The Valley Cottage
Rick Masters
(© 2012 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 8
The last Day
I woke up to a somewhat strange situation; Tom was sucking on my boner, while Martin was gently pumping his cock between my legs. I must admit that it was a rather pleasant way of waking up, especially as Martin was also giving my nipples some attention with his hand which was free to reach over me from behind. When I eventually got my eyes in focus -- in the mornings they can be open but don't see much at first -- I realised that Tom's cock was very close to my face and as hard as a broomstick. I moved my hand towards it and then brought it into my mouth so that we were doing a 69. Tom must have liked it, as he groaned a bit and gave my cock even more attention with his tongue than he had been giving it. This is the boy who just the day before had said we would not get him to taste cum let alone put his mouth near a dick, and here he was less than 24 hours later, giving his second blow job. I guess we all have changed a lot this weekend.
Martin must have been getting close, because he began to speed his pumping up and also started to nuzzle and lick the back of my neck -- that was where his tongue could reach. Nevertheless, it still was erotic and heightened the feelings I was experiencing elsewhere. Suddenly Martin started to really go for it and I knew that he would blow his load very soon, so I tried to clamp my legs together more tightly and increase the pressure in his dick.
"Yes!" Martin confirmed that I had done something to help and then with an almighty thrust he shuddered and started to ejaculate a load between my legs. However his hard thrust had pushed his prick far enough forward that the first spurt did not actually touch my legs, but rather squirted out and onto Tom's strategically placed forehead. Not that I was aware of this at the time, or else I might have cum instantly. It was only afterwards that Tom told Martin to be more careful in future. But he did do it with a grin to let Martin know it was only a joke. Even though Tom had been sucking my cock for longer, he came first and I got a mouthful to swallow; but that mouthful brought on my own orgasm and I shot what I had into Tom's mouth -- an appetiser for breakfast.
How many times had we cum this weekend? I don't know because I haven't tried to count it up; I just know that I am glad that as horny adolescents, we have the ability to do it more times in day than most others and so were able to experience a lot of different things in the short space of time we had. These were the sort of thoughts which swirled through my head as we lay there getting over our last orgasms. It took about a five minutes and then we got up to put in a joint effort at getting breakfast ready. Not that it takes much to open a few tins and boil up some eggs to give us eggs and sausages in tomato sauce for breakfast. Not quite the full English fry-up but better than the continental bread roll and cheese. We cleaned up the pots for the last time as we had agreed we would not do any cooking for Sunday lunch as we would be leaving shortly after that to hike home. Under other circumstances we would have left all the dirty stuff, but we had been warned very forcibly by my dad, who was not one to be messed with, to make sure we left the place as we found it or else there would never be another time of spending even an afternoon there.
Thankfully it had stopped raining and the sun was shining warmly and so we decided to spend the last morning swimming. Still being naked from when we had stripped off the day before, we simply walked out the door and headed towards the water. Martin was in the lead and discovered that the clayey soil was very slippery when saturated. He went down landing in his bum which sunk about an inch into the mud. As he stood up we saw that his arse had changed colour, having a layer of clay over it and both Tom and I broke into fits of laughter. Although Martin was not really upset at our reaction he feigned anger and charged after us. Tom being slightly quicker than me escaped as Martin wrapped his arms around me and using his clay covered hand proceeded to paint my cock and balls to match his colour scheme. This set Tom laughing even harder and so we both chased him. Once we caught him we carried Tom to where Martin had fallen and rather unceremoniously dumped him; following him down we held him on his back while we used our hands to completely cover him in clay. Martin even pulled his foreskin back so that he could cover his cock tip in clay as well. We only left his face free of the grey slime. Then we both stood back and laughed, each with his pecker at full attention and bobbing in time to our laughing. Tom also was laughing and quickly began throwing handfuls of clay at each of us. Needless to say, we were all virtually grey before we made it to the water, where swimming around removed the bulk of the dirt, and we didn't bother with rest as we knew we would still get dirty before we had finished. Tom did however make sure he cleaned his knob off as the clay under his foreskin did feel kind of rough.
About half way through the morning, Martin suggested we leave a lasting memento of our weekend.
"Like what?" Tom asked.
"It will take some work, but I reckon we should carry enough clay into that cave behind the cottage, for us all to lie down in and leave a mould of our bodies. It will dry in the cave and will be protected from the rain; it should last some time." Martin explained.
"I think we will have to carry more clay than we are willing to do our whole bodies, why don't we just do our hands and scratch our names underneath instead?" I suggested.
"Well, I kind of want to have my dick in the mould which is why I said our bodies." Martin said.
"O.k." Tom suggested, "Let's compromise. Let's do a mould of our cocks and balls and then imprint our hands either side, and write our names in the clay below. I don't want to have to carry enough clay for a whole body imprint. Speaking of which, what are we going to use to carry clay?"
"There are some empty shopping bags inside, let's try those." I suggested. With the plan now agreed we went off and got the bags and started to fill them.
"Don't put too much in a bag at a time" Martin said, "I think they might break and then we would be in the shit."
Tom and I could see the logic and so did not argue this instruction. We each half filled a bag and set off for the cave where we poured out our clay and went back for another load. Even after the ferocity of the storm the previous day, the cave was still dry and the ground quickly absorbed the extra water from our clay. After we had each carried about ten loads of clay in, we realised that doing a full body would have taken an awful lot as the 30 loads were probably only just enough for the three moulds of cock and hands to be made.
The art work began; Martin levelled out his pile and then lay down over it making sure his cock was lying in about the centre of the pile. "Please push down on my bum to make my cock go in the clay," He asked. We gladly obliged and soon he had four hand imprints in grey clay on his cheeks. We released him and helped him to get up so that the impression would be disturbed as little as possible. It was rather awesome. The shape of his cock could clearly be seen and there was an outie just above it where the clay had filled his belly button. Not so prominent, but still visible was the outline of his balls between the tops of his legs. Martin then carefully pressed his hands into the clay on either side of the mould, in line with his cock and wrote his initials and the date below it.
"That is so cool," I said. "Please help me do mine now." I asked, and began to lie down over my slab of clay. Once in position, Tom and Martin applied the pressure to my bum and then Martin slid his hand between my legs and gently pressed my balls a bit deeper into the clay. When they helped me up, the impression was even more awesome as it looked like my balls were quite a bit bigger than Martin's. I did my hand prints and then wrote my initials and the date and we moved on to help Tom. Again his balls were given the treatment and again he appeared more endowed than Martin, so we offered to help him do his over.
"No, it's ok." He responded, "If we do it again some time, it will look like I have gained more than you guys. We piled some of the loose dry sand in the cave against the edges of the clay slabs we had created and left them like that, hoping they would dry and last alright. I did tell the other two that I thought they might crack, but we agreed we would have to hope for the best as there was not anything more we knew we could do.
This had taken a lot longer than we had anticipated and agreed we needed to just go and get in the water to get ourselves as clean as possible and then go and eat our lunch and set off.
After we had finished eating we packed everything up and only then realised we had not kept out clothes to wear as we hiked home. Again we fell about laughing and decided that as punishment for being so stupid we would have to hike half way in the nude and only then could we get dressed. We had already put our shoes on and so we hoisted our packs and set off on the way home. It felt both strange and normal to be walking through the bush as naked as a bushman. Just before we got to the fence of the national park we took a break in the shade of a tree and agreed that this was as far as we needed to go in the nude as the packs were chaffing against our flesh somewhat.
"Before we get dressed, let's have a three way suck," Martin said.
"Yeah! Ok." Tom agreed and I was not about to disagree.
"How do you think we should do this?" was all I put in.
"I'm not sure," Martin admitted. "What if we lie on our sides in like a triangle?" he continued.
"Let's try it." Tom said, "I want to suck Martin's cock as I did yours this morning." He added.
We lay down and shuffled around a bit to get the positions right and then each took another's cock into our mouth for one last time together. I had also sucked Tom that morning but as we couldn't both suck Martin, I got Tom's cock again. Sticking my tongue into his foreskin, I discovered there were still some traces of clay in there and made a mental note to tell Tom afterward so that he knew to take some extra care cleaning it that night. Martin began feeling my hole again and this reminded me to try the same with Tom, who did the same for Martin. We all must have been in tune with each other as I felt Martin speed up on my cock just at the right time and so I also increased my tempo on Tom's and we all exploded virtually at the same time. It was yet another new experience of the weekend which would give me a lot of fuel for further wanking fantasies in the days ahead. After dusting ourselves off, we scratched around in our bags for the first pair of shorts and `T' shirt we could find and got dressed. "Guys, I don't suppose I need to say this, but I would rather keep certain events of this weekend between just the three of us please. I said.
"Of course." Tom agreed. "I need some time to think about all this as well."
"Not likely that I am going to blab, I like my life as it is." Martin also agreed.
Finally we set off for home on the last leg of our weekend's experience. Arriving home in the later part of the afternoon, we found Tom and Martin's parents waiting, having a quiet drink with my parents in the front garden.
"Did you guys have a good time?" Tom's mother asked.
"Yeah," we all replied as we plopped down on to the lawn having shed our back packs as soon as we had got to the house.
"I want to do it again next weekend." Tom went on to say.
"Well you know that is out of the question as we will be going off on holiday on Wednesday morning." Tom's dad said.
"And too much of a good thing makes it boring," my dad added.
My dad talking of good things reminded me of what he had done, "Dad, thanks for doing all that with the extra food and cold drinks and mattresses and so on. It was really cool and I'm glad you are my dad." I told him.
Dad actually blushed and said, "Well it was your birthday and all. I thought a little bit of help would be ok." He smiled.
"Trust you to get your priorities around." Mom said. "Note the order of thanks: food, drink then somewhere to sleep. What about the table to work at and the dish washing stuff with running water?" she teased.
"That's the `and so on'." I chirped back with a grin.
Everybody was smiling at the gentle banter. We had had a good weekend and returned to the nest safe and sound -- at least as far as they thought anyway.
"Yeah, thanks for everything, and letting us do this." Martin said to all the adults and my parents in particular.
"Thanks a lot." Tom added.
Tom's parents then stood up and said they needed to get going and so good-byes were said and they left. "Martin is going to be home alone on Wednesday night this week as we need to take his sister to see her college for next year and we will be staying in a guest house which doesn't have enough rooms for Marty to be included, so we would like to know if you want to spend the day and night with him?" Martin's mother asked me.
"Ok. By me," I said turning to look at my parents for their approval.
"We've already said yes." Mom informed me. We discussed it before you got back.
With that set up, Martins' parents took him off to his house. And I went inside to have a jolly good wash and a rest before dinner.
To be continued...
Posted: 02/22/13