Julio – The Growing Years

 by: Miguel Sanchez

© 2006-2008 by the author


The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...



“Oh yeah, someone’s gonna get hurt all right,” he said as he reached around and started undoing the little boy’s shorts. “I think I’m going to get me a piece of this little boy’s tight virgin ass hole.”


I moved a little to my right. “Don’t you dare,” I shouted.


Just then the boy started wiggling in Peña’s arm to the point where he was able to get loose. Diaz then did something that totally surprised me. He grabbed the end of Danny’s pistol and raised it up then reached inside his coat and pulled his own out tossing it to Ruben. Peña caught the gun then pointed it at us. “Thanks pal. Now sheriff, I think it’s time for me to leave but not before you and the good Dr. Sanchez die.”


Chapter 75


Danny was trying to maintain control of his gun when I saw some movement behind the door and there was Rolando looking through the small window in the door. I knew he somehow had to open the door without making any noise so I had to keep Ruben talking and looking at me. I took a few steps more to my right and a step backwards hoping he’d step forward. “So now it’s cold blooded murder?”

Peña started towards Danny and Diaz which gave Rolando the chance to make his move. He stepped through the door shouting. “Drop the gun Peña NOW!”

Just as Peña turned his head to look at Rolando, he held his aim on us but Rolando had the man in his sights. Rolando fired one shot dropping the man but not before Peña got one off too. The gun shot startled Diaz giving Danny the chance to get his gun free. “Miguel,” Rolando shouted.

Danny backhanded Diaz with the barrel of his pistol knocking him out then quickly cuffed him. Rolando was standing beside me trying to get my jacket off. “Oh damn, what happened?”

Danny and Rolando managed to get my suit jacket off and put it under my head. “Lie still buddy, you got one in the shoulder.”

Staff started coming out from everywhere. I saw 2 people go to Ruben and fuss over him then the doctor came over to me. “Can you sit up Dr. Sanchez?”

Danny and the doctor gently sat me up as my shoulder throbbed causing me to wince. “Easy guys, this hurts.”

2 nurses came out with a gurney then I felt Rolando cradle me in his arms then set me down onto the gurney. “You just relax now Miguel. Peña’s dead and Diaz is in cuffs.”

Before they took me into the back, I grabbed Danny’s hand. “Look, call Judge Romero. Something’s definitely not right here. Also, call the Federal Police and see what you can find out about Diaz.”

I saw Danny giggle. “Miguel, will you relax now. We’ll get all that sorted out now but you need to let the doctors here take care of you.”

I closed my eyes for a moment. “I don’t suppose there’s any way I can keep this from the kids?”

Danny shook his head. “Would you really want them to keep something like this from you?”

I shook my head. “No, I guess not. Can you go to the home and let Guillermo and the adults know what happened but please, make sure the children don’t hear anything. They’ll be worried enough as it is when I get home and they see my arm in a sling.”

The doctor took my hand from Danny’s. “Come on Miguel, we need to get the bullet out of your shoulder.”

“I don’t think it’s in that deep…” I started then the doctor started laughing.

“Miguel, you’re the patient now or will I have to sedate you?”

Rolando came over then. “You listen to them Miguel or I’ll tell Angel you’re misbehaving.”

I rolled my eyes. “OK you win, let’s go doc.”

The nurses rolled me into the back and into a treatment area then began cutting my clothes off. As soon as that was done, X-ray came in and took one of my wounded shoulder. The tech was far from gentle with me and I was fighting from screaming but I lost. “Oh shut up you baby.”

Now one thing I would not tolerate from any of the staff was rudeness. “My good man…” I started but was interrupted then he pushed directly onto my wound causing me to scream very loudly.

“Now, if you don’t want another dose, you’ll lay there with your mouth shut. Got it?”

“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?” Dr. Cordero shouted as he came in then looked at my shoulder, which was now starting to bleed more heavily.”

“N…nothing doctor,” The tech stuttered.

Dr. Cordero got into his face. “Nothing, then why did this patient scream so loudly in pain I heard him up the hall?”

“I eased the film under his shoulder and I explained it would hurt a little,” The jerk said trying to cover his ass.”

I looked at the man’s ID hanging off his pocket. “Mr. Valentez, you’re fired.”

“No street bum tells me…” he started.

Dr. Cordero grabbed him by the lab coat. “Now you listen to me. That “street bum” as you called him is Dr. Miguel Sanchez and it just so happens that this man is on the Board of Directors.”

“I…I…I…” he started stuttering. “I apologize Dr. Sanchez; I had no way of knowing.”

“I see, you’re all smiles and honey now that your job is on the line but before you’re just rude and arrogant. Get out, no one on staff, no matter what their job, will be rude to anyone.”

Dr. Cordero got another tech to take the x-rays then together we saw how bad it was. “The bullet doesn’t look like it’s in all that deeply so I might be able to get it out with out too much difficulty. We’ll use a local and see how it goes. If it is really painful, I’ll take you up to the operating room so we can remove it.”

I was taken back into the treatment room where Dr. Cordero started numbing up the area. It hurt like hell at first then finally the area became numb. “Thank god it’s numb now.”

“Sorry Miguel, I know that hurt but the bullet is in deeper than I first thought.” He said as I felt pressure inside the wound. “Ahh, here it is Miguel.”

He held the bullet up so I could see it. “OK buddy thanks.”

I closed my eyes as he began to stitch me up. I think I must have dozed off because the next thing I remember was hearing Angel crying. “Oh Jay, look at him.”

“He’s fine sis,” Jay said softly. “Don’t you remember what the doctor said?”

I opened my eyes and there were my 4 children. “Don’t cry Angel.”

“DADDY,” She screamed hugging me tightly causing me to gasp.

“Easy love, I’m still a little sore.”

“I’m sorry Daddy, I’m just glad to see you’re alright.” She said holding onto my hand.

“How are ya feeling Pop?” A voice from door said.

I managed to look around Angel and saw Marco. “Hi Marco, I’m a little sore but none the worse for wear. Can someone help lift the back of this gurney so I can sit up some?”

Jay and Marco came over and eased the head up until I was comfortable. The 5 of us had been talking for a few minutes when Dr. Cordero came in followed by Danny and another guy in a suit. Dr. Cordero looked at the wound to see if it was draining and there was some blood on the dressing. “Miguel, you were very lucky that the only damage here was done to the muscle. This is draining more than I hoped it would so I think I’d like to admit you so we can keep clean dressing on this.”

I looked up at him. “I have an R.N. on staff at the home so he can do the necessary dressing changes.”

Angel came over to the other side of the bed. “I think he means more than that Daddy.”

My little Florence Nightingale. “Yes Angel, I know what else he means. I need my rest.”

She started nodded her head. “That’s right but I also know you too well too.”

I rolled my eyes hoping someone would come to my rescue but I was going to have to go this alone. “OK darling, you win. I’ll take it easy and besides, this arm will be in a sling.”

Marco looked over from the head of the gurney then down to me. “If you start over doing it Pop, it’ll be more than your arm that’s in a sling.”

That got loads of laughter from everyone. “OK Mr. First Year Med Student, you all win.”

Dr. Cordero put his hand on my good shoulder which I’m glad was my right, this way I could still write. “I’ll get your discharge papers ready.”

He turned to leave. “Hold up, while you’re out there I need you to find out the status of another ER patient. The name on the chart might still be Jane Doe or it could have been changed to Victoria Ruiz.”

He nodded his head. “OK, I’ll see what I can find out for you Miguel.”

After he left, Danny and the new suit came over. “Miguel, this is Inspector Franco from the Federal Police. I called their office about Diaz to see what they knew.”

Just then Franco took over. “Dr. Sanchez, the man pretending to be Insp. Ernesto Diaz was/is an imposter. The reason I know this is because the real Ernesto was my partner for 5 years before he was killed in the line of duty. So when Sheriff Vasquez called me, I knew right away something was wrong.”

That answered a lot of questions except one. “OK then who is he really?”

He was about to answer when Rolando came in. The suit looked at him then over to me. “Does the name Rafael Curtis mean anything?”

I shook my head but Rolando answered. “I know that name.”

The suit looked at him. “Where do you know it from?”

“The FBI Academy,” He replied. “I just graduated from there before I came home. He’s wanted in the US and a few other countries for the manufacture and distribution of child pornography, plus a few other things. They have a big file on him with everything except a photo.”

The suit nodded his head. “That’s right because he’s always been several steps ahead of us hiding out in a country where we can’t get our hands on him. Add to it, he’s had more plastic surgery then I care to think so his appearance is always changing.”

I listened intently and waited for them to stop talking. “OK so who is getting first crack at him?”

Danny stepped in then. “We are because he’s sitting in our jail.”

I looked at Danny. “Can you link him to the tapes you have?”

Danny nodded. “When I went to meet Insp. Franco, I brought the tape with me. They are going to inspect it as they have seized several other tapes they know for sure were made by him.”

“Now all you have to do is find out where that guy was living so you can conduct a full search of his place.”

Franco was nodding. “We knew where he lived but we just didn’t know it was Curtis because we’d never had a photo of him. We will take his prints and send them to the FBI so we can have a solid identification on him. Once we get that, getting a search warrant will be easy.”

Danny shook his head. “We have him on some solid local charges now which is enough to get the search warrant and start going through his place.”

I was just glad the guy was off the street and wouldn’t be making any more movies. Just then Dr. Cordero came in. “Here are your discharge papers Miguel. I would have been back sooner but it took me a little while to find out about that patient. Her chart wasn’t easy to locate. She died after suffering a heart attack. The staff worked on her for good while before finally pronouncing her.”

Something here wasn’t adding up. “Did you do a pelvic on her considering this was a rape?”

Cordero nodded his head. “It’s standard procedure Miguel, you know that.”

I nodded raising my right hand. “I know. I need you to get an uncontaminated sample of Ruben Peña’s blood and see if the blood types are the same. If they don’t match, Danny, see if you can get a court order for Rafael Curtis. One of those 2 did a number on Ms. Ruiz.”

Danny and Franco were staring at me. “Miguel, we’re on this,” Danny started. “You need to rest and let that arm heal.”

He was right then one more thing hit me. “Danny, did you get an ID on who that man and woman were that deputy found out by the airport?”

Rolando wiggled around the bodies. “That had come in when I was booking Curtis. They are Dennis and Lesley Barnes.”

I closed my eyes and sighed. “This has been a real nightmare. Joey’s uncle is dead as is Chad’s parents. I don’t think it will really matter one way or another to Joey about his Uncle considering all he tried to do to him but Chad is another story. Danny, are you still serious about wanting to adopt Chad?”

Rolando looked at his Dad. “Yes I am Miguel. I’m looking to retire in a few years and I want to be able to enjoy time with all my boys.”

Rolando had a quizzical look on his face. “Who’ll take over as Sheriff Dad?”

I wasn’t about to touch that one as a look of total surprise came on Danny’s face as he looked at his son. “I can’t believe you asked that.”

Rolando smiled. “I just hadn’t really thought that far ahead Dad. I just started my career here and I have a lot to learn.”

Just then I heard a page. “Dr. Sanchez, Dr. Sanchez.”

I had Jay help me sit up so I could stand up. I called the page operator and it was Dr. Miles letting me know Andrea wanted to see me. “That was Dr. Miles; Andrea wants to see me.”

Angel was the first to step in. “Oh no Daddy, you need to rest.”

Steven stepped in. “Baby will you calm down. Andrea is one of Dad’s patients and still in his care until she leaves the hospital.”

Steven handed me a clean shirt he and Angel brought then Jay helped me get dressed. I had just finished getting changed when a nurse came in. “Dr. Sanchez, Dr. Cordero wants your arm in this sling.”

I knew that was coming. She helped me get my arm situated in it then she handed me my discharge papers. “I’m going to see Andrea for a few minutes then I’ll have Jay bring me back to the home. Oh, before I forget, would one of you let Guillermo know I will need to talk with him then Joey and Chad.”

Steven nodded his head as everyone started to leave the room. I then looked at Danny. “There is still one thing that it puzzling me here and that is what role Victoria played in all this.”

I could see Danny’s mind in gear. “That is a good question Miguel. Maybe when we search Curtis’ house we’ll get some answers.”

I hoped he was right. As I started to leave, the nurse returned with a wheelchair. “Now Dr. Sanchez, you know the rules. Discharged patients have to be taken to their cars in a wheelchair.”

I smiled and nodded. “That’s right except I’m not leaving the hospital just yet. I have a patient to see in maternity.”

She decided not to push things and moved out of the way. Jay and I headed to the elevator and got off on the maternity floor. I knew as soon as Andrea saw my arm in the sling what her first words would be so I was glad I’d thought of a way to down play the whole thing. I knocked on the door then waited until I heard her voice. I pushed the door open and there she was feeding her son. No sooner had I waked in when she saw my arm. “Oh my god Papa, what happened?”

Jay stepped in before I could get the first word out. “Dad was trying to help a boy in trouble. He looks bad but he’s going to be just fine.”

Andrea smiled up at me. “That’s so like you Papa Miguel. When do you think I can leave the hospital?”

I thought for a moment. “You just gave birth today. You’ll need a couple days to recover then you and Juan Luiz can begin your new lives.”

She was smiling. “Yeah, but not before I show him off to everyone.”

I was admiring little Juan when Dean came in. “Miguel, can’t you stay out of trouble?”

“I was Dean but I zigged when I should have zagged.”

Dean rolled his eyes then went over to look at Andrea. Jay went over and held little Juan while she was examined. I couldn’t help but admire the little bundle of joy my son was holding. I tried to raise my left arm but it didn’t want to cooperate so trying to hold him was out of the question. “He’s a beautiful baby Dad.”

I smiled and ran my finger down little Juan’s nose bring out a huge smile and giggle from him. “There’s no denying that son. I think Luiz would be proud he has his name.”

Dean finished his exam on Andrea. “I think you and your son will be able to go home in a couple of days. I do want you to take it easy when you get home.”

She smiled at the news. “Don’t worry Dr. Miles, I’m sure my Mom will see to that.”

Jay handed Juan back to Andrea then we got ready to leave. “I’ll check on you tomorrow sweetie but now I need some rest.”

Jay and I made our way downstairs then out to the Blazer. “Dad, what would you think of me if I said I wished Rafael Curtis was sent back to the US?”

I put my arm around his shoulder. “Son, I won’t think anything different about you. I think capital punishment has its place.”

“So you won’t be adverse if he was sent back then?”

I shook my head as he held the door open to the Blazer. “No, not at all but that’s for the courts to decide.”


Danny and Rolando pulled into the parking lot at the office then headed inside. As soon as they entered, they saw a man in a dark suit sitting down. Rolando walked over to him. “May I help you?”

The man pulled out his credentials. “I’m Special Agent Brian Douglas, F.B.I. I got your request for Curtis’ fingerprints so I decided to special deliver them.”

Danny walked over and stuck his hand out. “I’m Sheriff Danny Vasquez. I don’t think you made a special trip down here just to being us his fingerprints did you?”

The man handed Danny the envelope then shook his head. “No Sheriff I didn’t. I also have extradition papers on him.”

To be continued...


Posted: 10/24/08