Scout Slavery

By: Rick Masters
(© 2012 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 5

"You make me into a little child, my neat Ricky. I can't help laughing at some of the things you say. But now I want you to come inside me, please."

"You mean you want me to fuck you up the arse?" I asked rather nervously.

"Yes, my sweet. I want to experience it for the first time with you."

"Are you sure, Mikey," I asked. "I've heard it hurts quite a lot, especially the first time?"

"I know. That's why I want you to do it. I know you will go easy and will stop if I ask you to. Will you do it please?" Mike pleaded. "I've got to know what it is like."

We dried off and went back through to Mike's room. "I'll do it, but only if I can see your face so I will know if you are too sore." I told him, "Have you got any Vaseline or something?"

Mike got out a bottle of baby oil and handed it over to me, and then lay down on the bed on his back with his arse just on the edge of the bed. I started by rubbing liberal amounts of oil onto the correct region of his anus. "Stick your finger in first please" Mike requested. I wasn't too sure how this would be as I had not even stuck a finger in my own backside before, but I started to press my finger against the puckered hole and push very gently. "Push a bit harder please," came the request and so I did. My finger began to slide past the restriction of his muscle and soon I found it was in as deep as I could get it to go. "Wiggle it around a bit," Mike ordered. I began to feel what ever I could and was surprised to feel the ridged and tight extension of what I thought was his cock.

"Is it hurting Mike?" I asked.

"No! It's fucking marvellous," he said. "But please put your cock in now." I did not need to work at getting an erection to do this as just playing around with my fingers was enough to get me really hard, so I moved to kneel between his legs and then began to guide my cock up against his bum hole with my hand. I rubbed it for a while against his crack while I put more liberal amounts of baby oil onto my cock and his bum. Then I pulled my cock down and aimed it right at the cherry and began to push gently. Mike groaned and so I pulled back a bit. "Don't pull away," he almost shouted at me. "Push man, push." And so I pushed. Suddenly the head of Charlie popped through the restriction of his sphincter muscle, and the sudden movement caused him to cry out in pain. I stopped and started to pull out again while saying sorry, but Mike stopped me and said to stay still for a while. Then he told me to carry on pushing. I could feel his muscle tighten up and then relax again, but I pushed in slowly as requested and soon was in all the way as my balls came up against his cheeks. "Hold it a minute," Mike said. "It is hurting but I think it will ease off if we just rest a bit and I relax." I brought my hand which was still covered in baby oil around onto Mike's stomach and then down to his penis. I started to jack him off while he rested. I figured this might take his mind off the pole in his backside enough to let it relax properly. Mike expressed his joy in what I was doing and then asked me to pull back just a little. I withdrew Charlie about half an inch and stopped. "O.k. Push it back in again," I was commanded. So I pushed back in and then began to pull out again. Mike did not stop me so I pulled out about an inch and pushed back in again. Soon I was pulling out almost the full length of my cock and was really enjoying my first ever fuck. I could see Mike was both enjoying it and hurting and so I kept on asking him if he was o.k. "Just keep on going," he shouted, "And try to make your cock reach different places inside me." I instinctively began to change the angle of my approach to him and found that made my cock go to different sides of his chute. I realised that I had stopped playing with Mike and he was jerking himself off. Out of the blue I discovered that I had reached that point of no return and nothing was going to prevent me from cumming and so I shouted it out to Mike, who was flogging his cock really hard and he simply said, "cum but don't stop." I looked down at his cock and saw the first spurt of his seed shoot out towards his chest, with one drop landing very close to his nipple. This was enough for me and I erupted into his backside. I leant forward and carefully licked up all the cum I could reach, and then moved over to kiss Mike and share his offering with him. I could not believe how strongly I felt about Mike. In my mind I would consider him as my own, yet I also saw myself as his possession and totally subject to his will. I would have to do whatever he asked me for I could not do anything else. I trusted him completely, even though I had only really known him for a relatively short time. There was a bond between us which would be able to stand the test of time. I am not sure that this is how I would have described it at the time, but now with hindsight I can see that this was how it clearly was. But like all good things, an end had to come, the evening was drawing nigh, and so I had to get dressed and ride home before darkness fell. We kissed good bye realising that we would be on camp the next weekend and therefore would spend the whole weekend together, as well as our first night in the same bed.

We had three more days of school that week and rode together each day. This meant that we were able to kiss each other in the morning and again after school, but we could not risk doing anything more than that for fear of being found out. Homosexuality is still against the law and carries a mandatory prison sentence, (no matter what age you are) in Zimbabwe. We were at least able to talk during these rides and sometimes our conversation would be about the time we had on Saturday and then what we were going to try on camp; but most of the time we spent telling each other how we felt about each other, and discussing various plans to be able to see each other without raising suspicions. It was not common for two boys with an age difference like ours to spend a lot of time together.

Finally Friday came, and with it a bonus. As we were already into our school holidays, we were free to go out to camp in the morning instead of after school as was the common practice. Mike's father had arranged a bit of time off work to take us and as they had a small mini bus and trailer, Mike's dad was able to do it alone. We met at the Scout hall and packed the kit we needed into the trailer and then piled into the car and were on our way by 8.30. This meant that we got to the camp just before 10.00, and would have until about 6.00 that evening to get set up and sorted out before we would see another adult. We unhitched the trailer because it was to be left out with us for the weekend and then Mike's father left us. At last we were on our camp! We first changed out of our uniform so that it would not get dirty and hung it up on clothes hangers in the branches of the trees. As it was very hot, about 34 degrees Celsius, we did not put shirts on and walked about in shorts and tackies. Mike as Patrol Leader began to give us our orders for setting up the camp and we started with erecting the main tent first, and followed this with the PL's tent. Then we were divided up to carry out various tasks such as filling the water containers, collecting wood for the cooking fires and setting up the kitchen area. We also had to build with poles and lashings a dining table and various other camp gadgets. Knowing what was coming up, I carefully managed to keep a bit of distance between myself and the other boys - they were going to have to work a bit for their fun. It was while we were working on these things, that Mike suggested he needed some tea and asked who wanted to make it. This obviously was the clue all had been waiting for, and while I knew what was going to happen, I had to pretend that I was totally ignorant. John the APL said to Mike, "What you need is a personal slave to do these chores for you." The rest of the patrol except for the sole first timer, me, joined in suggesting the same thing and the game was on.

"A slave, yes that would be nice. He could also make my bed and so on. Yes, but who would be my slave?" Mike was giving the right answers and the rest of the patrol all suggested me, to which Mike replied that I might just make it to slave standard. I had not noticed that while this bit of conversation had been going on, John had moved around to position himself behind me. I had thought that by keeping my distance I would have a small chance to run away and make the others give chase. As the others started towards me, I jumped up and turned to run, but John was right there and he grabbed me in a bear hug of note. Seconds later each arm was taken into custody by the other two patrol members, Andrew and Steven.

John asked them, "have you got hold of him?" to which they replied they had. John then released me from his bear hug. As soon as he did this, I started struggling against the other two and nearly got away from one of them, but as I was the smallest and youngest person out there, I really did not stand much chance, but I was going to give it all I had. I pulled and shouted, I dug in my heals and tried to get my legs wrapped around a tree trunk as we went past it, but all to no avail. John told Steve and Andy to hold me still, and then he came up and grabbed hold of my legs at the ankles and lifted me off the ground. I continued to try and kick and wriggle, but there was not much I could achieve against three others, and so was brought eventually before my 'master'

I was held in front of Mike who just looked at me for a while, then, "What have you brought for me here?" he asked.

"We have brought a slave for you, oh great one" the other three replied in chorus.

"A slave? He looks a bit small for a slave, but he might just do." Mike responded. "But I am not too sure. Prepare him for examination." He ordered. I was dragged away by the guys to be 'prepared'. It was really hard to act as if I did not know what to expect, except when some things were done which I had not been told about. Of course I struggled as much as I thought reasonable while I was being stripped, and was rather proud when there was obvious amazement shown at my level of development, especially when John told Steve that I had more hair than he had. Steve, of course, was not so pleased. I had expected to be dragged back before Mike as soon as I was naked, but this is where things changed a bit. John produced a stave (a stick like a broom stick but with measurement and other markings on it) and said I was to be tied to it. They placed the stave across my shoulders and tied my arms to it in a crucifix fashion.

"That will teach a lowly slave to think he can fight against his betters." John said. The stave was then tied between two trees so that I was in a standing position. If being naked had caused me concern, I would have been feeling really bad, but as I actually enjoyed the freedom of nudity and cared not who saw my body, I was o.k. Even though I felt I had to protest because this would be expected. The next thing Steve and Andy attached a rope to each ankle and tied the other ends of the ropes to the base of the trees, forcing my legs to pulled apart, and placing me in a very vulnerable position, and totally helpless. They then threw a bucket of water over me, saying that I should be clean for the master's inspection. John went off to call Mike to see his new slave.

Mike came and immediately told the other three off, saying they had been a bit excessive in their treatment, and warned them that I was his slave and therefore untouchable without permission. Mike then turned to me and told me that I was his slave to do as he said and that I had better obey him. He then produced the loin cloth which I already knew about and told the others to release me and put the cloth on. "That is all you will wear for this camp except when the warden comes." He said. "You will also sleep in my tent in case I need anything during the night." I was untied and given the loin cloth which I put on, even though I would have preferred to go naked. I then went to Mike and showed I was willing to play along by asking my master what he wanted. "Make me some tea," he ordered. I went off to do his bidding and started to build a fire to boil the water. When the tea was ready I asked the others if they would also like a cup. Mike immediately stopped me and told me that if the others wanted tea made by me they had to ask his permission to get me to make their tea. Mike was making sure the others knew they could not treat me as their slave also. Mike also told me I could have some tea. He then went on to say that if I wanted anything, I had to ask his permission first; even if I wanted to use the toilet I had to ask first. "May I breathe master?" I asked sarcastically. I actually wanted to see what Mike would do to punish me. I guess there is a bit of a masochist in me.

"Be careful slave." Mike retorted, "I will not take any cheek from the likes of you. Now for your punishment I want to play cards and you will be the table." Mike made me go down on my hands and knees, so that my back formed a table top. The rest of the guys then proceeded to play a game of poker, using matchsticks as chips. The beads on the loin cloth cord were getting in the way, and so the cord was undone and allowed to hang between my legs, which left my balls somewhat exposed. Mike was sitting at my head, and occasionally he would let his hand run over my hair as he picked cards up or put them down. By about the eighth hand I felt someone begin to feel my balls and Charlie. I knew it could not be Mike because he was too far away, but I had no idea who it was. When I tried to move my head to see Mike quickly pulled it back, and eventually he just held my head between his knees. Whoever was having a go with me was getting braver and he actually began to jerk me off a bit. Enough in fact to give me a real hard on, which would not go down too quick either. If he kept it up for the duration of the game, I would have to stand up with no way of hiding it. The game of cards was only to provide a punishment for me and it came to an abrupt end after about the 30th hand when Mike said we needed to get on with sorting out the campsite. I tried to remain kneeling and pull the beaded cord back up to tuck into the elastic waist band again, but Mike ordered me to leave it alone for now and go and make him a glass of orange crush. I had no choice but to stand up with my erection still very hard. Mike saw it immediately and stood up in front of me. He then leaned forward and grabbing hold of it he asked in a soft voice what it was. "It is my hard cock, master." I answered

"Well, we are getting frisky," he replied. "Might have to do something about it later." I went off to get him his drink and when I returned he had sent the others off on different errands so that he could talk with me. "Do you always get a hard on when you kneel?" he asked.

"No. Only when someone plays with it while I am kneeling, master."

"I thought so. That must have been Steve. He seems to have paid a lot of attention to your loin cloth, and he was sitting at the end. We will have to try and set up a way of finding out for sure. It could add a little more to our camp."

I was not too sure about this as I wanted Mike for myself, but I was willing to go along with him because I trusted him to do right by me. "How will we do this, Mike?"

"I don't know yet. Maybe I will get him to help me when you have to be punished again and we will watch for him to make a move and then hold him to it."

"Don't you mind someone else having a go at me?" I asked.

"Well, I kind of like knowing that someone else apart from me thinks you are worth it. But I would not let him go too far. Do you mind?"

"I'm not sure. I mean I like having my cock played with, but I also feel that I want it to be you who does the playing."

"Then why didn't you object to it when it was happening?"

"I did not want to cause someone else to be embarrassed until I knew who it was. But I like Steve and don't really want to hurt him either."

"Are you going to be naughty again so that I have to shave you today, or do you want to wait till tomorrow?" Mike asked.

"I don't mind. You choose."

"Right today it is. I want the opportunity to hold your cock in front of the others without them thinking it odd. If you know what I mean?"

"What must I do for this?"

"Be very cheeky to me. I will get Steve to help me apply the shaving foam and we will watch and see if he gets lively. Ok.?" I agreed to this course of action because I really wanted the others to watch me being shaved, and I wanted to have Mike feel me openly. It might seem strange, but when everything else had to be kept absolutely secret, it felt right to be open about some of it also. All the time we had been talking, Mike had been playing with Charlie, but when we heard the others returning from the chores Mike had sent them to do, he stopped and tucked Charlie back inside the cloth. Of course he still stood out like a bell tent, but there was no way to hide that. Andy noticed it first and turned away unsure of how to react. In normal circumstances he would have made fun, but he did not want to overstep the mark my master had laid down about how I was to be treated by the others. When John saw it he was braver and made some silly comment which got him a silent scowl from Mike, but which alerted Steve to the predicament I was in. I noticed, though, that both he and John kept checking on how my loin cloth was 'fitting'. Because Mike and I had some questions about Steve's sexuality, the similar actions by John made me also wonder about him. I learned a few months later that John was definitely not gay, but although he made no moves on me for the whole of the camp, I still kept the uncertainty in my head. A little later Mike ordered me to go and prepare his bed, so that it would be sorted before darkness fell. As I went off to do his bidding, I remembered that I had to be cheeky to him and so I turned and asked, "And does my master want a bunch of roses beside it and a chocolate on the pillow?"

"Watch it! You naught y slave." Mike retorted "you are stepping very close to the mark now."

"Watch what?" I asked. "You would have to drop your pants for me to watch 'it' properly."

"My word! You are in such trouble now. Go and make my bed quickly and while you are doing that I will think of a suitable punishment for your insolence slave."

"Yes Master." I knew I had done enough and so went off as though I was worried about what would happen to make Mike's bed up. I also took the opportunity to make my own bed up while there was still good light because trying to do anything by the light of a small torch on a dark African night is not very easy.

When I returned to Mike he was sitting with a smug grin on his face. "You think you are so smooth with your comments, don't you? Well you will be smoother." He smirked and continued, "At least your skin will be smooth anyway." He then ordered the other guys to tie me to the stave which had been left tied between the two trees. Once again I was grabbed and dragged, kicking and yelling, to the place of punishment, as it was soon to be christened. As soon as my arms had been tied to the stave Mike gave the area its name and ordered that the loin cloth be removed. When I protested, John had Steve and Andy hold a leg each while he removed the cloth in rapid time. I continued to protest and ignored orders to shut up. So John who was still holding the cloth, used it to gag me. I took this as an opportunity to show that I realized my protest was futile and became quite docile, mainly so that I would not be cut by the razor. Again a rope was attached to each ankle and legs were drawn as far apart as they could get them without leaving me suspended in crucifixion. Mike had already got out of his bag a shaving mug and brush along with a safety razor. He handed the mug and brush to Steven and told him to lather my back up. He had to explain to Steve how to do it though because like Andy and me, he had not yet started to shave. I could not see how this affected Steve, because he was behind me, but I knew he would have to do the front as well and so just waited. After he had got lather spread over my back, causing me to wriggle around from the tickling of the brush, Mike proceeded to shave my back of all the fine hair which could only be seen when the sun light was shining on it at the correct angle. "Now do his bum." Mike ordered Steve. "and make sure you get right in the crack as well." He directed. More tickling and more wriggling later, Mike set to getting the bum fluff removed, even right into the crack, pulling my arse cheeks apart to achieve this. In doing this he also managed to give my balls a little squeeze which set my cock to throbbing a tiny bit, but not actually getting hard. The backs of my legs followed, then one at time my arms were untied and cleaned of all hair, including my arm pits, the back of hands and my fingers. The barely visible hair on my chest and belly and went the same way and then the front of my legs were shaved. By this time I was able to observe Steve while Mike was shaving and I noticed he made the occasional adjustment in his pelvic area. More adjustment than would be normally expected, even though he tried to conceal it as scratching himself. Finally they came to my pubic hair and Mike moved himself to be in a position to see how Steve reacted while he was lathering it all up. Mike made him spend a bit longer than necessary on this which resulted in my cock beginning to stiffen up just before Steve stepped back from his task. When he did so, I saw that he very definitely had reacted and had a hard which could not easily be concealed. Mike then moved forward and started to shave again. He took great pains to talk about what he was doing with my cock to make sure it was out of the way and would not get nicked by the blade. What he was really doing was giving me a light wank, and when he stepped away having completed the task of rendering me smooth from the shoulder down, I had a massive hard on which was on full display for all to see. Mike also had an erection, but this was expected because of what he had just done and so no one said anything about it. Steve just kept his eyes glued to my penis, almost unashamedly. I was left tied to the stave until my erection had dissipated which was no short time because I had been very excited in that region, and yet had not had the fulfilment of an orgasm to assist the deflation process. By the time I had become flaccid enough for Mike to consider releasing me, the evening was beginning to draw in and it was getting close to when the warden would appear, so Mike told me to leave the loin cloth and put on a pair of shorts and we all had to put shirts on. I was commanded not to wear any underwear though as slaves would not be allowed to own such luxuries. We got our selves dressed as instructed and began to prepare our evening meal - a task we all had to participate in. The warden came while we were doing this and took Mike with him on an inspection of the campsite. He then looked at Mike's program for the weekend and after having a cup of tea he left advising us to be careful and he would be back the following evening. As soon as Mike felt sure the warden was definitely gone he ordered us all to get on with cooking the supper, and ordered me out of my clothes, but I was not allowed to put the loin cloth on either. I had to go naked, which of course did not bother me at all. After we had eaten, we played a simple game. The game was a type of wide game played in the area surrounding our campsite. One person, the spy) was given a piece of 'secret war ordinance' (in our case a billy can) which had to be carried through enemy lines to headquarters (our campsite). The idea being to work through the rough terrain of Scrubbs Park without being caught by the other members of the patrol. Each of the other members of the patrol was given a piece of rope to tie up their prisoner. If the spy got through and sounded the gong (a kitchen spoon hit against the bucket) he got a point. If he was delivered tied up and the gong was sounded the captor got the point. In keeping with tradition, Mike was the first spy and needless to say he got through and banged away on the bucket. Mike then appointed me to be the next spy, and so off I went with my billy and nothing else but tackies. I decided to try and take a wide curve and come into the campsite from the opposite side. With no moon it was very dark and this made it much harder to move without making sounds as it was next to impossible to see piles of dried leaves or thin twigs and sticks which would snap or crackle when trod upon. The others had obviously spread out and so only one heard where I was moving and he homed in on me. When we were attacked by the enemy we tried to remain as quiet as possible because any noise would attract the others and then the spy would have less chance of escaping, and the captors would have to share the points. Suddenly as I was moving carefully around a large granite boulder I felt a lasso of rope tighten around my arms at chest level and Steve jumped down from the boulder and told me in a whisper to be quiet. I kept quiet but tried to get the rope up off my arms and failed. Steve simply kept pulling down on the rope and with full use of my arms I was at a distinct disadvantage. The next thing Steve passed the loose end of the rope between my legs and pulled it back round behind me. He then tied the rope first around one wrist and then the other. Then he took the end on around and tied it to where the rope came through between my legs. My hands were now totally useless, but I could still walk. I told Steve that it was o.k. and I agreed he had got me as his prisoner and that I would not give him any trouble as we went back to the campsite, but Steve had some other plans before that were to happen. He pushed me back against the boulder and placing one hand on my chest he leaned into me. Although he was only slightly bigger then me, he had the advantage and I was forced back against the slope of the rock face which put me a bit off balance. This meant that Steve could hold me there with one hand and have the other free, which he used to his own enjoyment. He whispered into my ear, "I enjoyed lathering you up today, and I think you enjoyed it also." Then he placed his free hand on my cock and balls and started to feel around the area lightly, but firmly. "Yes, really smooth. It feels just like a baby's bum, and you like this, don't you?" Charlie's spirit had been awakened and excited enough times during the day without the final resolution so he very quickly came to attention and stood for orders. "Yes I can see you do like it." Steve went on. And he started to give me a good wanking. However, fulfilment was not to come this time either, because the other guys began calling out and I decided to reply. Steve realised that he would not be able to continue and so he grabbed me by my cock and led me back to camp to get his point. Of course he let go of my cock before we were in view of anybody else but not in enough time for my boner to relax, so once again there were looks which asked questions no one would answer. We continued to play the game until each one had had a chance at being the spy. Mike won because he was the only one who got through without being caught and he also caught Andy.

To be continued...

Posted: 11/23/12