Role of a Lifetime
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
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Chapter 11
After David called, “Cut!” I was suddenly overcome with an unholy mix of embarrassment and pride as I realized we’d had an audience of four as Brant and I had taken our relationship to the next level, no matter what our relationship actually was.
With a huge grin on his face, Rachoud stepped up beside us with a couple of terrycloth robes across his arm. He opened one to shield Brant from everyone’s eyes as he withdrew from me. Brant backed out with a faint plopping sound and slipped his arms through the sleeves. By this time, I had stood up from my position across the railing and grabbed the strategically-placed hand towel from the pot plant. Quickly I wiped off my tender dickhead, then I wiped my ass as Rachoud held the robe between me and everyone else.
While Brant and I were covering our extreme nakedness, David announced in a very flat voice, “I believe we have all the footage we’re going to need.”
After a moment’s hesitation, everyone started tittering, including Brant and me. Kenny and Cole began taking equipment back into the living room, giggling as they entered the apartment.
In a moment, David and Rachoud left us in silence on the balcony. Brant and I were now covered by our matching white terrycloth robes. He held his arms open and I stepped into them, laying my head on his shoulder as our embrace tightened.
We rested in each other’s arms for half a minute before he whispered into my ear, “I thought it would be good, Sky, but I never imagined…”
“You were marvelous, Brant!”
He chuckled and pulled away slightly so we could look into each other’s eyes. “I don’t have any other guys to compare to, but compared to the legions of women I’ve screwed, you are tighter, hotter, and more exciting than all of them put together.”
“Thank you, kind sir!” I pecked him on the lips.
“I mean that, babe. Women can be nice and sexy, but it’s just no comparison. I mean, your body responded so much more. Your ass, uhm, gripped me and moved against me. I felt more united with you than I’ve ever felt with a chick.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
“’Enjoy’ is a very mild word,” he giggled. “Can we do that again?”
“At the moment we probably ought to see to our guests, dear,” I quipped, “but afterwards, we can fuck as often and as much as you like.”
He grinned like a 14-year-old boy seeing his first naked tits.
“Come on,” I said, “we’ll talk more later. Let’s go inside.”
“Okay, Sky, if you insist.”
Clad in our robes, we entered the living room hand in hand. Kenny and Cole were taking some equipment out the front door while Rachoud was cleaning up the kitchen and David was sitting at the table looking at his laptop.
“Hi, guys,” Brant said as we came in.
Rachoud smiled and gave us a saucy wave before turning back to his work.
David looked up with a smile on his face. “Please sit down for a few minutes.”
“I need a moment in the loo first,” I said as delicately as I could.
“Of course,” David nodded. “Take whatever time you need.”
After tending to my personal hygiene and donning my shorts and tee, I was back in just a few minutes. I found David and Brant sipping Heinekens and Rachoud ready to depart.
Rachoud kissed my cheek and said, “I’ll see you up north!” Then he was out the door with a bag over one shoulder and a big box in his hands. I closed the door behind him and went to the table. By the time I got to the table, Brant had retrieved another beer for me. I sat down beside Brant who was still sweaty and disheveled from our scene.
Brant took my hand and leaned in for a quick kiss.
David laughed. “You know, Sky, every girl in America will hate you if you turn Brant.”
“Uh-oh,” Brant said. “It might be too late to prevent that.”
Wow, what an accomplishment that would be! “Well, I suppose you are right, David, but every gay guy will be jealous beyond belief.”
We all laughed, which helped me relax from my tension at talking with David, who obviously planned to discuss this new development.
“Okay, let’s chat for a few minutes and then I’ll get going.” He closed his laptop.
“Of course,” Brant said while I nodded in agreement.
“Obviously we will have a good bit of editing to do to be able to use that scene without gaining the movie a XXX rating, but that will not be particularly difficult. We need to edit a little for length so we can easily remove any stray dick shots.”
“We trust you,” I said.
Brant nodded.
David took a deep breath and I felt anxiety for the first time.
“Honestly, guys,” he said and then paused, which increased my anxiety about what he was going to say next.
“Truly,” David continued, “that was incredible to witness. What the camera captured was quite possibly the most, uhm, incendiary connection of two people ever put on film. It will definitely come through to the audience as real sex and an expression of true love like most people have never seen. Sky, the expression on your face as you turned to receive Brant’s kiss was priceless. It showed an incredible depth of satisfaction and peace. That is perfect for your characters’ return from their exile and peace at the resumption of their normal life together. The scene is exquisite and artistically superb.”
“Wow!” I said.
Brant grinned. “It was exquisite, David.”
David chuckled. “I could tell.” After a moment he went on. “Your expression and movements, Brant, were perfect, too. You portrayed your enormous desire for your partner as if you were almost hypnotized by his allure. You worshipped him, ravishing him with abandon, but also with tender love.”
“Thanks,” Brant responded.
“No,” David said. “Thanks to both of you. I’ll admit I was very nervous when it became clear you have such a chemistry and that you were possibly going to go all the way in the scene; however, doing it was actually brilliant, as it turns out.”
“Brilliant it was!” Brant laughed.
“Alright,” David said. “Moving forward I am going to ask you to try to refrain from being too sexual together except when filming. I’d like to preserve the high level of attraction and excitement so we can capture it on film. If we can, I really don’t know how much attention we will generate with an unusually authentic sexual relationship played out within the movie, but it cannot hurt us at all.”
“Take that, Brokeback!” Brant yelled while raising his fist in a victory salute.
David and I both cracked up.
“Of course, details of what happens on set will never be divulged by any crew member on pain of lawsuit and career suicide. You can trust these guys and anyone involved in post-production.”
“We do,” Brant said. I felt a rush of bliss at his assumption that he and I are connected enough for him to speak for us as a unit.
“We’ll have a short Zoom meeting on Wednesday to finalize our travel plans for the trip to the cabin and talk about all those logistics. Brant, we will be in Griffith Park Thursday to film the assassination scene and your running through the woods. Plan for Friday also if we need it. Plan to leave on Monday to go up north. Questions?”
We both shook our heads.
David nodded and stood up, replacing his face mask. He placed his laptop in his briefcase, closed it, and took a few steps toward the front door.
We stood and followed David into the living room. When he got to the door, our director turned back toward us and said, “Great job today, guys!” Then he was out the door, pulling it closed behind him.
“David’s probably right about us saving our sex for filming,” I said.
Brant nodded. “Today was so good because it was the fulfillment of something I had dreamed about for months. I’d finally admitted to myself that I wanted to have that connection with you and to experience you fully that way. I did feel almost hypnotized once we got into it. Oh, Sky, I want you even more now that I know how good it can be.”
I chuckled. “I feel that way, too: hypnotized. Not to feed your ego, but that was the best sex I have ever had, Brant. You gave me a hands-free ejaculation, which is something I have never had before.”
Apparently, what I said did feed his ego a bit because he seemed to puff up. “That’s good to know, Sky. Honestly, nothing would please me more than taking you into my bed and pounding you into the mattress all night.”
“That would be a perfect night, babe,” I said as I kissed him lightly. “But, I should go right now before we go any further. I’ll definitely look forward to each of those sex scenes at the cabin!”
“Me, too, babe!”
For the rest of the week, I quarantined at home with Mom and Dad. Mom had a Zoom interview on Tuesday to talk about her experience as Miss Utah and her role on her series Beauty Pageant. Through his agent Henry, Dad was negotiating for a starring role in a yet-unnamed Netflix feature about Roman warriors overtaking Gaul, so he was rather busy with a lot of phone calls and several Zoom meetings, too.
Wednesday’s Zoom meeting included the usual cast and crew and lasted ¾ of an hour. We would be leaving LA on Monday in two vans and Brant’s car. We could expect to be on location for two months and would try to have a long weekend after 4 weeks depending on how the shooting progresses. All the filming there would involve only Brant and me, except for a week when the actor play I was to report to set Friday afternoon at 3:00 for a short scene in which Aaron drives up to a designated place to pick up Marty after his escape from the murderous the mobster would be there for scenes of him stalking us. Mostly we would not be in the same shots.
Other than our Laying Low Zoom call on Wednesday afternoon, I had
nothing really to do all week until I had to get ready for that brief scene. I
worked out, chatted with my friend Andrew, and spent a lot of time at our pool
relaxing and working on my tan.
I finally told Andrew that I was making a film with Brant Kimber.
“Oh, shit, man! Brant Kimber!” he screamed. “You lucky son-of-a-bitch!”
“Thanks for your support,” I huffed sarcastically.
“Well, damn, Sky. Do you have many scenes with him?”
“Several,” I said mysteriously.
“Please,” he begged, “get me an autographed picture. You know I think he is the hottest thing on 2 legs.”
“I know and I agree,” I said. “I promise to get you a photo and, someday, when the pandemic is over, I’ll make sure you get to meet him.”
“Thank you, dude. You’re a good friend,” Andrew said.
My phone beeped with an incoming call from Brant.
“Oops,” I said to Andrew. “Gotta go. Brant is calling.”
Just as I clicked the hangup button on Andrew, I heard him gasp and say, “You’re shitting…..”
“Hi, gorgeous,” I answered.
“Hi, gorgeous, yourself.” Brant’s voice was in his sultry, sexy range.
We exchanged a few pleasantries and caught up on our activities quickly. He was scheduled to go to Griffith Park the next day for the shoot of the assassination and chase through the trails nearby.
“Hey,” I asked, “how are they going to film a supposedly isolated area when you are in Griffith Park?”
“Oh, there are lots of undeveloped acres at the edge of the park. I think we’ll be on a dirt maintenance road where the actual execution will occur. I’ll be watching the whole thing from the trail fifty feet above the road, but the mobster sees me and so they start chasing me. Since I get away, the shots of me running along the trail and through the underbrush will be filmed separately from them running after me.”
“I see.”
“We’ll be socially distanced the whole time. Rachoud will be there to assist me with makeup and stuff and another person will help the mobsters. I don’t think they are having to change the normal filming process much for this particular shoot. We just can’t hang out together between takes.”
“Are you looking forward to the shoot?”
“Um, yeah, I guess. It’ll be interesting to put this piece together. I think it’ll be the first scene in the movie, except they’ll film me jogging quite a bit and start with that behind the credits.”
“David is so smart – putting our biggest asset right out front at the very beginning. That’ll get the world hooked. You’ll be shirtless no doubt.”
He laughed. “Pretty sure of that.”
“I look forward to seeing it.”
“Me, too.” Brant paused for a moment. “Hey, Sky, will you be my date to the premier?”
He certainly can surprise me sometimes. “Uhm, sure. I’d love to.”
“I’m looking forward to Monday.”
“The drive to the cabin?”
“Yes. A day in the car with you.”
I giggled. “You really know how to make a guy feel special.”
“You are special.”
“Stop it,” I chided him gently. “Remember David wants us to save the mushy stuff for the camera.”
“There’s plenty of mushy stuff for the camera and for real life.”
Real life? Was he suggesting he has feelings for me?
“You’re probably right about that.”
“I’ll call you tomorrow night when I get home from the shoot, okay, babe?”
“Sure, honey.”
“Ta-ta!” the butch star of Conquering Heaven chortled and clicked off.
To be continued...
Posted: 09/10/2021