The Valley Cottage
Rick Masters
(© 2013 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 2
At last it begins
With Friday being the last day of term we were getting out of school early and the plan was for Tom and Martin to ride home on the bus with me and we would leave straight after lunch. Both Tom and Martin's parents had brought their kit around the previous evening so that they would not have to lug it all round the school on Friday.
The final bell couldn't come soon enough; but come it did and we rather excitedly climbed on the bus for the ride home. Some of the other guys on the bus knew about our weekend and showed they were quite jealous. Declaring how cool it was to be allowed to go off on our own. It did make me feel rather special since it was my doing that had got us into this pleasant state. I was quite proud.
We got home and greeted my mom, who being a star, had already got the lunch ready so that we could eat without delay and get off. We didn't even have to change because our school had a tradition of all pupils being allowed to go out of uniform on the last day of term. Our route was to go off at an angle across the sheep paddock to the game fence. A corner of the national park protruded into our farm and there was a public right of way through with stiles to get over the high chain link fence at either end of the path. We would use the stiles and take the path through the park to enter back into our farm the other side. By going this way, we would basically do one side of a triangle and it would only take us about an hour and a half to reach the cottage. Giving us a lot of daylight left to get sorted out and also have some fun and a swim in the dam before we needed to start preparing our meal.
Of course we could have had my dad take us over to the cottage on the tractor and trailer, but half the fun of the weekend was to be the hike there and back. So as soon as we had finished lunch, we hoisted our packs and set off down the path which led from our back garden through the first paddock.
"This is so fucking awesome," Martin said as soon as we were far enough away from the house to be sure we could not be overheard. We were not allowed to use bad language in front of our parents, but like all boys, used it to extremes some times when we were alone.
"I have never been allowed to do something like this before. I'm bloody glad my folks agreed to it." Tom added.
"You two knob-heads, my father was the one who actually suggested it. I think he wanted me to get out of the house so that my mom wouldn't have to make a fucking party for me." The other two both answered that they were glad he had and thought this was going to be the best weekend in our lives so far.
"Oh fuck!" I exclaimed when we reached the park fence. Instead of a style being there, there was a simply a sign which said that some conservation redevelopment work was being undertaken and that section of the park was closed until the work was completed. "This is a real bummer. Now we will have to take the long fucking route around the fence line and that's going to take fucking ages and ages. Shit!" I was a bit upset to say the least.
"Hey! Hold onto your balls there, mate. So it's a setback, but we can still make it in time, can't we?" Martin asked.
"Yeah, don't get your knickers in a knot. It's not the end of the world you know." Tom added.
"I haven't got my knickers in a knot," I retorted, "in fact I can't get them in a knot, can I? And we probably won’t' have time for more than just a splash in the water by the time we get there. Remember we have to collect some wood for a fire and all before it gets too dark to see what we are doing, and we don't have enough light to spare to spend it on doing a lot of things we can get done in the daylight."
"Why can't you get your knickers in a knot?" Martin wanted to know.
Before I could answer, Tom spurted out, "'Cause he aint got no fucking knickers on!" "Oh!" Martin seemed a bit embarrassed by this fact but soon recovered and went on to ask Tom if he also was knickerless.
"No!" laughed Tom. "You should know by now that my name is Tom, not Nicholas." "All right, Wise ass. Is the snake free to roam?" Martin shot back.
Tom in his fun mood teased, "Well, that's for me to know and you to frigging find out."
Tom then got a bit of a shock, because Martin walked over to him and grabbing the leg of Tom's shorts put his other hand up the leg, had a feel around, and announced to me that Tom was not sporting any undies "like the rest of us." Thereby declaring that he also had no underwear on.
We followed the game fence for about half an hour before coming to where the style at the other end of the path should have been. I realised then that it had not taken as long as I thought it would and was quietly a bit relieved, especially as the others wanted to stop for a rest and drink of water. We left the track to get under the shade of a tree about 20 yards away where we sat ourselves down after taking our rucksacks off. It was quite warm and I was glad that we were taking a short break. We sat down on the ground in an un-drawn triangle each facing inwards so that we could look at each other while we rested and continued our conversation. Martin sat with his knees apart but bent so that his feet were fairly close to his bum. When I looked at him, I realised that his cock was on display, and that I could actually look at it without it appearing that this is what I was doing. Although I had seen him naked, and new that he was intact; with the view I now had I could see that unlike Tom, his foreskin did not completely cover the head of his cock. There was just the tip with his cock slit showing. Tom's on the other hand completely covered his head and puckered up for about a quarter of an inch past the end of his cock head. Having been circumcised shortly after birth, I had not realised that there were differences in the foreskin length. But then the trouble started because as I was dwelling on these things, my favourite body part started to make itself known. I immediately tried to change my line of thought in the hopes that it would go down, but somehow the more I tried the harder it got.
I sat with my hands crossed nonchalantly in my lap and started to make suggestions that we should get on with our walk, hoping that this would cause a reduction in the problem, or else the other two would get up and move off giving me the chance to get up and follow behind without my tent pole being seen until it got flaccid. The others agreed and stood up, but instead of putting their packs on and moving off, they both came over to me and each extended a hand to help me to my feet.
"Oh, thanks, but don't worry, you will need your strength to lift your packs up." I said.
"Ah, we've got plenty of strength left. Come on, take our hands and we will help the birthday boy. After all what are friends for?" Tom countered.
"Yes! Come on." Martin continued, "We haven't got all day!"
And that was it. Martin reached down and grabbed hold of my arm and pulled it upward, forcing one hand to move away from covering my crotch. I just gave up then and reached up to Tom as well. They pulled me to my feet, and then Martin let go of my arm and gave my cock a little squeeze, "someone's feeling a bit woody today."
I must have blushed; I wanted to die, but then he added, "I'm glad I wasn't the first."
He then hugged me and continued, "I am sure that we will all have it before the weekend is out."
I was shocked. Martin had never shown such affection before, and the only time we had held each other was when we had been having a rough and tumble time. But this was something different, and I liked it. I liked it a lot and so I hugged him back and simply said, "Thanks."
Tom gave me a playful tap on the shoulder and said, "Come on. Let’s see how far we can get before your boner goes down." And with that we hoisted our packs and set off. For some reason we also seemed to temporarily run out of conversation. I guess each of us was having our own thoughts about what had just happened, which we didn't want to share. I knew that was true with me. I was enjoying reliving the part where Martin gave me a gentle squeeze, because that had felt so nice; and that of course kept me hard.
We had been walking for about five minutes when Tom drew alongside of me and started talking quietly. Then I felt his hand feeling across the front of my shorts, and giving my still hard cock another squeeze. "Gee, Rick, it still hasn't gone down."
"No. and neither is it, if you guys keep waking it up!" I retorted.
"What do you mean?" Martin asked turning around.
"Well. It's calling for some fucking attention, and you're giving it. Of course it will stay hard." I almost shouted back at them in my embarrassment.
"You mean you've had a boner all this time?" Martin asked, "That is real cool. I can't keep up without playing with it constantly."
The conversation was centring around my cock a bit too much and so I changed the subject by saying we needed to get a move on or else we would not make it in time to get set up and still get in some swimming and exploring before it got too dark.
Again we set off in silence and about half an hour later arrived at the cottage. Fortunately, somewhere along the way my cock lost its rigidity and returned to an unexcited normal. I took the key off from around my neck where mom had insisted I keep it so that I couldn't lose it, and unlocked the door. I pushed the door open and threw out my arm, "Dah-dhum." I tried to imitate a drum beat type fanfare and ushered Tom and Martin in ahead of me.
"Wow!" Tom exclaimed, "This is fantastic, "We're going to have a great time here." "Hey man! We've even got a table to work at." Martin said.
"What?" I almost ran in the door. Sure enough there was a folding table, all set up in the one corner, where there never had been any furniture in the past.
I realised then that my dad must have done this when he came to sort out the water tank and leave fresh water. Over in the opposite corner I saw another gift from dad. There were three foam mattresses from out our campervan.
Martin pointed to the wall behind me and grinned, "That's really cool."
I turned around and up on the wall was a banner which read, "Happy Birthday Son." I began to wonder about what else dad had set up for us, when Tom noticed that there was an envelope set up on top of the mantle over the fireplace.
"Your dad's left you a note." He said.
"Enjoy your weekend and birthday, son and friends. There is a bit of extra food in the cupboard (I know you guys are likely to get hungry) and some cool drinks in an icebox -- thought you might be thirsty after your little walk. I have also left an extra gas lamp and some matches so that you have enough light. Have fun, love Dad."
"Man! Your dad's so fucking cool. I wish my dad would do this sort of thing for me" Martin said.
Tom was quick to add, "Likewise. This is just tooooooo much!"
We were so taken in by what my dad had done that we had been in the cottage for about five minutes before we thought to take off our packs. "Shit, it's good to get this off of me." I exclaimed as I lowered my pack to the ground, noticing that dad had also swept the place out, and the usual layer of dust was not there this time.
"Hey guys. Look; dad's left enough wood for a week there and with the extra light, we don't have so much to do before it gets dark. Let's go and explore."
"I want to have a cool drink first." Tom said which we thought was a better idea and so we found the icebox and got a drink. "Hey, mine's a little bit frozen still." Martin said holding up the bottle of coke for us to inspect. There were enough drinks in the box for about six each and I reckoned the ice would keep them cold at least until morning. Being somewhat impatient, we decided to take our drinks with us and so set out to explore the area around the cottage.
To be continued...
Posted: 01/11/13