The Valley Cottage

By: Rick Masters
(© 2012 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 3

I have been to the cottage before with my dad, but Martin and Tom were here for the first time and were finding the exploring quite exciting. The cottage itself was just a plain, single rectangular room, about 30 by 15 feet. The front of it was one of the long walls which had the only door near the corner and a single small window.  Inside the back wall had a fireplace which doubled as a cooking area and was fitted with swinging hooks which could have a pot or kettle hung on them and then be swung in over the fire to cook.  On one side of the fireplace, was a wood bin which dad had filled and piled high. On the other side was a dresser which held cooking utensils and also doubled as a pantry cupboard. Next to the dresser was a small sink which I suddenly realised was now fed with water from the tank outside -- another of dad's surprises. When in regular use the butt would be filled with the rain collected off the roof. Now that we only used it occasionally, dad had diverted the rain water and sealed off the butt. It was this that he had come and filled with fresh water for us to use. Other than this the cottage was bare, except now for the stuff dad had put in for us for the weekend.

The cottage was nestled amongst huge granite boulders and was only about 4 yards from the water's edge when the dam was full.  Tom and Martin first wanted to look about amongst the rocks and so we scrambled up and down and around the boulders finding little hidey holes and crevices to examine. On some of the boulders there was really only one route up and so we would have to follow one behind the other, and sometimes parts of the routes were steep enough that the one on front of you would be higher than your head.

One of these times I looked up and could see right up Tom's shorts. With it being a warm day, his cock and balls were hanging low and I could even see some of his bush above his cock.  Again my own cock responded and was soon tenting my shorts.  I decided that I would just ignore it and hope that they did not make too much fun if they noticed it.

Then I had a brainwave. I would get ahead of them so that I could not look up their shorts and hopefully then would not get a hard on. With this I put on a spurt over an easier part of climb, and went past both them. My brainwave soon proved to be a bit of a problem because now on the next steep climb which I had got onto, Martin could see up my shorts and straight away noticed that I still had a hard-on.

"Well, haven't we just got a randy bugger here!" he said leaning aside and pointing so that Tom could also see my cock sticking out at right angles to my body.

"Looks like he's enjoying being free." Tom added with a laugh.

"Aw, come on, you guys; give me a fucking break will you." I pleaded.

"Maybe that's just what you need." Martin answered.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You need an opportunity to get some of the excitement out of your cock there." Martin explained. "When last did you have a wank?" he went on to ask.

I was so shocked that I didn't stop to think and said "Wednesday morning." We had never talked like this before, and the suddenness of it took me by surprise.

"Great globs of cum!" Martin exclaimed, "I can't go a day without doing it."

Tom added, "No wonder he is standing up so much. I do it at least every other day. But over three days -- no."

To steer the subject of the conversation away from what was keeping me erect, I suggested we go for a swim, to which we all agreed, and scrambled back down the boulders to the water's edge, where we suddenly stopped.

"I didn't bring any trunks with me, and I haven't got any undies either." Tom said, leaving the implication that he had nothing to wear to swim hanging in the air.

"Me neither." I added.

"None of us have," Martin said, "But we have all seen each other naked and we have had some eyefuls of cock already today, so why don't we just skinny-dip?"

And that is what we did. We stripped off our shirts, shorts and trainers and ran straight into the water.  I determined that I would stay in deep enough so that the other two could not see if I had an erection or not. As it turned out that would not be an issue in a short while.

At first we just swam around and got used to the water temperature, but then we needed to liven things up and so Martin suggested we play Marco Polo. For those who don't know this is like a game of tag in the water. One person, who is on, has to keep his eyes shut and try to tag another by finding out where they are from their answer to his call of "Marco". Once tagged you become the person who is on and the other person returns to trying to avoid being tagged. Every time the one who is on calls Marco the other players have to respond with "Polo". Usually tagging is by touching, but this time, Martin suggested that to avoid any arguments, the one who is on, has to actually hold on to the other person and count to 3 out loud.

Tom started with being on and soon tagged me as he is a much stronger swimmer than I am. I had a bit of difficulty but eventually managed to keep a hold of Martin's arm for the required 3 count. I then let go of Martin and dived off to get as much distance as I could before Martin had the opportunity to grab hold of me. He nearly got me, but his hands slid down my body without him getting a grip. He then knew that I had a stiffy because his hand slid right over it. A few moments later and a similar slip meant that Tom escaped being the next one on. Tom escaped by leaping into the air and away and Tom's hands slipped down his body and off. But when Tom jumped his cock came above the water line and it was amply evident that he too was sporting a boner; especially as his leap moved him to the shallower water and so when he came to land, the water only reached to just above his knees. I was so concentrating on looking at Tom, that I took my eye off of Martin, who managed to get around behind me and suddenly his arms wrapped around my waist (I'm sure he had cheated and opened his eyes a crack), and his hand circled my cock and squeezed while he counted first in a whisper, and then out loud. Then without letting go of me he called out to Tom to tell him I was as hard as Tom was and lifted me up so that Tom could see Martin's hand holding my dick. Then Martin let me go. I am sure I must have glowed under the water because I think my whole body must've been blushing. We played for another 10 minutes or so, without any further instances of that nature happening and decided we had better get out and start to get things ready for the evening.

Martin was the first one out and he quickly put his shorts and trainers on. Then he grabbed his shirt and also Tom's and my clothes and sprinted to the cottage which was about fifty yards along the shore line from where we were swimming. As there was a huge bed of reeds and weed, we were left with the option of spending a lot of time swimming out and around the weeds to get to the shore closer to the cottage, or getting out where were and walking in the nude the distance to the croft. We chose to be daring and so got out and started to walk back. Our next mistake! The ground was rough and our feet were soft from being submerged in water for a time, so every step was difficult and sometimes really painful.

"I'm going to give that bastard a basting when we get back!" I growled.

"And I will be right there helping you." Tom agreed.

Finally after many ow's, ouch's ooh's and ee-ah's we made it back to the cottage. Martin was sitting on the doorstep laughing fit to kill, which did not nothing to soften our tempers and so as we got to the door, I pounced on him from about a yard away. Taking him by surprise, I managed to knock him flat onto his back, while at the same time, not by design but by chance, getting a knee into his stomach, winding him. This did at least stop the laughing, but he was soon fighting back. Tom also piled in, but because I was basically blocking access to Martin's top half, Tom concentrated his efforts lower down. At first he was just punching Martin's legs, but when Martin tried to kick him away, he realized he had access up Martin's shorts. In an instant, he had a handful of pubes and was tugging with might. Martin gasped out a scream of pain and gave up begging forgiveness, but explaining that it was fun to see two boys hoping from one foot to the other with their boners bobbing up and down. His description was so funny, we couldn't help laughing, and this broke the tension; especially as both Tom and I still had raging hard-ons. And when Martin stood up, we saw that he too had an erection.

"Guess we better get on and get things sorted out now, and then after we have eaten, we can do something else." I suggested.

"Yeah, lets crack a coke and see what food your dad left for us." Tom chimed in.

"Where are our clothes Martin?" I demanded; planning on getting a bit decent before we started cooking.
"Not telling you. I want you to go naked." Came the terse reply.

"Well if we have to, then so do you!" Tom interjected.

"O.k." Martin agreed, and quickly dropped his shorts.  Now we were all naked and all sporting erections. I was beginning to wonder about the sexual preferences of my two friends, hoping that they were of the same leaning as myself.

We went over to the pantry cupboard and, opening it, found a small cool box which had 3 large pieces of steak, with another note attached simply saying "surprise".  We were overjoyed as this was definitely better than the tin of corned beef and spaghetti we had carried with us.  There was also some fresh eggs and bread rolls, and when we lifted the steak out of the cool box, there was enough bacon hidden under it for both of the breakfasts we would behaving before our return to home.

"Your folks are fucking awesome" Martin said, "I'm really going to have to suck up to them and tell them how great they are, so that they do this for us again."

"I will join you." Tom added, "I'm also going to have to tell my folks and try to get them to think along these lines for my birthday."

I was glowing with pride, but tried to also be decent about it and so said, "Well not everybody has an available cottage."

"Yeah, but it's not just the cottage, is it? It's this extra food and the mattresses and all that sort of thing as well." Martin argued.

"But, I'm sure your folks do other good things for you, you just haven't realised because they don't stick out like this. I mean this is the first time I've noticed my dad doing this sort of thing; but thinking about it I've seen him do other favours for me which I have just taken for granted."

The conversation went on in this fashion while we got the fire going and started to cook our evening meal. By the time we were ready to eat, I noticed that our boners had deflated and we were acting as if we always walked around in the nude. It is amazing how quickly you can get used to something.  Of course, my thinking about it now caused some stirrings and so I took my thoughts away from that area and soon was back to normal.

By the time we had finished eating, darkness had descended and we decided that before we did anything else, we would get our beds sorted and then decide what next to do. Martin picked up the mattress on the top and then noticed the flap sown one length with Velcro on it, and looking at the other side of the mattress he saw the counterpart of the Velcro. "Hey! These things join together like our gym mats do." He informed us.

"I know." I said, "It's so you can change them from single beds into double beds and back again depending on who's using them."

"That's neat," Tom said, "because we can put all three together so that it fits with our plan to use one bag below and one on top."

It certainly was going to make our sleeping plan more comfortable. But then it hit me, "I have a bit of a problem guys. I just realised that I didn't bring anything to sleep in. I mean, I usually sleep in my boxers, but all those are at home."

"Me neither," Tom added.

"That makes three of us," Martin said, and then suggested that we could sleep as we are now.

"Or we could wear a pair of shorts." I offered.

"Let's sort that out when the time comes," Martin said. "After all we might not go to sleep at all."

"I don't think so, I'm half knackered already." Tom argued.

To be continued...

Posted: 01/18/13