Three Texas Swimmers
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
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Chapter 11
The Last Semester of High School
February ended and March blew in with the West Texas winds. Randy, Mike, and I maintained our after-school workouts and suckfests in the shower and I found it increasingly difficult to be a great boyfriend to Melody. She and I got along well and I really did enjoy her company. I even enjoyed going to movies or studying together for English or Civics, our only common courses. Making out was pretty nifty, too, although I think she recognized that my technique was evolving a little separate from our interactions together. She never said anything challenging, but she did say a few times that I had developed into a great kisser. I knew, of course, that I was learning some “heavier” techniques from Randy and Mike and tried to be a bit restrained when I was with her.
The bottom line to the situation was that my interest in Melody had waned a bit since my involvement with my buddies had escalated so much. Perhaps it was the newness of my interest in boys or the fact that I was actually experiencing sex with boys but not girls, but my attention was definitely mostly riveted on masculinity and the erotic nature of boys’ bodies and those of men like Coach Lane. It was almost as if I’d been wearing blinders to the charms of men all my life and suddenly they were gone. I didn’t know where I would wind up on that famous Kinsey scale, but it was pretty clear I had definitely moved off the zero point of pure heterosexuality. When I thought about attraction to other guys, I got a little nervous and anxious, but I would also get excited. I guessed it would be a sort of journey of discovery as I learned if I’d be a Kinsey-2 or a Kinsey-4.
In mid-March our spring break was scheduled. Mr. Carpenter had a big pharmacy conference to attend in Maui, of all places, so, naturally, Mrs. Carpenter wasn’t going to miss that trip. The conference was actually the week before our break but the senior Carpenters were taking an extra week to tour Oahu, Kauai, and the Big Island before returning home. They wrangled an invitation for Mike’s sister Marianne to accompany her best friend Maddie McMahon on her family trip to Orlando for the week. That left Mike alone, but Randy and I planned to keep him company as much as possible.
Friday night at the beginning of the break, Jim Byerman hosted a spring break
party. You may remember he’s the handsome wrestler who shows a big dick in his
singlet and would steal Melody from me in a heartbeat. Beautiful bastard! (I
knew you’d want to judge Jim’s “profile” for yourself, dear reader, so I got
this photo from Mike. For some unknown reason the prudish Mrs. Burford nixed it
from the yearbook.)
Sorry, I got off track on my story.
So, Friday night everyone shows up at Jim’s house, which has a 3-car garage that was emptied of vehicles and most junk for the big event. There were over 100 kids there, including Melody and me, Randy and Gretchen, Mike and Cathy, Alfred and Heather, Brady and Kim, and the whole wrestling team. Mr. and Mrs. Byerman and another couple I didn’t know were chaperoning us pretty intensely, so if there were drugs or alcohol, I never knew it. We don’t party like they do in Teen Wolf or Gossip Girl, you know!
The party was actually fun, mostly because Byerman was kept entertained by a couple of the bosomy cheerleaders, so he didn’t try to put the moves on Melody. Throughout the night, I kept noticing myself taking special notice of Byerman’s crotch, Mike’s handsome face, Randy’s sweet ass, Tony Hernandez’ flawless skin, Will Yancy’s thighs, and a number of other impressive, crotches, asses, pecs, biceps, and faces.
Once I noticed Rudy Delaria, our cute Italian quarterback, slow-dancing with Margie Mayfield. His tight jeans provided a great view of his tight ass (I think you might classify it a teenage bubble butt). As I danced with Melody, my attention was riveted on Rudy’s butt until the song ended and he and Margie separated. As he turned to face me, I couldn’t help but noticing the substantial Italian sausage stretched across his hip almost to the edge of his body. Shit! My dick started mimicking his, immediately stretching out across my hip as if it was a competition. Immediately, I pulled Melody to the punch bowl to get a drink so we could cool down.
By the time the party started winding down, my libido was raging. I knew I wasn’t getting any relief from my date since Melody is one of the “good girls” who really doesn’t go past first base. I also knew it was possible to take care of business with Mike or Randy if we could make the opportunity.
I managed to get Mike aside just long enough to say, “Can I come over after I drop Melody?”
He grinned. “Of course.”
I checked the time on my cell. A few minutes before midnight. “12:30?”
“Perfect. I’ll invite Randy.”
“Awesome!” We smiled, grasped each other’s hands to shake, and walked away.
After Party
Fortunately, Melody was tired that Friday evening, so she was happy to go home a little earlier than normal and to settle for only a few goodnight kisses. I was parked in my usual spot at the side of the Carpenters’ driveway by 12:10 and discovered Mike wasn’t there yet. I only waited a couple of minutes before Mike drove in, opened the garage remotely, and drove in. By the time he had his door open, I was standing in the garage nearby.
Mike climbed out of the car and grinned at me. “I didn’t expect you to be here already,” he said. “You must have just driven by Melody’s house and pushed her out on the sidewalk.” He chuckled at his joke.
I ignored his comment. Instead I grabbed my boner through my jeans and whimpered, “I need you, buddy.”
I think he was surprised at my openness. After a second’s hesitation, he said, “I think we’d better get you inside before you bust or something. Come on.” He went around the front of the car and across to the house door, assuming I would follow. Of course, he was absolutely right about that. I followed his beautiful firm buns into the house.
As soon as the door closed behind us and while the outside garage door was still coming down, I lunged for him, spun him around, and planted a huge aggressive kiss on his pillowy lips. He allowed me a couple of minutes to probe for his tonsils, fondle his ass, and bump our crotches together before he pushed me back. “Slow down, tiger! You’re gonna get what you want. Just give me a minute.”
He was so fucking sexy in the dim light of the moon shining through the sliders to the patio. Mike grabbed a couple of bottles of water from the fridge and led me down the stairs to his room. “Randy can’t make it,” he informed me.
When we got to his room, he took charge of the event. “Strip!” he ordered as he began unbuttoning his shirt. “We’re gonna shower.” It took me about 20 seconds to shed my Polo shirt, tennis shoes, socks, jeans, and 2(x)ist briefs. As he was completing his own strip, I walked past him into the shower and turned the water on. I stepped aside to allow the water to heat up while Mike emptied his bladder. What happened after Mike came into the shower was a beautiful and sexy, loving half-massage/half-washing that he performed on my body. I returned the favor and then he dropped to his knees to take my steely shaft into his own natural milking machine. About 3 minutes later I popped my nuts into a very satisfying blast into his mouth and throat. He sucked me gently for a minute or two before rising to kiss me and soap my dick once more.
As we dried off, I smiled at Mike and said, “Thanks, Mike. I really needed that.”
He laughed. “So I could see,” he said. After a moment, he added, “Would you like to stay?”
“Yes,” I answered, “but I shouldn’t. Mom and Dad would worry and I’ll be back tomorrow afternoon anyway.”
“No problem.”
“Do you want to cum before I go?”
“Nah. I’m tired. You can return the favor tomorrow.”
I grinned. “With pleasure!”
I finished dressing, guzzled about half my water, and kissed Mike for a minute. Then he led me upstairs. (I would follow his ass anywhere anytime. Damn!) We kissed again at the front door before he opened it and said, “Goodnight, hotstuff!”
“Night, babe,” I answered and wondered back to my car.
I was home and crawling into my own bed 2 minutes before 1:00. I was happy and a trifle guilty for having been with Mike without Randy, the first time any of us was excluded from one of our sexcapades.
Saturday Night Special
The night after Byerman’s party, Randy picked me up and drove us to Mike’s, where we switched to Mike’s dad’s Jeep Cherokee to go to Luby’s Cafeteria for dinner before going back to Mike’s for our special time together. Mike seemed a little more excited and keyed up than either Randy or I and I wondered what was causing that but figured I’d find out before the night was over.
As we went through the serving line, I was quite distracted by my two beautiful companions and also by one of the line servers, a good-looking red-head with a badge saying “Ivan” I judged to be about 6’2”. I also found the much shorter and darker Tyrell who prepared our bills to be a hot pistol. And there were the two brothers a few years younger than us in line ahead of us and the 30-something stud with his wife/date several spots behind us who also caught my attention. I was going to be ready to shoot when we got back to Mike’s!
Over dinner, I apologized to Randy for cutting him out of the action the previous evening.
“Hey, man, no sweat,” he smiled. “You didn’t cut me out. I was invited, but I felt I needed to spend more time with Gretchen than I had. It was my choice. I appreciate that you wanted to include me, but you don’t need to apologize because I couldn’t join you.”
“Thanks, Randy.”
“Of course,” Randy continued, “I expect you to take good care of me tonight.”
I smiled. “I’ll always take good care of you, stud!”
We all laughed and then concentrated on finishing our dinners. I think we were all anxious to get on to the next stage of the evening.
“I thought we might try something new tonight, guys,” Mike said teasingly just as we stood up from our table and started to walk out of the dining room.
Randy stopped and turned to face our own Greek god. “What?” he inquired.
“You’ll see,” Mike smirked as he brushed past us.
Randy and I looked at each other in surprise. “What is he planning now?” Randy asked.
“I’m not sure, but I don’t know of many things we haven’t already tried.”
As we left the restaurant, I was about 10 paces behind Mike, who was clad in some tight tan jeans that showed his butt and thighs to very nice advantage. Given what I was thinking, I looked at his firm melons with a bit more interest than I had before. My twitching and throbbing dick was showing some extra interest, too.
Back in the car, Randy took the front passenger seat, relegating me to the back. Immediately, he turned to Mike and said, “What are you planning?”
“When we had our first celebration we agreed that whatever happened would always stay between us, right?”
“Yes,” Randy and I said in unison.
“And we agreed this was a perfect way to explore male sexuality, right?”
“Uh-huh,” I nodded.
“So?” Randy asked with a slightly belligerent tone.
“I’ve been thinking about the gay porn videos we’ve watched. Those guys kiss. We’ve kissed.”
“And I love it,” I blurted out.
Randy grinned, “Me, too.”
“So do I,” Mike said. “I think all three of us have gotten pretty good at giving a blowjob, too, don’t you?”
“Absolutely!” I cried.
“Yes, yes, yes!” Randy effused.
“See? It’s all been great so far.”
“Uh-huh.” I thought it was pretty obvious where Mike was headed with all this.
“Yes, it has,” Randy nodded.
“Haven’t you noticed in the videos that the dudes seem to love having another guy lick their asses?”
“Oh, fuck!” Randy exclaimed. “You want to lick our asses?” He sounded as if he couldn’t believe Mike.
“Hey, Mike,” I laughed, “you can lick my ass all you want to!”
“Thanks, Rick,” Mike laughed. “And if either of you want to give it a try, you can lick my ass, too.”
“That’s gross!” Randy judged.
“Look, man,” Mike pointed at Randy as he turned south off 34th Street onto Indiana, “it won’t be gross if we clean ourselves out beforehand and shower good.”
“Clean ourselves out?”
I tapped Randy on the shoulder. “He means if we take an enema so we don’t have any shit inside.”
“Is that what you mean?”
“Yes. And we wash all around and as far inside as our fingers will go. I promise it won’t be gross. You got over thinking sucking my pee-pee is gross, didn’t you?”
“Well, I guess so.”
“Admit it, Randy,” I said, “you not only got over the idea but you love sucking our dicks almost as much as you love when we suck you. Am I right?”
Randy was quiet as Mike stopped at the traffic light at 50th Street. Mike turned to his buddy. “You know Rick’s right. Look, all I’m suggesting is that we finish our exploration of what guys can do together. Maybe we won’t like it. Maybe we’ll like it even better than a blowjob.”
The light changed and we started forward. “I see what you mean, Mike.” Randy was quiet for a moment, obviously thinking. “You’re right. I’m a little curious about why those guys seem so excited to get licked. I guess I’m willing to give a lick to get one.”
Mike high fived him as we all laughed. The car turned west on 66th Street and Mike said, “Great. Uhm, but that’s not all.”
From the backseat, I put one hand on the shoulder of each of my best buddies. “Okay, dudes, I volunteer to fuck you up the ass!”
“Oh my god!” Randy cried out while Mike dissolved in laughter so much I became concerned about whether he had noticed the amber light ahead. Luckily he had and brought the car to a stop while Randy rubbed his forehead. “That’s it, isn’t it?”
“Of course,” Mike said as he put his hand on Randy’s knee in a calming sort of move. “Look, I’ve been studying up on bottoming – that’s what they call getting fucked.”
“Uh-huh,” I agreed. The car veered left onto Joliet and I could almost see the Carpenter home ahead.
“I know,” Randy said quietly.
“It’s amazing what you can learn from a few Google searches. Anyhow, there are some things to do that make it easier and more comfortable such as taking an enema beforehand. We’ll get very well prepared and, according to everything I’ve read, it will be almost painless.” He turned into the driveway and tapped the garage door opener. Ahead the door rose and the light came on as Mike continued, “They say there might be a little pain with the initial penetration if you don’t relax, but whatever pain happens will only last a few seconds and, once it passes, it will be a whole new pleasure you can’t really imagine.” The car stopped and Mike killed the engine.
I had listened intently to Mike’s presentation and was convinced I wanted to try it, too. I also was very excited about the idea of sliding my penis into the two beautiful asses I was now following into the house. This was destined to be another night I was sure I would never forget!
To be continued...
Posted: 05/07/2021