Officers' Boy
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2022 by the author)
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Chapter 3
Racer was dressed in all black Lycra, holding his bike steady, and watching traffic coming off I-275 onto Hillsborough Avenue. He turned at the sound, smiling very broadly when he saw me.
He held his hand out toward me and I walked to him, my heart beating wildly in an unholy combination of excitement and anxiety. I wasn’t sure I was ready for a real date with a real adult, but I certainly wanted to be with him. In every way!
When I was a few feet away, he spoke in his deep voice. “Look at you!” He raised his eyebrows and wiggled them suggestively. I held my hand out to him and he took it, pulling me close but not against his body. “You look fabulous, Eric!” He paused and I rewarded him with a smile. “That outfit is perfect!”
“I’m just trying to look good enough to be with you,” I answered with a level of honesty that surprised me more than it did him.
“Let me tell you a secret,” he whispered conspiratorially. “You don’t have to work to look good enough to be with me. Hell, you’d make me proud to be seen with you no matter what you were wearing.”
“I’m very proud to be seen with you, too, Racer.”
“Let’s get your bike and roll.”
back.” I led the way, imagining his eyes on my buns. When I felt blood pulse
into my dick, I consciously thought of Beowulf, which controlled my
uncontrolled dick a bit. We retrieved my bike from its place chained against
the short rail by the rear door.
When we left the parking lot, Racer headed north along Central Avenue past the lovely 1920s vintage homes of Seminole Heights. Traffic was light at this time just before twilight and the heat of the afternoon was dissipating as we rode along at a modest pace. The ride wasn’t so much for burning off calories as it was for burning off stress, it seemed to me. By the time we’d gone a half mile I was feeling relaxed and peaceful, a nice change from the stress of school, work, and home. When we reached the park-like Seminole Garden Club, Racer turned onto the grounds and we rode along the bike path. It was then I noticed he had unzipped his top and was allowing his impressive pecs to get the wind.
Oh, fuck, I thought. I so wanted to stroke the firm mounds of his pecs, run my fingers through the hair, and suck his hard nipples. My cock grew several inches in just a few seconds.
We ambled down a pathway to a park bench, where he stopped riding.
I pulled alongside him.
“Let’s sit a spell,” he suggested.
We parked our bikes. “Just a second,” he said as he rummaged in his side bag. Soon he pulled out his phone. Looking up at me, he smiled and said, “Would you mind a picture or two?”
Wow! I couldn’t believe he wanted pictures of me. “Um,” I grinned, “only if I can get some, too.”
He chuckled. “Deal.”
took three or four shots of me on my bike, then asked me to stand. He took a
few shots from the front, then ask me to turn to the side. He took a couple of
profile shots and then walked behind me, where I think he took several of my
When he came back to my side, I said, “My turn.” He nodded his assent and I drew my phone out to take several of him from the front. Without my asking, he flexed his biceps for one, turned his profile toward me for a couple, and then turned around so I could take full-on butt shots. My cock was almost completely hard by that time.
“Come, sit,” he said and we sat down, close, but not touching. I decided to be more assertive than I often managed to be.
“Tell me a little about yourself, Racer,” I said.
“Sure,” he said calmly. “Let’s see now. I was born and raised in Lakewood, Colorado, just west of Denver. And I will be 25 in a couple of weeks. My grandparents on Mom’s side emigrated from Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1954 to go to college in Colorado. My dad’s parents were farmers in Eastern Colorado, a town called Lamar. My parents were both born in the 1960’s in Colorado and became sweethearts as Freshmen at the University of Colorado. They wanted to build a good life, so they waited to marry until they finished college. I have an older brother, two older sisters, and a younger brother.”
“Wow,” I said, “I can’t imagine such a big family. I don’t have any siblings.”
Racer grinned. “Most of the time, it’s great to have brothers and sisters, except when someone hogs the bathroom or the phone. But we were all pretty close in age and grew up friends. We’re still close to each other. My older sister Mari has three kids already and my brother Paulo has two kids. My sister Cecilia has a daughter who just turned two and she has another due in a couple of months. My youngest brother Francisco is a senior in mechanical engineering at Colorado State University.”
“You’ve got a really big family now.”
“Yes, Christmas was nothing but chaos and good food.”
“Sounds great,” I said wistfully. “But your Mom and Dad didn’t name you Racer, did they?”
He laughed loudly. “No! I got that name when I was in flight school. Did you ever see Top Gun, the old Tom Cruise movie?”
“Yes, a great movie,” I nodded.
“Especially the volleyball game?” he smirked.
I blushed at the memory. “Yeah, it’s a hot scene.”
“Well, you remember they were named Maverick, Hollywood, Iceman, Viper, and stuff like that. I was named Racer by the guys in my training squadron because I did some amateur racing in those days.”
“Oh, that makes sense. I had wondered about your name. So, you’re a fighter pilot?”
“I am. I’m an Air Force lieutenant and I do a lot of flying. For now, all my flying is stateside or into the Caribbean. I spent a year in the Persian Gulf and came to MacDill eight months ago.” (MacDill is our local Air Force Base.)
“That’s impressive, and a little scary, too,” I said.
He smiled. “Let’s not talk about that right now, maybe some other time.”
“Okay,” I nodded.
We were silent for a few seconds.
“You didn’t tell me your real name,” I reminded him.
“Oh, sorry,” he said. “I’m not trying to be mysterious. My name is Rafael Otero Hamilton.” He smiled and continued, “You can call me Rafe if you prefer. Most of my close friends call me that.” He smiled at me. “I think I’d like for you to be a close friend, if you want to be.”
This was a significant and open statement, I thought. I put my palm on his thigh just above the knee. “I think I’d like that a lot.” When my fingers touched him, my cock twitched.
He smiled. “Can I ask you a very personal question?”
I nodded.
“Do you like guys?”
I figured Racer had already realized this about me, but still the question shocked and frightened me. Why is it you can’t really know how someone will react to this truth? I took a deep breath. “Yes.”
“Thanks for sharing that with me.” His hand gently covered my hand on his thigh. His fingers wormed their way through mine until his fingers closed between mine. I let my fingers close within his grasp. My dick lengthened and stiffened.
“Do you like guys?” I asked.
He smiled at me. “Sometimes,” he said. “I also like girls.”
I’d heard about guys like that. “Oh,” I said, not knowing how I should answer.
“I want you to know, Eric, that I like you very much.”
My dick went rigid. Trying to keep my breathing even, I said, “I’m glad, Rafe, because I like you a lot, too.” My dick throbbed in my compression shorts.
“So, before we can do any more than this, we need to have a serious conversation.” He took his hand away.
This broke the sexy mood I’d been getting. “About what?”
“A couple of things. First, I need to know how old you are.”
“I was 18 on my birthday in March. That’s old enough!”
“It makes you legal, at least, thank God!” he grinned. “Have you had a boyfriend?” he asked.
“As gorgeous and sexy as you are, I have to ask you, why not?”
“I guess I couldn’t imagine how to handle my parents, well, Dad mostly.”
“So, they don’t know you like guys?”
I shook my head. “No way.”
“What do you think would happen if they found out?”
“Mom would cry and worry about me. She’d be afraid I’d get AIDS. She’d be ashamed if any of her friends found out.” I was silent, imagining the pained look she would have every time she looked at me.
“And your dad?”
“Oh, my God! He’d scream and yell and tell me I’m going to hell. He’d take me to one of those conversion therapy places. He’d become obsessed with getting me to change.”
“That’s a pretty serious reaction. Are you sure you aren’t overplaying it?”
Sadly, I shook my head. “No. His whole existence is based on him being a perfect Christian, which, of course, means raising a perfect Christian son. Especially since I’m his only offspring. His people at church might not look at him as being so perfect if they knew. He couldn’t stand that. And if people left the church, their offerings would go down, and his whole empire could collapse.”
“He’s a pastor?”
“Yep,” I nodded. When I told him where, he gasped.
“Fuck,” he said quietly.
“So, you can see why he’d blow up.”
He nodded. “Gee, Eric, that’s a lot of pressure on you.”
“Yeah, I guess it is,” I grinned. “Enough to keep me from letting anyone at school know I like guys.”
“So, would it be best for you if I just disappeared?”
Instantly my stomach churned as tears formed in my eyes. I looked at his beautiful face in the twilight of the gardens. A big lump formed in my throat so that I didn’t think I could speak without blubbering. I shook my head vigorously.
He smiled kindly at me. His hand touched my face and wiped the tears away, but more came right back.
“Oh, baby,” he cooed as his arm went around my shoulders. He drew me into him. “Don’t cry.”
I relaxed into his side, feeling the strength of his body against mine. His hand gently caressed my shoulder. His touch soothed my pain at the idea he would leave me so soon.
“Please, don’t,” I croaked. “I don’t want you to go before I get to know you!”
“Okay, just checking with you. I wouldn’t want to mess up your life.”
“Thanks, Rafe. Someday my parents will know and that will probably be tough, but in the meantime, I want to learn more about myself, too.”
Rafael took my hand again. “Eric, are you comfortable to tell me how you feel about sex?”
I chuckled and said, “I’d like to learn about it!”
“Have you ever been with a guy before?”
“No. I wanted to, but never trusted one of my friends enough to let him know I like guys.”
“So,” he said quietly, “you’re still a virgin?”
I nodded. “Yep.”
“Wow,” he said. He was quiet for a moment and I wondered what he was thinking.
“I’m sorry, Rafe.”
“Oh, no, baby, don’t say that.” He squeezed my hand. “I think it’s amazing you are so, uhm, innocent about sex.”
I looked into his eyes and smiled as seductively as I could. “You could take care of that, if you wanted.”
“Damn, Eric!” He squeezed my hand.
I’d thought he liked me, but it seemed like he was saying no. “Oh,” I said crestfallen. “I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for. You’re a very good kid.”
“But you aren’t interested in a virgin.”
“Uhm,” he grinned, “that’s not it at all. How do I say this? When you have sex for the first time, it’s a really special moment and shouldn’t happen casually.”
“Okay.” It still sounded like no to me.
“Your first time should be with someone special. You know? It’ll be something you’ll always remember.”
“Don’t you think you’re someone special?”
He looked embarrassed. “Well, I guess.”
“’Cause I think you’re very special.”
“But I’m so much older than you. And, well, I’ve been with a lot of people.”
“That’s part of what makes you special.”
“Thanks. But don’t you think your first time should be with a guy who is, well, your age? Someone you have been seeing for a while?”
“I think it’s more important that he’s someone I feel safe with, someone who makes my knees weak, someone I dream about, someone who is so handsome and sexy that I can’t stop thinking about him kissing me, touching me.”
“That’s beautiful, Eric. You’re so sweet and pure!”
“Pure!” I spat out. “I don’t want to be pure! I want you to make me a man.” I didn’t intend for my voice to be so strong, but there must have been a lot of passion behind my words.
He laughed in embarrassment. “Maybe I will, but you need to know me better first.”
“I’ve waited all my life; I guess I can wait a little longer.” I grinned and we squeezed each other’s hand.
“When can I take you to dinner?” he asked.
“Dinner?” He surprised me. “Uhm, after work one night?”
“Okay. What about a week from tonight?”
I thought about it.
“No.” I stated it flatly just to play with him.
He was taken aback. “No?” he said as though he didn’t believe me.
I giggled and squeezed his hand. “Actually, next week I will be in finals, so it’s not a good time for me.”
“Oh, of course,” he grinned. “So, two weeks from tonight?”
“We have an appointment!” In my mind I saw Sylvia’s scowl. “I mean, a date.”
“Much better,” he said and squeezed my hand.
He grinned and leaned toward me. My heart melted. I leaned closer to him and then he moved nearer until our lips met. My cock throbbed. Oh, God, at last I was kissing a man! This sexy, kind, sweet man! If I died that moment, I’d be okay. I just relaxed into him, letting him lead me in the intricacies of a real kiss. His lips were soft, warm, and strong. I fell in love in that moment. It lasted forever but was over before I was ready. When he pulled away from me, I opened my eyes to see his dark eyes staring into me. He smiled and I leaped at him, smashing his lips with mine. I put my arms around his shoulders and held on like a drowning man. I pushed my tongue forward to touch his lower lip and his mouth slowly opened under mine. Soon his thick, strong tongue came out from his teeth to kiss the end of my tongue. I felt like I’d just been zapped by lightning and I opened wider. His tongue moved across my teeth, pushing my tongue back into my mouth, and taking control of the kiss. He probed my own tongue and lips, setting every nerve on fire as if his tongue were a burning ember. My heart was beating so strong I thought it would bruise Rafe’s chest. This was a kiss! Damn!
This time, when Rafe pushed me away, he chuckled. “Okay. I can see you’re ready to give up some innocence!”
“Innocence is over-rated!” I laughed.
To be continued...
Posted: 04/15/2022