Three Texas Swimmers
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 10
I was the first out of bed the next morning, led by my bladder to the bathroom without pausing for reflection. When I had drained my lizard and come back into the room, I was greeted with such a stunning sight I grabbed my phone to snap this photo of our beautiful host before he was aware of my presence.
I cuddled in next to him, of course, I woke him. He smiled sleepily at me and
slid over to give me more room. We had a quick morning kiss and within moments
I noticed my morning wood had returned. Mike was plump and delicious looking,
too. When we looked over to find Randy, we couldn’t see him. Our blond buddy
was hidden behind the big pillows, so we tossed them into the floor, which
disturbed the sleeping beauty behind them.
“Hey!” Randy protested.
“Wake up!” Mike shook his shoulder. “There are cocks here that need sucking!”
Mike waggled his dick at Randy’s one open eye. Randy grinned and said, “Not ‘til I pee!” He jumped out of bed and treated Mike and me to an unobstructed view of his hot ass as he dashed into the loo.
Mike said to me, “I’d better do that, too.” He followed behind Randy and soon I heard the twin splashes of two streams of urine as they filled up the toilet. I loved the view as they walked arms-around-shoulders back to the bed, big dicks flopping and growing harder with each step.
I sat up and turned to face them, dropping my feet onto the floor. I held open my arms and they walked into me, Randy tapping my cheek with his lovely prick while Mike scored a direct hit on my tonsils with his fat hard-on. I sucked them both (alternating, of course) for a few minutes before Mike pushed me back onto the bed. The next thing I knew, Mike was giving me an excellent BJ while Randy was astraddle my face forcing his 8 inches down my throat. I can honestly say no day has ever started better than this.
Over the next half hour, we adopted many positions and shifted who was sucking whom a dozen times, but always having some awesome sex. In the end, I got Mike’s morning load, Randy got mine, and Mike got Randy’s. Of course, as we had so enjoyed the night before, we shared what we received with our buddies. Shit, what a hot wake-up!
Eventually, we freshened up, dressed, and went upstairs to enjoy pancakes and bacon with Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter. I blushed to wonder what they would think if they knew what we’d actually done the night before. Or an hour earlier, for that matter!
Before Randy and I left for home, we took time for one last suck-fest on the Nautilus.
“Uh, guys,” Mike said when we were nearly ready to go, “are you glad we had this celebration?”
I looked at Randy’s ear-to-ear grin and nodded, “Damn straight, we are!”
“I’m not sure that’s the right expression, Rick,” Randy laughed, “but, yea, Mike, I’m delirious!”
Mike chuckled at us. “I’m very glad. You know I love you guys!”
“And we love you,” I said as I moved in for another of Mike’s amazing kisses. A few seconds later our kiss expanded as Randy joined in.
When we finally parted, Mike asked, “So, would you do it again?”
“You mean suck you guys?” Randy asked.
Mike nodded, “And let us suck you.”
“You bet!” Randy said enthusiastically.
“Ditto!” I said as I patted each of my buds on their tight, firm, intoxicating derrières.
“Great!” Mike said. “I’ll be ready anytime.”
“But remember,” Randy cautioned, “be careful how you act or what you say. No one else can know.”
“Absolutely!” I nodded and held my hand in front of me. Mike and Randy soon clasped my hand and we shook up and down three times and then released as we shouted “Yeah!”
School Daze
Monday at school was a little weird for me. The halls of Coronado High seemed somehow different as though the walls had grown dull and the students had become silly and irrelevant over the weekend. The teachers had obviously lost their ability to give exciting and involving lectures because all I could think about was the feel of Randy’s hot mouth on my boner or the fat intensity of Mike’s cock searching for my tonsils. I had to work to hide my boner all day and had to use a stall when I needed to pee.
At lunch Randy and I shared a table with Melody and Gretchen while Mike took Cathy Bellamy to a 2-top along the wall for some private conversation. From where I sat, I could see Mike clearly and found I was so into enjoying his gorgeous dark hair and beautiful face that I kept losing track of the conversation at my own table. Of course, when I looked at Randy, the distraction was just as bad.
Even when I could not see Mike or Randy, I found myself monumentally distracted by lots of guys. I fixated on Joe Tankersly’s bodacious butt as I followed him down the hall from English class to our lockers. I was mesmerized by Alfred Thompson’s jaw-line and bulging biceps in Physics lab.
Romero drove me up the wall in 5th period Civics. I spent the entire
50 minutes enjoying his face, beard, huge biceps, glorious pecs (with a hint of
nipple showing through his dress shirt), strong round butt, muscular thighs, and
the piece de resistance, his mouth-watering crotch. I’m sorry,
readers, but I couldn’t think of anything but getting down with Mr. Romero. I’d
noticed his muscular body and handsome face before, of course, but never to the
boner-inducing extent I did on that Monday. I knew then I was a changed man.
By the time the bell rang, I was exhausted from supporting a rock-solid boner for the entire class. Damn! I have got to get control of my mushrooming libido or I will not only fail to be the valedictorian, I will be in danger of not graduating.
With swimming season concluded, Mike, Randy, and I had a rather free 6th period. We could report to study hall (not likely) or we could do some laps (likely, especially for Randy who needed to stay in shape for UT in the fall), or we could lift some weights (also likely since we all wanted to stay 100% fat-free and sexy as hell).
Sixth Period
On Monday we met in the locker room to prepare for some swimming and maybe a short workout later. As we stripped down and stowed our street clothes in our lockers, the plumpness of our dicks was plain for each of us to see. Cramming those logs into our skimpy Speedos was no easy fete and we laughed and giggled about it.
“I don’t know your excuses,” I teased them, “but I just came from Romero’s Civics class.”
“No further explanation necessary,” Randy laughed.
“Hey,” Mike confided quietly, “did you know the cheerleading squad has some kind of wager on which one of them will snap the sexiest photo of Mr. Romero before Spring Break?”
Randy and I both laughed. “Are you serious?” Randy asked.
“Well, it will probably be a pic snapped today,” I said, shaking my head. “That man is fucking HOT!”
Mike laughed. “You don’t seem like the same reluctant virgin I met Saturday afternoon.”
“Mike’s right, dude!”
I grinned. “You guys have turned me into a complete perv.”
I couldn’t believe they had the nerve to high five over that!
We swam until after the final bell rang at 3:45. Coach Lane, who was every bit as hot as Mr. Romero in my mind, came into the natatorium to remind us we could go home. I went to the edge of the pool and looked up his beautiful hairless legs to his tight tan coach’s shorts and the significant mound of manflesh they only partly concealed. I felt my dick twitch in my Speedo and momentarily worried it might decide to peak out for a look.
“Did you guys hear the bell?”
I looked on across his flat stomach to his protruding pecs that threatened to burst through his thin green tee and then beyond to his closely cropped dark beard and his eyes above. It was difficult to keep my eyes moving instead of lingering all along the way as I took in his amazing bod. “Yes, sir.”
“You’re welcome to stay if you want to swim some more or shower before leaving.”
“Thank you, Coach. We were thinking we might do a short workout before we leave if that’s okay.”
“Of course, Rick. You can do whatever you like.”
Coach Lane smiled and nodded, then turned and walked back to the locker room door. As he strode away I watched his firm buns flexing inside the tight shorts without even being aware I was staring. When he arrived at the door, he glanced back and caught me “red handed,” as they say. He paused for a couple of seconds, hand against the door, cocked his head a bit, with a slightly quizzical look on his face. I blushed deeply and finally turned to get back to my laps.
Mike stopped in the lane beside me. “You realize he now knows you find him sexy, right?”
“Shit, Mike!” I felt very uncomfortable. “I didn’t mean to stare. I mean, I couldn’t help it. He’s so fucking beautiful and sexy.”
“I know, dude. But I think you need to get yourself under control before everyone figures you out. The good news is Coach wouldn’t tell anyone what he thinks about you … or us.”
“Why do you think that?”
“Because he cares about us and would never contribute to hurting us. And I think he might have a little secret himself.”
He nodded. “Remember what he told us that night before the prelims in Austin. He practically suggested we help each other take care of our sexual frustrations.”
Somehow, remembering that comment helped me feel less threatened by being so obvious to Coach. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”
“Come on, let’s do a few more laps before we hit the weights.”
We swam for another 20 minutes or so and then enjoyed a moderate workout for half an hour. We saw no one until Coach Lane came in to tell us he was leaving.
“I’ve locked everything up. Remember, guys, you need to exit through the outside door and make sure it has locked behind you.”
“Yes, sir,” Mike said.
Coach Lane hesitated for a few seconds as we stared at him. “Listen, guys, I trust you guys in here without supervision. I know you’ll take care of each other and all the equipment. I just want to remind you that there are security cameras outside the hall door and the outside door and also trained on my office door and Coach Fairley’s door. There are no cameras in the locker room or in the shower.”
“Yes, sir,” Randy said.
“I hope you get my meaning.”
“Uhm,” I mumbled.
Speaking quickly, Mike said, “Don’t do anything where there are cameras that we wouldn’t want the world or the principal to see.”
Coach smiled and nodded. “Okay, I’m going home. You’re all alone here now.” He winked and turned around to go back into the locker room. A few seconds later we heard the hall door close.
Randy giggled. “He knows.”
“Fuck!” I exclaimed.
“Guys,” Mike said excitedly, “he knows and he thinks it’s cool.”
“Yeah,” Randy nodded. “He’s allowing us the opportunity to be alone together and basically giving us his blessing.”
“Fuck!” I said articulately like the National Merit Scholar I am.
We adjourned to the showers, where we washed each other and ended our school day with a round of BJs that gave me a load of Mike’s spunk, Mike a load of Randy’s, and Randy what felt like a very big load of mine. As I neared my orgasm, an image of Mr. Romero’s beefy chest and arms played out in my brain. Just as my gonads fired, though, it was Coach’s crotch as seen from below that pulled the cum out of me.
What a day!
To be continued...
Posted: 04/30/2021