Officers' Boy
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2022 by the author)
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Chapter 30
As we sat around the fire pit drinking sodas or beers and munching on delicious warm cookies, I think I experienced the beginnings of healing from the family trauma I had just endured. Haltingly I shared the events that had transpired in my father’s study and afterwards as I packed and departed. The hunky blue-eyed captain kept his arm around me until it probably went numb, but he succeeded in making me feel protected and … loved.
By the time my story was finished, I think we had all sniffled a few times and my listeners had all expressed their horror at my father’s attitude and rigidity. Nothing remained on the cookie plate except crumbs. And our drinks were dry.
“Before we call it a night, I want to share a few things with you, Eric,” Tony said.
“Of course.”
“All four of us have been in agreement for months that we desire your consistent presence in our home and our lives. We’ve been wanting you to move in since that first weekend you spent here. But we wanted it to be 100% your choice.” He paused a moment. “Perhaps this choice was forced on you, but that doesn’t mean we want you here any less.”
“Absolutely!” Michael echoed.
“From this moment forward, please consider this your home and us your family. Your room is yours. You are expected to help out with cleaning and maybe cooking and laundry and lawn maintenance, but under no circumstances will you give us any money.”
“I, uh…”
“No, Eric. It’s not charity. It’s family.”
“He’s right,” Robert said.
“Your money needs to be allocated to your personal expenses such as gas, car insurance, lunch at school, and, most importantly, tuition and books,” Tony stated. “If you ever have extra, save it for next years’ tuition. If you ever run short of money, let us know. We all make good salaries and have extra money. We will always be able to help you any time. Is that clear?”
“Yes, sir, it is, but it seems a little one-sided.”
“Au contraire,” he responded. “We’ll be helping you out of our abundance and you’ll make us feel good that we can do that.”
“I get that, but I can’t do anything for you in return.”
“Oh, please!” Robert sounded sort of pretend-perturbed. “You already provide us with wonderful companionship, youthful energy, excitement, and the satisfaction of helping someone younger as he grows into adulthood.”
“And the sex you give us is stupendous!” Michael added.
We all chuckled at that.
“Well, it’s true,” Mike said a little defensively.
Robert smirked. “That, it is!”
“It is true, Eric,” Tony affirmed. “But I do want to be clear that we are not going to support you as a sex slave or something. You can always say ‘no’. And you won’t be booted out if you do.”
I grinned as excitement rose in my guts. “I can’t imagine ever saying no to any of you. There is nothing I like better than making out with one of you.” I paused. “Well, sucking your cocks maybe.”
Michael and Robert chuckled.
“And, certainly, taking you up my butt all the way to your pubes. I think that might even beat making out.”
Everyone laughed.
“Well said, babe,” Tony said. “Well, this old man has an early morning so I’m going off to bed now. Eric, you’re welcome to sleep alone or knock on one of their doors if you are in the mood. Tonight, I’m not in the mood.”
“Okay,” I said, simultaneously thrilled at his directness and the feeling of love and support I felt while also being slightly embarrassed by the matter-of-fact discussion of my sexual relations with all of them.
As Tony stood, I jumped to my feet so I could move in for a good-night hug. “Thank you!” I clung to him until he gently pushed me off him.
“Good night, babe. I love you and I’m very happy you came to us tonight.” He kissed me lightly on the lips and pushed me away.
“Good night, gentlemen,” he said to the others.
“Good night, sir!” came the response in unison.
I spent the next half hour in my new room unpacking my clothes and putting them away. I selected my clothes for school the next day and got ready to turn in.
stuck his head into my doorway looking sexy as hell in briefs he had pushed down
a bit at the sides. “I’m heading to bed but I wanted to tell you how thrilled I
am, we all are, that you’re with us now. That just feels right.”
I smiled at him. “It feels right to me, too.”
“Good. I sleep with the door closed just to keep the noise down. But, please, if you ever need anything, just open it and come on in. No knocking necessary. Okay?”
“Uhm, sure. Okay. Same here. Come in anytime.”
He stepped on into the room and we embraced. “Sleep good.” He pecked my lips.
“Good night, Mike.”
He went out and in a moment his door closed.
I went into the bathroom between my room and Rafael’s. I’d used it before but it was a little different with my toiletries in the medicine chest next to Rafe’s and my toothbrush on the sink. I peed and returned to the bedroom. I stripped to my Calvin’s, turned out the ceiling light, and climbed between the sheets. It wasn’t my bed at home but it was a comfortable place to sleep. In fact, it was considerably more comfortable than my bed where I used to live. This was now the bed in my room. My home. Wow.
The sheets were cool and clean. I ruffled the pillows a bit and settled in.
“Thank You, Lord,” I prayed quietly. “It’s been a difficult day but I’m very grateful that Rafael has come through his terrible accident and is already starting to improve. Please comfort him tonight and bless him with a quick and complete recovery.”
“Thank You that I no longer have to live a false life for my parents. I imagine they are grieving me tonight. I regret that, so please show me if there is anything I should do to try to help them. If they feel responsible for my being gay, please show them that’s not the case. If it is Your will, please allow us to rebuild our relationship sometime in the future.”
“Thank You for Rafael, for Michael, for Robert, and for Tony. Thank You for their loving, kind hearts and for their enormous generosity towards me. Please help me to be a good friend to each of them. Help me to always be a good thing in their lives. Thank You for providing this lovely and loving home to me the minute my old home was lost. You are a very generous God to me, Father. Thank You.”
I switched off the lamp on my nightstand and prepared to sleep. For a few minutes I tossed and turned, feeling less confident than I had a few minutes earlier. It wasn’t long before I knew what I needed in order to be able to sleep. I got up, walked to my door and went into the hallway. Two steps brought me to Michael’s door. I started to knock, then thought better of it. He’d said to just walk in if I needed anything.
I opened his door and stepped quietly inside, pushing the door closed behind me. Softly I padded to his bed, determined in the soft moonlight that he was on the right side, walked to the left, and slid in beside him. He turned toward me, mumbled, and drew me into his arms. In just a few minutes I fell asleep wrapped in the cocoon of his love and protection.
To be continued...
Posted: 10/21/2022