Role of a Lifetime
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
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Chapter 26
Brant and I, along with Cole and Max, took our normal run on Monday morning. We don’t usually talk much while running, but both the crew members were still rather effervescent in their comments about our interview.
After the run and our showers, we went to the main cabin for breakfast and encountered several friends with their laptops scrolling though various social media sites and newsfeeds, giving the group a report on whatever they found.
Rachoud: The Advocate On-Line: “Who’s the Newest and Hottest LGBT+ Couple in Hollywood?” with photos from your IMDB pages.
Valerie: Instagram: “My God can you believe Brant Kimber might be gay??? @VirginiaSexGod”
Cole: Twitter: “America’s hottest actors in a smutty gay movie? Sounds like heaven to me. #FantasyBoys”
Max: YouTube: The video of last night’s interview has been viewed 1.3 million times already!
Rita: Entertainment Weekly On-Line: “Is Brant Kimber Coming Out?”
Rachoud: Instagram: “BRANSKY!!!!! @BrantKimberTopFan, @Bransky”
“Damn!” Brant said. “It’s barely been 12 hours since the interview.”
“This is awesome!” David smiled. I swear I could see dollar signs whirling through his brain.
Monday and Tuesday were a variety of woodsy shots of one or both of us tromping
around separately or together. We were fully dressed which was a rarity for
this shoot. Because we were futzing around trying to create some early warnings
of the approach of someone or trying to rig up traps, we used a lot of props.
It was one of the few times Valerie spent much time on set and she clearly loved
David told us he expected we would be finished on site by Thursday afternoon, so we could expect to travel home on Friday. However, he noted that would depend on our completion of the filming Thursday.
I must admit I found it difficult to focus on the scenes at hand since I was well-aware David had scheduled the filming of the last sex scene for Wednesday. Tromping about in the woods was no competition to the sex scene in my mind.
By lunchtime on Monday, we found even more media response to our interview.
Rita: Afternoon edition of the L.A. Times: “Interview of Brant Kimber and Sky Ford Causing Quite a Stir in Hollywood”.
Rachoud: “GLAAD issued a statement in support of giving latitude, privacy, and support to rising Hollywood star Brant Kimber and any other person exploring his/her/their sexual or gender orientation.”
“What’s Glad,” Gianni asked.
“The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation,”Rachoud said.
Valerie: Instagram: “I don’t care if they are gay, Brant and Sky give me a serious lady boner. @ErieGal”
Cole: Twitter: “If Brant isn’t doing Sky, he’s a fool. I don’t think he’s a fool. #HotGayActors”
Rachoud: According to Google, Sky Ford has been googled 1.8 million times.
Max: YouTube: The video‘s been viewed 2.9 million times now!
Rachoud: Sky’s Facebook page has over 4 thousand comments!
“This is nuts, isn’t it?” I asked Brant.
“I think so, but it certainly shows the value of publicity, now, doesn’t it?”
Rachoud: Brant, your Facebook page has 11 thousand comments!
“I’ll have to hire a staff just to read my Facebook comments,” he laughed.
Rita: Oh, here’s one. That asshole Jerome Halstead from the Moral Majority is quoted, “I find it disgusting and sad that a gay kiss between two B-grade actors is getting more press today than the Presidential Campaign, COVID, hurricanes on the East Coast, and the fires in the West combined!”
Everyone laughed at that one. I wondered how long we would be a dominant topic of media coverage.
“You know,” I said to the group, “This marks the first time in history that I actually agree with that asshole. It does seem absurd that we are getting more press than major news events.”
“Think about it, Sky,” my new friend Valerie said, “You can read the depressing news about the never-ending pandemic, the devastation of the West or the storms on the East coast or the horrific presidential election or you can read about two gorgeous men who are openly sharing that they are having an intimate bromance with the definite hint of sexuality and forbidden pleasures that suggests. Even Moral Majority assholes with their asses sewn shut would rather read about you guys!”
The group exploded in laughter and David urged us to get ready to go back to set.
We stomped around in the woods that afternoon while Kenny and Max filmed us and the rest of the horny people in the country/world speculated about our sexuality and our relationship. It was all a horrendous invasion of our privacy, but, as Brant pointed out, we brought it on ourselves and it was by far the most publicity any of us had ever had.
After dinner on Monday, I called home to speak with Rachel and Brodie while Brant actually called his parents. Rachel and Brodie seemed fine with the whole clusterfuck although Dad expressed concern that Brant and I might see some backlash and needed to be prepared and be careful whenever we might be in public in the future. I knew they weren’t really shocked at what Brant and I had said, but were concerned about us being so public about it. I understood and appreciated their concerns.
Brant said his folks didn’t have much to say except that they would have appreciated him coming out to them before he came out to the world. He said, “I didn’t come out because I don’t know if I’m gay. I just shared that I have a great bromance with a great guy.”
“Splitting hairs,” his father responded.
Tuesday was a repeat of Monday as we did some more filming in the woods and began winding down from the shoot. There was still one sex scene to be filmed on Wednesday with some location establishing shots and general shooting to be done on Thursday.
By Tuesday night, a nearly 30-minute video “documentary” that showed clips from Brant’s films and mine interspersed with some dork’s opinions was posted on YouTube with almost 30K hits. Brant’s IMDB page had recorded 2.7 million hits since 8 p.m. on Sunday while mine had an astounding 3.5 million hits. Our Facebook pages were over the top, too.
Brant and I were both so horny we decided we couldn’t risk sleeping together. We talked for a little while on my balcony discussing our plan for tomorrow’s scene and then we went to bed early so we could look our best for the shoot the next day. I lay awake for the better part of an hour going over the unbelievable response to our interview. Honestly, I had not expected a tenth as much interest in us. I finally went into a peaceful sleep dreaming about cuddling with Brant.
Although Wednesday was a beautiful day, we filmed inside the cramped little cabin all day as this scene was set in the bedroom. Even though this was our final major scene to shoot, it actually falls into the movie’s timeline about mid-way, when we have been hiding out for a few weeks and have no idea how long it will be before we can go home. It has some dialogue that is critical in defining our long-term relationship, our individual goals in life, and how well those fit together in a vision of a shared future for us. We filmed that portion several times during the morning and once more after the lunch break.
Finally, at around 3 pm we were ready to have sex. I mean, to film sex. Brant and I had been ready to do it for several days. It had been difficult not to cement the new closeness developed on Hollywood Weekly with a serious bout of love-making. So, in this scene we had our opportunity.
It started with me naked on the bed and Brant naked at the foot of the bed. He crawled onto the bed from the foot, giving Kenny and his camera an incredible butt-shot as he crawled up the bed to me. Finally, he settled beside me and I slipped down into position for us to make out, which we did with great fervor. Quickly we were both sporting lovely boners, but we stayed in make-out mode for about half an hour before Brant obviously decided they had enough footage to choose from. He rose onto his knees, pulled me up to face him so he could keep kissing me. After a few minutes in this position, he turned me and pushed down on my shoulders so that I assumed a position on my knees and my elbows facing the camera.
David stopped us, saying it had looked a little awkward when I turned and moved into that position. We discussed it for a couple of minutes and tried it a couple of times more before he said quietly, “Continue.”
Brant grabbed the lube off the nightstand on the other side of the bed and got into position behind me (facing the camera). He squirted lube on his fingers and then put them on my needy hole, where he massaged for just a moment before positioning first one finger and then a second to push into my flesh. I moaned. He fingered me for probably 5 minutes during which I gave a variety of verbal responses and body twitches.
At last, he leaned part-way across my back and said, “Are you ready for my love, Aaron?”
“Oh, yes, babe! Now, please.”
His cockhead nestled into my crack and found my center like a homing pidgeon.
“Oh, god!” I cried.
He pushed into me, causing a bit of discomfort but no pain. “Ooof!” I yelled as I threw my head back and looked in the direction of the camera. I wanted to show on my face how much ecstasy comes to a gay man when his lover is inside him. I kept my head back so my face stayed visible as I worked to let all my emotions and feelings envelope me.
After days without sex of any kind, I knew I was tight. This was confirmed by Brant’s raspy voice crying out, “You’re as tight as a virgin, baby.”
I wanted to laugh, but thought that would detract from the overall scene, so I said, “Fuck your virgin, Marty!”
Soon, Brant was pounding me and my conversational skills disappeared only to be replaced by pants, moans, whimpers, and the like as his wonderful hard prick took complete control of my body. He plowed my ass ferociously for 5 minutes, 8 minutes, 10 minutes. Finally, I could take it no more. I grasped my drippy cock for the first time. I jacked my dick for all it was worth. For about 8 strokes. And then I crested as I felt the firey liquid racing through my urethra. I screamed rhythmically as my seed splattered all over the bed beneath me.
When I started shooting, Brant rammed me and held his cock all the way inside while my balls emptied. When I had quieted somewhat, he withdrew a bit and then pushed back to the hilt, eliciting a moan and a gasp from me. Again I threw my head back as Brant resumed pounding my ass with all he had. He only needed a couple of additional minutes to fill me with his amazing sperm.
He lay wilted across my back still skewering my asshole with his cock. He pushed against me from behind and I began sagging slowly to the mattress, pulling him down with me until I was flat on my stomach and he was flat atop me. A minute later I heard the faint scurrying of feet as Kenny, Max, Cole, and David slipped into the hallway. As we gasped for air, Rachoud laid towels on the bed beside us. “No hurry, boys.”
Five minutes later we were in the shower for a quick rinse and 15 minutes after that we were dressed and coming into the front yard where the crew waited patiently for us. As usual, Brant and I received a rousing ovation from the crew, even as small as it was.
“Fuck, guys,” Cole said, “You finished this race like championship race horses. Unbelievable!”
“More like a stallion and a breed mare,” Rachoud entoned.
Everyone laughed heartily at his barb.
I was a little shocked that he would feminize me, but I knew it was entirely in jest. “Damn, Rach, you are a consumate bitch-queen, aren’t you?”
Before Rachoud could answer, Max jumped in with his barb. “More like a jealous bitch, if you ask me.”
“Touché!” Rachoud hooted.
“Good job today, everyone,” David said. “Everybody ready to go back to the main cabin?”
Quickly we agreed. Rachoud had stripped the scummy sheets off the bed while we showered and the crew had already loaded the equipment into the van, so we all piled in and Max drove us back.
After a lovely dinner of stuffed tilapia, rice pilaf, and Brussel sprouts, finished with Gianni’s homemade chocolate cream pie and mile-high meringue and another report on the ridiculous attention our interview was still getting in the press, Brant and I along with Valeria and Cole went for a walk by the lakeshore. Quickly we split into couples, all of us just a little melancholy at the approaching end of this romantic idyll. Valerie and Cole wandered down the dock so Brant and I wandered along the shore. Soon we could see them cuddled together in the chill of the evening, sometimes talking and sometimes kissing.
We were doing basically the same as we talked about how amazing this time together in such a fantastic place had been. We agreed everyone had been amazing in their reactions and responses to our open romance and sexuality.
“When we get home, it won’t be like this,” I said.
“No, it won’t,” Brant agreed. “It’s going to be lonely without you nearby almost all the time.”
I smiled and squeezed his hand as I realized my emotions were caught in my throat. When I looked at him, I could see similar emotion in his face. We smiled at one another and he leaned his head on my shoulder. I shifted my arm behind his back making us a facsimile of Cole and Valerie on the dock.
“Brant,” I finally managed to squeek.
“I know the relationship we have developed has been all about the movie and …”
“No, Sky,” he interrupted, “you’re wrong.
“But it’s back to reality, Brant. You need to get on with your real life, your real needs.”
He stiffened in my arms and pulled away, turning to face me. His voice took on a more forceful tone. “No, babe. You’re wrong. This, you, us. This is reality. Please don’t dismiss it as being, what, a fantasy that can only exist in this mountaintop place?”
I started to speak, but he shook his head firmly.
“Sky, I’m not lying when I say I love you. I honestly am not sure about my orientation, but there is no question in my mind that at this moment in my life being in love with you is the most real thing there is. It is my truth and my reality. I want to be with you in a full loving, sexual relationship, openly and without some stupid shame or fears of rejection.”
“But your career …”
“My career will be enhanced by this movie. It’s my best performance yet, I think, because I actually believe in it, unlike a space fantasy or a silly old-world romance. Just being seen on national television with you, beautiful boy, has put me into a level of notoriety almost no actor ever gets. And, while there will be the assholes who try to shame us, the vast majority of reactions are enormously positive and supportive.”
He kissed me. “Love wins out,” he said against my face. “Honey, you are good for my career and great for my life. Will you please get out of your head right now that this was a summer romance that will end when we go back to school?”
I chuckled. “You mean we’re not Danny and Sandy?”
He could see the change in my mood. “Not at the beginning of the movie or even the middle.”
He kissed me again. “We’re Danny and Sandy at the end of the movie. We’re going to be together, hand in hand, when we go back to L.A. I wish I could promise forever and maybe someday I’ll be able to. No matter how my stupid sexuality falls out, I know I will always love you, be proud to be a known associate of you, and want to be your best friend.”
“Even if Juanita Montez wants you?”
He laughed again. “Tempting as her charms are, you’ve got intoxicating charms that hold me captive. Don’t be concerned about any woman. No one could replace you in my heart. No woman and no man.”
“Thank you, babe, for reassuring me so completely.”
“Thank God!”
“But there is one thing you could do to seal the deal.”
“What’s that?” he asked.
“Take me to your bed and show me that I turn you on.”
“With pleasure!”
“At least twice.”
He hummed the “double your pleasure” ditty from the old Doublemint commercials.
When we finally went to sleep around 2:45, his cock was purple and tender. Of course, my rosebud was red and swollen with my entire asshole silently begging me to leave it be.
To be continued...
Posted: 10/29/2020