The Valley Cottage

By: Rick Masters
(© 2012 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 5
The Morning of My Birthday

The sun rose at about 5 a.m., but as we had not got off to sleep until at least 2 hours past our normal bed-time and because we were teenagers and who gets up at 5 in the morning anyway? We did not wake up till after the sun had been shining for a while. I guess I must have stirred at about 7.00; and that stirring was something else. I woke up with the normal morning woody, but things were a bit different this morning. For a starter, on opening my eyes I looked straight onto the face of the still sleeping Tom which was a mere 6 inches from own. The first time I could recall waking up so close to another person ever. But added to this our two morning glory's were having a little fencing duel with each movement we made. As exciting as this was there was more, for Martin had snuggled up onto my back. He was facing me and had got so close that his body was touching mine from my shoulders to my thighs. He also had a hard-on, which was slowly moving backwards and forwards between my legs right up against my ass crack. Each forward thrust, rearranged my ball sack a bit. I guess this is what had woken me up, and it did not take my half-awake brain long to decide that this is a way I liked being woken up.

Martin must have realised that I was awake for he whispered very quietly in my ear, "Morning Sunshine".  I could feel his warm breath passing over my cheek as he spoke.


"Morning Randy" I replied. Then I moved my hand down to reach between my legs so that I could rub against his cock head as it moved forward. Martin reached a hand over and gently tickled my nipple for a few moments before moving his hand down to start slowly jacking my cock. My hand was in the way so I moved it over to rest on his thigh and let him continue to pump his cock between my legs. As he stroked my cock, he would hit Tom's cock and this eventually woke him up.

"You two at it again?" he queried when he realised what was happening, and threw back the covers to expose all three of us.

"Would this be the right time then to wish you a happy birthday?" He asked.

"Thanks”, I replied. Not too sure how else to answer.  I was a bit embarrassed at being caught in the act so to speak. Something which Martin did not seem to care about.

Just then Martin started to really thump into me and I realised that he must be about to come. I don't know why, but I slid my hand over his butt and began to lightly rub, or rather tickle, the cheek my hand could reach. His speeding up also involved the rate at which he was pumping my cock and I knew it would not be long before I too would be shooting. With a loud grunt and a shove that literally moved my body on the bed, Martin began his orgasm. His first blast shot out across the bed, but the rest of his ejaculation, was caught by my ball bag and began to run down the crease made where my leg joined my body. Feeling the slightly ticklish sensation this caused and I guess knowing what it was, fired my own orgasm and I shot out a load, mostly onto the bed, with a bit remaining in Martin's hand. This he proceeded to smear over my stomach and tits.

"Oh Gross!" I exclaimed, but did not make any effort to move or to stop Martin because I really enjoyed being caressed. Martin then rolled away from me onto his back and his cock which was still hard flopped back onto his belly making a light smacking sound.

"Tom, come over here and let Rick relieve your tensions, as a birthday present to him." Martin ordered.

"And what if I didn't feel like doing that?" I asked.

"I know from the way you did me last night that you like doing it and so I thought that Tom could get in on the act as he hasn't had any goodies yet this morning." Martin replied.

"I need to go for a piss." Tom said. He had neither accepted nor refused the offer and went outside to the privy leaving us in a bit of confusion.

While he was out Martin said, "If he accepts you doing him, I'll get our breakfast ready while you do it."

"No ways. We all need to help with the chores." I objected.

At this Martin sat up, and swung a leg over me so that he could sit straddling my hips with his bum holding my still slightly stiff cock down. He then proceeded to tickle me whilst saying, "Today is your birthday and we are going to make it as special as we can and so you are not going to have to do any of the dull things. Tom and I will do it."

"But I enjoy doing a bit of cooking." I countered.

"Well, you can help with the meal tonight then, but breakfast is on me so go to it and give Tom a good old wanking." Martin both conceded and ordered.

Just then Tom walked in and said, "I agree with Martin. I want a wank and I want breakfast and it is your birthday."

"You've been listening outside haven't you?" I questioned.

Martin did not give him time to respond because he had got up to the bed by then and Martin left off tickling me to grab Tom and pull him down next to me. "Now go to it you two; I've got work to do."

I hadn't yet had a real opportunity to look at Tom's cock and all for a while and I really wanted to have the opportunity to feel him and so quickly took up my post. I got on my knees beside Tom, facing his head and took hold of his dick in my hand.

"Use this." Martin said, and handed the baby oil to me.

I put a liberal amount on Tom's dick and smeared it around in his pubes and over his balls. I then changed positions so that I could more easily employ two hands on the job. Using my left hand to jerk him, I moved my right hand up to play with his nipples remembering how this had intensified the feelings in my cock when Martin had done the same to me. But as I am right handed I found that it was awkward to wank him with my left and so I left his nipples and swapped hands to use my right on his prick and my left to play around with his balls and between his legs. This way I was able to pull his foreskin right back and see his cock head pop out; it was a more livid colour to mine and I presumed the deeper purple was because it was covered more and so was not affected by other outside sources like mine was. Just what these outside sources might be I hadn't given a thought to. Tom really seemed to like it when I pulled the skin all the way back and then rubbed what to me is the most sensitive spot on my dick – just below the head on the underside. He must have been quite horny because it was not long before he was lifting his hips to pump his cock into my hand. I started to move a bit faster and also to rub a bit harder between his legs. With this the timing got just right one time and my hand was on a downward thrust when he pushed up and my index finger found his arse. It was only for a fleeting second and quite accidental, and I was not sure what to do, until he asked me to do it again.

"Do what again?"

"Rub my ass-hole"

"Is it nice?"

"Shut-up and just do it before I explode." He finally demanded. I did, not knowing yet just how much pleasure this gives.

"Just keep rubbing around there, pleeeease" Tom cried.

I did as requested and soon felt the contractions as he began to cum and shoot his sperm in a fountain. His first blast was so strong that it hit me in the face as I was kind of leaning over him to get my hand down to his bum.

 Without thinking about it, I stuck my tongue out and licked off the cum which it could reach. Only when I tasted this alien flavour, did I realise what I had done.  I was kind of surprised because though I had watched the next door's boyfriend getting a blowjob, and had fantasised about it during some of my solo sessions, I had thought I would be a bit grossed out if it really happened to me, but I wasn't. In fact I quite liked the taste and decided I would try it again sometime. Tom hadn't seen anything because he had his eyes tightly screwed shut in enjoying the intensity of his experience.

"Fuck me," he said, "that was fantastic. Thanks"

"Right you sex fiends." Martin called. "This bacon will be ready soon and I will do eggs as we eat so that they don't get rubbery so you best get ready for breakfast. And Tom, you just used the 'f' word so we will decide your punishment after breakfast"

"O.k. But I need a piss first." I said and got up to go outside.

As I walked out the door, Tom said, "I'll just get my shorts on."

"No you won't." Martin said, "We will eat our breakfast in the nude, unless birthday boy objects. But you can get a kettle on the fire so that we can have some coffee after breakfast."

When I walked back into the cottage, Martin asked. "How do you want to eat your breakfast, dressed or naked?"

I was quite enjoying being naked and the freedom which we seemed to have with each other so I plumbed for the naturist way and suggested that as we didn't have chairs inside, we could go outside and sit on the rocks to eat. This we did. Just as we were scraping the last bits off of our plates, Martin said he would get the coffee and went off to do that.

Tom turned to me and asked, "Do you like what we have done this weekend? I mean, does it turn you on to touch my cock and all?"

"Yes," I answered. "It is quite nice. I never thought it would happen though. How about you?"

"I have liked it when you or Martin has jacked me, and when you stuck your finger on my hole, it was something else. Does this make us queers?"

"I'm not sure. I don't think we should decide this right now anyway. I mean I'm not turned on by girls at all, but who knows, we're still young and things might change."

Martin walked out with three cups of coffee just then and added, "I would let Rick's neighbour suck my cock if she wanted. But I still have enjoyed doing it with you guys; and want to do some more."

"But you haven't sucked our cocks, or been sucked by us. What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean I would like to have some more fun with us three like we have been doing already, and I would like to have my cock sucked as well." Martin answered.

"I'm not sure I'm into sucking a cock." Tom said.

"Me neither. But I think I could handle having mine sucked." I added. "In fact I like the idea of just being able to lie there and have everything done to me without having to do anything back. But I do enjoy playing with you guys as well. I just think it would be really great sometimes to just be pleasured, slowly and fully."

"Martin," Tom asked, "Have you ever had a blowjob before?"

"Not really. There is this girl in my swim team who kissed me through my Speedo last season, but that was only on a dare that she wouldn't be brave enough and that I didn't have the balls to let her."

"Wow! How did it feel? What happened after that?" I questioned.

"I got an instant woody which was well on show and very embarrassing and the girl told me not to get any ideas. She has avoided me ever since, too. It was nice and even now I get hard just thinking about it"

We both looked at Martin and saw the truth in what he said for little Martin was standing tall and proud.

"Right, let's get cleaned up and do something." Martin suggested. I think more to change the subject from his present woody. "Tom, you used the 'f' word and so your forfeit is to wash the frying pan and utensils, while I wash the plates and cups."

"And I will dry," I offered.

"No you won't." both Tom and Martin chorused.

"We told you before," Martin went on, "Today is your birthday and we will do the chores."

"Yeah." Tom added with a broad grin, "Go and play with yourself or something. Us guys have work to do."

I must admit I did not take much persuading because I hated doing dishes. I went over to the bed and smoothed the bags and blanket out and then lay down on it, flat on my back with legs and arms spread to enjoy the freedom of being naked some more. My enjoyment was short lived because it did not take Tom and Martin long to do the dishes, and then they were calling over to me to get up and stop showing myself off.

We decided that we would go exploring again, and then have a swim before it got too hot, when we could come in for lunch.

"Should we do it naked?" Tom suggested.

"I wouldn't like to get hooked up in a thorn bush with nothing on." I answered.

"Also we don't want to get our parts sunburnt." Martin added. "And I never thought to bring any sun lotion."

"Shirts, shorts and trainers it is then." I said.

We set off with an added extra of a water bottle each as well and went scrambling among the rocks, exploring as well as playing the odd little game here and there. It was amazing how well we got on with each other and how free we felt amongst ourselves. It seemed like we had been intimate with each other for ever and were now totally comfortable talking about anything. You never can tell what a couple of group wanks can do. By mid-morning, we had gone in a big circle and found ourselves back at the cottage and decided we might as well go swimming until it was time to get lunch. We took off our clothes and being barefoot again minced our way down to the water. At least this time, we knew our clothes were in the cottage, and also we did not have so far to go to get to it. Our swimming turned into the same game as the day before and each time we were on, we aimed to tag our victim by grabbing his cock. Needless to say, we all had boners and enjoyed it.

As the sun was reaching its climax in the sky, dark storm clouds started to gather and blot the sun out. We were not to perturbed about this because how much wetter could we get anyway? However, when the lightening began to flash across the sky, we knew being in the water was not a safe place to be, and so we got out and headed for the cottage.  The clouds and rain caused the temperature to drop and being wet we felt it. Not wanting to get our clothes wet, we decided instead to build a fire and get some coffee on the go while we prepared our lunch in the nude. Again, Tom and Martin would not let me do any work on account of it still being my birthday.

"But it will get boring just sitting here by myself, while you two are busy doing things," I complained.

"O.k. then," Martin seemed to capitulate, "You can sit by the fire until you are dry and then you can sort out our bed because it looks like we will be spending the afternoon indoors and we will need somewhere comfortable to do whatever we end up doing."

"OH great!" I responded, "and Yippee-yi-aye. That's really going to keep me occupied for however long it takes you to prepare lunch."

"Look Ricky-Dickey," Tom said, "We need to feel that we can do something for you for this bloody marvellous weekend you have given us for your birthday. Please cut us some slack – hey?"

"Can the Ricky-Dickey right now. My name's Rick. And you are here so that my weekend will be great for my birthday – it’s not going to be so great if all I do is sit around in the nuddy."

"Yeah, o.k. mate," Martin said. "We hear you, and I promise you, you won't just be sitting around in the nuddy.  But I understand what you're getting at and so once you have done the bed, you can make the coffee.”

"Gee, Thanks. You're all heart." I countered.

"Listen making this lunch aint too exciting either and we already agreed you can help with the supper tonight if you still want to." Tom added.

"Yeah. O.K. guys, I'm just being an arsehole. I know you just want to do something special for my birthday, but you have already done that by coming here with me."

Tom and Martin both packed out laughing, and I realised the double meaning of what I had just said and so started laughing as well.

"That is not exactly what I had intended for you to understand from what I said." I pointed out which just made the giggles go on a bit longer.

This bit of banter did however caused some of the time to pass and being dry I proceeded to obey my instructions and straighten the bed out and then make some coffee for our lunch. This timing was near perfect and both lunch and coffee were ready at the same time.

To be continued...

Posted: 02/01/13