Scout Slavery

By: Rick Masters
(© 2012 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 4

This time, however, I was greeted with a kiss and a hug, quickly followed by squeeze of my lower right cheek. Needless to say, I was already getting a really good hard on and because I was not wearing any briefs to hold Charlie in place he stuck out the flap which passed as the left leg of my running shorts. Mike also had his school sports shorts on and like me was without underwear. He too, started to protrude out the side of his shorts leg. "Come on," he said, "we better get inside before we display ourselves to the world." We went in and straight to his room, holding hands as we walked down the passage. As we got inside his room, Mike swung around and clamped his lips back on mine in one smooth movement. He also managed to kick the door closed at the same time. Once again my cock rose to the occasion and put his delightful head out of the stage curtains. This time, though, we were standing that close together, that Charlie's head found its way under Mike's shorts and started to push up into his ball bag.

He was tall enough that my erection, when pointing straight up, reached to his crotch. The tip of his erect penis landed between my navel and chest. If my torso was just that bit shorter, he could have massaged my nipple with it. Mike reached down and grabbed each of my cheeks with his hands and then lifted me up off my feet, forcing my cock to go between his legs. This meant that he did not have to get his head at such a strange angle in order to kiss me and still keep his body pressed against mine. Holding me like that, he carried me to the bed and literally dropped me onto it. "I've missed you," he said, "I couldn't wait for today to come, you are so special to me."

"I have also missed you and have had to wank myself a lot more since last Saturday." I told him. Mike then climbed over me and lay down on his side on the bed next to me, but as I turned to look towards him, he told me not to move. Being his slave, more so than just in preparation for camp, I obeyed him but asked why.

"I want to absorb you. To look at you without you also looking at me. In a way that I can't do when we are in public. And I want to touch you, without you touching me. I want to slowly remove your clothes and see and touch your whole body before letting you do anything to me. Please let me do this." Mike had obviously thought about this meeting a lot and had planned it all out.

"I will try, but I don't know if I can go as long as you seem to want to take without doing anything myself. I also want to have a good long look at you. I want to examine you and I want to see your whole body without even the encumbrance of your watch."

"Fair enough," Mike responded, "But me first, because I am your master. That is if you will let me be. I promise I will not be a harsh master to the one I love"

"Oh yes, please be my master Mike." I almost pleaded. I wanted Mike to control me because I believed he would be good to me and if I let him he would take me to pleasures I had not dreamed of.

"Alright, then. Put this on, and then just lie absolutely still until I tell you to do something. You may only talk to answer my questions. Do you understand?" Mike had produced an eye shield like the ones which are handed out on long haul flights. As I let Mike put the eye shield over my eyes, I answered that I understood. Now, I was lying facing up to the ceiling with a cotton shirt and my sports shorts on and a pair of plimsoll like shoes which we call tackies, but not seeing anything because of the blindfold. I could feel Mike moving about on the bed, but could not tell what he was doing or looking at because he was not actually touching me. Suddenly Mike said, "Hey, you've still got your shoes on. It would be very bad if mom found you with your feet on my bed with shoes on. We had better get them off." I felt Mike move about and get off the bed, and then felt a tug on the laces of my tackies. Somehow, even taking off those dirty old shoes was made to be sexy by Mike. "You've been kicking about in the garden this morning," Mike continued, "I can see the dust between your toes. Don't move. I will be back soon." At that I heard Mike open the door of the room. I did not dare to move for that short while he was out of the room. I heard some strange sounds and then felt something wet and warm against my feet. I realised that Mike was washing the dust from feet. He also washed the lower part of my legs. He patted them dry and then there was silence for a bit. Mike started to massage my feet next and slowly worked his hands till they were also massaging my calf muscles. It was quite strange trying to work out what was going on without being able to see, or ask questions. I became aware that things had taken a bit of turn when I could feel both of Mike's hands on my legs, but at the same time the soul of first one foot and then the other was being tickled. I then realised that he must have been licking my feet because they felt a bit damp. Mikes hands moved up above my knees then and started to stroke my thighs. At the same time he started to suck on each toe in turn. This was a real turn on, and my already solid erection seemed to get even harder. It felt like it was huge and almost ready to burst. The next thing I knew Mike was running his fingers through my hair, and then I felt his tongue on my lips as he started to kiss me. While our tongues explored each others mouths, Mikes hands started to explore my chest and abdomen. I felt his fingers begin to undo the buttons of my shirt and crawl over my skin until they found each nipple in turn. He rolled my nipples between thumb and finger for a bit and then broke off the kiss to suck on each nipple. During this his hands were roaming all over except for my cock and balls. These he left completely alone. After sucking on my nipples, he let his tongue run around over my chest and worked his way down to my navel. As soon as his tongue hit my navel it was like getting an electric shock. My whole body was alive and super sensitive to his every touch. Suddenly Mike stopped and for a few moments I thought he had moved out of the room. Then he said in a very commanding voice, "Turn over onto your stomach." I obeyed, but as I turned over, he took hold of my shirt at the shoulders and pulled the shirt a little way down my arms. Once I was lying face down, he pulled my arms around so that he could slide the shirt down them and removed it completely. Now all I had on was the shorts and absolutely nothing else. Mike started to scratch my back very lightly up and down. Each time he moved his fingers down my back he went a little further than before, until he was also going over my buttocks and onto the backs of my legs. I could not help giving little moans of pleasure now. I expected my master to complain and say he had not given me permission to make a noise, but he seemed to ignore me instead. Once his fingers reach the backs of my knees on his downward journey he started to slide his hands under my shorts on the upward journey, and every so often would let a finger go right into the crevice between the two cheeks. Mike then started to pull my shorts down but because my hard on had protruded out of the shorts, the waistband got caught on Charlie. Mike ordered me to lift my pelvis just a bit, and managed by pulling the shorts down to get my penis to turn and point down between my legs. Though I found this a bit uncomfortable I could not say anything because I had not been given permission to talk, and Mike was not saying anything either. He lifted each leg in turn to take the shorts off over the feet, and when he put them back down, he placed them far enough apart that he could now kneel between my legs. Mike now concentrated on massaging my buttocks and thigh muscles. At last he also started to give fleeting touches to the underside of my cock, which was pointing its full four inch length down the bed between my legs. He also tickled my scrotum occasionally, and began to rub the space between the ball bag and my hole. "Turn over," again a short but definite command. Again, I obeyed. As soon as I was on my back I felt my cock engulfed in his mouth. His tongue running over the head and gently probing the slit. I was so turned on that it was but a few far too short minutes before I came for the first time without actually touching my cock with my own hand. I had not even had a wet dream by this time in my life. Mike stopped then and said I could take my blind fold off, but must not touch him yet. He moved to lie beside me on the bed and propped his head up on his elbow. He then started to stroke the hair around my cock. "We have a bit of a problem here." I hadn't been given permission to talk so remained silent. "You can talk with me now. On camp it is customary that the slaves have to undergo some punishment for bad behaviour. Nearly always, that punishment includes being shaved from the shoulders to the toes."

"So what is the problem with that?" I asked.

"Well, if we shave you, it will be very obvious to your mom and sister the first time you go naked at home. And if you don't go naked they will probably want to know why."

"Oh, don't worry about that. I have already shaved myself a few times, and if I wait till the day after I get home from camp before going naked at home, I can just say that I shaved that day."

At that Mike gave me a big hug and said, "See. I told you, you were neat."

"Or of course," I said, "you could just shave me now and not have to do it at camp."

"No. I would like to, but the other guys will smell a rat and say that I have prepared you for all this and then will give you a very hard time."

"O.K. Now please, can I touch you?"

"Yes, but first I am going to stand up, and I want you to remove all of my clothes without touching my skin."

I stood up in front of Mike and pinched the edges of his 'T' shirt so that I could get a grip of the material without actually touching his skin. Then I started to lift it up, and started to laugh. I was laughing over two things. Firstly Mike was that much taller than me, and so of course I did not have a hope of lifting it up over his arms without touching him or not. But what really got me laughing was Mike had drawn a face on his belly, with his navel as the mouth, and a balloon caption with the words, "I love you Rick." Then I started to cry, because no one had ever said that to me excepting my mom, and she is expected to say things like that.

Suddenly Mike was holding me tightly in his arms and apologising. "I'm sorry kiddo. I did not mean to upset you. I thought it was a good way to let you know that you are very special to me and that is why I love you."

"Its o.k.," I sobbed, "it's just that no one has ever been this nice to me before. And I love you too and so it's so nice to know you love me enough to draw funny pictures on your body it just makes me cry."

"Well, better it happen now than on camp. The other guys will give you a lot of shit if you cry on camp."

"I promise, I will try not to cry then. You will have to be a bit mean to me if it looks like I am going all mushy." I whimpered out. In coming to hug me Mike had taken his shirt off, but still had his shorts on. I did not say anything more, but started to slide them down his legs, and I was not really caring if I touched his skin now or not. As soon as I had helped him to step out of his shorts I turned my concentration toward his genital area. I realized now that though I had seen his cock before, I had not really noticed that unlike me he had been circumcised, but not completely and so had like half a foreskin which rounded over the ridge of his cock head and then stopped. This was not the norm for our part of the world. It was common practice for boys to be cut on the eighth day in following the example of the Jewish religion. Not that we were Jewish, the doctors just did it on the eighth day after birth as a matter of course. I thought to myself that Mike's was the first uncut cock I had seen. Well, at least, that I had noticed. I gingerly put my hand up to it as I was still crouched on the floor from taking his shorts off, and started to stroke it very softly. Although he had not gone totally flaccid during my tears, his prick gained a bit more rigidity under my caresses. As he hardened, the head of his cock came right out of what remained of his foreskin. This looked really special and was such a turn on. I brought my other hand up by stroking up the inside of his leg until I was cupping his nuts in it and using my index finger to probe around the area between his nuts and his hole. I was still kneeling in front of Mike and thus was in the perfect position to make a concentrated study of his manhood. Of course that is not quite how I would have put it back then in the late 1960's, but as I can't remember all the words and details imagination has to play some of a part in this narrative. I changed from gently stroking the underside of his cock to allow my hand to encircle it and then I started jerking him off in earnest. This is the first time I had ever really wanked another person and I kept an eye on all that I was doing so I did notice that when I moved my hand down toward the base of his penis, Mike's skin slid back so it looked like he was fully circumcised. I also noticed that it was a different colour to mine. Mine was a dark reddish purplish brown, whereas Mike's was more purple and less brown. He also produced a lot more pre-cum than I was capable of, but then he also had an older and more mature set of goods. His cock was at least an inch and a half longer than mine and half as thick again; while his balls hung lower and were larger than what I sported. But it did not embarrass me because Mike had not let it by making very nice comments about what I had and how I was so much more ahead than he was at my age and in fact than most boys are at eleven and two thirds years. His pre-cum had now produced sufficient quantities to lubricate his prick so that my hand was sliding rather than his loose skin was sliding so the head was not coming all of the way out of his foreskin any more and because I wanted it to, I tightened my grip on his cock. Mike moaned a bit and then asked me to lighten my grip as I was strangling him. He also started to run his hands through my hair and gently pushed my head closer to his cock. I got the message and braced myself for yet another new experience. One, with which I was not sure how I would cope. But I stuck my tongue out and just licked the tip of his cock. I got that beautiful salty pre-cum taste and new instinctively that I was going to like this sort of thing, so I opened my mouth and closed it around his head. While I let my hands continue to stroke and caress the lower part of his cock and his scrotum I moved my head up and down on the end of that lovely prick. Then I let my tongue do a bit of exploring and could make out the little slit right on the end of his penis. By mistake, I think, I learned that I could push my tongue under his foreskin a little bit and when I moved it around to go to the underside of his cock Mike started to moan and began to push his cock deeper into my mouth. I got the hint and started to take him in as far as I could go, but because I was inexperienced I did not know how to take him in all the way without gagging. "Try relaxing a bit," Mike urged. I did try but was not very successful and really gagged one time to where I thought I was going to be sick. Suddenly Mike gave a yell and then erupted into my mouth. I was not ready for the amount of cum that he ejaculated and so did not get it all swallowed, and some ran out of my mouth. Once again, good old Mike, my Mike, was there to the rescue. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and bent down and licked the cum which was running down my chin off.

"Rick, you are a quick learner", he said, "are you sure you have never done this sort of thing before?"

"Of course I am sure," I said. "I did not know that I was like this until you and I did this last week!"

We went over to the bed and lay down next to each other and just started to explore each other's bodies with our hands and finger tips. It was exhilarating. I never knew that touching someone else to give them pleasure could give me so much pleasure. Even though I had orgasmed less than half an hour ago, my cock was as hard as ever.

"You know that as my slave, on camp you have to sleep in my tent, and it will be just the two of us in the tent? The other guys will all sleep in another tent."

"That is very helpful, don't you think?" I opined

"Rather. Whoever thought up these traditions must have been like us." Mike continued, "We will still have to be careful. Can't make too much noise or they will get suspicious and might set a trap to catch us out. But it will be o.k. to get a hard on when I shave you because I will have to hold your dick and pull your ball bag around a bit. In fact it is expected that the shaver makes a bit of effort at getting the slave to have erections from time to time."

"How much should I object to what you do to me? I mean we know anything you do to me is just fine by me because I trust you, but the others must think that I will be upset by some things. Can I get sulky at times and be a bit obstinate about obeying orders and things like that?" I asked.

Mike answered, "You will need to show some objection to things that I do because the others will expect that, and I have got to have reasons to punish you at times. If you think I am going too far, then we will use a code of some sort so that you can let me know and I will ease up. I don't want you to come home from camp hating me."

"I could never hate you!" I interrupted. "Even if you made me lick your bum clean after you have had a shit instead of using toilet paper, I could not hate you. I don't want you to do something like that; it would be going too far, but even so I would not hate you for it. I would sulk and not let you have any pleasure from me for a bit, but I would still love you."

"Ricky, my love, you are so special to me. I wish I had not waited so long to get to know you better. I know what our code should be. If you want to let me know that you are taking to much strain, you must address me with the title, 'your majestic sir.' And if I think you are carrying your disobedience to far I will call you a worthless bum. O.k.?"

"Yes master. But what if I am not being naughty enough?" I answered.

"Well, I could praise you and call you my goodie two shoes slave."

"Don't you think that would be a little obvious if I am good and suddenly go bad?"

"Not if I sound really sarcastic about it. You could feign anger or hurt and change from there on."

"O.K. Now is there anything else the slave needs to know so that he doesn't fuck up on the day?"

"No. But there is one thing more at the moment. I have been sewing and have changed your loin cloth a bit. I want you to try it on and we will see how good a seamstress I have been."

"You can't be a seamstress." I laughed. "Seamstresses are girls and this thing," I grabbed hold of his cock, "proves that you are not a girl. You have to be a tailor."

Mike was digging around in the very back of the lowest drawer in his chest. "O.K. if you want to split hairs, I will be a tailor. There, I've got it! Now put it on so I can see how it is." He had pulled the cloth from the drawer. I later learnt that he had sellotaped it to the back of the drawer so that it would not be found. As he handed it to me, I saw that it had a different piece of cloth on which bulged more like a pocket. I pulled it up my legs to get the elastic waist band into the right position. Then I just stood there, with Mike looking at me until finally I told him that he had better finish positioning it how he wanted it. Mike needed no further invitation and promptly knelt down in front of me to pass the beaded cord between my legs. He traced the line of my crack with the beads until he reached the band and tucked it through; giving it a final jerk to pull it up tight and make sure the cord was lying in the crevice of my bum. Then he kissed my bum. What Mike had done was to take a bigger triangle of cloth and gather the edges to bring them in to the same length as the original one, but creating a pouch in the process. "Jump up and down a bit." He ordered and I did. Charlie stayed inside where he was supposed to, but you could clearly see his movement when I was jumping. Mike began to rub Charlie to get him to stand up and of course this did not take long. This had a real tenting effect on the cloth and it was obvious that I would not be able to hide any erections which might occur whilst wearing this. The other thing was that the material he had used was a silky type which was very smooth, but was also a little bit see through, and where my cock pressed against it you could see both the shape and the change in shading of my skin. "Now the water test. Come with me." Mike grabbed my penis and led me through to the bathroom. "Stand in there." He ordered, indicating the shower alcove. He took the shower head down and directed it away from my body while he got the water temperature right. "Don't want it too cold, or you might get frost bite and not be able to give me any pleasure." He giggled. Then he turned the spray directly on to my crotch. And soaked the cloth and me from the waist down. The wet material became almost completely see through now and even where it did not actually touch my skin, you could see what was behind it. "It will look better once you have been shaved, but I think you are going to find yourself accidentally wet quite often on this camp. Now I want you to take it off and let me get in the shower with you." Like an obedient slave I obeyed and we began to shower together making sure we lathered each other up very well in a particular area. "Don't play with my cock too much Ricky, I still want you to do something else and so I don't want to cum just yet."

"What do you want me to do, oh Master? Your will is my command." I replied and Mike giggled. I enjoyed hearing Mike giggle because he sounded so happy when he did and I wanted him to be happy.

To be continued...

Posted: 11/16/12