Brothers' All
by: Will B
(Copyright 2007 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 9
Cards, Cocks, and Cumming 


Author's note: As always, thanks to E Walk for his help and suggestions. Those pesky typos will get in anywhere, and E is a great exterminator.


Thanks also to those readers who wrote to tell me that this story as brought back memories of a happy childhood.


July 12 1953


It was the day after Eddy Morrow’s disastrous visit, and Pete was just waking up. As usual he had “Little Peter” poking its red head out of the fly in Pete’s briefs. Just as Pete thought he had better start giving his little friend some attention, his mother called up the stairs.


“Pete, I’m going into town. You had better finishing packing your stuff since tomorrow is the day we move back to Grandma’s, so don’t lie around the house all day. I should be back about 3:00.”


“Okay, Ma. I’m getting up.” (But I’m already up and rarin’ to go, Pete thought to himself.). He began gently stroking the underside of his cock, feeling the wonderful sensations move through his body.


He was interrupted when the door bell rang.


“Oh, shit, I’ll have to finish this later,” Pete thought to himself.


Looking out the window he saw his friend Steve Taylor, who lived two houses away. Steve was 15½ years old, 5’8” and, because he was on the school wrestling team, was beginning to show a nicely defined upper body. Steve came from a stable loving family, but there was an aura about him that sent a message that he was willing to try almost anything.


“I’ll be right down Steve.” called Pete.


Throwing on some shorts, he went down and opened the door. Steve came in. he was wearing some gym shoes, shorts, and a tee shirt that showed his pecs and nipples nicely.


“Hey, Pete,” said Steve, “Thought I’d drop by and say ‘bye, because I hear you’re moving up to the country.”


“Yeah, Steve, tomorrow’s moving day,” said Pete.


“I didn’t come too early, did I? “asked Steve. I see you still have your morning hard-on. Well, maybe I can help you take care of that. Wanna play a game?”


“Sure,” said Pete. “What’s the game?”


“Gotta deck of cards? The first part of the game involves getting naked,” explained Steve.


“Right. This sounds good,” grinned Pete.


“OK, here’s how it goes. We shuffle the deck, and then deal the cards out.  Then we each draw a card and whoever gets the high card tells the other one to take off some clothes.”


Pete said, “Since I only have on shorts and briefs, let me out on some shoes and a tee shirt, so we can start even.”


Dashing up the steps to his room, Pete added the articles of clothing and came thundering down the steps again.


They shuffled and dealt the cards.


Pete drew a six to Steve’s four. “Take off your left shoe.”


Pete drew a six to Steve’s five. “OK, take off your right shoe.”


Steve drew an 8 to Pete’s six. “Out of your shirt, Pete.”


Steve drew an Ace to Pete’s Queen. “Lose your shorts, Pete.” Now Pete was only in his briefs, and Little Peter was poking his head farther and farther out of the fly.


“Pete, I’d say ‘Little Peter’ is getting to be ‘Peter the Great.” Har! Har!, smirked Steve”


Pete drew a jack to Steve’s 3. “Take off your shorts, big man. Oh, my! Your little Stevie is getting to be a big stiffy. Heh! Heh! Heh!”


Pete drew a Queen to Steve’s 9. “There go your briefs.”


Pete said, “Well, since you’re buck naked, I’ll join you. What’s the second part of the game?”


“It’s called a cock fight. We duel with our dicks, to see which of us can make the other shoot his cum first,” said Steve.  “It goes like this: Two naked guys square off by facing each other. One lies down on his back, and the other one straddles his legs. Then we take turns batting our own cock against the other guy’s. We try to get our own shaft against the other’s head. The first one to shoot has to do what ever the other guy says—take it in the ass, or the mouth, the fist, or in the crotch.  Oh, and one more thing—no using of hands on the pricks or balls to encourage cumming. Are you ready? “


“Sure,” said Pete. “It’s Peter the Great vs. Stiffy Stevie. May the best prick win.”


So began the duel of the dicks.


Pete lay on his back, but raised his butt off the floor so Steve could slide his legs under Pete. The two erect, blood engorged cocks faced each other. Using only their pelvic and abdominal muscles, the two hot teens began attacking each other.


Pete pounded his penis into Steve’s shaft.


Steve drove his dick at Pete’s meat.


Pete shoved his fuckshaft at Steve’s glans.


Back and forth the two slabs of meat battled, neither organ giving way.


Steve reached over and tweaked Pete’s nipples.


Pete spat in his hand and put his saliva on Steve’s nubs.


Steve pushed his penis as close to Pete’s glans as far as his torso would allow.


Pete drew back, and raised his body even more so that Steve’s cock made contact with the underside of Pete’s balls.


The feeling of soft, warm, hairy, orbs caressing Steve’s raging cock was too much. Without any warning Steve shot his joy juice onto Pete’s prick, balls, bush, and chest.


“You win, you fucker you, but I got admit that was some wonderful ejaculation I got off,” gasped Steve. “So, what’s my penalty?”


“Let me think a minute,” said Pete.


After a minute, Pete said, “I know. The game was in two parts, so the penalty will be in two parts—if you’re man enough to do them!”


“Wadda ya mean, man enough?” said Steve. “Just tell me what you want me to do?”


“OK, Steve. First of all, I want you to clean me up, and lick every drop of your cum off of my body. My balls, my prick, even some that got on my ass cheeks, Then you can clean off my bush and my chest. I’ll tell you the second part after you do that.”


So, Steve stuck out his tongue, and began to lick, and suck. He started with Pete’s hairy balls, and licked them clean, and then moved his tongue to Pete’s penis and made sure there was not a drop of cum or precum left. Then he worked his way up Pete’s abdomen and chest, licking, and licking, and licking some more.


When he had finished Pete’s front, he told Pete to turn over on his stomach and spread his legs. Then he used his tongue to get Pete’s ass cheeks dry, and even stuck his tongue into Pete’s hole, lightly licking his rosebud.


“That’s enough,” said Pete. “If you keep it up I’m gonna cum again, and I don’t want to do that just yet.”


“OK,” said Steve, “What’s the second part of the penalty?”


“I’ll be right back,” said Pete, and he got up, and went into another room, coming back in a minute with something, covered with a tissue, in his hand


“Here’s the deal. I’m gonna lie on my back, and I want you to lie on me, face up, so I can put my rod between your hairy legs. You close your legs and we will move together so that your legs will rub my cock, and while you are jerking me off with your thighs, I am gonna reach around you and stroke your cock until you shoot too.”


“Hum,” said Steve. “Sounds like that might be fun. But what’s in your hand?”


“Oh, that,” said Pete. It’s some Bryl-Cream.* You know, a ‘little dab’ll do ya.’ It’s to make your stiffy even spiffier.”


Steve groaned at the pun.


So Pete lay down, and Steve lay on top of him. Steve’s hairy thighs grasped Pete’s erect member, and the two hot horny teens began to move in unison.


Meanwhile, Pete put a little of the lotion on his finger and massaged the underbelly of Steve’s erect throbbing tool. He also ran his finger across the slit on Steve’s meat.


It didn’t take long for the two teenage studs to approach their climaxes.


“Don’t stop,” said Steve. “That’s sensational. Keep it up. Keep on….,  keep….., Oh god, here it comes…..  OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH,   OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH.”


As Steve shot his sperm, Pete felt his lava ready to erupt.


“Keep those legs clamped tight, tight, rub my meat, oh, rub it. It’s so great….., and finally. AAAAAAAAANNNNNNGGGGGHHHH.”


Pete shot his load onto Steve’s upper legs and chest.


When the two boys rolled off of each other, they were grinning at each other. Their bodies were drained of man juice, but their memories were filled with the sensations of what they had experienced.


“Steve, I want to thank you for teaching me about cock fighting. When I move up to my grandma’s tomorrow, I’ll have something to show my cousin Joe. He’ll love it.”


“Pete, I won’t be here tomorrow when you leave. I’m going on a retreat with some people in my youth group, so good luck, buddy. Have fun.”


Steve got up, cleaned up, got his clothes back on, and said good-bye.


Pete thought about the last few days, and the experiences he had had, first with Eddy, and today with Steve. He thought about what the future would bring, living at his grandma’s, and sharing that house with his cousin Joe, who was more like a brother, close friend and lover.


To be continued.


*For you younger readers, Bryl-Cream was something me put on their hair [no, not that hair!] to keep it well groomed.


Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/08/07