish' within Christianity:  "I will make you fishers of men" (St. Matthew, Chapter 4, Verse 19);  the 'miracle' of the five loaves and two fishes (Matthew, 14:15-21);  and the Roman Catholic practice of eating fish on Fridays, to name only a few.


To be continued...

Comments welcome, please drop the author an note: 


Posted: 05/14/10