The Valley Cottage

By: Rick Masters
(© 2012 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 9
The Conclusion at Martin's

When I went to bed on the Sunday we got home, I found that I did not really need my ritual nightly wank and dropped off to sleep a lot more quickly than I normally do. Waking up in the morning with the usual morning glory, reminded me of the just the day before waking up with my cock in Tom's mouth. My hand moved down to my throbbing member and I sub-consciously gave it a few strokes. By then I was fully awake and remembered that I was going to spend a full day and night with Martin the next day and decided to try and not have an orgasm before then, so I moved my hand away from my cock and tried to ignore the pleading each throb gave. How I managed to last until I got to Martin's house on Wednesday. I don't know how, but I did. Mom dropped me off just as Martin's folks were leaving and they had a quick chat before saying their good byes to us and us to them, then they were off and Martin and I were alone in the house for the next 24 hours and then a few more.

Even though I knew we would be getting down to some things similar to what we had done at the weekend, I was suddenly a bit nervous and not sure what to do next, so I kind of stood around in the doorway. It's not like I didn't know the way to Martin's bedroom as I had been there before -- I knew the house and yet something made me hesitate.

"Come on. I'll help you with your things," Martin said as he picked up my overnight bag and led the way to his room. When we got there, I put down my sleeping bag and pillow and then just stood there again; as if in a daze. 
Martin snapped his fingers in front of my eyes as if to wake me from a trance and said, "Wake up! I don't think you've heard a thing I've said."

"Wha ..what?" I stammered coming out of it a bit.

"I just said that I want to take your clothes off slowly and then let you strip me. What do you think?" 

"Uh? Oh sorry. I ... I ... What did you say?" I wasn't sure I had heard him correctly.

"Hey! What's up Rick? You going shy on me or something?" Martin asked.

"I'm sorry; I don't know what's come over me. It's like I'm here but not here." I answered. 

"Geez. You're sure acting weird today. Have you been smoking pot or something?"

"No you fart arse. You know I don't even smoke cigarettes. What's all that about?"

I had snapped out of the state I was in. 

"Rick, I'm a bit confused here. What's happening with you?" 

"I'm also confused. I don't know. Let's start again."

"Ok. Hi Rick; glad you could come and keep me company tonight." Martin said, somewhat sarcastically.

"Hi Marty," I countered; using the nickname his mother used on him which he hated.  "Don't call me Marty." He spat out, "my name's Martin." 

"Sorry," I said. It had been unfair to do that to him and we still had a lot of time alone together and did not need to be fighting the whole time. 

"Ok," Martin said, "Just don't do it again or else you know who will be getting the punishment."

Martin could say that with confidence as he was definitely the biggest and strongest out of the two of us.

"I've changed my mind now. I want you to sit there on the bed and watch me strip and jerk myself off, and then I want you to just let me take your clothes off you and do things to you and give you a grand bj. Is that ok?" Martin asked. 

"Yeah; it sounds ok; but why do you want it that way?"

"I can't really tell you yet, but I want you to have a great time with me and I think this opening bit might help to achieve that." 

There was something not quite right in all this. Something was missing but I couldn't put my finger on it. Maybe Martin had said something which I had missed. Or maybe there was some signal which had eluded me. It all just did not add up.

"Ok. Sit on the bed and just feast your eyes and thoughts on this." Martin began by doing a little shuffling type of dance in total silence as he moved over to his cd player and put some soft slow music on, which I cannot remember ever having heard. He then locked his eyes onto mine and began this slow pirouette across the floor as he undid the buttons of his shirt and let it slide down off his shoulders to catch in the crook of his elbows. He rubbed his shirt across his back as if it was a towel drying his back before letting the sleeves slide on down his arms and the shirt dropped to the floor. His movements were so sensual and with his eyes fixed on mine, I was getting really turned on. Martin was already bare foot and so after a few more gyrations he began to release his top button and open his fly. This revealed his bulging hard-on tightly trapped in tight white briefs. For the first time he broke his eye contact as he turned his back to me and bending forward, slowly pushed his shorts down over his tight bum. Where he had learned to do this I don't know, but I do know he was being very erotic. He stepped out of his shorts as he turned back to face me and regain the eye contact. Now standing there in just the skimpiest of white briefs which were struggling to contain his erect manhood, he began to gyrate in time to the music and rub his hand over his cock and balls and then push his pelvis out to the front while running his hands up and down his torso; circling his nipples and tantalizingly slipping the tips of his fingers under the elasticised waste band of the briefs, before running them down his thighs to his knees and slowly pulling his hands up the inside of his legs to slide again over his cock. I had seen some porn, but I had never seen anything like this, and this was in real life. My cock was straining inside my boxers and jeans and I used my hand to adjust it to a more comfortable position. 

"No!" Martin almost shouted. "You are not allowed to do anything. Touch it again and I will have to restrain you."

"Ok. I was just getting it a bit more comfortable." I complained. 

"Well, next time ask and I will sort it out for you." Martin resumed his dancing and teasing. By now the pre-cum he was producing had made a noticeable patch on his briefs around his dick head. He then picked up a spray bottle which I guess contained water and squeezed the trigger a few times aiming the bottle towards his briefs. He went into a cycle of stroking up and down his body from his knees to his tits and back again and then spraying a bit more water on his briefs, gradually getting them wet enough to become somewhat see-through. He never looked down at his cock but I guess he was checking out what he was doing in the mirror because once his briefs were as see-through as they would get, he left the water and went back to just dancing around and stroking his body.

Martin carried that on for a bit and then sidled up to me and took my hand and ran it over his raging erection before dropping my hand back to the bed. My cock now needed more attention as it was leaking pre-cum and was still also trapped in a fold of my jeans. Unconsciously, I used my hand to try and move it again. 

"No!" Martin roared again. "I told you to ask me to help. Now I will have to restrain you." Martin left his dancing and stroking and sat down on my legs. He grabbed the hem of my `T' shirt and pulled it up till it caught under my arm pits. "Lift your arms." He ordered and when I obeyed he took my shirt right off. He stood up and ordered me to move up the bed to the head board which was made of steel tubing painted silver, and rose about 3 foot above his mattress. He had me sit with my backside right up against the bars and then he lifted my right arm and tied it to the highest bars with some rope which `just happened to be conveniently nearby'. I am sure he had some plans to do something like this all along. My left arm was then equally secured to the bars and I was then fairly helpless. To make matters worse; Martin shoved his hands down my pants and pushed my cock till it was facing back down my leg and of course rather uncomfortable. Taking his hand out he tapped my cock through my shorts and told me that I was being punished for disobeying him. He grabbed hold of my head and planted a kiss right on my lips and returned to his gyrations in front of me. After a few more minutes of the pelvic thrusting and cock rubbing he shed his undies and twisted and turned in front of me feeling both his cock and his bum. With a little run he jumped onto the bed landing with his knees either side of my feet. He then removed my trainers and short socks and used his cock to tickle the underside of my feet. Next he held a my foot and pushed his crack over my toes, trying to get my big toe to go into his hole, but without success. Giving up on that he moved on up until he was really close to me and able to rub his cock over my nipples. This made my dripping cock strain even more against my jeans and so I asked Martin to please move my cock to a more comfortable position. He just sat down on it and forced it to bend even closer to my legs. He rubbed his arse back and forwards a couple of times and then moved far enough back that his cock could be placed in my navel. He used his cock to give me a little belly tapping before he moved off of me and began to wank in earnest.

His little show had probably lasted about half an hour already and he did begin off slowly wanking his pole; but the pressure got to great and after only a further minute or so he was flogging away at his dick as if it was the last wank he would ever have. When he was getting close to his orgasm he again moved up the bed and was now wanking himself and rubbing my chest with the same hand. He used his spare hand to play around with his own nipples. Suddenly he tensed and leaned back a bit and began to shoot glob after glob of thick white creamy cum over my naked chest. When he had finished he brought his still hard cock up to my mouth and ordered me to lick the last drops off of it. He then proceeded to lick the rest of his cum off my body. In positioning himself to reach some of the spots he put his hand over my poor trapped boner and pushed it down between my legs. Once he was satisfied he cleaned the cum off of me he moved up my chest licking and kissing all the way till he reached first one and then the other nipple taking them between his teeth and rolling them around with his tongue. He then moved up to my neck and sucked a little bit on my Adam's Apple before moving over my chin to my mouth whereupon he began to try to force his tongue into my mouth in a snog type kiss. I hadn't experienced this before but instinct made me open my mouth and let his tongue in. I didn't know if I was ready for it, but I still was enjoying it and anyway, I did not have much choice being tied up. 

"I've really wanted to do that, Rick." Martin said breaking off the kiss, "I hope you don't mind." 

"I haven't had time to think about it yet. I don't know." I responded. 

Martin went back to licking my body and kissing various places like my tits and navel. While he was letting his tongue rove about over my chest he undid the fly of my jeans and put his hand over the top of my boner, rubbing it gently while still keeping it in the downward position it had been forced to take inside the tightness of my jeans. Slowly his mouth worked down my torso again and eventually came to rest on my cock. I could feel his lips giving it tiny kisses along its length through my boxers; but he couldn't get to the head because that part was still trapped under my jeans, so Martin then changed his position and began to slowly pull them off of me. All of this attention was supercharging the sensations I was feeling and I was worried that I would shoot my load the first time he really gave my cock a wank.

With my Jeans off, he moved my legs apart and knelt between them so that he could get his tongue right in between my legs and under my ball sac. To achieve this he pulled the leg of my boxers up so that his tongue could go skin to skin. This very nearly sent me over the edge and I told Martin I was not going to be able to hold out much longer.

"Don't you dare cum yet." He ordered. "I have much more planned for you." And he changed tactics by suddenly starting to tickle me along my sides. I squirmed and shouted and giggled and chortled and squirmed some more, but being tied up, I was helpless. He then used his cock to tickle me in the armpits and this caused me to get really close, so I warned him again, but begged him to make me cum as I was kind of desperate by this time. I had managed to not to wank as I had resolved so to do, and now I was thinking that might have been a mistake. With my warning, Martin stopped. 

"Thank goodness. You've got some hair growing back there and it kind of prickled my pride and joy a bit." He laughed. Then he jumped off the bed and pulled it a bit away from the wall so that he could fit in behind. He produced a comb and some elastic bands and started to do something with my hair. It was in style to wear hair a little long and mine was over my ears at the sides and over my collar at the back and had hardly any wave at all. First he combed it all back and when it wouldn't stay in place he went out and got a bowl of water to wet it. Once he got it all lying towards the back he started to fiddle around a lot and was obviously using his fingers. I figured out he was plaiting it into a number of strands and using the rubber bands to hold each plait. Martin worked at this in relative silence, ignoring all my questions as to what he was doing, and must have been working for about half an hour. When he decided he had finished, he went and got a little mirror which he kept in his bedside drawer to show me his accomplishments. I burst out laughing as I had all these spikes of plaited hair running together into a cone, making it look like I had a cycle racing helmet on.

Having had the attention drawn away from my cock it had gone soft, as had Martin's. But there was a large wet splodge on my boxers where the pre-cum had soaked into the material. Martin took care of that by pulling my boxers off and running his tongue over all the patches to lick off as much as he could get. Just watching him do this set little me to attention and not having any clothing to restrict him, he stood tall and proud leaning out at about 40 degrees from my belly, and still leaking a pearl of pre-cum. Still in silence, Martin moved up between my legs once more and this descended on my dick with his mouth and tongue and began to give me a blowjob. It seemed that it only took seconds, but it must have been a bit longer than that when I felt myself nearing an orgasm and I told Martin to please speed up so that I could come. This had the opposite effect to what I wanted for Martin stopped and released my cock from his mouth. 

"No, not time yet." He said and moved away from me to dig about on the shelf of his cupboard.

"Please, Martin, I need to come. I haven't had a wank since we did it last on the way home on Sunday. I'm begging you. I'll let you do whatever you want, just make me come now." I pleaded. 

Martin found what he was looking for and went again behind the bed so that I could not see what he was doing; then he came around and got back onto the bed and showed me he had a bottle of baby oil again. He dribbled some of this onto my prick and smoothed it around.  "I'm going to untie your hands now because I want you to lie flat on the bed. You are not to try and touch any part of your body though and are to let me do what I want. If you don't obey me, I will tie both your hands and your feet up, and I will not let you come until tomorrow. You understand?" 

"If I obey, will you make me come quickly?" I asked in reply. 

"It will not be long now for a good boy." He answered.

"OK. I will do it." I agreed.  With that, Martin untied my hands and pulled me by the legs till I was lying flat on the bed.  "Put your arms out as if you were on a cross." Martin said.  I complied and he leant over me again to kiss me, and I voluntarily responded; both because I liked it and because I hoped it would speed up the relief from my agony. He explored my mouth with his tongue for a few moments and then let me explore his mouth with mine. Breaking the kiss, he poured some baby oil onto my chest and started to massage it, paying a lot of attention to my nipples and then moved down to my belly and finally he started to jack my cock. I could see that he had a good hard-on again and was using one hand to jack his own cock. His other hand moved back up to my nipples and really all over my front. Then he left my body entirely and seemed to be scratching his arse, but I guessed he was getting close to cumming again and was massaging oil into his rosette; and maybe even sticking a finger up his bum. He then turned around and put a foot either side of my hips and squatted down so that his bum was over my thighs and he could rub both my cock and his at the same time with the same hand. With his spare hand he poured yet more oil onto our cocks till they were literally dripping with oil and as slick as they could possibly get.

 Letting go of his cock he moved his body forward, bringing his knees down at my sides and changing his grip so that his hand which was holding my cock, was now behind him. He began to lower his bum down, and suddenly I realised he was going to sit on my pole. Martin was going to have my cock fuck him.  I wasn't too sure of this, but I had said he could do what he wanted, so I really didn't have much choice. I was not one to back out of a deal. I felt the head of my prick come up against his puckered hole and he moved it around in a circular motion, spreading the oil about and then he began to force my cock through his sphincter muscle. He had stretched himself and this is what I later learned he had been doing behind my head earlier. Once he got the head of my cock past that tight ring of muscle he sat still only jerking his own cock gently. After a few moments he moved down a bit more and stopped again. A few more times and the spike of our newly growing hair were pricking into each. Then with me in as far as I could go, he began to madly wank himself off, and very slowly began to rock back and forth on my cock until his arse had got used to it and he could pump away on my prick at his speed. Again it seemed such a short time before I was ready to come again and this time I decided I was going to just let it happen as I was not going to risk the agony of him stopping again. I guess though that getting close to an orgasm can't be hidden because he realised and started to speed up his movements both on my dick and on his own. Suddenly he shouted at me, "Cum. Please cum."

And like a good friend another two bobs up and down and I obeyed. Pulse after pulse racked through my body as I emptied three days of adolescent build up into his arse. As I was blasting away, I felt his bum grip my cock tight and squeeze it like it was a tube of toothpaste giving up its last dregs, then release it and squeeze again. He was also cumming and even though he had ejaculated only a short time previously he still managed to pump out some weak semen.

Martin didn't lift himself off my cock right away, rather he leant forward and brought his mouth to mine and again kissed me. "I love you, Rick." He said, and kissed some more. The earnest meaning in his tome when he uttered those four words left me in no doubt that he was talking of a passionate love and not just the love one friend would have for another. I was rather shocked and not sure just what to say, do or feel. I had not thought along those lines, as I had not admitted to myself yet that I really was gay. I had actually persuaded myself that this was just an experimental phase I was going through. And yet deep down I guess I really did know that I was not hetero. Still I could not say the same back to him, yet.

The inevitable happened, and as he lay on my stomach, with my cock eventually going into a flaccid state after the orgasm -- although it had taken a lot longer than usual -- it popped out of Martin's bum. With that I realised that I was going to need to wash it. 

"Let's go take a shower together," I said. 

"Yeah, ok. But only if I get to wash you and you wash me." 

"Absolutely fine by me." I agreed.

We both got up and walked totally naked through the house to the bathroom and proceeded to shower. Of course as we lathered each other up and especially because we paid `particular' attention to certain `specific' parts of each other's anatomy, we were good and rigid and randy before the showering was completed. I started to jerk Martin off, but he stopped me.  "Can we wait a bit," he asked, "I want to try something else and I think we will need a bit of go for it, and if we come again so soon, the go will be gone." 

"Ok." I replied, and then, "But what is it that you want to try?" 

"You will have to wait a while and see; please trust me!" That was all the answer I could get out of him.

I was full of curiosity and yet also a little nervous. Two weeks ago I had not thought having my cock stuck up another guy's back side and yet today it had happened and though I liked it, I was not sure if this really was the direction I wanted to go in.  Once we had dried, Martin led me down stairs to the back garden, and in a mad dash, we ran across the garden to the shed.  Inside the shed there was one of those small inflatable paddling pools suitable for little children, blown up but empty of any water.  "Got any ideas of what I am thinking yet?" Martin asked. 

"Not at all." I answered. "I mean, I guess it has something to do with the pool being up, but why in the shed and empty I don't know." 

"This was just to give you a clue, but it's not for right now; it's for later." 

"So what is for right now?"

"Back in the house." Was all he said as he pushed me out the shed door and we made a quick streak across the garden again. Once inside the house, Martin continued, "You do realise that I am in charge and what I say goes and any objection will result in punishment?" 

"What do you mean by that?" 

"Well, I'm bigger and stronger than you, and if you don't do as I say, I shall sort you out. You could even find yourself tied up for the night with a weight attached to your dick or balls." 

"Look, I accept that you can get the better of me, but don't I get any say on what is going on at all?" 

"I will take your views into consideration, but I am the boss. Get it?" 

"Well I'll go along with you so far. I mean I quite liked being tied up earlier; but if it is something I don't like or want to do, then please don't force it." 

"Hey! I love you and I promise I won't hurt you intentionally. Now let's go and find something to eat."

As it was actually a bit past the lunch hour, we were quite hungry and so set about making some sandwiches with gusto. Six slices of bread each with ham and cheese to fill between them and a can of coke to wash it all down soon had our stomachs satisfied. 

"Now for desert." Martin said picking up the bottle of chocolate sandwich spread. "Come over here." He then ordered. He pushed his plate and all out of the way. "Sit on the table here." Another order. As I had agreed to play along with him, I obeyed and got up on the table to sit where his lunch plate had been. Martin then began to smear chocolate spread over my cock and balls. When he had enough for his liking he leant forward and began to lick it all off. Part way through, I thought I was going to have an orgasm and told Martin. He stopped licking and told me that under no circumstances was I allowed to cum without his express permission and failure to comply would result in the severest of punishments. He waited a while before continuing with his desert. When he had got every last bit licked off of my cock and balls, he lifted his head and passing me the jar and said, "Your turn for afters now." 

"Yes master!" I responded slightly sarcastically, and very willingly went on to obey layering his jewels with chocolate spread to lick off.

"And don't even think about touching your cock." Martin commanded, "Remember you will need all it can give later." So resisting the urge, I licked him clean of all chocolate and let my cock dribble on its own. I tried to get Martin to reach that point of no return, but he stopped me in time just as had happened with me and only let me carry on when he could handle it again.

This over, Martin took me back up to his bedroom and producing a digital camera, said he wanted to take some photos of me and me of him. We started off doing various poses and taking distance and close-up shots of almost every part of each other’s anatomy. Then Martin said he wanted one of me with a hard-on, and proceeded to jack me off a bit to get my pecker in the state he desired. Another round of photographs and then it was my turn to do the same of him. Next Martin mounted the camera on a tripod and using the timer took some pictures of the two of us together, holding cocks, and sucking and licking in various places and finally with fingers up my backside. He downloaded the pictures onto his computer and we looked them over and discussed which the best one was.  Finally we agreed that the one which was of me leaning over backwards and supporting myself on the wall with my pecker sticking out at right angles to my body was it. Martin saved this one onto a disc and told me wait in the room. No sooner had he got out the door when he turned around and walked back in to find me giving my cock a gentle rub.

 "I thought as much," Martin declared, "I shall just have to make sure you don't do anything more."  With a rugby style dive he knocked me onto my back on the bed and pinned my body with his. Again I found that his strength was too much for me and he did not take long to tie my hands to the head board again. But not content with that, he also tied my legs to the footboard of the bed which left me spread-eagled on the bed and totally at his mercy. "Now you will be safe from temptation." He said as he turned and again left the room.

When Martin returned about twenty minutes later he had a large piece of paper rolled up under his arm. "It's quite handy having dad as a draughtsman who does a lot of work at home." Martin said, "Especially when he has a plan printer." Martin then unrolled the paper to reveal a three foot by four foot print of the picture he had taken of me, and it was also in colour. 

"Wow, what you going to do with it?" I asked. I was somewhat proud of it actually, but also a bit nervous that it might be seen by eyes which I would rather not see it. 

"I will show you in a while, but first you have to be punished for your disobedience." He said with a little grin on his face as he turned again and left the room. When he returned he had a box in his hands. 

"What you going to do to me?" I asked nervously. 

Martin put the box down where I couldn't see in to it, and reaching down into the box he brought up two wooden clothes pegs. Then I knew what to expect for he began to play with my nipples teasing them into a hard state and once hard positioned a peg over each one so that they were gripping the nipple with the rest of the peg lying on my chest as if hanging toward my feet. Although this hurt, I realised that I actually liked it and was getting a bit of sexual thrill from it. Martin then pulled the main contents from the box to reveal a little portable hand held type vacuum cleaner. Laying this down on the bed between my legs, he put the solid plastic tube of the cleaner over my cock and using some tape taped the tube to my stomach. He switched it on and it pulled my cock and some of the loose skin of my ball bag in to create a seal so that the vacuum was trying to pull the skin off my cock. Leaving that running, he began to finger fuck my bum for a while and finally pulled a feather duster out of the box and used it to tickle me until I was almost sobbing and begged him to stop it all. When he pulled the pipe off of my dick, we could hardly believe it. My dick was so suffused with blood, it was as red as a blushing face and quite a bit bigger than it normally got when hard. It was also very hard.

"That'll keep you going for a while." Martin said pointing at my cock. "But now it is time for something else," he continued as he untied me.

Martin led me and my hard boner out to the shed once more. He told me to stand in the paddling pool while he pinned the picture of me to the wall of the shed. When he turned around from doing this, he had a couple of large bottles of baby oil in his hands, which he must have picked up off the shelf there, though I had not noticed them earlier. He handed one bottle to me and told me to oil him up from head to toe and all around. I opened the cap and poured a liberal amount of oil onto my hand and then began to smooth it over his body. The slickness of the oil making my hands glide over his skin so smoothly ensured that my cock remained in a hard state, as was his. By the time I had finished lubbing him up, there was quite a bit of oil on the floor of the pool and I understood, or at least thought I did, the reason for it. Martin then said I was to stand still while he got me oiled up. Using the bottle like a water pistol he literally squirted a jet of oil onto me and then spread it out before squirting again. The floor was getting so slick that we both nearly lost our balance a few times and had to end up kneeling for Martin to finish the oiling. There was a little bit of oil left in each bottle when we were finished and Martin took these and literally poured the last of the oil over both of us. 

"Now we are going to wrestle and try to pin the other down for the count of three. Whoever gets to three pins first, gets to fuck the other up the arse. OK?" Martin was not really asking as much as he was commanding. 

"I guess I don't really have much choice or chance." I meekly replied and immediately launched myself into him and got him pinned before he really had a chance to retaliate.  Of course with Martin being bigger and stronger, I was never going to win the contest, but I decided I would give it the best I could. The oil made it almost impossible to get any sort of proper grip on the other and we were down to trying to fall on the other and knock them onto their back to get a pin. This style did result in our cocks spending a lot of time in contact with our opponent and sliding delightfully over the oily skin. This was very erotic and ensured that we remained in a heightened state of arousal. But after about twenty minutes or so, Martin got me pinned for the third time and announced that I was to be fucked.

It was rather hilarious as he found it difficult to get a grip on the floor sufficient to be able to lift my legs and get his dick up my arse without slipping away. Eventually he got us both out of the pool and pushing it aside, got me in the position he desired and began to insert the first ever cock to enter my backside. We were both rather green at this, and his cock was quite large and so it hurt like hell, even with the liberal lubrication. However, as my bum got used to having the cock in there and I was able to relax a bit more, it got easier and soon I was enjoying it more than I was feeling any pain.  We were making quite a lot of noise and in our current state were not taking much notice of anything other than the two of us. When Martin finally came inside me he shouted out quite loudly. He had just relaxed against me with his dick still inside when the door was flung open and Martin's dad was standing there. (There had been some problem or other and they had had to return instead of staying the night away.) There are not words descriptive enough to depict the look on his face.

"You two better get cleaned up and dressed and then report to my study." He ordered.  We had to walk naked back through the garden, glistening with oil and I was still sporting a boner which was not likely to go down too quickly, and we knew that Martin's mother and sister were somewhere inside could probably see our shame. We went straight to the bathroom and turned on the shower getting it very warm to help melt off the oil.  Both of us were terrified and filled with dread at the thought of what we were still to face.

The End.

Posted: 03/01/13