Role of a Lifetime
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
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Chapter 19
I had no sooner hung up from talking to Brant when my phone chirped again. This was from Mom and Dad, so I answered enthusiastically, “Did you see Hollywood Weekly?”
“We did,” Dad said.
“Brant really did a great job of selling the movie,” Mom said admiringly.
“Yes, he did,” I agreed. “The producers ought to give him a bonus for that. Juanita’s right. He just sold a ton of tickets with the titilation of getting to watch him and his gorgeous co-star getting it on.”
“Is it really that raunchy?” Mom asked.
“I think so,” I nodded. “I’m guessing it wil get an NC-17 rating.”
“Wow!” she exclaimed. “You rarely see that rating assigned. You don’t think it could be an R?”
Dad chimed in. “I think Sky’s right, Rachel. It’s just too racy for an R.”
“David is committed to keeping it not X-rated,” I assured them.
“Brodie, do you think it’s wise for Sky’s first big role to be in an NC-17?”
“Honestly, Rachel, in today’s world, I think it will draw even more of the Millenial and Gen Z crowd with that rating. You know how everybody wants to see a lot of flesh in the movies nowadays.”
“I suppose,” she responded. “That’s why I’ve stuck to television mostly.”
“Sky,” Dad said, “this will definitely make you well known. I hope your performance is top notch because if it is, you’ll get many opportunities following it. You will need to be selective about which ones you accept because you don’t want to become typecast as the go-to guy when you want to make a soft-porn flick.”
“Oh, Dad, Heaven forbid!” I knew that was the answer they wanted, but such typecasting didn’t sound all that awful to me.
We talked a few minutes more before Mom said she needed her beauty sleep and they clicked off the call.
Monday morning we had a staff meeting after breakfast where David laid out the shooting schedule for the week. It included our scene on the cliff in the afternoon and two days of shooting Brant walking in the nearby woods and me worrying about him. Thursday would be some interior work in the cabin Marty and Aaron are sharing and Friday would be another outdoor sex scene.
When David announced that Friday shoot, Cole high-fived Max and said, “Hubba, hubba!”
After the junior-high-school snickering calmed down, David announced that Michael and Richard Ricci, who are playing the mobsters, would be arriving on Sunday for filming of the final showdown in the woods between them and Marty and Aaron. The filming will require us all to be in the same framing, but we will be at least 10 feet from them at all times. They will even be staying in another cabin together so we won’t actually penetrate our COVID bubble to pull off this portion of the shoot.
The pandemic has certainly created some obstacles to filming, but David and the producers seem to be doing an excellent job at handling it. So far, everyone has stayed healthy and production has continued at a pretty normal pace.
After lunch, we moved the camera and sound crews to the other cabin, Rachoud fixed Brant and me up to be at our best, and we ran through a quick rehearsal of the cliffside scene. Then David called for action and we took about 5 or 6 takes of the preliminaries to the fuck. For quite a while we had a curious squirrel on the limb of a tree above us. He seemed to be watching every bit of the action below like it was some kind of porn flick.
As usual, once we had sufficient takes on our dialogue and build-up to the sex, David told us to go for it and just have a good time.
Since this was our first time together since Brant and I had declared our love for each other, it was an especially tender and loving interaction. He called me Sky twice and I slipped once and called him Brant, but overall, we kept it very romantic and sexy.
When he entered me, Brant moved slowly through my sphincter as he whispered, “I love you so much, baby!” The kisses were as tender as they were passionate and his thrusts were firm, long, and powerful so that my body jumped each time and I released a gutteral “oomph!” as he reached the end of his stroke. Soon I was lost in the enormous emotions of his loving me this way. I forgot that we had cameras and crew (and a crazy squirrel) watching our every move.
He had me on my back with my feet on his shoulders while he pounded me and kissed me. I was bent completely double and my cock was trapped between our abs. As he moved atop me, my cock got lots of delicious friction aided by our sweat and the love I was feeling. Of course, my prostate was getting a first-class massage as well. Brant moved slowly upon me so the sensations did not boil over for quite some time. I was moaning and whimpering for a long time before I finally crested. I screamed as my orgasm began and I clamped down on the beautiful lovestick within me so that I only got off a couple of spurts before my boyfriend began filling my insides with his hot life-essence.
We lay there grinning at each other as he rested his big cock inside my well-used hole. “I love you!” I cried and kissed him.
When I released his mouth, he said, “I love you, babe!”
“That was awesome, honey.”
“It just might be the best ever,” he said.
We lay in post-coital connectedness for several minutes before he slowly pulled out of me. We looked over to where the crew was, but found only the equipment there. At some point, David had felt they had enough and took the crew away.
“Hello!” Brant called.
Rachoud responded by bringing us some towels. He smirked at us and said, “Damn, boys, that was hotter than anything one might see on Pornhub or XVideos!”
We grinned. “You have no idea how great that felt,” I said.
“Oh, I think I have a pretty good idea,” he laughed. “Stay here. David wants a quick shot of you getting up and going into the cabin.”
Kenny filmed us getting ourselves up and walking back into the cabin, our arms around each other’s waist and our buns on full display for a 15-second cut. Then, they moved the camera in front of us and took a frontal shot of our red and spent dicks flopping from side to side as we approached the cabin door. I’m sure we both have very contented looks on our faces, but no one will ever notice our faces in that shot!
The plot point that consumed the next couple of days’ shooting involves Marty making occasional treks through the woods near the cabin to assure himself that no one has been prowling about. So, there are a few short scenes of him walking about and setting some type of trigger that would show that humans are prowling about. Mostly these triggers are things like a thin string running between trees or a particular construction of normal forest debris that would be upset if a person passed through. He concentrates on places that might be good for observing the cabin in the off-chance that the mobsters might locate us. Other scenes show Marty checking on the areas he has set up and finally a couple of them show his extreme concern when he sees that several of them have been disturbed and then he finds some new tire tracks on a road leading into the area.
In keeping with the high level of nudity in this movie, most of Brant’s woodsy scenes are shirtless and there is even one scene of him peeing into the underbrush.
I didn’t have a lot to do during those two days, but there are a few scenes of us at the cabin or of me looking out a window with a worried look.
Brant and I continued our morning jogs and afternoon workouts to keep in good shape. We also continued to walk along the lakefront after dinner most nights and usually found ourselves on his or my balcony with a final beer each evening before turning in. I just loved these last few minutes of the day when I was alone with my man in a beautiful and private place with no agenda but to be together. We would talk about the day’s shoot and what was on tap for the next day. We would often hold hands and tell each other that we were having a great time together. Sometimes we used the “L” word and always we would make out for a few minutes before saying good-night.
On Wednesday afternoon, we filmed the scenes in
which Marty discovers that someone has been observing us and then tells Aaron.
They retreat to the store room attached to the cabin and paw
through a variety of discarded items to
build some defenses. And they begin to keep watch so they will not be caught
unaware if someone actually approaches the cabin.
These were interesting scenes to film because we didn’t have a lot of dialogue, just a lot of physical stuff to do. It turns out that Aaron is the one to first spot movement in the trees as the two work in the storage room.
The scenes of the mobsters’ raid on the cabin and the ensuing short war would not be shot until the following week, after the father-and-son Ricci team arrived.
Thursday after dinner, David met with us to go over our plans for Friday. We would be filming the scene that occurs after Marty and Aaron have killed the mobsters (in self defense, of course) and are celebrating their new freedom and imminent return to their normal lives in L.A.
“This should be very relaxed as you two celebrate the end of this mental ordeal of not being sure you would survive. It needs to focus on your mutual appreciation of each other, showing that you both understand you would not have been successful except for your faith and trust in each other and in your love for each other.”
“We get that,” Brant said with a smile toward me.
“It’s the last major scene before they go back to L.A., isn’t it?” I ask.
“Yes. So they will be leaving this special romantic, if scary, situation tucked away in the mountains together.”
“This is the one where Marty bottoms,” Brant said firmly.
I looked at him with surprise. “Are you sure about that?”
He smiled, glanced at David, blushed slightly, and said, “Oh, yeah. Very sure.”
“That’s entirely up to you,” David said quietly. “When we get to the actual sex I leave it all in your very capable hands.” He smiled. “You’ve done very well so far.”
“Thanks,” Brant said. “It’s been method acting at its best.”
I laughed and then Brant and David joined in.
“We’ll spend the morning getting the build-up shots and then in the afternoon we’ll film the big, uhm, climax.”
We all chuckled. “Huge climax,” Brant added with another blush.
“Okay,” David said. “Rest well. I want you to be your handsomest, sexiest selves tomorrow.”
On the way back to our cabin, I asked Brant again if he really wanted to bottom for me.
“Yes, babe. I want to experience you in every way. And, frankly, I’ve seen how good it seems to feel to you. Selfishly, I want to feel that, too.”
I cautioned him that it might feel very strange and that it might be painful at first.
“Just go gentle with me like you would any virgin,” he chuckled.
“You know I will. Oh, and be sure you douche well at lunch. Being completely cleaned out inside makes it a lot easier. And, if I am going to treat you like a virgin, then I need a clean site for the great rim job you will be getting.”
I laughed at the stunned and excited look he got on his handsome face. “Oh, god,” he moaned.
To be continued...
Posted: 10/08/2021