Role of a Lifetime
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
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Chapter 6
A masked David welcomed me in and pointed at the sofa in front of him. “Even though we’ve all been quarantining and we’ve all tested negative, I’m going to keep good social distance from you guys. With the nature of your roles, there’s no way you can socially distance from each other. I think we can keep you away from everyone else except Rachoud. The rest of us will be masked up and at least 6 feet away at all times.”
coffee and crullers, David (pictured) talked to us for a while about the entire
plot of the movie and about the role of each of our characters. We spent half
an hour talking about Marty’s backstory, family history, personality, psyche,
likes and dislikes, personal style, and such. It was fascinating to delve so
deeply into the most intimate aspects of a person’s life, even if that person is
fictional. I felt it would be easy for me to act like I’m madly in love with
Marty, especially since he comes in the physical package of the incomparable
Brant refilled our coffee mugs and we spent another half hour taking the same deep dive into Aaron’s life. Very little of it seemed far off from who I perceive myself to be, so I also feel it will be relatively easy for me to inhabit this character. Not surprisingly, I felt a strong sense of relief about that.
David led us through an exploration of the relationship between Marty and Aaron and asked us what we thought would attract our characters to each other.
Brant laughed. “Obviously, David, we’d be attracted to each other because each of us is the most gorgeous man the other one ever met!” He said in jest as he rolled his eyes and grinned.
Fuck, he was right-on about that!
David and I chuckled. “True as that may be,” he looked us both over. “True as that is,” he amended, “that accounts for, at best, wanting to fuck a few times, right?”
I laughed. “Unfortunately, David, you’re right. Gay men are notorious about wanting to get the maximum number of notches on their bed-posts before they turn 30 and become involuntary celibates.”
Brant and David laughed soundly at this. Brant slapped his thigh and David’s laughter morphed into a coughing fit.
“Of course,” I added, “that’s a stereotype. We aren’t all like that.”
When he had quieted, David asked, “Seriously, what do you think attracts Aaron to Marty? Other than your gorgeousness, Brant.” He chuckled.
“Marty is successful and pretty wealthy,” Brant said.
“Yes, I’m sure Aaron likes that aspect of life with Marty. He’s also artistic, you know, being an architect,” I said. “But I think the most important things for Aaron revolve around Marty’s kind and affectionate nature. I imagine Aaron melts when Marty caresses him and his kiss is so intimate that Aaron almost cannot stand it. He’s always treated Aaron well and Aaron sees him as a protector, a mentor, a wonderful companion, and, of course, a fabulous lover, maybe even a soul-mate.” I thought for another moment before adding, “Oh, and I’m sure Aaron feels safe with Marty. He trusts Marty not to hurt him.”
“How much of what you just said is what Aaron wants and how much is what Sky wants?” David asked.
“Hmm,” I said thoughtfully. “I expect it’s 100% what Sky wants and maybe 80% what Aaron wants.”
We all chuckled at that.
“There is one other thing,” I interjected. “As a boy who knew early in life that he was gay. I imagine that Aaron, just like me as a boy, must have dreamed about the man he would share life with. The handsome, sexy, kind, successful Marty probably fits that dream perfectly. So, for Aaron, Marty is everything he ever wanted.”
“Okay,” David said. “All that would cement an irresistible attraction, I suppose.” He was quiet for a moment before looking at Brant. “So, Brant. What about Aaron attracts Marty?”
“Aaron is fun,” Brant said quickly. “He brings humor and light into Marty’s life. Life with Aaron is not only fulfilling, it’s a lot more fun and exciting.”
This was interesting as I hadn’t thought of Aaron as being particularly humorous.
Brant continued, “Since Aaron is still in college and is, what, 3 or 4 years younger, Marty perceives himself as the leader in the relationship. That definitely appeals to Marty’s self-perception of being an Alpha Male.”
“Yeah,” I nodded, “I see Aaron as a little more of the caretaker in the relationship. Although neither of them would use this description, I think Aaron is playing the traditionally feminine role of homemaker. I don’t think Marty is exactly sexist, but I think he feels comfortable in the breadwinner role and needs a homemaker to sort of balance him.”
“Hmm,” Brant murmured as he thought about it. “You’re probably right about that.”
“So, you see them as Marty dominant and Aaron submissive?” David inquired.
Brant and I looked at each other.
“It probably looks a little like that from the outside,” I responded, “but I think it’s close to 50-50. Look how important Aaron becomes in the early stages of their flight. He calms Marty. He gets them ready to flee, locates the cabin, and drags an almost comatose Marty out in the middle of the night. He is much more dominant until they are sort of safely ensconced in the remote cabin. Then and only then, he voluntarily allows Marty to retake the dominance in the relationship.”
“I agree, Sky,” Brant smiled. “I think Marty may dominate when things are easy, but Aaron is really the stronger one and has better common sense, which shows here. I think Marty is smart enough to rely on Aaron when things are tough.”
David smiled. “Good discussion, guys. You’ve brought some great ideas up that flesh out your characters well and help justify some of their actions during the course of the movie.” He sipped his coffee and then said, “I want you to work with that backstory. Underlying everything they ever do is the motivation to protect their partner and their relationship. No matter which scene we’re in or what is going on, always try to keep the idea of a deeply committed love between the two of them. If you do that, I expect almost everything you do will be perceived by the audience as being genuine. And it will add a level of emotional investment from the audience. They’ll also want the relationship protected, so any perceived threat to either character or to the relationship will be more intense for the viewer.”
That afternoon we ran through our two short scenes, working out our movements and blocking. In one scene Aaron is cooking and Marty comes in from the bedroom wearing only some briefs and talking to the detective on his cell. I just set the pot off the burner and stare at him while he walks around oblivious to my attention. When he hangs up, he looks at me, and I say, “You’re so sexy.” Then he motions for me to follow him into the bedroom. I turn off the burner, smirk in anticipation, and follow behind him, scoping out his ass as he walks. You can see what an easy job I have in this movie!
The other short scene is Aaron almost pushing Marty out of the apartment in the middle of the night with a couple of suitcases and coats on their arms. It is their midnight flight out of L.A. We went through it a half dozen times until we felt it was smooth.
On Tuesday, we rehearsed one scene in the morning and another in the afternoon. The second scene will follow the scene in which the detective interrupts the lovers on the floor. It was of them lying in bed, post-coitus, coming down from their sex-high and beginning to focus on their plight with gangsters likely to try to kill Marty. It’s a somewhat pivotal scene in which Aaron slowly takes control by detailing his plan for keeping them safe until after the trial. The next several scenes show Aaron in control of their plans, but Marty maintaining his façade of dominance. This is a lot of the subtlety of our roles.
Rehearsing that scene was fun. We stripped down to our briefs (Brant’s white 2(X)ist and mine red and white Andrew Christian). “Nice outfit,” he snickered when I appeared from the bathroom. In the movie we’ll both be naked, so I will be parading back from the bathroom having just washed up after our sex. I bring back a washcloth for Marty to use. I climb onto the bed and lay the cloth over his crotch. He reaches down and washes himself while I kiss him lightly and say some sweet nothings. We cuddle up and talk quietly for several minutes with the camera looking down on our faces. We work for a while to develop our plan to escape and he begins to get excited again, ending the conversation by pushing me onto my back and rolling onto me as we go into round two (apparently) before the scene ends. Even though our genitals were covered during the rehearsal, it was hot hot hot to cuddle bare-chested, allowing our hands to rove around, and to kiss so much. By the way, have I mentioned yet that Brant is a very accomplished kisser? Uhm, yeah!
We ran through each scene half a dozen times until our movements were smooth and blended well with our lines. I had a great time with Brant that day and I noticed several times that he plumped up, which suggested he was having a good time, too.
When we were dressed again and back in the living room for a debriefing on our rehearsals, I asked David what we could do if erections became a problem during filming.
He chuckled and nodded. “Do you expect they will be, Sky?”
With a bit of embarrassment, I nodded. “I’m very attracted to Brant, you know. Being nude and making out with him, I expect I will have a boner all the time.”
“How flattering!” Brant grinned.
“You know it’s true,” I said.
“Truth is,” David said, “if you’re that into it, your performance will be electric. We’ll shift camera angles or drop out that particular take or make other adjustments as needed. Don’t worry about it. That will be a problem for the cameraman, the editor, and me, but not for you.”
David,” Brant said quietly, “I think I may have the same problem. I’m trying to
set any old taboos aside and let my gay side out. I think Sky is oh-so-sexy and
I felt excited holding him and kissing him just now. It doesn’t seem to inhibit
me that he’s a man. In fact, I think that sort of ‘forbidden fruit’, pardon the
pun, may have added some zing to my excitement. I want to let myself forget
gender roles and just let the sexual feelings build and carry me through the
“That will make your performance outstanding, too, Brant.” David sat quietly in thought for a moment. “Look, guys, just between us, if you guys get so turned on to each other that you want to fuck every time we film a sex scene, that would be awesome. If Marty and Aaron’s relationship looks realistic and very hot, well, gay guys and straight women will not want to miss this movie. Any straight guy who has ever been curious might want to see it, too.”
“Like we said before,” Brant reminded us, “better than Brokeback or Call Me by Your Name.”
“If that happens, we’ll have a gigantically profitable flick! A lot of us will get rich and you two will be stars!”
“Praise Jesus!” Brant shouted.
I chuckled and David whooped.
“I wanted to raise one other issue,” I said.
“Sure,” David said,
“Well, all the sex scenes are not very specific in the script. I mean, for example, who’s on top and who’s the bottom.”
“Yeah, I asked Harold if we didn’t need to offer more direction in the sex scenes. His answer was something like, ‘Let’s let the guys do whatever comes natural to them as long as it looks like hot sex.’ So, it’s rather up to you.”
I thought for a moment. “Okay. Earlier we talked about Marty being the Alpha Male, dominant partner. I sort of see him being the top almost all the time. So, in the few scenes that take place at the apartment and maybe the first one or two at the cabin, I suggest we choreograph the scene for him to top.”
“I do think you have a hot ass,” Brant said.
Through his chuckles, David said, “That makes a lot of sense to me, Sky.”
“Okay,” I nodded, picking up some confidence in what I was about to say. “So, as the story moves along, it seems to me that Marty realizes more and more how much he needs Aaron and how capable Aaron is of taking control. I think Marty softens his dominance until at the end, they are much more equal.”
“Yes,” David agreed. “I think that’s the key change in this relationship and actually in the two guys.”
“So, what if Marty is always the top in the scenes we show until one of the later scenes at the cabin and he asks Aaron to be the top? That would underscore this change in the relationship.”
David’s eyes bugged a bit and he slowly broke into a big smile. “I love it, Sky. It’s a bit subtle, but we show in a very real way and without saying it that Marty is voluntarily giving Aaron more control. Hey, that’s good, stud!”
“Besides,” I said with a twinkle in my eye. “Every gay guy will really get off when Marty finally gets fucked!”
We all laughed, but Brant said, “I’m not sure I want every gay guy in America, uh, the world, to want to see me get fucked.”
“Maybe you do, Brant,” David said. “I suspect every gay guy will become huge fans of yours after this. They buy lots of movie tickets, even for non-gay films.”
“Good point,” Brant agreed.
That night in my own bed, I replayed that scene where we were in bed and naked. I had felt Brant’s boner while he was against me kissing me, but we were soon apart because we were just blocking out our movements at the time. Later, in my mind, we kissed and humped and eventually Brant’s fingers found my anus where they tickled, twirled, pressed, and, thankfully, entered. Soon I imagined his girth forcing my sphincter to open quite wide as his length began to fill me, too. Oh, fuck yeah! I felt the delicious movements of his solidity into my flexibility as he claimed his rightful role as the Alpha top dog in our relationship. I couldn’t stifle my shout as the hot ribbons of splooge rocketed through my dong and out onto my torso, practically burning me inside and out while leaving me spent and slipping into semi-consciousness.
To be continued...
Posted: 08/20/2021