Officers' Boy
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2022 by the author)
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Chapter 4
When we were ready to leave Seminole Gardens, Rafe gave me a quick peck on the lips and reminded me that he would pick me up at 7:00 the Monday two weeks hence, but that I could text or call him in the meantime if I wanted. He snickered and said he would probably need a coffee before then.
I pedaled back to Starbuck’s, where I endured Sylvia’s smirk until I could get into a restroom to change back into my work clothes to go home. I put my riding clothes into a bag, which I left with her.
“Text me when you get home,” I said and dashed out the door.
In less than ten minutes, I was parking my bike in the garage and walking into the kitchen, where Mom had saved me a dinner plate of ham, scalloped potatoes, and butter beans. As I chowed down on my late dinner, I told her I’d gone for a long ride on the way home (not a complete lie) in order to reduce my stress from school and work (almost a complete lie). I hated hiding my truth from her, but I just couldn’t figure out how to tell her I was out with Rafe without raising all kinds of questions – you know, parent’s favorites: Who? Where? What did you do?
It was nearly 10:00 when I went upstairs to study a little while before bed. I tackled a difficult set of physics problems and got to the third one before my phone pinged. Syl’s checking in, I thought, as I picked up my Samsung. But the message was from Racer! My heart beat faster as I tapped his name on the screen.
RACER: Good ride, good buddy.
ME: Great night!
RACER: Thinking of me?
ME: Umm. Yum!
RACER: 😊 😊 😊
ME: Dream of me 2night?
RACER: Of course.
Amongst the pinging, a message came from Syl.
SYL: Are you a virgin?
My face flamed. She’s so horrible sometimes. Maybe that’s why I love her! Quickly I answered.
ME: Yes. Texting Racer.
ME to Racer: I’ve been dreaming of you.
SYL: Naughty boys!
RACER: I want you to dream of me every night and think of me when you … touch yourself.
My heart raced as my dick throbbed.
ME to Racer: Oh, yeah! I already do.
SYL: You have school tomorrow. Don’t stay up too late.
ME to Syl: Yes, Mother.
RACER: Get some sleep, Eric. I want you to ace all your courses and graduate with honors.
Wow! I didn’t expect him to be concerned about my grades. That seemed like a good sign, like maybe he expected to be part of my future.
SYL: Goodnight, Big Dick
ME to Racer: Don’t worry. I’m an excellent student.
ME to Syl: Toodles
RACER: I knew that. Blowing you a goodnight kiss.
Shit, my dick throbbed again and grew almost rigid.
ME to Racer: Hug and kiss
I reached into my boxer briefs to feel my hard dick. The whole area was damp and sticky from the precum I had been leaking.
ME to Sylvia: ZZZ 2 U 2
That week was the last week before our final exams, so there were no tests, but a lot of final papers and projects were due. My term project for Physics was due Thursday, so I met with my group on Tuesday after work and on Wednesday right after school.
We met at Allison Garland’s house both nights
because we were allowed to take over the dining room for the week. Donovan
Cooper (pictured), who was a good friend of mine, and Harley Bell, whom I didn’t
know well, were the others. Since both Donovan and Allison wanted to be doctors
and Harley and I were interested in engineering, we found a project that was
related to both fields of study – prosthetic legs. During the semester we had
done a bunch of literature research about prosthetics and materials and studied
forces through a shaft (like a leg). We compared several different materials
for their properties, trying to find the greatest strength and lightest weight
and also materials that would last for decades without any decrease in
properties. We considered cost, ease of manufacturing, availability, and a few
other characteristics. We figured out the three best candidate materials and
then performed some tests at school to determine their tensile strength in
various thicknesses and their compression strength. We’d done our testing the
previous week and spent this week preparing our statistics, writing the final
report, and proofreading, etc. We wanted to ace the project because high grades
in general and in science, in particular, would help us all get into good
Thursday night after work, I borrowed Mom’s Caddy to drive over to the USF (University of South Florida) campus for an 8:00 appointment in the Psych Building, where I was to be a subject in a grad student’s research project. This was an extra-credit project for my Psychology class. It turned out to be rather interesting as I took a “personality quiz” that asked about preferences between usually unrelated things, such as an individual sport or a team sport. After I finished this little quiz, the student, a nice dweebie guy from Sarasota, gave me another quiz that asked a bunch of similar questions about the things I like and don’t like. He didn’t have any questions about sexual orientation but did ask about how often you date and where you meet the people you date and what you do on dates. One question did ask if you plan to marry and whether you would like to have children. All in all, I enjoyed thinking about my life from this perspective. I wondered if he would figure out I prefer guys, but found it exhilarating when I realized I didn’t care whether he did or not!
When I wasn’t working or at school, I was studying
that week and over the weekend. Rafael (pictured) came in for a
grande Veranda on Thursday following our bike
ride on Monday. We only had about 5 minutes to chat, but it was great to see
him again. After he left, I felt more at peace about him, as if his existence
in my life had been confirmed.
He came in again the following Monday and told me he was going on TDY in the morning and wouldn’t be back until Friday. I asked what TDY meant and he said it was a military term that stood for “temporary duty” and was used when personnel went on official business trips. He surprised me by coming in on Saturday morning, too.
Saturday evening was my graduation ceremony and Rafe brought me a nice congratulations card and a pair of those awesome mirrored sunglasses pilots wear. He’s as sweet as he is sexy!
Graduation was big, overblown, and surprisingly boring. But all my friends and I got our sheepskins, so we were happy. Allison Garland was named Valedictorian with Eleanor Watson the Salutatorian. I was thrilled to be 4th in the class with Donovan Cooper ranked 7th. There was a big alcohol-free graduation party at our church that had over a hundred guests, counting family members and a few friends. I think about 20 of my classmates stopped by. Most of them were gone by 10:30 to more exciting parties where the punch had considerably more punch than ours did. My gang was headed to Shelley O’Bannion’s house because her dad was very liberal. My dad exerted his power, of course, by refusing to allow me to go out after the church party. Once again, his narrow religion was limiting my life experience and my happiness. In only three months I’d be out from under his oppressive thumb. I couldn’t wait!
When I got up to my room about 11:30, I checked messages and found several:
From Rafe at 8:18: I’m so proud of you!
From Syl at 9:12: Hoping it’s going well. Text me when you get home.
From Donovan at 11:02: You’re missing a great time at Shelley’s. Y don’t you sneak out?
From Roger at 11:19: Wish U were here man
From Donovan at 11:22: Please
From Shelley at 11:25: U hafta come!
ME to Racer at 11:31: Thanks!!!! 😊 Going to a party.
ME to Syl at 11:33: Home for a moment. Going to a party. Tomorrow OK
ME to Donovan, Roger, and Shelley at 11:35: Save some fun for me. On my way!
I quickly changed clothes, peed, piled stuff in my bed to make it look like a body, and opened the screen on my window. Just as I started out, the phone pinged three times.
RACER: Have a great time! G’Night.
SYL: Don’t forget to take your virginity 😉
Bitch! I thought with a laugh as I climbed over the sill.
There was a lot of merriment at Shelley’s house, which, luckily was only a few blocks from mine. I only had a couple of glasses of punch as I didn’t really like it much. A couple of guys, including Donovan, got pretty wasted and there was a lot of making out and stuff. Mr. O’Bannion sat off to the side of the patio watching a movie on his I-pad and keeping inventory on which kids had disappeared into the house. A couple of times he paused the movie and roamed through the house collecting everyone who was seeking privacy. Nobody was getting pregnant on his watch! But he didn’t seem to care how much booze we drank and even ignored the toking going on over by his tool shed. I talked with my buddies, made out for about 10 minutes with Ingrid Philpot, and left about 1:00. I was alone in my bed by 1:15 when I checked messages again.
From Syl at 12:01: U missed curfew
From Syl at 12:19: I really am proud of you, Big Dick
I plugged the phone into the recharger and rolled onto my back, my hand lightly rubbing my chest. When I accidentally grazed my nipple with my finger, I got a nice jolt in my penis. Umm. I spent the next few minutes thinking about Racer. I retrieved my phone and pulled up my gallery page, I didn’t have to scroll far to find the photos I’d taken of Racer at Seminole Gardens. He was so handsome I practically drooled on the phone screen. And that one of his butt displayed prominently by his riding shorts. Fuck! But the one that got me going the most was of his front side. The one with his most impressive bulging genitals. I couldn’t wait to see them displayed in their full glory. By this time, I was hard. My hand cupped my balls while its twin grasped my rigid dick. In my mind, that long, thick dick was unfurled to its greatest. It was his grande cock I was stroking in my imagination as his beautiful eyes watched me. I think I lasted about 90 seconds before I shot all over myself! Fuck, he turns me on!!
Getting out of bed at 7:30 the next morning in order to be ready for Sunday School at 9:00 was a real bitch. I wasn’t hungover, just tired from a very short night. But I was there, knowing I didn’t want to make skipping church services an issue with Dad. There were too many more important issues that might need to be addressed this summer. After church, we had a rare Sunday in which we just came home. Mom never prepared a Sunday lunch (“dinner” in Southern Christian lingo) because usually someone invited us out to a restaurant or to their home for the meal. She managed to nuke some very good spaghetti sauce she had in the freezer, boil some noodles, and toss a salad for a tasty meal before any of us starved to death.
With no homework for a change and no shift at Starbuck’s that day, I opted to take a nap. After a nice beat-off session in which Racer ravaged my ass all over Hillsborough High – damn, what a hot fantasy! – I spilled my seed on my belly and chest as I moaned out my pleasure. I fell asleep dreaming about our dinner date tomorrow.
To be continued...
Posted: 04/22/2022