Brothers' All
by: Will B
(Copyright 2007 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 8

The bonds that tie are not always blessed.



Author's note: As usual, thanks to E Walk for his helpful suggestions.


Warning this chapter contains some s/m. You may wish to omit this chapter from your reading.


July 11, 1953


It was a blistering hot day, and Pete was wearing nothing but a pair of shorts—and nothing underneath. His mother was downtown taking care of legal business.  Pete was sitting at kitchen table writing a note, when he heard a knock at the door.


“Hi, Eddy, watcha doin’ out in this weather?” Pete asked.


“I heard you and your Mom were moving away, and I thought I would stop by to say ‘bye, and to talk a while.”


“Whadda ya doin with that paper?” Eddy asked.

”I’m writing a note to Mr. Harris my history teacher. I always enjoyed his classes, and sometimes I would stay after class just to talk to him about stuff. I hate writing notes, though,” Pete responded. “I wish I could just push a button and type in a coupla sentences, and push another button and send it off. Oh, well, maybe someday.”


“Look, Pete, I brought something for you to see. Mike and Don Kemp thought you might like to see these pictures,” Eddie grinned, and handed Pete the box of pictures.


Pete’s eyes grew bigger and bigger as he went through the box. His eyes weren’t the only things getting bigger, either, Eddy noticed with a grin.


When Pete had gone through the box, he looked at Eddy, and said “Wow, I’m really horny. Those pictures are something else.”


“Pete, I’ve got an idea of how to have some fun,” said Eddy. “It’s a hot day, you’re hot, and I’m hot. Why don’t we shuffle those pictures, and then put them face down on the table. Then we each draw a picture, and we do what ever the pictures shows those guys doin.’ The one who picked the picture gets to say who does what to whom.”


“What a great idea, Eddy.”


So the pictures were shuffled and out face down on the table. Pete selected a picture that showed one guy sucking his partner’s dick.


“OK, Eddy, let’s get out of these clothes, and then you get on your knees and get ready to lick my dick, and suck my prick, and play with my balls. I want to fuck your face.”


The two boys stripped off, and then stood facing each other with their penises erect.


Pete was 5’3, and had a 4¾” cock when it was soft, but now it was hard and pointing straight out, and was probably 6” in length. He had a hair around his genitals, and in his armpits, and his legs were covered with fine dark hairs.


Eddy Morrow, at 15, had a 4½ cock, when soft, but it was anything but soft now. It was almost 6” long, and already dripping pre-cum. His pubes were covered with thick black hair.


Going down on his knees he took Pete’s cock in his hand and guided it toward his mouth. He swirled his tongue over Pete’s cockhead, which was beginning to swell and turn purple. He licked Pete’s piss slit over and over until Pete moaned.


Then Eddy began to lick Pete’s balls. He took one nut into his mouth, and then the other.


Then Eddy took Pete’s fuckshaft and pointed it toward the ceiling. He began to lick the underside of the throbbing cock, from the base of the shaft up to the glans, and then down again, u and down. Then he ran his tongue around the ridge below the glans.


Finally, he took one finger and began to play with Pete’s ass.


“Oh, god, don’t stop,” Pete almost screamed. “It feels so good. Keep it up. Keep it….., Oh, god, I‘m going to cum.  Oh, oh, oh….AAANNNNGGGGGHHHH, Shit, I’m gonna shoot. ”


He shot his hot jism into Eddy’s mouth. Some ran on to Eddy’s chin, and chest.


Eddy just swallowed as much as he could, and then he licked Pete’s prick and balls to get the last drop of juice.


“OK, Eddy, it’s turn now,” said Pete. “What picture did you get.”


“Pete, before I show you the picture and tell you what I want, I want to tell you something that happened a few days ago, while you were away.”


“I was up on the Avenue, one afternoon, looking in the windows of a hobby store, looking at some model Lionel trains, and I saw these two guys—they looked like twins—about 18 or 19 years old, watching me.”


“You like model trains?” one of them asked, and he introduced himself as Derek, and his brother Eric.


“I sure do,.” Eddy answered. “I have a Lionel layout at home but I am always looking for things to add.”


“Hey,” said Eric. “You want to come over to our house? We have a gigantic Erector set, with motors and pulleys. It’s really neat!”


“Don’t mind if I do,” Eddy told them


So the boys walked a few blocks and came to a large house set in some trees. They went in, and Eric said “There’s no one home but us, so come on into our playroom.”


When they went into the playroom, the first thing Eddy say was a huge poster of two naked men with erect penises, looking like they were dueling with their poles.


Eddy couldn’t help it. He started to get hard immediately, but when he saw Erick and Derek staring at him with big smirks on their faces, he blushed, and said, “Oh, sorry, guys. I didn’t mean to stare. Your picture kinda surprised me.”


“Yeah, we noticed,” said Eric.


“I guess we should tell you, we kind of fooled you,” continued Derek. “We don’t have Erector sets. We have big erections. You wanna see ours, and maybe have some hot fun?”


“You know that might be a good idea,” said Eddy. “I want to be a good guest.”


“Here’s the deal,” said Eric. “We all get naked, and Derek and I will pleasure you, and then you can pleasure us. Does that sound good?”


“Sure,” said Eddy.


The three teenagers stripped. Eric and Derek were almost 6 feet tall. They had hair all over their torsos, and two of the biggest cocks Eddy had ever seen. They were a good six inches long when soft.


“OK, boys, how do we start?” Eddy asked.


“Just lie down in this sofa and we will take care of you,” instructed Eric.


Eddy lay down, and Derek started to suck his cock, swirling his tongue over the penis, which stood straight up.


While Derek was working on Eddy’s fuckshaft, Eric began to lick Eddy’s nipples. After about ten minutes of this, the two boys switched jobs, and now Eric was working up and down on Eddy’s meat, and Derek was giving Eddy’s upper torso quite a tongue lashing.


Finally Eddy could hold it back any longer. “Watch out fellows, I’m about to shoot,” and shoot he did. Several white streams of jism flew into the air, only to be licked up by Eric and Derek.


After a few minutes’ rest, Eric said “Hey, you two, I’m thirsty. Do either of you want something cold to drink?”


“Yeah, thanks,” said Derek and Eddy said, almost in unison.


Eric went upstairs to the kitchen, and when he came back a few minutes, he had three glasses. “This is for you, Eddy.”


“Thanks, Eric. I don’t want to get dehydrated before I return the favors, because I really …..” Suddenly Eddy began to feel dizzy. “You guys mind if I lay down for a minute, I feel as if I am about to ….. “


Suddenly Eddy lost consciousness.


Eric and Derek looked at each other with evil grins. “Oh, yes Eddy, you’re going to pleasure us. Just you wait!”


* * * *


When Eddy came to, he didn’t know where he was at first.


Then he realized he was tied face down to some kind of a sawhorse, and that Eric and Derek were standing, watching him.


“Now it’s your turn to pleasure us, Eric said. “Although our names are Eric and Derek, in this room we like to be known as “Prick” and “Dick, the Princes of Pleasure and Pain. We will show you how you can have even greater sexual pleasure if you allow us to inflict some pain.”


Derek continued., “ Now, first we have to show you what we do to our students who do not cooperate.” With that he took a heavy leather belt and brought it down hard on Eddy’s butt.


“Ouch,” yelled Eddy. ”That hurt.”


“This time we will not punish you for speaking without permission,” Erick/Prick said. “We plan to fuck your ass and your mouth, and if you make just one noise, or do not allow us to carry out our plans, we will punish you. Do you understand?”


“Yes,” whimpered Eddy, wondering what the hell was going to happen.


“Another two lashes because you did not address by our titles, Prince Prick or Prince Dick, said Derek/Dick.”  He brought down the belt on Eddy’s ass cheeks again.


Eddy started to make a sound, but realized this would only make matters worse. He resolved to keep quiet and do what they wanted and get out of this fucking hellhole as soon as he could.


For an hour the two sadistic teens fucked his ass and his mouth, and they were not gentle as they had their ways with him.


They both shot enormous loads of white, creamy, hot jizz into Eddy’s mouth and ass.


Then they untied Eddy, and carried him to the bed, where they laid him down, and began to suck his dick.


Suddenly, Eddy ejaculated a mighty stream of sperm. He had never shot such a load before.


The two older boys cleaned him up, and helped him to dress, and saw him to the door.


“Come back anytime, Eddy. We will be glad to repeat today’s lesson, and maybe try some new things,’ said Derek.


Eddy left quickly, his body and mind aching and hurting, but he was also feeling….. something else, some feeling of pleasure, that he could not quite understand.


* * * *


When Eddy finished his story, Pete said, “God, Eddy, that was awful. You must never want to go through that again.


Eddy said not a word, but showed Pete his picture: it was a photograph of one man fucking another in the ass, doggy style.


“OK, Eddy, it is your turn,” said Pete. “Just let me get something to make my ass easier to enter, and I’ll get on my hands and knees.”


“No, Pete, you don’t understand,” Eddy said. “I don’t want to stick my cock in your butt; I want you to fuck me, as hard as you can, and without using anything to grease me up. But first I want you tie me up and whip my ass with a belt. And if you want to stick pins in my body, that would be even better.


Pete was aghast. “I can’t do that, Eddy. I think sex should be fun, and give each of us pleasure. I don’t want to hurt you.”


“Please, Pete. I want you to hurt me, I want to feel the sharp pain so my cumming will be even more pleasurable. I want you to hurt me.”


“Eddy, I can’t. I will suck your dick, or let you fuck me in the ass, but I cannot, I will not, inflict pain on you or anybody,” Pete said.


“Are you sure, Pete? Because if you are, I guess, I will leave. Maybe I’ll go back to Eric and Derek’s house.”


When Eddy had gone, Pete called Mike and Don Kemp and told them that Eddy Morrow had just left, and Pete had a terrible feeling that Eddy was not well. He told them about Eddy’s liking to be hurt while having sex.


“Listen, Don, I don’t think you should let Eddy be alone with Rickie or John, because if he wants to feel pain today, he may try to give pain tomorrow,” said Pete.


“Thanks, buddy. We’ll be sure to look out for our brothers—and for ourselves,” Don said. “I know you’re moving to the country in a coupla days. Keep in touch. Maybe we can all get together later this summer.”


“Bye, Don, say hi to your brothers,” Pete said as he hung up the phone.


When Pete went to bed that night, he prayed that Eddy would get some professional help. Then he thanked God that Joe was such a kind and loving person.


To be continued. 


Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/01/07