Role of a Lifetime
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
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Chapter 27
Thursday Kenny and Max loaded up all the cameras while Cole and Rita added their sound equipment to the mix. Over our waffles, David told us to plan for a bit of a party at dinner. After breakfast they all disappeared with the van and the director to get more scenic shots and record some of the sounds in the forest to use as incidentals for weaving the scenes together and building a strong visual and aural experience for the audiences.
Brant and I had no more scenes to shoot, so we took an extra-long morning run, then started looking at the enormous mountain of articles, comments, videos, emails, and more that were responses to a 22-minute interview almost a week earlier. Our best guess was that my messages were about 97-98% positive while his were about 75% positive. Brant had a lot of negative input from young girls and young women who couldn’t seem to reconcile their own lust for him with a perception he might be gay.
We noted with some interest that about 20-25% were come-ons from horny guys. One “millionaire” in Texas offered us $100,000 for a weekend at his ranch. We laughed about that opportunity and joked we might need to consider what our rates should be.
Both of us only had about 2-3% that was mean, nasty, abusive, or threatening. However, that was enough to remind me of Dad’s comment that we should be careful in public.
I talked briefly with Mom (Dad was in a meeting at the studio) and told her to expect me at the end of the day tomorrow. She was happy with that news.
Brant had a long conversation with his agent and another with one of the assistant producers for Royal Sex Wars. Afterwards, he reported that they were not getting any negative feedback following the interview and that downloads of RSW were up an astonishing 650% from the previous week. The studio folks behind RSW were thrilled about that.
That afternoon we had an intense workout with weights and other equipment since we would be couped up in the car the next day. We showered and spent half an hour cuddling in my bed before it was time to dress and go to dinner. After our conversation at the lakeshore, I was considerably more at peace than I had been for a while. In love there are no guarantees, but at least I was convinced Brant was going to give us every chance. I couldn’t really ask for more than that.
Rachoud packed his make-up and supplies, but spent the bulk of the day trolling the internet for information about the response to us. Just before dinner, he gave us a report that we had millions of hits to our IMDB pages, millions of viewings of 4 videos now on YouTube about us, thousands of comments on both our Facebook pages, and downloads of our previous shows were breaking all kinds of records. There were even hundreds of articles published in newspapers, magazines, and online sites in response to us. He told us that our lack of response to anything so far had given us such an air of mystery and being secluded together that it seemed to fuel everyone’s imagination.
For our final dinner, Gianni feted us with Chateaubriand served with roasted new
potatoes, a medly of grilled veggies including carrots, zucchini, and yellow
squash, and a delicious green bean concoction with onions, garlic, yellow
peppers, and bread crumbs. Naturally, he started us with vichissoise, a water
cress salad, and melt-in-your-mouth rolls. There were multiple superb wines to
compliment all the delicious foods. After the main course, everyone complained
of stomach pains, to which Gianni just grinned from ear to ear. When he
announced dessert was a fruit torte in a delicate white wine sauce, we all
groaned and begged to wait a while. Laughingly, he agreed.
Cole and the ladies insisted on helping Gianni clean up the dishes and the kitchen before we moved to dessert. David wanted a brief meeting with Kenny and Max about the next day’s shoots. With everyone else occupied, Brant and I opted for a half-hour stroll to say our farewells to the night-time lake. When we felt we should go back inside, I almost couldn’t tear myself away.
“I’ve never been anywhere so peaceful before,” I murmured.
“Let’s store this moment, this feeling, this emotion in our hearts so we can come back here whenever we desire,” Brant said.
“You’re a good poet,” I commented. “And, yes, let’s capture this whole ambience in our hearts.”
We stood quietly, my arm around his shoulders, his around my waist, breathing in the crystal freshness of the night. We bathed in the stillness. Nothing moved but the gentle breeze that brushed the hairs on our arms in much the way I love to touch my tongue to his tenderest spot. I felt our hearts taking in the same sensations and having the same responses. We were one in this moment as much as if we had been connected sword to sheath. I embraced our oneness, confident that he embraced it, too.
At last, I whispered very quietly, “I’m ready.”
Without releasing me, Brant turned into my chest to join our lips in sensuous passion but without an ulterior motive. We kissed for a few minutes and then walked uphill to the cabin.
Back inside, everyone except Gianni and Tammy were selecting spots in the living room, where they had decided to enjoy the fruit torte with after-dinner coffee.
Conversation was lively amongst all of us, except for Kenny’s near silence.
After everyone had finished their dessert, Gianni brought out glasses of clear bubbly champagne and David stood to make a short speech, while we held our glasses.
“Some of you may know that making this movie is definitely a passion project for me. I’ll save the explanation for my acceptance speech at the Oscars. But I had to make this movie, to show the world gay people who can love fiercely against the odds and who are good ordinary people with the same concerns as everyone. I want to show the world a very attractive couple who are building one of the strongest relationships ever put on film. And I wanted the film to be beautiful, involving of the audience, and, most of all, to show emotional authenticity. You folks on this crew, along with Harold our writer, have given us the material to do that. Here’s to you!” Among cheers, he lifted his glass and we all followed suit. We drank a toast.
Turning to face Brant and me, David went on. “Our stars have embodied these characters more completely than any actor ever embodied their character. Your ‘method’ acting has touched each of us more than you can ever know.” His eyes became misty. “Your openness as people, your willingness to be extremely vulnerable, and your faith in all of us is on a level I have never seen in my life. Your dedication to the relationship of Marty and Aaron is truly the heart and soul of this film.” He lifted his glass as did we all. With tears in his eyes, David said, “Brant, Sky, I love you with all my heart.” With tears in our eyes, Brant and I exchanged a glance and drank from our glasses.
“Thank you all for everything you have done and will do to make Laying Low great!”
“Hear, hear!” shouted Cole. “We all love you, too, David!” We drank a toast to David.
David sat down and others stood as they reminisced about various high-points of our time at the lake: the astounding beauty of the mountains and lake and forests (We gave Nature a round of applause.), the incredible meals (We gave Gianni a standing ovation.), the day on the party barge (David and Tammy received another standing ovation.), the great experience of being on this incredible location shoot and meeting each other (We applauded.).
Finally, Brant stood and pulled me up beside him. Looking at me with an enigmatic smile, he lifted his glass. “You all know what a phenomenal difference this experience has made in my life. I’ll never be the same as I was before, and that is a good thing.” Looking at David, he said, “Thank you for trusting us with your passion project, David. Sky and I have brought our own passion to it as well.” Everyone laughed or hooted at that. “I want to say especially, in front of you all, that I am grateful beyond measure to Sky for all he has brought to the film, how he has enhanced my performance, and how much he has shown me about love.” I kissed his cheek. His voice beginning to shake, he continued. “In truth I don’t think Laying Low would have turned out well with anyone else in the role of Aaron. I love you, babe!”
“Hear! Hear!” several shouted as Brant kissed me.
“To Sky!” Brant sipped his champagne as others followed suit.
I held my glass and said, “To David for giving me this opportunity, to all of you for making it happen, and to Brant for making it so easy to play a gay guy in love!”
Eventually, the celebration ended and the party broke up. Rachoud, Brant, and I returned to our cabin to finalize our packing and be ready to leave immediately after our last Gianni breakfast.
When we were finished, Brant and I shared a time in his shower and then made very passionate love for a couple of hours. He left two big doses of sperm in my ass while I left one in his belly and one on my belly. We agreed we would get together real soon, but we didn’t know exactly what the future would hold for us once we went out into public. I was sad at the ending of this amazing time and also a bit anxious about how our connection would endure in the harsh light of Hollywood. But I did enjoy sleeping in his arms with his sometimes hard cock lying against my moist entrance.
Because they still had a couple of days of general shots to go, everyone stayed at Clair Eagle Lake except for Rachoud, Brant, and me. Gianni sent us off in style with gooey cinnamon rolls, an egg soufflé, home style potatoes, and crisp maple bacon. After our good-byes, we departed at about 9:20 and headed back down the dusty road we had come in on 7 weeks before. Everyone gathered on the porch to wave and watch us until we disappeared into the forest. I was touched.
Having Rachoud with us was a god-send because he kept the conversation flowing and humorous with a lengthy discussion about the reaction to our interview last week and with his usual Hollywood gossip. By this point, the hits on our IMDB pages and Facebook pages were out-of-sight huge and Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and other sites were filled with questions, comments, opinions, and the occasional barb directed at Brant or me or us.
For a while we discussed what type of public response we need to make, but didn’t come up with any set plans. Our collective wisdom was to talk with our agents and PR staffs, the studio big-wigs, and other advisors and solicit a lot of opinions and ideas. Brant and I agreed we should have no public response until we could agree to the best way to do it. I thought maybe delivering a prepared statement through Juanita Montez might be the way, but we want to get other people’s wisdom before making a decision.
We made it to Woodland, a little town just northwest of Sacramento about 1:00. The BMW and its three passengers were all running on empty, so we stopped at a gas station to feed the BMW. To help us maintain a low profile, Rachoud did the honors of filling the tank. One by one, we slipped to the men’s room and I thanked God for the relative disguise provided by the COVID maske with a baseball cap and sunglasses added. We were not recognized and travelled a few blocks to a Wendy’s with a drive through, where we ordered our carry-out.
We noticed a small park along the highway between the station and Wendy’s, so we returned there to eat at the most secuded picnic table we could find. As before, we were able to stay in cognito while eating and got back on the road as soon as we could. I had this odd feeling I thought was perhaps the way a spy or criminal on the lam might feel for having escaped notice from anyone. I wasn’t sure I was going to like this level of notoriety.
In late afternoon, Mom called me to check on our arrival time. At that point I thought it would be around 8 or 8:30 by the time we got there. She said to come directly home as they would have a late supper ready for us and then Brant and Rachoud could go home and not worry about food. They were quite grateful for that invitation.
At some point I asked Rachoud how he had gotten through 7 weeks without any other gay men around.
“Oh,” he said with a mysterious laugh. “I had my ways.”
“Really?” Brant remarked.
“Tell us about your ways,” I said.
“As you well know, Sky, a gay guy can have a wonderful time with straight guys who don’t have access to a woman.”
“My god,” I said. “Who? How?”
“How often?” Brant added.
“My god,” I said. “Who? How?”
“How often?” Brant added.
“Let’s see,” Rachoud waffled. “Is this conversation covered by the NDA?”
Laughing, Brant and I agreed. He was right to remind us that this was not information to be shared more widely.
“Okay, then,” he said. “I guess I gave about 3 blowjobs to Cole before he hooked up with Valerie.”
“Oh, my!” Brant responded.
“I’m not surprised,” I said, “he just looks like he’s full of cum.”
Brant laughed, “How can you tell?”
“It’s sort of an enhancement of my Gaydar, dear.”
“But that’s not all,” Rachoud said.
“Fuck, Rach, who else?” Brant asked.
“Max would visit my room about twice a week.”
“Damn!” Brant cried.
“He liked your BJ’s, huh?” I enquired.
“Yes, but even more he loved my ass.”
“Oh, man, Rach,” I giggled. “Hard core.”
“Uh-huh. One night Max dropped by but I already had a visitor, so I had to turn him away.”
“Oh, no!” I laughed. “Cole got there first.”
“Poor Max,” Brant said.
“It wasn’t Cole.”
“Oh, shit!” Brant said.
“That only leaves Kenny or David or, oh my god, Gianni!”
“Gianni!” Rachoud screamed out.
“Aaaaiiiiii!” I screamed.
“Fu-uck,” Brant muttered in awe, I think.
“Details, please,” I said.
“He only visited about once a week, but he wanted a BJ first, then he would fuck me for at least half an hour before he came.”
“Shit. I can’t believe it,” I moaned.
“And, he is an amazing lover, dudes.”
Brant looked over at me with a wicked grin. “So, is he hung?”
“Damn!” Rachoud said. “Between 9” and 9½“ I’d say and, well, let’s just say so thick that you hurt for a couple of days afterwards. At least the first couple of times. I did sort of adjust after a while, but I would gladly endure that pain later for the intense pleasures of his fuck.”
“Damn, Rach,” Brant laughed, “you got more action than we did.”
“Hell, boys, it was the best 7 weeks of my sex life.”
“No shit!” I agreed.
“You lucky devil,” Brant said.
With another gas/potty break near Buttonwillow, we arrived at the Ford house in the Hollywood Hills about 8:15, all craving the bathroom and some dinner. Luckily the house has plenty of bathrooms. Violet served us barbecued beef brisket she had warmed for us along with her special potato salad, Boston baked beans (cold), and cole slaw. Mom and Dad joined us and we all had a great time as we shared some of our memories from the location. By unspoken mutual agreement, the interview and the fallout from it were not mentioned. It’s likely we all thought that too big a subject to discuss after a full day’s drive.
Too quickly, dinner was done. I retrieved my luggage from the BMW and hugged my two good friends before they drove away.
“I’ll call you tomorrow, hon,” Brant whispered in my ear as we hugged.
Back inside, I said to my parents, “I have a lot of things to share with you and discuss, but I’d rather do it after I get a good night’s sleep.”
“We understand, son,” Dad said as he hugged me.
“We’re so glad you’re home, Sky,” Mom said. I kissed her cheek and grabbed my bags.
“Sleep well,” Mom said.
To be continued...
Posted: 11/05/2020