2011? -or- 2012?
Gerry Young
2010 by the Author)
(Originally written in June, 1986)
Author's note:
Please let it be known that this and all other chapters of "2011? 2012?" are NOT necessarily in accordance nor in agreement with that of the Webmaster of this site. What you are about to read is strictly from the deranged thoughts of this author. From his travels and study, he makes no apology for what is written here.
Our next thought for consideration returns our attention to the Natural Chart which is briefly represented by Diagram #2 (already discussed in Chapter #2), and which is more thoroughly represented by Diagram #4, above.
According to Madame H.P. Blavatsky in The Secret Doctrine, a 'Day of Brahma' lasts approximately 25,000 years.
Now, consider this—the globe on which we live, Planet Earth, takes about 365.25 days to make one complete revolution around the center of this Solar System—the center of which we know to be the minor star, Sol, our Sun, within the multitude of celestial bodies that make up the Starry Firmament.
And Sol, the Sun (with its system of planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and other satellites), is located near the outer reaches of an arm of the Galaxy which we refer to as the Milky Way. We are told that it takes approximately 25,000 Earth-years for the Milky Way Galaxy to make one complete revolution around ITS center.
The Zodiacal Constellations are farther away from the Milky Way Galaxy, than our own Solar System is from the center of the galaxy!
It is therefore a misnomer to say that the stars are stationary in the Heavens, for even though their movements seem to be infinitesimal (only about fifty seconds of spatial arc distance in any given Solar year), they are, nevertheless, in constant motion, as is everything that has ever come into physical manifestation. Nothing stands still; nothing is stagnant; else it would be contrary to the Law of Harmony and Order. Constant change and transmutation is the Law of Nature.
As the Milky Way Galaxy gradually and slowly (to all appearances) spins around its axis, it carries our little Solar System along with it, ever exposing us to different subtle stellar influences. And as these different subtle stellar influences penetrate and permeate the very atmosphere in which we live and breathe, Humanity grows, evolves, progresses, and changes continually, never remaining exactly the same … as even your own life will testify.
The world is changing drastically, even right now, and many of you are aware that we are now in the Dawn of the Aquarian Age.
The 25,000-year 'Day of Brahma' (one complete revolution of the Milky Way Galaxy) takes Humanity through all twelve Zodiacal or Astrological 'Signs' (which roughly relate to the twelve Celestial Constellations known by the same names). The main difference between the two, being that mass Human Consciousness perceives one specific set of influences, while in reality, another set of influences is acting upon us, slowly, patiently preparing us for the NEXT 'Age.'
This lagging-behind action is known to Astronomers and Astrologers alike as the Precession of the Equinoxes, and appears as a backward motion through the Zodiac. But don't let that bother you—it's much too complicated even for some of the greatest intellectuals.
Now then: 25,000 years divided by the twelve Zodiacal Signs equals approximately 2,083.33+ years duration for each Sign; let's say 2100 years for simplicity's sake, shall we? This 2100-year period is known as an Astrological Age. You can now understand what is meant when we say that there are twelve Astrological Ages in one Day of Brahma.
Diagram #4 shows a so-called Natural Chart, and you will note the numbers 1 through 12 shown in a counterclockwise position. The natural position for Aries is in the #1 position; Taurus - #2; Gemini - #3, etc., on around the entire circle through Pisces - #12.
The circle which comprises the basis of an Astrological Chart is made up of 360 degrees, as any student of geometry will confirm, and the twelve Zodiacal Signs being equally placed within the circle, equals thirty degrees for each Sign.
The determining factor of a Natural Chart is that moment which begins the first day of Spring, the beginning of the Zodiacal New Year, the day of New Birth and Rebirth for all of Nature (North of the Equator, that is). At that moment, the Sun is said to enter the first degree of the Sign of Aries, and rises above the horizon in the East. Since the Sun 'moves' just slightly less than one degree per day (360 degrees in a circle as compared to 365.25 days in a year), it 'carries' the first degree of Aries with it all around the Circle on that one day. This is an apparent motion due solely to your location on this revolving planet.
The line extending from left to right through the circle represents the horizon from your vantage point while you are facing South. The Sun rises in the East, and so, the line extending from the center of the circle to the left-hand edge, represents the Eastern Horizon, and is known in Astrology as the Ascendant or the Rising Sign.
Since there are twenty-four hours in a day, each of the twelve Signs will be 'rising' above the Eastern Horizon for approximately two hours.
The first Sign to rise on the first day of Spring, above the Eastern Horizon, is Aries, beginning at approximately 6:00 A.M. (depending on the latitude and longitude of your location)—thus, Aries is designated as #1.
About two hours later (depending on the Latitude of your location), the second Sign to rise is Taurus, beginning at approximately 8:00 A.M.—thus, Taurus is designated as #2.
Etc., etc., etc. (as the King of Siam used to say) through Pisces, which is designated as #12.
Day by day, we progress through the Signs of the Zodiac, but due to the Precession of the Equinoxes, Humanity seems to be moving forward in time but backwards through the Zodiac, as I will attempt to explain in the next few pages.
To give you an example of what I am trying to portray, let me share this with you.
For the last 2000-or-so years, we have been in the Piscean Age (#12), and we are just now moving into the Aquarian Age (#11). I'll have more to say about this later.
To be continued...
Comments welcome, please drop the author an note:
Posted: 05/07/10