Role of a Lifetime
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 18
Holy fucking shit, indeed. Here is Brant telling me he’s falling in love with me. What happened to the uber-straight star of Conquering Heaven or the randy prince of Royal Sex Wars?
“How can that be, Brant?”
“Uhm, I don’t know really how it happened, but I do know it did.”
I looked into his face, so full of sincerity and vulnerability. “You can’t fall in love with me. You’re straight!”
He smiled and gave a mild chuckle. “I’ve always been straight; liked the ladies a lot; never interested in another guy except as a friend; never felt any interest in exploring any type of sex with a guy.”
“That’s what I thought.”
“But something sort of snapped in me the minute I saw your headshot and then watched your earlier performances. You drew me in somehow. It wasn’t just how incredibly handsome you are. It isn’t just what a hot bod you have. It isn’t how well you kiss, though that helps. It’s all these and more. How gentle and kind and accepting you are of me. How you don’t have any expectations but just take whatever happens in stride.”
My heart was deeply touched by his flattering words. He’d obviously given it some thought.
“I, uh, don’t know what to say, babe. I mean, well, if I’m really honest, I’ve been in love with you since our makeout session at my audition, but I knew there was no future beyond making a picture together. When we wrap the film and COVID finally lets us out of its grip, you’ll go back to dating the latest starlet and I’ll just be a random bit of your backstory most people will never know.”
“That’s basically what I thought, too, Sky. I entered into this role because I specifically wanted to try something really different, something to sort of shake up my career trajectory. I didn’t expect to shake up my own sexual orientation. I didn’t expect to get so into my co-star that I would have trouble keeping true sex out of our sex scenes. That was never a fear of mine.”
He smiled broadly as if remembering a most wonderful time. “But, as you well know, I got so turned on being with you that I couldn’t really control myself. And it’s been wonderful. I’m happy being with you. I want to know everything about you. I want to spend as much time with you as possible.”
“That’s great for your performance, Brant.”
He nodded. “I know. And the desire to give an exceptional performance was part of my motivation at the beginning. But now that’s only a part of it. Now, when we get to film a sex scene, it’s Brant making love to Sky, not Marty with Aaron. It’s really hard for me to call you Aaron in those scenes because I’m not really acting.”
I chuckled. “I have exactly the same problem. Separating my acting from my reality is getting quite challenging.”
“So, my dear, do you want to change something?”
“Not at present. Let’s just have a blast and turn out the sexiest, most loving performances we can. No plans for the future. No expectations. Just great onscreen sex and other intimacy.”
“Okay. I can live with that.”
He held the neck of his beer bottle toward me in an invitation. I clacked mine against his and we drank a silent toast to our no-plans plan.
“At the end of the production, we can talk about the future. Okay?”
I nodded. “Perfect. Just to be clear, though, I love you, Mr. Kimber.”
He leaned across the arms of our chairs until his face was inches from mine. “And I love you, Mr. Ford.” Then he kissed me with a gentle, sweet lip that spoke not of attraction or lust but of love and contentment.
We rose to our feet and embraced tightly.
He whispered into my ear, “And I’m looking forward to you busting my cherry.”
Fuck! My prick sprang to a full erection in about 2 seconds.
“Now, we’d better say good-night or we’ll break our commitment to keep the sex on camera.”
“I know, babe,” I said as I backed away.
Five minutes later I was in my shower pounding my pud as I envisioned Brant lying across the arm of the sofa in his apartment and me shoving my prick into his warm, wet, tight, oh-my-god virgin hole. I screamed and came hard onto the tiles.
Five minutes after that I was sprawled across my bed jerking slowly and sensuously as I imagined making love with Brant in a more standard way: him fucking me into the mattress. My orgasm covered my torso with evidence of my interest in him. It also put me into a deep dream-filled sleep.
Sunday we had our usual morning jog, a long chatty brunch with the gang, a lot of phone calls home and people reading or watching TV. Cole, Max, and Gianni joined Brant and me for a lively workout in mid-afternoon. David told us what scenes he wanted to film the next day, so Brant and I studied our dialogue for a while and then ran through the one significant bit of talking we had. We were both excited as this scene was the one where we have sex on the cliff above the lake. I had a feeling we might see stars in the afternoon tomorrow.
Since we had pigged out at brunch, we skipped lunch but had an early spaghetti dinner cooked up by Cole and Valerie. It was like a big family dinner with everyone talking at once about a phantasmagoria of topics, both related and unrelated. About 6:30, Brant excused himself to go clean up before his Zoom appearance on Hollywood Weekly. Rachoud said he would be over in 45 minutes to do Brant’s hair and makeup.
Once Brant departed, I felt a bit lonely to not be in the same room with him. But I knew he needed some time to himself to get psyched for the interview, which would be an important performance for him. We cleaned up the kitchen and dining area, refilled wine glasses or grabbed a beer and greeted Rachoud on his return to the main cabin living room.
“How is he?” I asked.
“Surprisingly calm and relaxed, I’d say,” Rachoud answered.
“I can’t imagine,” Cole said.
“We’ll soon find out,” someone commented.
As 8:00 neared, we turned on the 65” LG on the living room wall as everyone selected their seats to enjoy Brant’s interview. To me (and a million young ladies, no doubt), he looked sexy as hell as he fielded questions from Juanita Montez, one of HW’s top interviewers. She turned out to be a huge fan of Brant’s and almost lost her objectivity as a journalist while interviewing him. It was actually a bit humorous.
Brant didn’t appear until Juanita’s last segment, so we say through some interesting discussions with a couple of the actors from Stranger Things and a segment about Zak Efron’s little series on sustainability called Down to Earth with Zac Efron. Finally, it was time for Brant.
After introducing Brant and sharing with her audience how spectacular he was as
an astronaut and a Spanish prince, she began the interview with questions about
Conquering Heaven and Royal Sex Wars. She noted that “all your
female fans and a lot of the male ones were quite excited by your many shirtless
and even a few pantsless scenes in these movies.” After a suitably humble
response from Brant, Juanita got to the part of the interview I was most
interested in.
Juanita: Rumors around Hollywood are that you are filming a new movie right in the middle of the pandemic. True?
Brant smiled: True.
Juanita: How’s that going?
Brant: Very well, thanks. We’re on location right now in a beautiful mountain setting.
Juanita: I’m sure that’s exciting. What kinds of COVID resrictions are you following?
Brant talked about our isolated location shoot with a very small cast and minimal crew and how it was working out very well under those circumstances. He mentioned our quarantining before hunkering down on location and how we were receiving socially-distanced deliveries.
Juanita: Rumors are that fans will see a lot more of Brant Kimber in this new movie. True?
Brant nodded: Yes. It’s a very sexy movie.
Juanita: Ooh-la-la! I can’t wait. Tell us more.
Brant: It’s an unusual story, Juanita. It’s a mixture of romance and suspense that mostly takes place with me hiding out in a remote cabin with my, uhm, boyfriend.
Juanita, squeeling: Oh, my God!
She turns and looks right into the camera forming a huge “O” with her heavily painted lips and raising her glossy eyebrows.
Juanita: Oh, girls, you heard it first right here! Even the rumors weren’t telling that juicy tidbit.
She turns back to her computer to look at Brant, who is seen on screen just smiling at her.
Juanita, slowly: So, Brant. Sexy. Romantic. Boyfriend.
Brant, grinning: That’s right.
Juanita: You’ve done sexy and romantic before, Brant, but I don’t recall you doing boyfriend before.
Brant: You’re correct, Juanita. This is new ground for me.
Juanita: So, who is the lucky fellow who gets to be your on-screen boyfriend in a romantic and sexy movie set in a remote cabin? Hmm?
My heart leapt into my throat as several of the others chuckled. Rachoud patted my arm.
Brant: I’m not really at liberty to say just now.
Juanita: Aw, come on. You can tell us. (Looks at the camera and smirks.) We’re your friends. We won’t tell anyone.
Brant laughs as he shakes his head.
Brant: I can say that he is giving an incredible performance fans will never forget.
Juanita: Really?
Brant: He’s a beautiful and sexy young man and a phenomenal actor. He makes all our scenes look so real you’ll swear we’re not acting.
Juanita turns to look at the camera, eyes wide, mouth agape. She turns back to face her computer screen.
Juanita: You just sold a million tickets to this as-yet-unnamed movie, Brant Kimber. To see you and another beautiful man in a sexy, romantic suspense drama will definitely be worth $15 to every lady in America, not to mention a big percentage of the men.
Brant: It’s going to be a beautiful movie, Juanita, and my co-star and I are not holding back at all as we film this movie.
Juanita: Just hearing about this film has me all hot and bothered, Brant. Thank you so much for joining us today and for bringing us such exciting news. Any idea when the movie will be released?
Brant: I think the plan is early in 2021, although with COVID that might change.
Juanita: A great start to a much better year, I’m sure. Well, good luck with all your filming with that other gorgeous guy, Brant.
Brant: Thanks, Juanita. And thanks for having me on today.
Juanita turns to the camera.
Juanita: I don’t think I’ve ever looked forward to a movie as much as this one. Right, ladies? OK, fans, pay attention because Hollywood Weekly will have all the news about Brant Kimber’s new movie as soon as it becomes available.
She turns back to the computer.
Juanita: Brant, you could at least tell us the name of this new movie since we’re such close friends. Right?
Brant (laughing): Not if I don’t want to get fired.
Juanita: We certainly wouldn’t want that! So, instead, please come back when you can share more. And bring the boyfriend with you!
Brant: I’d be delighted, Juanita. We’d be delighted.
Juanita: That’s all for today! Try to calm down before you go to bed, ladies and, uh, festive gents. If you think about Brant and his new movie, you might not be able to go to sleep. Don’t forget to join us next week!
The living room erupted into an uproar of applause and loud chatter as everyone spoke at once. I noticed David had a very satisfied smile on his face. Then, cell phones began ringing and various people took their phones into different rooms or outside as they answered.
About 30 seconds after the show ended, my phone chirped and I saw
it was my buddy Andrew.
“Hi, dude,” I said as I raced out the front door to the relative privacy of the porch.
“You little skunk! That’s the movie you’re making with Brant Kimber! You’re his fucking boyfriend! Oh, my gawd! Are you filming in the nude? With my guy Brant? You fucker, you!”
He said all that in one breath and finally had to stop or he would have passed out from oxygen deprivation.
“Slow down!”
“I can’t believe it!” he added after he had caught his breath.
“Look, we couldn’t talk about it until Brant got clearance from the Royal Sex Wars producers. They didn’t want to risk hurting their initial box office run if there was a backlash to him playing a gay character. You know how fearful producers are of anything that could hurt the ticket sales.”
“I guess so, but, damn, Sky, I’m your best friend!”
“I know and it has hurt me to keep this from you, but I would risk my whole career if I let the word get out about this.”
“I get that,” Andrew said reluctantly. “But, shit, you’ve been making out with the hottest guy in the world for weeks and never told me! Geez!”
“I’ll make it up to you one of these days. When things get back to normal, I’ll have you and Brant over to the house for dinner one night. You know Brodie and Rachel would be agreeable.”
“Did they know about this movie?”
“Uhm,” I hesitated, not wanting to make him feel worse.
“They did,” he said dejectedly.
“They had to, dude,” I said firmly. “Dad had a part in it, too.”
“Does he get to kiss Brant, too?”
“What? No! This isn’t a sex orgy. Brant and I play, uhm, lovers. You know, partners.”
“So Juanita’s interview with Brant made it sound like there is a lot of sex. Is that true?”
“Yes, I guess so,” I answered reluctantly.
“How many, ah, sex scenes do you have?”
Oh, why did he ask that? Shit.
“Quite a few.”
When I said “No” after eight, he screamed out, “It’s a fucking porno!”
“No,” I said weakly. “There are no erections in the final cut.”
“I have every confidence the editors will make it tasteful.”
“Shit, Sky. It can’t be much but sex scenes. Is it going to be X-rated?” he said incredulously.
“No. The director assures us it will not be X-rated.”
“It sounds too raunchy for R.”
“Probably NC-17.”
“They still give that?”
“Rarely, but they do.”
Andrew was quiet for a few seconds. “Hell, Sky, every gay guy in the country will go to see this. Multiple times, I’m guessing.”
“Hopefully,” I said. I wondered if he could tell that I was grinning.
“Actually, Andrew, it does have a lot of sex scenes, but it also has a good plot and some suspense and drama.”
“Yeah, okay,” he said dismissively, “but will we see Brant’s cock?”
“Uhm, yes.”
“And yours, too?”
“Pretty sure you will.”
“Damn, Sky, this movie will make a fortune. Imagine if Brokeback had had some good nudity? What we wouldn’t have paid to see Jake’s and Health’s glory in that flick!”
I laughed.
“And Call Me by Your Name! Armie’s naked hammer would have driven that movie to new heights!”
I agreed wholeheartedly. “Yes, I think the producers of Laying…” I stopped myself. “Uhm, our movie,” I continued, “were brilliant to include such a handsome, sexy star as Brant and include so much nudity.”
“Well, yeah!” After a pause, he added, “I think they were smart to cast you as the boyfriend, too.”
“Thanks, Andy!”
My phone beeped to announce an incoming call. I checked the screen and said, “Gotta go, dear, it’s Brant calling.”
“Shit,” he whispered. “Call me back, dude!”
I clicked “hang-up” on Andrew and “answer” on Brant.
“Hi, Brant,” I cried enthusiastically. “You were incredible!”
“Aw,” he chuckled, “you think so?”
“Indeed I do. Every chick or gay guy watching that show will definitely buy a ticket and most will bring a friend. You’ve probably made millions for the producers just with that suggestive discussion with a positively ga-ga Juanita!”
He laughed. “Let’s hope you’re right. Her producer called me immediately after the show to ask me to go on the show again when I can tell them the name of the movie and the name of my handsome co-star.”
“That’s great, Brant.”
“Yeah. Maybe you can be at my apartment when we do it and I can introduce you and bring you out so everyone can see you and she can get a bit of an interview with you, too.”
That sounded like a great opportunity for me to up my recognition factor by 10 times, I thought.
“Gee, Brant, that would be fun!”
“We’ll see what David and the producers think of the idea.”
“I’m certainly game if it gets approved by the studio,” I said.
“So, what’s the reaction in the main cabin?”
I laughed. “Everyone was very excited. They think you did a great job. Almost immediately nearly every cell phone rang, so we were running all over the place to get some privacy.”
“So, did someone call you?”
“Yeah. I was talking to my buddy Andy when you rang in. He was quite excited about our movie and might have killed me if we’d been together when he found out you are playing gay in the movie and that I am your lover in it. He was so-o-o-o jealous!”
“Tell me everything,” Brant said.
So, I relayed to him the conversation I had just had with Andrew, at least, as well as I could. We agreed we needed to check our Instagram and Twitter accounts. I said I was keeping my anonymity until David okayed an announcement, but that I would see what people were saying about him and his new gay movie.
“Are you coming back over?” I asked.
“I think not. I feel the need to just chill a bit and I don’t want to deal with everyone’s emotions.”
“I understand. I’ll hang around a while and get everyone’s feedback. I’ll share it when we run tomorrow.”
“Sounds great, lover.”
Damn! After a moment, I decided to let it pass for now. “Okay, sleep good!”
“You, too.”
We clicked off.
To be continued...
Posted: 10/01/2020