Role of a Lifetime
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 10
Monday, Brant and I rehearsed our big finale, which (Spoiler alert!) is Marty and Aaron safely home after the mobster has been killed. Back in their apartment after several months away, Aaron makes a celebratory dinner, which they eat on the balcony with the great view of the Hollywood Hills, including the iconic Hollywood sign. This is a big romantic scene and Marty tells Aaron how much he loves him and also how much he respects him for what he has done to get them through this terrifying time. Soon, the elaborate dinner is forgotten and they start making out. The scene winds up as Marty takes his lover with Aaron bent over the balcony railing.
Holy shit, that was the sexiest thing I’d ever experienced as we went from a serious discussion over dinner to him pulling me up from the chair and beginning to maul me, pulling my clothes off, with a little assistance from me, and spinning me up against the railing where he mounted me like a classic stud horse. David said we would end the scene (and the movie) with the look of ecstasy on our faces.
We ran through the scene 4 or 5 times without ripping our clothes off so we could get all the blocking and timing down. Luckily, almost all the dialogue happened while we were eating. So, once Marty stands up and comes around the table to Aaron, we no longer have to think much about the dialogue, just be sure the foreplay is realistic. By the time we were ready to practice the stripping portion of the scene, we were both visibly hard with boners that didn’t seem to fade at all each time as we ended the scene, dressed, and ran through the scene again.
When he finally took mercy on us, David let us dress yet again and then we sat on the balcony while he gave us his notes. Most of his comments had to do with the dialogue and the movements during the dinner portion. When it came to our foreplay and sex, David didn’t have much to say except that we would just let it be natural when we are filming and see how it goes.
While David gathered his papers and other stuff as he prepared to go home, Brant asked me to stay for a few minutes. Of course, I said “Yes!” as my horny mind went into overdrive wondering what he was planning.
After a long day of rehearsing the big sex scene on the balcony, we said good-night to David, who was in a bit of a hurry because he was serving dinner that evening to one of the financiers. Brant got us each a beer and sat close beside me on the sofa as we each took a big slug of the cold brew.
Brant put his hand on my knee and squeezed gently. Is he making a pass? I wondered. I couldn’t stop myself from hoping he was. I turned to look at his face a foot away from mine. God, he looked so gorgeous and uncharacteristically vulnerable and unsure.
“What?” I asked quietly.
“This has been the hottest week of rehearsals and filming I’ve ever had, for sure. I’ve been hard more than ever before on set.”
I grinned. This seemed like a pass. “I’ve been the same way, Brant.”
“I’ve never had a particular attraction to a guy. Well, not a sexual attraction, I mean.”
“But ever since we met at your audition, I’ve been thinking of you, uhm, that way.” He sounded like a shy schoolboy.
“Do you think you’re attracted to me?”
He laughed. “Obviously, my dick is. Or didn’t you notice?”
“Oh, yeah, I’ve noticed. Your dick is quite noticeable when it gets excited.”
“Yours is, too.””
I wasn’t sure if I should just kiss him and grab that impressive dick or let him lead. “Thanks,” I mumbled.
“Since the other day when you, uhm, helped me out after our big scene on the floor, I’ve been rethinking some things about myself.”
I smiled at the memory of me going down on him for 15 seconds until he shot down my throat. “Such as?” I asked.
“I realize I’m strongly attracted to you, Sky. More than I was to most of the women I’ve had relationships with.”
“Yes? So, you want to have sex with me?” I put my hand atop the hand he still rested on my knee. I didn’t grip his hand, just lightly rested my hand there, allowing my fingertips to casually curl between the fingers of his hand.
“Maybe,” he said quietly. “Probably. What I wanted was to ask your opinion about sex between us.”
“My opinion?” I chuckled. “That sounds rather clinical.” I adopted a stilted, professional tone. “My opinion, sir, is that sex between us would likely be as incendiary as a Fourth of July fireworks display over Las Vegas.”
He laughed and turned his hand beneath mine to bring our palms together. “I didn’t mean to be clinical about it, Sky. It’s a very personal thing.” He interlaced our fingers and grasped my hand. “I’m sure that, for me, it would be an astounding event, powerful.”
“You never forget your first time.”
Brant stared at our hands for a moment, then turned to look into my eyes. “Uhm, Sky, I don’t think I can handle filming that scene on the balcony tomorrow.”
“We’re supposed to strip so it’s obvious we’re naked. Then I flip you around to grab the railing and proceed to slip into you and fuck you over the edge. While we’re both naked. My hard cock – I’m sure it will be hard – right against your firm ass.”
“Are you afraid you’ll shoot off?”
“Well, maybe.” He paused awkwardly. “What I’m most afraid of is being unable to stop myself from, you know, well, putting it in.” He looked away quickly and pulled his hand away in embarrassment.
“Oh.” I wondered if this was his way of asking my permission to actually fuck me.
“I wouldn’t want to do that. I mean, that’d be rape if I just took you like that.”
I reached into his lap and retrieved his hand in mine. “If that feels right to you at that moment, do it with my permission. It will be fully consensual. I’ll go with it and we will make it the most realistic sex scene ever filmed for a mainstream film.”
He looked back into my eyes and I saw the uncertainty in his. “Are you sure?”
“Anything for an Oscar,” I mugged. “But seriously, I’m sure I would enjoy it and I trust David to shoot the scene in such a way nothing X-rated would be shown.”
“Yes, David’s a pro.”
I squeezed his hand. “So, we understand one another. We’ll allow ourselves to get really into the scenes and let them flow naturally and if we actually cross into sexual territory, we’ll go with it and trust David. So, if you come to my back door, I’ll let you in.”
His eyes were wide and he nodded. “Okay.”
“Just one condition.”
“What’s that? A condom?”
“Ordinarily that would be a condition, but since we both have fresh results from our HIV tests that are negative, I don’t think that is necessary. Do you?”
“Actually, no, I guess not.”
“Just to be clear, the last time I had sex with someone, other than that short blow job the other day, was before Christmas. At least six months ago. I’m willing to commit to being exclusive with you until our filming ends.”
Brant stared at me as if I had just proposed.
“Are you good with that?” I asked.
“Uhm, yeah, sure.” He paused for a moment. “And I’ll commit to exclusivity, too.”
I smiled at him and squeezed his hand. “Perfect. Then we don’t need condoms. But we do need lube if we’re going to fuck.”
He grinned. “You don’t want my cock Brokeback style?”
I laughed. “Hell, no! I want to enjoy every thrusting moment of it!”
“Ooooh, that’s hot!” he moaned.
“I’ll provide the lube. You provide the cock.”
“Oh, my god!” he giggled like a school boy.
I pecked him on the lips and smiled as I stood. “See you tomorrow, Brant.”
It took a Herculean effort on my part not to jack off that night, but I saved my day’s accumulation of cum for a possible hot time on set.
Our call time wasn’t until 2:00 Tuesday afternoon since the scene was supposed to take place at about dusk. David, Rachoud, Kenny, and Cole were already in Brant’s living room when I arrived a few minutes before the hour. Rachoud went to work making Brant and me even more gorgeous than we normally are while Kenny and Cole set up the cameras and sound equipment for very short scenes in the kitchen as Aaron (me) prepares dinner.
We filmed the kitchen scenes several times and then we carried the food out to the balcony. Bringing the food back inside after David was satisfied with our takes, we took a break and discussed the first part of the balcony scene: the part where we talk over our dinner. Our Jack-of-all-trades Rachoud heated some hors d’oeuvers for us to nibble on as we discussed the upcoming scene, then he touched up our makeup while David and Cole set up the balcony for that portion of the shoot.
While Rachoud powdered Brant’s nose, I stepped onto the balcony and slipped a bottle of XDrive’s Stimulating Lube in the potted plant located next to the spot where my deflowering was set to occur. David saw me and raised an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything. As I turned to go back inside, I noticed he stepped up to Kenny and began whispering to the big cameraman. I surmised he was alerting Kenny to the possibility that the lead actors might be planning to go a little beyond the requirements of the script.
When we came out later to take our places at the table, I noticed a hand towel had been surreptitiously placed beside the bottle. I grinned up at David, who smirked at me before turning to give Kenny some instructions.
The food was brought out and put back into place on the table and candles lit. Light wine (real wine, actually) was put into glasses and set at our plates. Then Brant and I took our seats and we filmed the romantic discussion that wraps up a short re-evaluation of Marty and Aaron’s lives now that the mobster has been eliminated. The conversation lasted a couple of minutes and slowly morphed into an intimate sharing of how important each is to the other. At the end of the conversation, Marty (Brant) stands and moves around the table, reaching out to Aaron (me), who then reaches up. Holding Aaron’s hands, Marty pulls him up and into a tight hug and sexy kiss.
big kiss was the end of the scene and always prompted David to yell, “Cut!” The
whole scene was broken into a series of shots that were often only a few seconds
in length as the camera shifted its focus from one of us to the other. As a
result, it took about an hour to film the pieces that would eventually be woven
into a 2-minute dialogue. During the late afternoon we filmed the scene 5 times
with various alterations in our movements and facial expressions and a few
improvisations in the dialogue. It was one of the most tiring shoots we’d done
to date.
By the time we finished the dinner shoot, we needed a short break for trips to the toilet and to rehydrate before we filmed the final part of the scene: the ravishment of Aaron’s ass.
The action from our kiss by the table to the penetration was filmed as one take that included a lot of kissing and fondling and the awkward removal of our shirts and dropping of shorts and fashion underwear and terminated with Brant spinning me around and pushing me up to the railing. With the need to stop each time and redress before we could do another take, David reduced the number of takes. I did notice that each time, Brant was hard from the moment we began undressing until David yelled, “Cut!” Thankfully, David said it was enough after 3 takes.
Rachoud handed us water bottles between each take and after we were finished. We took about 5 minutes to rest and focus before we began the last portion of the filming. By this time, darkness had descended on Southern California and lights had come on across the hillsides and valleys, giving the whole view an added ambience of romance.
The two cameras were repositioned to capture this final coupling of the two protagonists. One camera was placed about 6 feet to our right and as near the railing as possible. From this perspective, the camera had a full-on view of our naked bodies from the side. By zooming in and making slight adjustments to the angle, Kenny could also focus on our faces for the all-important final shot of our ecstasy. The second camera was placed to our right side also, but about 10 feet behind us, too. That perspective would be a full-on view of Brant’s fabulous buttocks as he thrust into his willing lover. I mean co-star.
Before we went back to filming, David instructed us that we would probably do 3 takes so he asked us to please pace ourselves. Brant and I were completely nude as we took our places with my abs across the railing and the Ford family jewels dangling in the air between my body and the glass plate below the railing. Most of my torso, my arms, and my head were above the railing with my face staring down at the world below me. Behind me Brant took his place, which was hands on my hips and sticky erection against my ass-crack. I wasn’t certain, but I thought I felt a fresh dollop of precum anoint the top of my crack as soon as his appendage hit my flesh.
We managed to get through the first take without actually fucking, even through his simulated thrusts were pushing his cock along my crack in a maddeningly erotic way. Our moaning and the kisses he placed on my shoulders and neck as he humped my ass were not acting, regardless of what our paychecks might indicate. Damn! This was absolute torture! I pushed my butt hack into him in a very natural movement. Oh, fuck, did I want him inside me!
The second take began the same way the first did, but after a couple of spectacular humps along my backside, my reserve broke. I reached into the pot plant just to my left, felt around for a moment, and pulled out the XDrive lubricant. Without a word I passed it back toward Brant and tapped him on the forearm with it. He moaned, “Oh, god,” and paused against me. “Are you sure?” he whispered.
“Fuck, yes!” I said, a little louder than perhaps I should have.
A half-second later I felt him take the squeeze bottle from my hand and pop it open. I learned later, when I viewed the rushes, that he didn’t make any attempt to hide what he was doing but simply squirted the goo onto his fingers, leaned back from my body, and lubed up his schlong. I leaned over until my torso was across the railing, my head and arms 23 stories above the ground as I pushed my butt back toward Brant even more. He rubbed my rosebud with a greasy finger, even entering me for a quick lap around the inside of my sphincter. I groaned with pleasure into the air above Brentwood and moved my feet a few inches to my sides.
Brant’s finger departed and immediately I felt the bulk of his cockhead against me. I pushed back and he began to spread me as he entered. “Ooooooh!” I moaned. I’d pretty much forgotten about cameras and sound as my attention focused entirely on my rapidly expanding ass while Brant’s major meat moved into my body. His prick was slick and hot, seeking its natural home and rocking my world. It had been many months since I had been penetrated, which made the sensations both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time and abnormally erotic, too. His cock stretched me open as much as was possible without pain and his length filled me until I thought another millimeter would be too much.
Now Brant’s thrusts against me had become thrusts into me and my pleasure built quickly. I was faintly aware of his cries behind me as I moaned into the city openly without any concern for violating any social morays. He plowed me with full-bore long strokes in a fast rhythm that drove me relentlessly toward a massive orgasm. Time was distorted by my extreme excitement but I suppose Brant brought me to a hands-free explosion in about 3 minutes, perhaps 4. My groans became an endless loud moan from the overwhelming sensations as the hot sperm was projected through my urethra. As my seed began to shoot onto the glass plate, I screamed into the night and clenched down on Brant’s spectacular cock. Naturally, he was soon screaming out as he filled my clutching asshole with his life essence.
Brant started to pull out, but I reached behind me to put a restraining hand on his firm buns. He responded by pushing gently back in until his pubes were plastered against my moist flesh. As my breathing calmed a bit, awareness of my surroundings flowed into my brain and I became conscious of the camera focused on the side of my body. Remembering that David wanted to capture our ecstatic faces, I slowly pivoted my neck to turn my face to the right hoping Brant might lean forward to kiss me. Hallelujah, he did exactly what I wanted him to do, leaning his sweaty abdomen across my back and placing one hand on my cheek. He brought his lips to mine in one of those kisses where he was basically kissing the end of my lips because we couldn’t turn any further.
“I love you, babe,” he said quietly. I wasn’t sure if this was an adlib for the movie or a personal declaration.
“I love you, too, sweetheart,” I responded. I wasn’t sure if this was an adlib for the movie or a personal declaration either.
We kissed again and a gruff voice called out, “Cut!”
To be continued...
Posted: 09/03/2020