Friends and Family Series
Ron Robbins
(© 2010 by the author)
Frank Perry
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 13
Noel and Scott woke to the sound of a loud clap of thunder. They heard the rain and hail hitting the deck above and wind howling outside. Noel heard the creaking sound of the yacht straining against the mooring lines as the wind buffeted the upper deck structure. "What's going on out there?" Scott asked.
"It feels like a squall to me," Noel said. "I've got to go up on deck to double check our mooring lines. This storm could last a while."
"Not without me you're not," Scott said. "If you think you're going up there alone you're crazy. I've no intention of losing you overboard now."
Noel smiled, leaned over and gave Scott a peck on the cheek, "I love you."
They both donned life vests and harnesses. Noel hooked his harness to the safety line on deck. He checked all the anchor lines, and then went up on deck. He made sure the anchors were holding and everything was secure. They went below and double checked all the hatches once again, and secured any loose gear. They took off their wet clothes and showered together. I can't start dinner until this squall blows over," Noel said, "Let's go back to bed and make out until then."
They snuggled up together and made like lovers. Twenty minutes later the heavy winds and driving rain had passed over. "I can fix dinner now," Noel said. "Are you hungry?"
"After that workout, I'm starved."
After dinner, they sat together in the lounge and watched the news and weather on TV. Noel turned off the TV, took Scott by the hand and led him back to his stateroom. They stripped and got into bed.
Noel took a bottle of special moisturizer and made Scott lay on his stomach as he applied the lotion to his back, starting with the neck muscles and moving down his entire length to his ankles. This was really the first time he could explore Scott's beautiful body. There was not a mark or blemish on his body. His early life as a youth in the Maritime Provinces had toughened and molded this muscular body. Now that their hot and demanding sex was released earlier, Noel wanted to take his time and savor every moment exploring this wonderful body. Noel was claiming his right of possession of Scott's body.
He finished with his back and had him turn over. He straddled him and spread the lotion over him. Starting at his neck and working down his body. He was so engrossed with his lover's body that he was unaware Scott was staring at him. Scott took Noel's hands in his and gently pulled him on top of him. He wrapped his arms around him and smothered him with kisses.
"I love you so much," Scott said.
Noel was so moved by this deep emotional outpouring that he couldn't help himself, he buried his head into Scott's shoulder and softly cried.
Scott woke around five. Noel was still sound asleep, cuddled up next to him with his head touching Scott's own on the pillow. He gently lifted Noel's head and kissed him.
Scott thought, 'I've not felt this happy since I was a kid. Noel is everything I've been searching for and he is an exciting lover, much more than I ever dreamed. He is perfect in every way. He is handsome with a keen sense of humor, warm and tender and great when it comes to making love. He may only be five-ten, but he has a sexy body. Noel is well proportioned for his frame, and has a beautiful ass. When I finish with his plastic surgery, he will be a knockout. I knew that he was mine the last time I was on this boat. What a beautiful gift I've found, my friend and my lover.' He kissed him again and fell back to sleep.
It was six o'clock when Noel woke up and couldn't move. Scott had him locked into his arms as they slept. 'What a wonderful way to wake up. I will never be alone or afraid again. Scott is so handsome and the most pleasant man I have ever met. I would like to stay like this all day, but I had better get moving. We have a full day ahead of us.' He started nibbling on an ear until Scott opened his eyes and smiled that wonderful warm smile.
Noel closed his mouth over Scott's and stayed that way until he could feel Scott's erect penis between his legs. He reached over and grabbed the lotion bottle and squirted the lotion between their bodies. He grabbed Scott's penis, joined it with his and rode Scott until they both climaxed, never breaking their kiss. They stayed that way, locked in each other's embrace until they had completely cooled down.
"I hate to be the one to break up this wonderful lovemaking session, my love, but it's time we got up and hit the showers."
After they showered, Noel prepared a hearty breakfast while Scott set the table and sat watching Noel's every move with that lovesick grin on his face.
After cleaning up the breakfast dishes and loading the dishwasher, they rubbed sun block on each other, donned their shorts and went up on deck. It was a beautiful, clear, sunny morning. They lay together on the lounge, side-by-side, with their heads close together.
Noel took Scott's hand and said, "Thank you for last night. You were sensational."
Scott turned on his side and pulled Noel to him saying, "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I plan to keep you forever. When was the last time you had a complete physical?"
"Three months ago, which included a blood test, if that's what you're concerned about," Noel said. "While we're on that subject, you should know that I've never had sex with another man before; unless you count fooling around in prep school, a hundred years ago. All the call girls I hired were screened for AIDS. In any event, they only gave me blowjobs. I am very careful where I stick junior, and never unprotected. You just latched on to a Grade-A Virgin, my love. At least I was until last night."
"You make me feel warm all over," Noel said. "Lying in your arms like this is so enjoyable; I could stay like this forever. But every once in a while, a dark thought comes into focus in my legal brain," Noel said. Thoughts like, 'Is this all happening to us too fast?' Or, 'How can I hold onto someone as wonderful as you?' I am a pessimist by nature, and I keep thinking that something this good cannot possibly be happening to me. That's why I'm trying to make every minute with you count. I want to absorb as much of your love as I can, so no one can ever destroy these precious memories of you."
"Love is not logical," Scott said. "You feel insecure because this has never happened to you before, and you're not sure how to react to these deep emotional feelings. You have never been in love like this before. You are reacting the only way you know. Our relationship is overpowering to you. It's only natural you feel this way. I love you, Noel, and I am not going to leave you, at least willingly, and I will never hurt you or cheat on you. Trust me, open your heart to me without reservation, the same way you've opened your heart to your sons. Until you do that, Noel, you will always feel insecure.
"I was attracted to you the first time I met you. I was well aware what that meant. My feelings did not diminish. In fact, they grew stronger in spite of your negative reactions to me, yet I felt you were repressing your true feelings for me and time was on our side. You know the rest. I'm deeply committed to you and a long courtship will not change my feelings for you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you with an open heart, without reservations. I will protect you and give you everything I can."
"I could sit and listen to you forever, your voice is so sexy," Noel said. "You're giving me a constant erection, but don't stop, I need the exercise."
Scott smiled, "We all have our crosses to bear. Have you thought about seeing a doctor about that problem?"
Noel laughed, "I know what he will say, 'Put it in a warm moist place until the swelling goes down'."
"Noel, will you marry me and be my spouse for life?" Scott asked.
"Yes, my love. I want your love, your support and your companionship for the rest of my life."
"You've made me a very happy man, so happy," Scott said. "I hate the thought of sleeping alone again; I want to make love to you every night. We've got to do some serious planning. I can't let Linda suspect anything, and we can't meet at the yacht basin either."
"Now you're beginning to sound like me," Noel said. "I cannot abandon Leanne until she is out of the woods. I have to see her through this rough spell. I have this gnawing feeling, and from what the doctors say, that she is not going to make it. I would never forgive myself if I didn't stand by her after all she has given me over the years. I know you want me to do the right thing. Your love will give me the strength to face this tragedy. You are in my heart now, and I'm not afraid to endure anything, now that I know I have you.
"Scott, my love, we are going to need every minute of the days ahead to plan our future. After this is over, I never want to be separated from you again. Our first priority now is to find a home. We only have to be patient for another two months and we will be living together as a couple. Everything will work out, my love. Let's spend the rest of the day planning our future. Today we will review the properties Handman & Katz faxed us yesterday. I would also like to schedule my surgery for two weeks from tomorrow. I'll confirm that date after I talk to Leanne's doctor tomorrow. I don't plan to spend more than three days this trip.
"You can have my old convertible to drive us to work every day and anyway, I plan to order a special safety van for the kids. I think Linda is going to want your Mercedes as part of her settlement."
"How do you know that?" Scott asked.
"You forget I have your personal and corporate statements, my love. Let the princess have it; you can write it off. Close out any safety deposit boxes in your name and transfer everything to my safety deposit box. I'll give you a set of keys and add your name to my signature cards at the bank. When I get back this week we are going to form a corporation and open a bank account in the corporation name. We'll each own half and everything goes into the corporation: house, cars, and the lot. Your stock will be held in escrow until your divorce is final. I plan to use an offshore country anyway so Linda will never find out. In the meantime, I will draw up a premarital contract making you legal guardian of my sons if anything happens to Leanne or me, in addition to my estate. The boys' trust is already taken care of."
"Don't do that yet, Noel. What if the boys don't like me? Have you considered that?"
"Yes, I have. I've given this all a lot of thought and I do not see it as a problem. I've had you thoroughly investigated and you check out just fine. No secrets, good credit rating etc. One question: can Linda tap into your estate in Canada?"
"You are amazing. I would have told you everything you wanted to know, if you had asked. I have nothing to hide from you, Tiger. How did you ever find out about my stock? I thought that was buried deep."
"I wanted to make sure you didn't have a shady past before I got serious with you, Scott. I learned from public records that your family business was privately held. However, your grandparents divided their stock among their children while they were still active in the company, and I assumed your parents did the same. You told me that you were still close to your family, so I again assumed that you received stock of the company, as well."
"You were right." Scott went on to explain about the family business. "All my stock is held in escrow by the family. My parents did not like Linda and opposed our marriage. They felt she was not the right woman for me. The honeymoon didn't last long. It was really over after the first month. In any event, Linda didn't care to find out about my family, or what we owned. Linda didn't care for my family, or for Canada. She thought we were a bunch of down-home, tweedy, middle-class country folks living on a big old country farm. She was right about the farm, because that's where the family likes to relax. I never invited her to the family mansion in Saint John."
"When I decided to become a doctor, and wanted no part of the family business, my father told me that I could not expect to receive a regular salary from the business. It would not be fair to my brothers who were running the business. However, I was entitled to an equal share of the stock. Those shares are held in trust and I can draw against them at any time. My parents paid for my education and gave me the money to open my practice. I don't know the exact dollar value of the shares in today's market, but I would suspect they are worth in excess of one billion in U.S. dollars. Now that we're married it belongs to you too."
Noel whistled and shook his head. "Jesus, Scott, I figured you were worth maybe a couple of hundred million, but over a billion, that's wild. Are you sure you want to marry a poor multi-millionaire like me? It's comforting to know that I married a man of substance, and in particular, one who can take care of me in my old age. I wonder what our children are going to do with all that money. Do you realize that between the two of us we are worth a modest two billion dollars? My sons are not poor either; Leanne could probably match us dollar for dollar. It's mind-boggling when you come to think of it. If we spent $92,000 a day for the next 30 years, we might just spend a billion. Jesus! We wouldn't have time for anything else."
Scott laughed, "Do as I do, just don't think about it, and get on with your life."
"We both happen to work for a living," Noel said. "Yet it's comforting to know it's there in a pinch. We'll just have to build you a hospital in a secluded area so you have something to do when we're not making love."
Noel kissed Scott and put his arms around his neck, "You have given me the most wonderful weekend of my life. It's the first night that I've slept without having a bad dream." He kissed him again and said, "I have to print out that material from the real estate brokers. Be back in a few minutes."
Noel went below and turned on the computer. He plugged in the printer and began to print the property descriptions. He felt Scott's arms around him and kissing his neck. As he turned to face him, Scott took him into his arms and held him.
"I love you, Tiger, and I dread the thought of you leaving."
"I feel the same, Scott. Let's go over these listings and make a decision while I fix lunch. You can read the properties to me while I'm slaving in the galley."
Scott took the printouts and looked at each picture and the description. Then he saw one he liked.
"Listen to this, Noel," he said as he went on and read aloud one of the printouts."
Scarborough Manor
Loving care and thought have been taken in every detail in the design of this stately home. The public rooms on the first floor include a large entrance foyer with a Waterford cut crystal chandelier suspended from the second floor ceiling. The formal living room can hold a hundred guests without crowding, a formal dining room, ballroom, library, morning room and music room. Two new elevators were installed two years ago that run from the basement to the third floor. The newly designed modern kitchen is on a par with any professional restaurant in use today. In addition to the public rooms, there is a separate private informal living area for the family. The private section includes a large family room, den, library, breakfast room, kitchen, and dining room. This area has a separate staircase and elevator that runs from the basement to the third floor. The family quarters can be closed off from the rest of the house. The mansion comes completely furnished, including museum quality oil paintings, antique furniture, linens, crystal, two sets of solid silver flatware, several sets of fine china, and priceless Persian rugs. This property is a steal at $12,000,000 |
"I would like to see that estate," Scott said. "What do you say, sweetheart?"
"Something is wrong," Noel said. "It's too good to be true. Let me call the broker right now."
Noel left a message with Mr. Handman's answering service regarding Scarborough Manor.
They were just finishing lunch when Mr. Handman returned Noel's call. "Thank you for returning my call, Mr. Handman. My partner, Dr. MacGregor, is on the speakerphone with me. We are interested in Scarborough Manor. How long has it been on the market?"
"Let me tell you the whole story on that property and you can decide if you are interested," Handman said.
"The estate has been on the market for over two years. The home is part of an estate that is still in probate. The couple who owned the estate died rather suddenly shortly after the renovation. Their heirs wish to liquidate the house, and its contents. The reason it has not sold is that the property can only be sold as a private residence. The ordinance states that the property cannot be subdivided into smaller parcels. Absolutely no buildings or obstruction can be erected between the manor house and the Hudson. There are other restrictions regarding adding any new buildings. I can vouch for the quality of the furnishings that the heirs are leaving behind. There is a detailed inventory of everything on the premises. That includes an attic full of antique toys and Christmas decorations and several small sailing boats in addition to the snow removal and ground maintenance equipment.
"We had quite a few buyers interested in the property until they learned of the restrictions. In addition to the zoning restrictions, the high property taxes and maintenance scared some buyers off. It has not been an easy property to sell."
"Dr. MacGregor would like to make arrangements to see the property tomorrow," Noel said. "If he likes the estate he will extend an offer for eleven million dollars. He will give you a certified check for one million-dollars as a binder. If our legal department and engineers approve the inspection, and we can secure a clear title to the estate, we will close on the property within thirty days after acceptance of the contract. We have no problem meeting all your conditions. The sale is contingent on three conditions. We must have permission to land a helicopter on the property, that we close in 30-days, and the deed can be transferable to a professional corporation owned jointly by the residents, namely, Dr. MacGregor and myself. In the interim, I will use The Erickson Corporation as the buyer. Let me put Dr. MacGregor on to work out a meeting time."
Scott arranged to meet Mr. Handman at two o'clock at Scarborough Manor the next afternoon and hung up.
"I'm excited," Scott said. "What if you don't like the place after I give him the deposit and sign the contract?"
Noel smiled, he sat on Scott's lap and kissed him, "I will like anything you like. You are the sophisticated person in the family, that's why I married you. Now give me a big hug and we'll sail The Jason back home, my beautiful spouse. I've got some calls to make."
They both went up on deck and got The Jason under way. Scott took the boat through the inlet and into the ocean. Noel went below and made several necessary calls. He packed everything up and returned to the deck sitting down between Scott's legs behind the wheel. He leaned his head back so it rested next to Scott's. Scott set the autopilot, wrapped his arms around Noel and kissed him. They stayed like that without speaking until they got closer to civilization.
"I have never been so happy," Noel said. "I hate to move, but you never know who may be watching us with a telescope." He moved over on the seat, and sat next to Scott, taking his hand in his. "Everything is falling into place now. I've found the perfect love nest for us now, where Joel can't spy on us. I've taken the penthouse off the market and we will be living there from now on. I changed my mind about living on The Jason. I don't want you stuck on this yacht if you have an emergency in the middle of the night."
"After we dock we'll make a stop by my office to take care of the signature cards and sign the incorporation papers. I'll take care of the letter and check you need for tomorrow. You will also need the key to my safety deposit box. Do not leave any more than a thousand in your joint checking account. Close all your other accounts and transfer any cash to large denomination travelers' checks. Put them into the safety deposit box for now. Remove any of your keepsakes and papers from your joint safety deposit box leaving a couple of thousand in cash with Linda's stuff. If the question ever comes up, you lost a lot of money gambling. Our last stop will be the condo," Noel said. "I have to get you registered as joint tenant, and get you a set of keys and a pass to the garage."
"You think of everything," Scott said. "You make me feel alive again and I love you, Tiger. What a life. I have an incredibly handsome spouse, an exciting new marriage, a new apartment, boat, new car, new home with two sons to share my life, what more could I ask for?"
"We sure made a dynamic change in our lives since Friday," Noel said. "There we were, two anxious men longing for a relationship, sailing toward an uncertain future. Today we return a happily married couple ready to take on the world." Noel moved his hand from Scott's thigh and slid it up under his shorts, gently fondling his already erect penis.
Scott pulled his hand away, "You're being sadistic. I've had this erection all afternoon holding you. I want to make love to you when we get home."
"Only if you're a good boy, and we get our chores out of the way before I have to leave for the airport." Noel said.
"I don't think I ever get enough of you," Scott said.
The telephone light started blinking on the instrument panel. Noel picked up and answered it.
"Hi, Drew, what a pleasant surprise," Noel said. "It's good to hear from you once again. Can we get together when you're back in town? … I'd appreciate it if you can spare me a couple of hours. … That will be fine, Drew; we will see you on Saturday afternoon. Would you mind if I brought a guest along? … Great, I'll confirm everything with Mac." Noel hung up the phone.
"Can you get away next Saturday and Sunday?" Noel asked.
"You bet, but don't forget you have to check into the hospital Sunday evening."
"I almost forgot. Drew Stevens is a close friend of mine. We became good friends in college and have been friends ever since. He's a super guy. You two are alike in many ways."
"Damn, now I remember who Mac MacDonald is," Noel said. "We met at his graduation party at the Waldorf last June. God, my mind must be going. Mac is the young genius Drew hired before he even graduated from Yale. It's all coming back to me now. According to all reports, he is one smart cookie. The guy received all kinds of honors from Yale. Drew made him manager of oversees business development before the ink was dry on his diploma. Now he's Drew's executive assistant. Drew has a talent for picking the best and brightest people.
"Drew was my best man at my wedding and he's one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. He is sophisticated, charming and rich. Now there's a sailor. If you like The Jason, you will love his yacht, the West Wind. It makes The Jason look like a toy. I've sailed with him many times and he is the best. You are both natural born sailors. I recognized that in you as soon as you took the wheel. I have to work at it, but you have that instinct and love of the sea. Drew has invited us to spend the weekend at his Retreat next Saturday. That is a delightful place to unwind.
"Well, here we are, sweetheart, back to where we started. Why don't you bring her in and I'll handle the lines?"
Scott said, "Sounds good to me."
They secured the boat, changed, loaded everything into the van and headed downtown. They made a brief stop at the office, and then drove over to the apartment building.
Noel introduced Scott to the garage manager, Jack. "Dr. MacGregor will be sharing my penthouse and my parking spaces," Noel said. He asked Jack to check on the convertible, since he would be taking it out later. He also asked him to have one of the men unload the van and move the stuff to the penthouse. He took his computer and briefcase and gave Jack a twenty-dollar tip. They took the elevator to the first floor and headed to the building manager's office.
The manager took Scott's identification photos, laminated them into a plastic identification card and handed it to Scott. Next he filled out the signature card with another photo and they were finished. "This card will open the garage door and the elevator door to your penthouse," the Manager said. "Mr. Erickson will have to give you his codes to open the penthouse doors and work the alarm system. We hope you will enjoy your stay here, Doctor MacGregor."
They took the elevator to the penthouse floor. They entered the small foyer. Noel inserted the card in the door and entered the four-digit code that released the lock to the door on Suite-B.
They picked up the boxes that Jack left outside the service entrance and put everything away. Noel gave Scott a tour of the penthouse.
"This place is huge," Scott said. "You said it only had two bedrooms, but it has three. This is a beautiful apartment and the view of the East River and Long Island is spectacular."
"The third bedroom was for our housekeeper. Leanne could not live without a housekeeper. I'm glad you like it; he took Scott's hand and led him into the master bedroom. He closed the draperies, walked back and put his arms around Scott's neck and kissed him. "Now, doctor, what can we do to take care of that problem you complained about earlier?"
Scott smiled and undressed Noel, then himself, he pulled the bedspread and blankets down and had Noel lay down. Scott opened his bag and removed the KY gel, the special medicated ointment, the condoms and his rubber gloves. He did not give Noel his lotion rubdown because his skin was still moist from all the sun block. They embraced and kissed. They were aroused in a matter of minutes. Scott handed Noel the condoms and he slipped one on each of them. Noel was more relaxed with Scott now and he responded much easier to Scott's penetration. Scott inserted the head of his penis into Noel slowly. Noel pushed himself back until Scott penis was deep inside him. He didn't move for several minutes, until the initial discomfort disappeared.
After a few seconds, Scott was able to move deep inside Noel without causing him any discomfort. After they were both pleasantly aroused, Scott pulled out and turned Noel on his back. He placed a pillow under his buttocks and spread KY on Noel's penis. He spread and lifted Noel legs and placed them on his shoulders. He reinserted his penis into Noel, leaned down, and kissed him passionately. Noel moaned with pleasure from Scott's deep thrusts. Scott was to the point of orgasm as he grasped Noel's lubricated penis and brought them both to a climax. Scott pulled out of Noel, turned him on his side and embraced him.
"That was wonderful," Noel said. "You are an exciting lover. When you pull out of me, I feel empty. I never thought anal intercourse could be so satisfying. I like this new position, Scott. We are facing each other. Any way you make love to me is exciting and satisfying. I can't believe you have another erection again."
"I can't help it; your sexy voice in my ear turns me on. You had driven me crazy all afternoon with that beautiful ass in my crotch. On one of these trips I would like to have sex with you that way."
Noel laughed, "Not only are you a hot stud, but you're creative as well. Now, if you're ready, I want you to make love to me again the way I like it, I don't want to waste that erection, baby."
Scott turned Noel on his side and entered him in one continuous thrust. This time he was slow and deliberate making the feeling last. They were both moaning, as the orgasm seemed to last forever. They fell asleep in this position and slept for over two hours.
Scott woke up first. He pulled out of Noel and turned him so he was facing him. He kissed him until Noel opened his eyes.
"We have to shower and dress baby. We have to leave for the airport in an hour. God, I love you so much, Noel."
Scott got out of bed and led him into the shower.
Noel styled his hair and walked back into the bedroom. He was dressed in a colorful pure silk designer shirt, tan slacks and Gucci loafers to match. He wore a heavy gold chain with a gold crucifix that glistened against his dark tanned skin. His skin glowed from his suntan and the lotion. When he smiled, his teeth looked whiter against his deep tan. His dark brown eyes seemed to sparkle from the overhead track lighting.
"God, you're beautiful. You know exactly how to dress that wonderful body of yours." Scott walked over to Noel, took him in his arms, and kissed him tenderly. "You are perfect in every way, my love."
Noel smiled, staring into Scott's eyes. "I never knew that love could be so wonderful. You are so tender and loving; I wish all the hurt and sadness was behind us. I wish that Linda would spend more time with her friend so I could have you every night."
"Don't worry, sweetheart, she will be spending more time with her mother in Great Neck. There is nothing for her to do in town now. We'd better get going."
Noel showed Scott how to work the alarm system as they left through the service entrance. The service elevator took them directly to the garage level. When they reached the garage, Noel's convertible Rolls Royce was parked next to the exit. Noel handed Scott the keys. "Why don't you drive?"
"This is a beauty Noel. It matches your wardrobe. I've never seen a light tan convertible like this before."
"It was a birthday gift from my parents last year. It's my favorite color and my parents had it tailored for me. The hard top can be removed, so that you can use the regular canvas convertible top. It's bulletproof and has a very powerful engine. I think it gets about ten miles to a gallon. I'll feel a lot better knowing you are driving this car on the highway. It's really a safe car to drive. Promise me you won't drive home at night alone if you've had a hard day. I don't want you falling asleep at the wheel. Consider the car your engagement present. This is your consolation prize for giving up your Mercedes."
"This is luxurious; I love the smell and feel of the leather. Thank you sweetheart, you are very generous to me."
"I have another set of keys in my office if you need them." Scott was taking the Midtown tunnel to Long Island.
"Life will never be the same without you, baby. After my divorce is final, I want to take you on a proper honeymoon. I want to find a place where I can hold you all day and make love, and sleep, and make love. What do you say, baby?"
Noel smiled, "I think I've married a gorgeous sex machine. God, I hope you never wind down. You are going to have to shove ice cubes up my butt between orgasms to cool me down. All joking aside, I would love a honeymoon. I'll never tire of having sex with you. Surprise me and make the arrangements. There is something bothering me about this operation. Will you still want to have sex with my face all messed-up?"
"Of course, I love all of you, not just your handsome face. Sure, your good looks attracted me in the first place, but it's your inner beauty that has held me. You are an exciting and delightful person, and the only man I want. Anyway, I'm a doctor as well as your sex machine. I'm not turned off because your face is swollen. Yes, I will want to have sex with you, you still turn me on. I suspect you will be the one who won't want sex right away. That won't stop me from sleeping with you, Tiger."
"We're almost at the Delta terminal, baby. Just drop me off at the curb. I couldn't bear to say goodbye without kissing you. Please don't forget to call after you see Scarborough Manor. If you can't get away for this weekend, let me know. I'll need to let Mac know."
"If I don't have an emergency, I'll call you after office hours." Scott said as he pulled up in front of the Delta terminal. "I'll pick you up on your return flight, Wednesday night."
Noel patted Scott's hand, "I love you, Scott."
Scott was in deep thought as he entered the Grand Central Parkway. 'God, please let this marriage work for Noel and me. If you take Leanne, I promise to cherish and raise those boys as I would my own children.'
Noel was still vivid in his mind and driving this car made him feel closer. He was so deep in thought he was not aware how fast the time passed. He drove the car into his assigned parking spot and took the service elevator to the penthouse. He walked into the bedroom, stripped the sheets off the bed, and remade the bed with fresh sheets. He felt Noel's presence all around him and it felt good. He picked up his bags and left for his own apartment.
Noel's flight was two hours late. By the time he arrived home, the boys were already in bed. He called the hospital and talked to Leanne, and then Dr. Kent.
Noel went up to check on the boys; Eric and his cousins were sound asleep. Jason was still awake. He whispered to Jason to follow him into his bedroom. "Would you like to sleep with me tonight, son?"
"Yes, Dad."
"Sorry I was late, but I have no control over the weather. Hop into my bed and give me a rundown on what's been going on here this past week, while I unpack."
Jason chatted about everything under the sun. Noel realized that Jason was lonely and needed attention. He was still going strong when Noel climbed into bed.
"Any bad dreams while I was away?"
"A couple, but I snuck in here to cry. I missed you, Dad. You won't leave us here if anything happens to Mom, will you?"
"No, I won't. He put his arm around Jason and pulled him to himself and said, "Man-to-man now, scouts honor, that you will not repeat what I'm about to tell you?" Jason nodded.
"If anything happens to Mom, you and Eric will come to live with me in New York. I love you both very much. Your Mother and I had a long talk about this and we agreed that if anything happened to her, I would not leave you here. We have always wanted what was best for you and Eric. That's why you are living here in Charleston. It was a difficult decision for me to let you go in the first place. I miss having you at home. I thought you should know that."
"Eric and I want to live with you, too." Tears started welling up, filling his eyes as he began to speak, "Everyone said Mom is doing fine, but I don't believe them. I want you to level with me, Dad; is Mom going to die?"
Noel shook his head, "I really don't know, Jason, I don't think anyone has the all the answers at this point. Your Mom has had major surgery and will need to regain her strength before she can start with her new series of treatments. Cancer is a very invasive disease. We are just going to have to wait and see how your Mother responds to treatment. I've been feeling uneasy about this the same as everyone else, but we must try to keep a positive attitude around her and pray for her complete recovery. I promise you that if her condition does not show improvement, I will tell you the truth."
Jason broke down and cried for a long time. Noel just held him and said nothing. He had to get it out of his system. What a tragedy, if true. It's devastating for a young child to lose his Mother. Leanne is a loving Mother and has done a wonderful job raising the boys.
Jason calmed down and was able to talk again. "You're crying too, Dad?"
"I feel just as bad as you do right now. I want you to promise me not to tell anyone about our conversation. I don't want anyone to know our plans until after the fact, do you understand, Jason?"
Jason hugged Noel, "I promise, Dad."
"Any time you have a nightmare you come and crawl into bed with me. This will be our secret."
Jason smiled and kissed Noel, "I promise, Dad."
Noel turned off the light. He was wide-awake and couldn't fall asleep because his mind was going a mile a minute. His thoughts drifted back to Scott, and how much he loved him, and what to do about Leanne and the kids. He had drifted off to sleep when he heard Eric crying. He quickly ran to Eric's bedroom, picked him up from his bed and carried him back to his bedroom. Noel held him until he stopped crying, and laid him in bed next to Jason. He chuckled and thought, 'Well, I hope the cousins don't have any bad dreams'.
Noel awoke at six and showered, shaved and dressed. He went down to the kitchen, made the coffee, squeezed fresh orange juice and read the paper until seven. He went upstairs to wake all the boys for school.
He woke the cousins first and walked into his bedroom to wake his sons. "Feeling better this morning, Eric? You had a bad dream last night and I carried you in here with us."
"You must be strong, Dad, to be able to carry me in here."
Noel laughed, "It was a struggle but I made it." He winked at Jason. "I can't do that every night, so the next time you have a bad dream I want you to come and crawl into bed with me. I don't want you to bother Mom when she comes home from the hospital today. If I'm not here, Eric, you are to get into bed with Jason. You don't mind, do you, Jason?"
"I don't mind, Dad."
"Good. I'm glad we all understand the drill."
"Ok, you two, you can use my bathroom to shower. Your cousins are using yours. Breakfast is in twenty minutes. I'll drive you all to school this morning and pick you up after school, so don't take the bus."
Noel dropped the boys off at school and headed to the hospital to take Leanne home. On the ride home he told Leanne about his operation and that he would be gone for a few weeks.
Later that evening, Noel took the boys aside and explained his upcoming operation next Monday, and that he would not return to Charleston for at least three weeks. He told them he would return before their Mother started her treatments at the hospital. "Do you two think you can handle things while I'm gone?"
They both chimed in together, "Sure, Dad."
Later that evening, Noel and the boys were watching the video of "Star Wars", again. The housekeeper called Noel to tell him that Dr. MacGregor was on the phone.
Noel went to the den to take the call.
"Scott, give me the number you're calling from and I'll call you back on my private line."
Scott answered the phone on the first ring. "God, it's good to hear your voice again," Scott said.
"How are you, baby? Tell me about your day."
"I miss you, Tiger. Scarborough Manor is everything we ever wanted and more. It was uncanny when I walked through the house and grounds; it's exactly the place you described to me on The Jason, only it's more than even you imagined.
"Mr. Handman called ten minutes ago to let me know that the sellers accepted our offer. That's why I waited so long to call. The sellers told him they already had a permit to land a helicopter on the grounds. He will be dropping off the signed contract and keys at your office tomorrow. I feel like a kid in a candy store. I can't wait to show you everything.
"Oh, before I forget. I would like you to take some home videos of the boys and Leanne before you leave. I'd like to see them.
"Good news! My princess has decided to stay with her parents in Great Neck until the baby is ready to be delivered. She told me she is leaving Wednesday morning and will be taking the Mercedes. She suggested that it would be better if I didn't plan any overnight visits since her folks don't have the room to put me up. It's almost too good to be true."
"It almost sounds too convenient," Noel said. "I don't like it, Scott. She could have a detective following you, or she is having another affair. Here's what you do. Call that detective agency RW Nelson gave us. Have them put a tail on you, starting tonight. Your cover story is that you think you are being followed. They will find out soon enough if there is a tail on you. Also, call the agency you hired, and have them place twenty-four-hour surveillance on the Princess. Tell them you want the car bugged as well as her parents' telephone tapped. You also want videos and photos."
"Consider it done," Scott said. "I'm free for this weekend, so make any arrangements you want with Drew Stevens for Saturday.
"Now for the unpleasant business," Scott said. "Are you ready for your surgery on Monday? I must know today to set everything up."
"You can't wait to get your hands on me, can you?" Noel laughed. "Go ahead, make me beautiful. I'm booking a six o'clock flight for Wednesday evening. If you can't make it, let me know and I'll catch a cab home."
"You're right about one thing," Scott said. "I can't wait to get my hands on you. I'll be there at the Delta terminal to meet you. Will you have time to drive up and see our new home on Thursday afternoon? I only have two operations scheduled for that morning and should be out of there by lunch time."
"Sounds terrific, I plan to be in my office early on Thursday so that should work out perfectly. It's catch-up time for the next few days. This is great. Now you can move your things out of your apartment and move them to our penthouse. Now, remember to leave everything else there until you get your divorce. Don't worry about leaving clothes behind, baby, because I'm buying you a new wardrobe as a wedding present. If you're free on Friday afternoon, we can stop by my tailor for measurements, and select some fabrics for your suits. I want to show off that beautiful body of yours. We can also shop at Saks for a few things."
"I'm always overcome by your generosity," Scott said. "You're going to spoil me. This is a new experience for me. It feels good to know that you love me that much. It's always been the other way round; I was always the one who gave the expensive gifts."
"Whatever happened to the aloof, sedate, Scotsman I married?"
Scott laughed, "See what you have done to me? You turned me into a drooling, panting puppy dog in just two short weeks. I'm done for. Here I am sitting in my office, all alone, with an erection that won't go away, listening to your sexy voice. You're reducing me to your wanton sex machine."
"My vocation in life now is to tame the super-stud from the Maritime Provinces; even it takes me the rest of our lives. Good night, sweet prince, I'll call you with my ETA if there are any time changes before I leave on Wednesday."
Noel called Mac and confirmed the arrangements for the weekend. "By the way, Mac, I feel like a fool for not remembering you. Drew was right, my mind is going. I met you at your graduation party at the Waldorf ... sorry about that."
"I'm sure you won't forget me after this weekend. I'm having our limo pick you up around ten and take you to the helicopter. What address should I give my driver?"
"I'm back at my high-rise on East 83rd Street and 1st Avenue."
Noel returned from the den and told the boys it was time to hit the showers. "I'll be waiting for you in Mom's bedroom after you have your PJs on, and boys, don't take all night; a quick shower and into your pajamas."
They groaned, "We just started watching this movie, Dad."
"We can watch it another time, guys, now to the showers."
They chased one another upstairs to see who would get to the shower first. Noel smiled and went into Leanne's bedroom. She was back in bed watching one of the comedy shows. Noel sat down on the bed and watched the show with her. Noel thought she looked exhausted and drawn. It seemed to be an effort for her to talk.
"I've hired a photographer to take some home movies of the family tomorrow. Do you feel up to a few family shots in the garden tomorrow afternoon? I promised Drew that I would bring a video of you and the boys. I'm keeping the boys home from school tomorrow, so anytime you feel up to it we'll take some family group shots."
"That's fine; I should be rested enough by tomorrow afternoon. Drew sent the most beautiful bouquet of flowers. He called me from Paris and talked for over a half-hour. He's a good friend; please thank him again for me."
The boys came in to watch TV with their Mother. Noel and the boys left after Leanne fell asleep.
Noel took the boys to his bedroom and told them they could sleep with him. "Jason, why don't you run down to the den and grab that video we started watching earlier? We can finish watching it up here. I'm keeping you two home from school tomorrow, so you can sleep in tomorrow morning."
Noel showered, did the teeth thing and donned his PJs. He returned to the bedroom and noticed that Eric was forcing himself to stay awake, but not Jason, he was wide-awake. Noel got into bed and watched the movie with the boys.
"If you would rather return to your own beds, I'll understand; you don't have to feel sorry for me."
Eric dug himself closer in to Noel and said, "That's okay, Dad. I'll stay here and keep you company tonight."
"I'll stay here as long as you don't snore like you did last night," Jason said.
"The next time that happens, Jason, just shake me and I'll turn over. I'll try not to snore tonight, just for you. What, no kiss and hug for poor old Dad?"
They both hugged Noel at the same time. Noel got interested in the video, but couldn't keep his eyes open any longer. Both boys had fallen asleep, so Noel turned off the TV and the light and fell asleep.
The next morning Noel let them sleep. He shaved and dressed in his jeans and short-sleeved shirt then returned to his bedroom.
Jason was watching Noel as he finishing dressing. "You don't like Charleston, do you, Dad?"
Noel walked over and sat next to Jason. "No, I don't. It may be a good place to raise children, but I could never live here. The only reason I come here is to see you boys and your Mother. I would like nothing more than to take you all back to New York with me tomorrow. But that's impossible.
"You know, I never wanted your Mother to move here in the first place, but that's a long story that we can discuss when you're older. You'll learn one day that you will be constantly faced with difficult decisions, and the right decision is usually the hardest to make, when your loved ones are involved. Charleston is not for me. I need the vitality and the stimulation that a city like New York offers. Your Mother is a Southern lady, used to a more genteel lifestyle. She couldn't cope with the harsh realities she found in New York. We made the decision to do what was best for you and Eric. I missed you, Jason, and it was not easy for me when you moved. It was a difficult adjustment to make. We spent a lot of time together when you were growing up, and I missed those times with Eric.
"Jason, you are an intelligent and sensitive boy. You're old enough to know what could happen to your Mother in the future. However, I want you to know that I will not let you face this alone. I will be here if things get worse. I am asking you to cope with the present situation as best you can for the next three weeks. If you feel the burden is too much, I want you to call me and we can talk it out. I am your father, and I love you and Eric. I won't allow you, or Eric, to stay here if anything happens to your Mother, do you understand that?"
Jason smiled, "Yes, Dad. I've already figured out that you and Mom were not, you know, like the kissy-faced people on TV. I've talked to enough kids my age who know the score with their parents. This is the first time we have had a father-to-son discussion. I was worried that you were going to hand us over to Mom's family. Don't get me wrong, Dad, I like Mom's family, but they're not my parents. I just thought with your business and all, you may have considered living with us here with Mom's family. I'm sorry it didn't work out between you and Mom. I love you both and I'm glad you didn't force me to make a choice like a lot of parents do. I've missed you too, Dad, but I feel a lot better knowing you will take us to live with you if anything happens to Mom."
"I'm very proud of you, Jason; you are wise beyond your years. I want you to remember one very important thing, and never forget this, you and Eric are my sons, and you both come first. You boys mean more to me than any business. I fully intend to cut back on my work load, and spend more time at home with you both from now on."
Jason threw his arms around Noel and hugged him, "I love you, Dad."
The day was an Indian summer day, low humidity, bright sunshine and blue skies, with a refreshing cool breeze. Noel and the boys had a wonderful time together. They had not mixed it up like this for a long time. It was obvious they were crazy about their father.
When they returned to the house, Leanne was sitting in the garden waiting for them. The boys ran up, kissed their mother, and told her of their day. They were so animated and excited. They all posed with Leanne for the family picture. The boys ran into the house for their ice cream.
"I hope you are taking good care of yourself, Noel," Leanne said. "We can't both be sick at the same time. The boys come alive when you're around; so do I for that matter. We all love you, Noel."
Noel leaned down and kissed Leanne, "Thank you, sweetheart." He sat next to her with his arm around her shoulder. "You deserve the credit for raising two fine boys."
"I appreciate that, Noel. But the boys need a male influence, now, more than ever. Surely you must see that. They'll need you around more as they become teenagers. I hope you will make a serious effort to guide them through that difficult time. I feel very tired now. Would you help me back to my bedroom?" Noel could see the strain in Leanne's face, how this short outing had exhausted her. Noel helped her into the house and up the stairs to her bedroom.
"I'll take care of her now, Mr. Erickson," the nurse said.
Noel had an early dinner with the boys, and watched TV in bed with the boys until they fell asleep. He went into the den and spoke to Scott for two hours. He said goodnight to Leanne and went to bed.
The next morning he drove the boys to school, and arranged to pick them up after school. He drove over to his in-laws for a visit and had lunch with his brothers-in-law. He spent the rest of the day with Leanne until it was time to pick up the boys from school. The three of them saddled up the horses, rode through the country, and returned to the house for an early dinner.
Noel took a shower, dressed and packed his bags. He found the boys in Leanne's room watching TV. He sat with Leanne for a while, and then called the limo service to take him to the airport. He kissed Leanne and left with the boys. They helped him with his bags to the front portico. He chatted with them about the day's events until the limo pulled up. He hugged each of them and took off for the airport.
He called Scott from the airport to let him know that his flight was on time. The first class section was almost empty when he took his seat. He asked the flight attendant not to disturb him until they were ready to land in New York. He buckled himself in and fell sound asleep. The next thing he remembered was the flight attendant shaking him as they were landing at LaGuardia Airport.
To be continued...
Posted: 03/02/12