Julio – The Growing Years

 by: Miguel Sanchez

© 2006-2008 by the author


The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...


I grabbed my jacket and keys then hurried over to the school. I signed in then made my way to the boy’s locker room. I found the teacher’s office and was surprised to see Gerald sitting there as I went inside. “Pop,” Gerald shouted as he came up to hug me.

The teacher tried to reach for him but I turned putting myself in between him and my boy. “Now, what’s the problem?”


Chapter 64

The teacher sat down. “We have a serious problem Mr. Sanchez. I received a complaint from one of the other students regarding your boy’s illicit behavior.”

I looked at Gerald then over to the teacher, “Illicit behavior?”

He started getting really snotty. “That’s what I said. It seems Flemming here was staring at the boys in the shower.”

“That’s not true Pop,” Gerald said interrupting. “Ask Matt.”

I rubbed his back trying to calm him down as the teacher continued. “I didn’t give you permission to speak Flemming. As I was saying sir, one of the boys told me he had been gawking at a number of the boys as they showered. I will not tolerate fags.”

“That’s just about enough Mr. Donavan,” I said firmly. “No one will use that term in my presence or around my son. Next, I want to see Matt Miller and this boy who has made this allegation.”

Mr. Donavan shook his head. “I’m sorry but that is out of the question. I called you merely as a courtesy as this matter has already been dealt with.”

I was livid. “All ready been dealt with?” I asked looking at Gerald.

I could see him fighting back tears. “He.”

“Silence Flemming,” Mr. Donavan shouted. “You will speak when you’re spoken to.”

I slammed my fist onto his desk. “You’ll not yell at my son like that.”

He stood and got into my face. “You don’t know who you’re dealing with.”

I didn’t flinch. “Nor do you.”

He got a smug grin on his face. “Oh and just who the hell do you THINK you are?”

“I happen to be a very respected physician.”

I could see his look change but he kept the attitude. “As I was saying, I’ll not have any boy in MY class behaving as he did today. This matter was severe and was dealt with accordingly.”

I went over and sat down then had Gerald stand in front of me. “Now son, what did he do to you?”

Gerald was very nervous. “He gave me a choice Pop. I could be suspended or…”

“Silence,” Donavan shouted.

I’d had enough. “Gerald, go get your things together, we’re going to the principle’s office.”

“Freeze Flemming,” the teacher shouted but I opened the door and my boy left.

“You don’t have a clue who you’re dealing with. If I find out you put 1 finger on my son, I’ll see to it you won’t be able to clean a toilet in a school for the rest of your life.”

I left slamming the door behind me. Gerald was sitting on a bench in front of his lockers when I found him. He flew into my arms sobbing, “Oh Pop, he, he.”

He managed to step back then he pulled his gym shorts and brief’s down. He turned around and his butt was bright red. I wanted to beat him senseless but that would not solve a thing. I pulled his underpants and shorts up then took his books. We left the locker room stopping at his next class. It was one that he shared with Matt. I talked to the teacher and she excused both boys. When we walked into the office I immediately started looking around. I found what I was looking for then we headed for the principle’s office. “Excuse me sir, you can’t just barge in there.”

I ignored the woman. When the 3 of us were inside, I closed the door. “I’m sorry sir, but I have a meeting.”

I led Gerald over to the man’s desk then turned him so his butt was facing the man then gently lowered his shorts and undies. “Do you allow this in your school?”

I was looking right into his face and I could see the shock on it. “No teacher here would ever do that sir. Umm, I didn’t get your name.”

Matt hadn’t seen what I’d shown the man so he pulled Gerald’s shorts and undies out so he could look. He turned his boyfriend around and saw Gerald crying. He wrapped his arms around him holding his as he cried. I looked at the principle. “My name is Dr. Miguel Sanchez and this is my foster son Gerald Flemming. Now you have exactly 30 seconds to tell me why your PE teacher just assaulted this boy.”

The man was in shock. “Dr. Sanchez, please believe me when I say I had no idea this was going on. No student has ever reported anything like this ever. I’m Mr. Murdock, the principle. Gerald, can you tell me what happened?”

Gerald looked at the man and started to shake. “It’s OK son, no one will lay a finger on you.”

I handed him some tissues from a box on the man’s desk. “I don’t really know Pop. When I got out of the shower, Mr. Donavan called me into his office. He said a kid accused me of staring at the other boys.”

Matt interrupted. “That’s bull Papa Doc. Gerald stood beside me in the showers and we were facing each other. There’s this jock named Harry Moore who thinks he’s hot stuff and he’s the teacher’s pet. He’s always pushing us smaller kids around and yesterday I saw him hit Larry Carlton right in the balls and Mr. Donavan didn’t do anything except bring Larry into his office.”

I looked at Mr. Murdock. “Can you get Larry Clayton and Harry Moore down here?”

Mr. Murdock called out to his secretary and had the 2 students report to his office. The first one to arrive was Larry Clayton. As soon as he walked in I recognized him as a patient Paul had operated on. He saw me standing there and smiled. “Hi Dr. Sanchez, what brings you here?”

He then saw Matt and Gerald and his face sank. Matt went up to him putting his arm around his shoulder. “What happened yesterday in Mr. Donavan’s office?”

Larry shook his head, “Nothing.”

Gerald turned around and showed Larry his butt. Larry started shaking as Matt held onto him, “Nothing Larry?”

Larry turned around and lowered his trousers and boxers. Matt gasped. “Mr. Donavan did this. He gave me a choice. Either an in school suspension in his office for 3 days or he take the paddle to me.”

Mr. Murdock was furious. “Why didn’t you come and report this son?”

Larry looked down. “He said if I did, he’d have me expelled.”

I stepped in then. “Why did he say he’d have you expelled?”

Larry started crying. “B…because he’d say I was looking at guys in the shower.”

Matt hugged him then leaned close to his ear. “Were you?”

Larry turned red. “You can’t help it. I mean everyone’s naked.”

“That’s no reason for Mr. Donavan to do what he did,” Mr. Murdock said. “Besides, he’s just cost himself his job. Touching a student like that is against the law.”

Just then there was another knock on the door. The door opened and in came another student and his clothes looked messy. “Well, all the fags are here.”

“Shut it right now Mr. Moore,” Mr. Murdock said. “Why are your clothes so messed up?”

Matt stepped closer then looked at me. “Yeah Harry, why ARE you clothes so messy?”

“None of your business fag.” Harry spat back.

I stepped closer to the teen but he tried to step back. Larry and Gerald were behind him and when I sniffed, he reeked of sex. “Young man, watch you language. I’m a physician and I know the smell of sex and it’s all over you.”

“You know nothing man,” Harry said, trying to act tough.

Matt touched his butt and he jumped. “I know what cum smells like dude and your mouth reeks of it.”

I gently put my hand on his shoulder. “Harry, no one here is trying to put you down. Is Mr. Donavan forcing you into something?”

He shook his head, “No!”

Matt looked at me then I nodded my head. “Harry, is he your boyfriend?”

Harry’s head snapped over then his face sunk. I lifted his head up. “Talk to us son, please.”

Harry tried to sit down but his face showed pain but he managed to find a comfortable way to sit. “I…I thought h…he was.”

I sat down beside him. “You thought he was? Why are you having trouble sitting? Did he put his penis inside you?”

Harry nodded his head. “Yes sir. He said he wanted to love me. I was scared because he was so big. H…he p…promised he’d stop if it hurt and I begged him to but he didn’t.”

I looked at Mr. Murdock. “I need to take him down to the nurse’s office.”

Harry’s face showed that of fear. “No please, no woman, not the nurse.”

I gave him a reassuring smile. “I’m a doctor son; I’ll be the one looking at you. Is that OK?”

“You mean you still care?” Harry asked as tears fell. “I’m a fag.”

Matt put his finger on Harry’s lips. “Stop it Harry. I hate that word.”

I had one question. “Harry, did you tell Mr. Donavan Gerald and Larry were staring at your crotch?”

He looked down. “Yes sir. That was supposed to be a signal when I wanted to fool around with him.”

Gerald got mad then pulled his pants down. “Look at this Harry.”

“Oh my God,” the teen said in shock. “I swear I never knew that.”

Gerald pulled them back up then got into Harry’s face. “Then answer me this, if you’re gay too what’s with calling all of us here fags?”

“I’m sorry; I didn’t want to be outted so I picked on others.”

Matt stood beside Gerald and took his hand. “Man that was a real shitty thing to do. If you were in the closet we sure as hell would understand and not out you but calling us fags then having Donavan beat us sucked.”

Harry reached out and pulled the others closer. “I know and saying I’m sorry isn’t much but I really mean it.”

The boys forgave him then I had Harry show me where the clinic was. I showed the school nurse my ID and told her Mr. Murdock said I could examine Harry. She closed the door on the way out then Harry slowly undid his trousers. He slid them and his boxers down in one move. I patted the table so he kicked his shoes off and removed his pants. I found some rubber gloves then put them on. “Harry, you realize I’m going to have to report this.”

He looked down. “I know sir. All the guys are gonna know I’m queer now.”

I shook my head. “No they won’t son. The report is going to read rape. I know you agreed in the beginning but you told him to stop and he didn’t. That’s when he crossed the line. He turned what was supposed to be a loving act into rape.”

Harry looked up at me. “How do you know this?”

I smiled and sat beside him. “Harry, I have 2 grown sons who love each other.”

He looked surprised. “That doesn’t bother you?”

I smiled at him. “No, not at all, they’re my sons and I love them unconditionally. I knew when they were younger than you that they were gay and they loved each other.”

He put his head against my shoulder. “My parents are going to freak out big time.”

I put my hand on his shoulder. “Don’t sell them short son. Now lie back and let me take a look at you.”

When he was lying down, I looked around and found some swabs inside plastic cases. I got one out and decided to use that to swab the inside of his rectum so I could try and get some of Donavan’s semen. I turn back and Harry had his legs up. “OK Dr. Sanchez, please don’t hurt me.”

I rubbed his leg trying to relax him. “I’ll talk you through everything son.”

I looked at his anus and he was really swollen. I could see a little dried blood and a small tear. After showing him the swab, I gently inserted it then collected a sample. I found some gauze pads and sterile water. I used them to clean him up and saw the tear wasn’t bad so I didn’t feel he needed surgery. “How bad is it?”

I finished cleaning him then patted his leg indicating he could get dressed. “It’s not as bad as I thought it might be. You’re swollen and bruised and there’s a small tear in your rectum but that should heal in a few weeks. All in all, you’re none the worst for wear. You should soak in the tub for a few days until the swelling goes down.”

Harry got dressed then we went back to Mr. Murdock’s office. When Harry and I walked in there were 4 others sitting down. Harry gasped and tried to crawl inside my body. “He’s gonna kill me.”

One of the men got up and held his arms out towards Harry. “It’s OK son, come here.”

Harry bolted over falling into his father’s arms, “Oh Daddy.”

The man talked softly to his son as he calmed him down. “Mr. Murdock told us what happened.”

Harry looked up at his father. “Y…you don’t hate me?”

The man wiped his son’s tears then kissed him on the cheek while smiling gently. “Not at all son; I’ve suspected for a while now and as long as you were happy that’s all that mattered.”

Mr. Murdock called out to his secretary and asked that she call Mr. Donavon to his office.

I was introduced to two police officers from juvenile division and I briefly told them of the damage I’d seen on Harry. The looks on the men’s faces told me they were not happy with the teacher’s actions. Before the teacher arrived, Harry’s parents and the police officers left the room. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. “Enter.”

Matt, Gerald, Larry and Harry were sitting down. When the man came in, I wanted to give him a grievous bodily injury but I stayed put. Donavan looked around then glared at me. “Well, what have we here? Flemming, you realize you’re in some very serious trouble now, don’t you?”

Mr. Murdock was in no mood for Mr. Donavan’s antics. “Quiet Mr. Donavan. These young men have made some very serious charges against you.”

The man smiled trying to deflect suspicion away from him. “That’s understandable considering what they’ve done sir. Mr. Moore came to me and informed me of the despicable behavior of Flemming and Clayton. The boys in the shower should not have to worry about being stared at by perverted boys.”

Mr. Murdock sat up and stared at Donavan. “So you decided to handle the problem yourself?”

I saw his Adam’s apple start moving up and down real fast. “Uh yes I did. I sat them down and counseled them.”

Gerald was looking right at him and I thought he was going to run over and cold cock him but he just squeezed the arm of the chair until his knuckles turned white. Murdock stood glaring at him. “Oh really and just how did you counsel them?”

Gerald could no longer remain quite. “Yes Mr. Donavan, how did you counsel me? Come on man, tell us OR DO YOU WANT ME TO?”

Mr. Donavan’s head snapped over to Gerald. “Silence Flemming.”

Mr. Murdock had heard enough. “No Donavan, you get quiet and right now. I’ve seen what you’ve done to two of these boys and your acts were criminal. I’ve also been informed of what you did to Harry Moore today.”

Donavan started sputtering. “Now, now it wasn’t like that at all. Tell them Harry. Gerald, I didn’t really hurt you. Larry, tell them.”

Just then the door opened and Harry’s parents along with the police came back in. The 2 officers got Donavan to his feet and cuffed him as Mr. Moore stood in front of him. “You had love in the palm of your hand but you abused it. When you let your hormones take over, you destroyed any chance of ever getting it back.”

Harry stood beside his father. “I loved you and would have done anything for you but when you broke your promise today, it’s over.”

One of the officers looked at the other boys sitting there. “What did this man use to strike you with?”

Larry looked down and tears started to fall as Gerald took his hand. Larry started shaking his head but Gerald answered. “A paddle and it’s a big one.”

I started to stand but Matt ran over and quickly sat on my lap. “No Papa Doc, don’t.”

The officer looked at Gerald. “Do you know where it’s at?”

He looked at me then back to the officer as he stood. “Yes sir and I can show you.”

Donavan sunk down in the chair he was sitting in as Gerald took an officer by the hand leading him out of the office. Things got quiet then a man burst in grabbing Donavan. “I’ll kill you, you son of a bitch.”

The officer wrapped his arms around him as Larry started crying. “NO DADDY NOOOOOOOOOO.”

The man stopped struggling so the officer let him go. The man turned around and saw his son crying. He leaned down and scooped him up into his arms. “Oh son, are you alright? I’ll kill him.”

“No Daddy,” Larry cried. “Don’t hurt him then you’ll go away. I need you.”

The man held his son and caressed his back. “You’re right son. Are you hurt?”

Larry’s cries eased down to a few sniffles and hic cups. “A little Daddy. My butt still stings some.”

I looked over to the officer. “Can you take him out of here? I want to look at Larry.”

The man looked at me scowling. “Who are you to look at my boy?”

Larry took his Dad’s face into his hands. “It’s OK Daddy, that’s Gerald’s foster Dad, he’s a doctor.”

He set Larry down then extended his hand. “I’m sorry doctor. Please see if you can help him.”

Larry eased his pants and underwear down and his cheeks were a bright red. “His bottom is red but I don’t see any bruises. Some children’s Tylenol and a little soaking in a warm bath should help. If you should see any bruises start to form, bring him to his doctor.”

Gerald and the other officer came back in. The officer was holding what looked like a cut off cricket bat. Just then I heard Donavan laughing. “Congratulations you stupid cops, you didn’t have a warrant.”

The officer holding the bat stuck his head out the door. “This is school property and we don’t need one because Mr. Murdock gave us permission to search the office.”

Donavan was screwed. We started leaving Mr. Murdock’s office and I stepped in front of Donavan. “If I were you, I’d be begging the DA to make a deal. You’re toast and you know it.”

Mr. Moore was talking with one of the officers and Harry was in tears. “No Dad, I don’t want someone else looking at me, please.”

The officer patted Harry on the shoulder. “I know it’s embarrassing son but you need to be examined and we need the evidence.”

Harry looked over at me through his tears. “Dr. Sanchez, can you help?”

Gerald and Matt looked up at me with their puppy dog eyes and I was putty. I walked up to Harry and smiled at him. “I’ll help if I can Harry. Officer, I have privileges at Children’s Hospital in Norfolk and I’ve examined abused children before.”

The officer looked at his partner and he nodded his head. “OK Doc, we’ll meet everyone at Children’s.”

Gerald looked up at me. “What am I gonna do Pop?”

I thought I’d have a little fun with him. “Well son, I guess you’re going to have to come with me. I can’t leave you alone.”

His face sunk as Matt tugged on my arm. “Papa Doc, Mom and Dad can watch him.”

Gerald’s face lit up. “Can I Pop, please?”

I tried not to smile but I couldn’t which left me open to them. “Papa Doc, you’re mean doing that to him.”

I took the boys by the hands. “I love pushing your buttons boys. Let’s get going so I can get back home.”

Before we left, one of the officer’s wanted to get a few photos of Larry and Gerald’s bottoms. When they dropped their pants, their faces were as red as their backsides. I got Matt and Gerald over to Barbara’s house then hurried out to the hospital.

By the time I arrived, Harry and his parents were waiting on me. Harry was smiling as he came up to me. “Thanks for doing this for me. I didn’t want anyone else seeing me like this. When you talked to me before, I felt really at ease.”

I walked with Harry as he went back to his parents. Mr. Moore came up. “I know you heard what I told Donavan. I guess you think…”

I shook my head. “That’s not for me to judge sir.”

Harry put his arms around us. “Dad, Dr. Sanchez and I talked some. He has two sons who are gay. He understands.”

“I know legally it was wrong. If Harry was happy and not getting hurt, who am I to judge?”

Mr. Moore smiled. “Thanks Doc.”

“Harry, does your Mom feel the same way?”

He smiled. “Yeah and it was her who had to talk sense into Dad. She was the one who figured out I was gay.”

Nodding my head, I put my arm around his shoulders. “Harry, I am a little disappointed in you though. You’re 16 and you had your parents blessing about your sexuality yet you had to act superior over the other students. Gerald and Larry got paddled after you went to Mr. Donavan with your little cue phrase.”

Harry hung his head. “I didn’t know that was happening Dr. Sanchez, honest. If I had, I would have stopped it right away.”

He leaned his head on my shoulder. “Alright son, I believe you but what about the attitude you had when you came into Mr. Murdock’s office.”

Mr. Moore heard my question. “What attitude son?”

Harry looked at his father and could tell he wasn’t happy. “Umm, it was nothing.”

I turned his head around so he could look me in the eyes. “That was nothing son? Calling Matt, Gerald and Larry fags is nothing?”

Mr. Moore spun his son around. “Harry Alvin Moore, you did what? You know you Mother and I raised you better than that especially after we accepted the fact that you’re gay.”

“I…I’m sorry,” Harry said meekly. “I was j…just….”

Harry’s Dad interrupted him. “You were acting like a total jackass.”

“I know Dad and I’m sorry,” Harry replied as he lost the battle fighting back the tears. “I’ve apologized to Gerald, Matt and Larry.”

Mr. Moore was shaking his head. “That’s not good enough. I’m deeply disappointed in you son. You may be the best running back on the football team but guess what?”

Harry’s head snapped up. “No Dad, please.”

“I’m sorry son but you should have thought about your actions before you started calling boys names, especially those you hate too.”

“Dad,” Harry pleaded. “I’ll make it up to them, to all of them. I swear.”

Harry’s Dad was still shaking his head when I stepped in. “OK Harry, how will you make it up to everyone?”

Harry dried his eyes. “Let’s just say I know a few things about a few members on the team. They too like calling some of the smaller kids names and picking on them. I’ll also defend anyone anybody else tries to pick on. Dad, look at me, no one’s willing to try to fight me.”

I liked his idea although it was somewhat late. I looked up at Mr. Moore and I could see he was thinking about his son’s plan. “Alright son, I’ll give you this chance to redeem yourself but you’re grounded for the next 2 weeks. That also means no car; you’ll have to take the bus just like everyone else.”

Harry hung his head in shame. “Thanks Dad for not putting me off the team. I swear I’ll make it up to everyone and that goes for your son Dr. Sanchez.”

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder. “Harry, just being his friend will be thanks enough.”

He looked up at me. “Doc, that just doesn’t seem like it's enough. From what I heard, he really got it good because of me. Gerald wasn’t looking at me today, he and Matt were off by themselves in the corner of the shower. I guess I was a little jealous too.”

I was surprised by that comment. “Why were you jealous son?”

Harry blushed. “I knew they were boyfriends. You see, I loved Mr. Donavan but I guess I’d figured out that as I got older, he would too and well, I dunno. I guess I was hoping I’d find someone more my age.”

“Son, there is still time for that,” I said giving him a reassuring smile. “It takes time to find that 1 special person. You’d thought you found it with Mr. Donavan. Now I don’t know how you two managed to start your relationship and it’s quite possible he was just using you to get what he wanted. Now, I’m not saying that is what happened so please, I’m not making accusations.”

Just then, one of the officer’s from juvenile came in. “I have some news. When my partner got Donavan down to the station, he started singing like a bird. He’s made a full confession to everything.”

That made my heart feel good as it would mean the boys would not have to testify in court. “I guess he has a conscience after all.”

The officer nodded his head. “I wouldn’t go that far Dr. Sanchez. He also told us about the relationship he had with Harry.”

Harry’s head snapped up but I could see worry on his face too. “Wh…what d…did he say?”

Mr. Moore came over and wrapped his arms around his son. “He said he was using you.”

Harry started to cry. “I r…really l…loved him.”

Mr. Moore started caressing his son trying to ease his pain. “I know you did son.”

I was angry. “So all along he just wanted to get into the boy’s pants?”

Harry shook his head. “No, it wasn’t like that. Everything that happened, I wanted.”

I lifted his chin up. “Son, based on what this officer said, I think Mr. Donavan was making it seem like that. Would he tell you how much he loved you?”

Harry nodded his head, “Yeah, all the time.”

“He’d cuddle and hold you but never try to start anything sexual although I’d wager he was kissing and caressing you, turning you on?”

Harry gasped. “How’d you know?”

I smiled at him. “Remember when I told you I have 2 gay sons? Well, I’ve seen them make out and they don’t have to say anything to the other to know what they’re thinking or want to do. Donavan did the same to you son. He’d get you turned on then leave it to you to make the request for sex.”

Harry turned around and cried into his father’s shoulder. “How could I have been so stupid?”

I rubbed his back gently. “You weren’t son. Donavan knew your teenage hormones would take over and it would only be a matter of time before you were begging to get any kind of sexual release.”

The officer patted Harry on the back, “Son, since we now have his confession, Dr. Sanchez won’t need to examine you or collect any evidence.”

Harry was still crying when he heard what the officer said. Mr. Moore looked at me concerned. “How bad is his butt Doc?”

“He has a small tear but that should heal on its own without the need of surgery. You might want to get a stool softener so it will be easier on him when he moves his bowels. Here is my card. Call me if there are any problems and I’ll be glad to take another look at him. Harry, soak in a warm bath several times a day. That should help reduce the swelling back there. I also recommend getting some pre-moistened wipes to keep the area clean so you don’t risk an infection.”

Mr. Moore reached his hand out. “Thanks for everything Dr. Sanchez. I’ll be sure to call if there are any problems.”

I shook his hand as Harry turned around. “Doc, please tell Gerald how very sorry I am and I promise to make it up to him. If anyone picks on him or any other kid, they’ll have me to deal with.”

I could see the look of sincerity in his eyes. “I’ll be sure to let both him and Matt know son. I better get going now, I’m sure Gerald is wondering where I am. If you ever feel the need or just want to talk with me, feel free to call me anytime.”

Harry gave me a huge hug and said he’d call if he wanted to talk. It was almost 7 by the time I got out to Barbara’s house to get Gerald. Matt met me at the door and I could see he was still upset. “Gerald’s soaking in the tub Papa Doc, his butt was really bothering him.”

As soon as I was inside, Matt was hugging me. Barbara came into the living room followed by Gerald who had a towel wrapped around his waist. I knelt down and my boy came into my arms. “It’s really stinging Pop.”

I turned him around and looked at his butt. It was really red and I could see a few welts. “I have some cream at home I can put on it son. It’ll take the sting out.”

He looked at me. “It won’t burn will it?”

I wrapped the towel back around him then kissed him on the nose. “No son, it shouldn’t burn. Matt, can you help your boyfriend get dressed?”

Matt took Gerald by the hand and led him down the hall as Barbara came up to me. “Matt told me how the other parents reacted. Do you think I’ll have to take any of them out of the home?”

I shook my head. “No, that won’t be necessary. Harry’s parents are both supporting him through this as is Larry’s Dad. I’m glad the parents are helping them through this. I’d hate to see what it would be like if they had to go into foster care.”

Just then the boys came back into the living room and Matt was crying as he held Gerald’s hand. Barbara knelt down as Matt fell into her arms. “Mom, that should have been me. Gerald’s been through too much.”

Barbara held him as Gerald rubbed his back. “No love, you don’t mean that.”

Matt was still crying but I could also see anger. “Yes, well no. I mean none of you deserved that and I’m glad that jerk is in jail.”

I wrapped my arms around both boys. “Yes and he’s going to be there for a long time too. When I was at the hospital, one of the officers told me Donavan confessed to everything. Gerald, none of you boys will have to tell what happened in court.”

That information lifted the boy’s spirits. “Come on son, let’s get home. I don’t know about you but I’m hungry.”

To be continued...


Posted: 07/25/08