The Valley Cottage

By: Rick Masters
(© 2012 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 6
A Different Birthday Present.

When lunch was finished, Tom and martin ordered me to lie down on the bed while they cleaned the dishes and then they said they would have something for me. This got my curiosity up as I was sure they had not brought anything extra in their kit, and so I was a bit confused as to what they meant. Hating doing dishes, this time I did just do as asked and went and lay down on the bed. Having had a fairly busy day already, and with the warmth of the fire and calming sounds of the rain, I started to doze off and was not aware of what Tom and Martin were talking about while they cleaned up; but I was going to find out in a very pleasant way.

I was vaguely aware of them approaching the bed as I lay there on my side, half asleep.  Tom moved over near my head and knelt down with his bum touching his heels. Martin came and knelt down next to me in line with my hips. He put his hand out and began to stroke my bum, while Tom began to play with my ear and run his fingers through my hair. This action brought me out of my sleepy state and I asked them what they were doing.

"Remember what you said you would like? Well Tom and I are going to give that to you. We've talked about it and decided what we think you would like, but if we aren't doing what you want; then let us know and we will try to get it right."

"What did I say I would like? I can't remember. I said so much." I asked.

"You said you would like to be able to just lie there and have everything done for you and not have to do anything back in return" Tom said.

"Hey, you guys! You really don't have to do this," I said, rolling over on to my back so that I could see them better.

"No. We don't," Martin said, "but we want to."

"And listen, we will also get out of it. I want to be able to feel another boy and bring him pleasure, but have never had the courage or opportunity to before." Tom said.

"Same goes for me," Martin added, as his finger drew little circles around my navel causing the muscles in my tummy to jump in a rather pleasurable way.

"What are you planning on doing then," I asked.

Tom chuckled, "Well to start with I am going to let you have my hard on as a pillow, and while your head is resting on my cock, I am going to massage it and your chest, paying particular attention to those two little bumps you seem to have there."

"And I am going to oil and rub other parts of you, and just maybe something else, but I will have to think about that a bit first." Martin continued, and held up the bottle of oil. All the time he was gently massaging my tummy and had moved a bit lower to where he was rubbing just above my cock, on the line where my main growth of pubes ended.

Tom put his hands under my head and lifted it so that he could shuffle his knees under it, and then gently lowered my head onto his lap. I didn't get his cock as a pillow because it was standing straight up and would have been more of a spike than a pillow. However, as he moved forward, I could feel his prick rubbing along the top of my head. This was quite strange, and something I had never imagined, but it did give me a bit of a thrill. I guess he was masturbating himself against my head as he moved backward and forward while massaging my chest. Whenever those ministrations reached to my nipples, I was on cloud nine, it was soooo good.

Meanwhile, Martin had been working a bit lower down, and had managed to excite every sensory nerve ending in my stomach and thighs. He had moved my legs apart and was kneeling between them and had massaged my thighs, inner, front and outer, and my tummy, without touching my cock and hardly touching my ball bag, but still I was leaking pre-cum like a fountain. His hands then moved around and worked their way under my buttocks and he lifted my pelvis a bit, calling to Tom to put something under there to hold me up. Tom bunched up the sleeping bags and blanket and rather roughly rammed them under my arse. To do this he had had to let my head go down between his legs and lean over me, kneeling with his knees up against my shoulders. This did present me with an upside down birds-eye view of his goodies as well as his arse crack and even a bit of the puckered hole. This was yet another new experience for this weekend. There had already been so many things which I had never experienced in the past. I think it would take me a month to go over and remember them all. Tom then returned to doing his work on my chest; but instead of putting my head back in his lap, he left it on the bed. I think if he had tried to lift it up onto his legs again, it would have made me very uncomfortable with my pelvis also raised in the air. But this did mean that Tom's cock, instead of rubbing along the top of my head, (and lubricating my hair with his pre-cum) was now swinging above my eyes, or rubbing across my forehead and when he did a long stretch to reach further down my torso, sliding over my cheek.

With my pelvis raised, Martin was able to reach further around and soon found my own puckered hole and started to give it a finger massage/tickle. Then I felt a warm breeze blowing over my cock and ball bag. It was Martin's breath. Suddenly, finally, oh and it was heaven, Martin was at last sliding his finger up and down my shaft. Only, it wasn't a finger. It was his tongue – hence being able to feel his breath in that area. The realisation hit me – Martin was licking my cock. His tongue was lapping up the precum that had run down the length of my cock. The thrill of this caused me to shudder involuntary and just as involuntarily to let out a groan of pure ecstasy.

"What's wrong?" Tom asked in alarm as the shudder and groan came at the same time.

"This is pure joy. It's awesome. It's, it's ..." I just couldn't find the words to express what I was feeling. My best wank paled into total insignificant oblivion compared to this.

Martin didn't say anything because he had now proceeded to engulf my whole cock with his mouth and was using his tongue to excite my cock head almost beyond what I could bear. In addition to this, he now had one hand stroking and tickling my scrotum, gently rolling my balls around inside the sack, while the other hand continued the ministrations on my bum and its centre point.

Needless to say, it was not very much longer before I could feel the build-up coming and I called out to Martin in particular, "I'm going to shoot, I'm going to cum!" Instead of taking his mouth away and jerking me to orgasm with his hand as I thought he would, Martin continued to give me the blow job. "I'm really close now." I warned and exploded straight into his mouth. It was the strongest orgasm I had ever experienced and even if I did not shoot great volumes of cum, after all I had already off loaded once that day, I continued to contract and pump until I had to plead with Martin to stop as I could not stand it any longer. The feelings were so intense; I thought my body might just explode like my cock had.

"Gee, thanks guys. That was fucking awesome; you just can't believe it. But Martin, I'm sorry I blew into your mouth, I tried to warn you."

"You did warn me and I ignored it because I wanted to eat your cum." Martin said.

"You did? What was it like?" I demanded to know.

"It was nice," Martin said, "Different, but nice."

"I don't think I could even get my mouth near a cock, let alone eat the cum." Tom said. He was still kneeling over my head and just at that moment, his cock was pointing the way down the middle line of my face, with the tip of his foreskin just over my lips. He had a huge drop of pre-cum which dripped and dangled until the thread it was hanging by stretched enough for the drop to reach my lips. I put out my tongue and tasted it. It's saltiness appealed and so I lifted my head and let my tongue run over the end of his cock as my head dropped back to the floor. Tom almost jumped; he got such a fright because he was not expecting it.

Seeing it, Martin yelled, "Atta-boy Rick,"

"What do you think of that Tom?" I asked.

"It was good," he admitted, "A shock, but very nice."

Martin then said, "I know you used the `f' word just now, Rick, but I think in this one case we should make an exception. Don't you Tom?"

"I didn't even notice, so I guess we will have to." Tom answered.

"Sorry and thanks," I simply replied, and yawned. I was suddenly quite weary. "What you want to do now? I could actually handle a bit of kip." I continued.

"Sounds like a good idea. Still raining outside, and not much else to do inside." Tom agreed.

"I'm game for that also," Martin added. "Now if we could just get this sex starved boy to move his sweet ass, we can all get under the covers for a bit of shut eye."

We shuffled around so that we could get the one sleeping bag over us and lay down as we had the night before. Me in the middle and all of us totally naked, and were soon mimicking the cartoon drawings of the man sawing wood.

To be continued...

Posted: 02/08/13