Role of a Lifetime
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
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Chapter 7
On Wednesday, we rehearsed the first of our three big scenes set in the apartment.
In this one, we have sex in the shower before Marty sees the execution. We stripped down to our briefs and rehearsed without the water on.
This is the first scene in the chronology of the movie, which will probably get the movie off to a real sexy start. Brant warmed to the idea of being the dominant partner, pushing down on my shoulders to drive me to my knees and then pulling me up so he could spin me around and lean me against the wall. He moved very quickly into a simulated penetration, but I called a halt.
“Wait!” I cried.
Brant stopped and backed up a half-step.
“What’s wrong, Sky?” David asked from his position outside the shower.
“You don’t just shove a dick into a hole, guys.”
“You don’t?” Brant asked.
“Not if you like your partner. If you shoved it in like you just acted, it would hurt like hell, maybe even cause some bleeding.”
“Umm,” Brant said intelligently.
I turned around, grinning at them. “You straight boys!” I scoffed. “Do you guys remember the scene in Brokeback Mountain when Ennis takes Jack the first time? Suddenly. In the tent?”
“Yeah,” David said.
“Uh-huh,” Brant said.
“In that scene, Ennis is portrayed as just shoving it all the way to the hilt with no preparation whatsoever. And Jack takes it like he’s already been fucked by a fire hydrant.” They were silent. I had their rapt attention. “Every experienced gay guy watching that scene has the same reaction: No way! In that second on screen, the movie loses its reality completely. We all know it was written by a woman and a straight man. Obviously, Ang Lee, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Heath Ledger had never done any butt-fucking either. In an otherwise stellar script, that one omission of reality damn near derailed the movie for its primary audience.”
“Wow!” David said.
“So, we have to have lube in the shower?” Brant asked.
I shook my head. “Soap works well enough. But you also insert slowly. Let’s get out of the shower for a minute and I’ll show you.”
made a gorgeous pupil as he leaned against the wall patiently waiting for my
I grabbed a pillow from his bed and directed Brant to fold it in half and hold it waist high. I got in front of him and put my left hand out on his shoulder. We shared a grin. “Watch my hand,” I ordered.
“I can see from the boner in your briefs you’re enjoying this,” Brant smirked.
“Well, you know, no boner, no fuck.”
Off to the side, David laughed. “Go on, Sky.”
“First you would lather up your dick while you think about getting it into me, uhm, your partner.” I held my right hand out and circled my fingers as if grabbing my cock. Keeping my fingers like that, I inched forward until my thumb touched the curve of the pillow, where I stopped. “You would stop with the head of your shaft against his butthole. Then slowly push it inside until it’s all the way.” I pushed against the pillow slowly, flattening my hand as I went. “Once you’re inside, you give your partner a few seconds to adjust before you start pumping.”
“This is more complicated than fucking a woman,” Brant whined.
“Shut up!” I commanded. “Now you try it.”
This time I leaned against the wall like I would against the wall of the shower. Sticking my butt back and shoving my feet apart, I said, “Okay, slip it in.”
Damn, this was hot! I not only had a full boner by then, it was beginning to wet the front of my briefs.
Brant stepped behind me and put one hand on my waist. I felt the edge of his hand against my butt, then he pushed against me slowly, flattening his hand between his crotch and my ass.
“Oh, God!” I moaned.
“What?” Brant cried in alarm and backed up.
“I’m acting, dude. That’s what Aaron would say as he feels Marty sliding into him.”
David chuckled, “This is funny.”
I dead-eyed him. “Nothing funny about getting a dick in your ass. It’s serious business.” I paused for effect. “Serious, but awesome.” I grinned at them.
Brant burst out laughing, slipping his hand out from between us so he could grab my waist with both hands. He began bouncing against my ass and I could feel a very impressive boner hitting me between the cheeks.
“Oh, fuck,” I moaned. “Give it to me, baby!”
“Damn,” David said. “You guys are hot together!”
Brant continued to hump me, moaning like he was about to shoot.
“Okay!” David called out. “Cut!”
“Oh, damn,” Brant said. “I was having fun.”
We went back to the shower and rehearsed the scene a few more times. Brant sported an impressive boner the whole time. I, of course, spotted the front of my Emporio Armani’s quite a lot.
I can’t vouch for David or Brant, but I whipped out a quick one as soon as I got home, then enjoyed a slower replay of the day before I went to sleep that night. I wondered if I can get through this project without shooting all over my costar at some point.
Thursday morning, we rehearsed the first part of my only scene with Dad as the detective. Again, we were wearing nothing but our underwear (Brant in canary Aussie Buns and me in geometric patterned orange Jockeys, which Brant complimented when he first saw me). This is the scene in which Marty and Aaron are building up to a penetration on the living room floor when the detective walks in on them. The scene opens with us flailing around on the carpet between the two couches, kissing like we’re trying to eat each other’s tongue. It was heavenly! Anyhow, we rehearsed several different scenarios that all ended up with me on my back with my legs pushed tightly to my shoulders while Brant was simulating a penetration.
By our fourth or fifth run-through of this scene, Brant and I had long ago reached our full erections and had spotted the front of our designer undies so much they were practically transparent. Several times we had to stop so one of us could adjust the goods in our briefs to lower the pain of restricted movement.
When we stopped for lunch, we discussed three different choreographies of the scene and decided which one was the most natural and would appear sexiest on camera. We ordered sandwiches from Jason’s Deli and Dad (I should probably say “Brodie”) arrived just after the delivery boy. The kid was a 17-year-old with ears that stood out from his face like wings. That’s about all you could see behind his simple paper mask. He acted as though he was always delivering to customers dressed only in their underwear, but he got a good tip from David, so he was happy.
looked California casual in a pair of loose khaki shorts and a plain white vee-neck
tee. Since he and I are in the same quarantine bubble, it seemed unnecessary to
isolate him from Brant, who was now in the same bubble by his closeness with
me. So, the actors sat at Brant’s kitchen table to eat while our director sat
on the floor about 15 feet away from us and ate off the coffee table.
After we had finished eating, David ran through the entire scene for all of us and pointed out mostly to Brodie some blocking for his unexpected entrance. Then, while Brodie went into the hallway outside, Brant and I got back onto the floor, he pushed my legs into position and flopped onto my body, crotch to crotch and face to face. They had left the apartment door ajar so Brodie could hear. David reminded us that there is music playing so loud that we cannot hear the detective rapping on the door.
“Is everybody ready?” David asked.
“Yes,” we all said.
I looked into Brant’s beautiful eyes about 6 inches from my own and smiled sweetly. “I think it’s time for you to fuck me,” I said quietly.
Brant smiled and wiggled his eyebrows as he devoured my mouth and humped me hard enough that I figured a couple of minutes was all it would take to bring me off, maybe him, too.
Suddenly, Brodie stepped inside. He stopped cold in the entry as Brant’s butt bounced above me. I wasn’t sure what he was waiting for because he had a line then. When Brodie didn’t speak, I sang out in a high falsetto, “Oh, sweet mystery of life…”
Brant collapsed on me and we all started laughing, as much from the embarrassment of the scene as from my sissy outburst. It was a moment before we all got quiet again.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw David point at Brodie.
“What the fuck?” Brodie cried out, causing Brant to pull away from me and turn to look towards the door.
“Detective?” Brant croaked.
“What the hell are you doing with the door unlocked? Don’t you realize you could be dead right now?”
Awkwardly, Brant pulled an Afghan from the couch beside us, which he held in front of his crotch as he pulled me up from the floor, clumsily spreading the blanket enough to hide my business, too.
“Sorry,” Brant mumbled as we wrapped it about our groin areas in a very clumsy fashion.
“That’s great,” David said as he chuckled.
Together, Brant and I backed slowly across the room to the hallway leading to the bedroom. As we did, Brodie and Brant exchanged a few lines. In the bedroom we each slipped into a tee-shirt and shorts and then returned to the living room. Brodie was in the same spot, just staring with a sort of disgusted look on his face.
My big line was next. “Coffee, detective?”
“Umm, yeah, okay,” Brodie mumbled.
I disappeared into the kitchen where I did actually make a pot of coffee while Brodie and Brant talked about what Brant had witnessed and how the investigation was proceeding. When coffee was ready, I brought out a tray with mugs, cream, and sugar. Everybody (including David) took a cup and I set the tray on the coffee table.
The rest of the scene was just dialogue between Brant and Brodie until I broke in and asked the detective how he was going to protect us. He mumbled some standard police department shit about posting a guard and not letting us go out without an escort. Aaron didn’t feel that was adequate. After all, we are talking about the Mob, which has already shown it doesn’t mind killing people. As Aaron, I discuss with them the possibility of going to a remote cabin hundreds of miles away.
“Who does the cabin belong to?” the detective asks.
“I don’t know. You’re going to rent it for us through some anonymous person that is untraceable to us or the investigation. A day’s drive from LA.”
The detective considers it and I say, “Now. We’re leaving tonight and you have to provide us with a home by tomorrow.”
Brant protests and I say there is no room for discussion. He looks at me for a moment, then turns to the detective and says, “No safehouse in the mountains, no testimony.”
The detective says, “I’ll be back later.”
When he’s gone, I lock the door and turn around to face Marty and the camera. “Now, where were we before we were so soundly interrupted?”
The three of us run through the scene a few more times, then take a break for a beer and a chat. David gave us a few notes about our expressions, vocal projection, and movements. We talked out a couple of things while Brant brought us each a beer.
When David was finished, I looked at Dad and said, “So, Dad, I’m excited about being in our first scene together.”
He laughed. “I expect the tabloids will make a big deal about my first encounter with you on film being when you are in the floor getting pounded by this guy.”
“That is rather unusual, Brodie,” David chuckled.
“Has there ever been a scene in a movie with an actor watching his own kid in a sex scene?” I asked.
No one could think of anything like that.
“Cool!” I exclaimed. “We’re making movie history here.”
“Indeed, we are,” Dad said.
“We’re going to have a hit on our hands,” Brant said. “I just know it.”
“From your mouth to God’s ears, Brant,” David said. Then he turned to Dad. “Are you okay, Brodie, having watched these two being sexy?”
“I’ll admit it was awkward, maybe even embarrassing, the first couple of times. But I realize it’s all in the script. I’ve done sex scenes before.”
“These two are doing a good job at making it look real,” David said.
“That’s very true,” Dad said. “I think that’s why it felt embarrassing to me at first. It felt more like I had actually caught my son and his lover doing the deed than that I was rehearsing a scene.”
“Well, Brodie,” Brant interjected, “Sky and I are committed to making the sexual connection between Marty and Aaron as hot as we can.”
“I think that will give the audience a firm appreciation for the central relationship in the movie,” David added.
“Yeah,” Dad nodded, “I can see that.”
We did a couple more run-throughs that seemed to move pretty well before David called it and led us through some more suggestions before sending us home, telling me to be in at 8:00 the next morning to begin filming this scene. Since Brant and I had a couple of minutes’ worth of dialogue before we wind up in the floor fucking, David said we’d film that part in the morning. Brodie was to arrive at 1:00 in hopes we’d be nearly ready for the rest of the scene then. I was very nervous about the scene since it was my first scene with Brant and it was a sex scene. Being my one and only scene with Brodie made it doubly exciting and nerve-wracking.
That evening over dinner, Mom and Dad and I chatted about the rehearsals and the shooting schedule. Dad had a couple of other short scenes to film, which was scheduled for Saturday. Then he would he done unless there was a callback later. David had decided to get Dad’s scenes on film before we decamp to the northern wilderness. He said, that way, Dad could be free for other projects that might come up and we would be done with filming in LA.
There were 32 scenes to be filmed at the cabin or in the country nearby that would just involve Brant and me. (Spoiler alert!) There were also about half a dozen scenes that involved Brant and the mobster outside the cabin. The rehearsals and filming would take at least 4 weeks, probably 5. David anticipated having all the footage in the can by the end of July.
To be continued...
Posted: 08/30/2021